Welcome to TC's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
TC's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of TC
TC came into our lives in September of 2011. He was born June 15, 2011. He had two sisters who were up for adoption with him but we chose him to come and live with us along with his adoptive brother Calvin. TC was a majestic tuxedo colored kitty. He was very loving and loyal to us but did not really like strangers coming into the house. He was playful and especially enjoyed chasing and retrieving jingle balls. We still find them under furniture. When TC was 13 he started to have difficulty breathing so off to the vet we went. It was discovered that he had fluid buildup around his lungs. They tapped 250 ML of fluid off and sent it out for analysis. The results came back as lymphoma. Not what were hoping to hear. As hard as it is to let him cross the Rainbow Bridge, I know that it is the best for him and I don't want him to suffer. We will miss him coming up to check on us during the night. He was a wonderful nurse kitty for me after my hip replacement surgery. I will so miss my big, loving guy!

Please also visit Chloe, Dennis and Dexter.

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