Welcome to Mollie's Hope's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Mollie's Hope
Hi my Sweet Baby. I'm just stopping by to tell you "Happy Valentine's Day, Hope Christine!" We love you so much and wish everyday that you were here with us. You, Sweet Girl, are the apple of you Daddy's eye. So many times when we are playing with the Naughtiest Nabbit, BrookLyn Joy, we will talk of you and your big Sister. Dad's Girl and my Girl, you are both so special. You and Mollie had favorites, BrookLyn Joy loves us evenly. She is finally getting over being the most absolutely naughtiest Yorkie we have ever had and is starting to be a good Yorkie like her sisters. Although I do remember a little 3.5 lb Yorkie that could give her a good run at being a Nabbit--that would be you, Miss Hope. Well, my Sweet Hope, I wish you a very Happy Valentine's Day. Our love for you isn't just on this day about love, we love you everyday and can't wait until we can hold you and Mollie in our arms once again. Love you, Sweet Girl. Mom and Dad
Hi, Sweet Little Girl.
Just stopping by to tell you Dad and I miss you so very much and love you more everyday. The day will come when not only our hearts will hold you, but Dad will hold you in his arms forever. Both of us will have our arms full of Yorkie love--Dad will hold you, his Hope Christine, and I will hold Mollie Bean. Our hearts and arms will be filled with love and hope. Mom
Hi Hope,
Just stopping by to tell you Dad and I love and miss you. We think and talk about you everyday and will until the day you are once again tucked tightly in your Daddy's arms. Have a good day hanging out with Mollie. I love you, Baby Girl. Mom
Hi Hopester,
Just stopping by to visit my girls and to tell you how much we love and miss you. I got Dad a couple of fishing rods and a reel from you, Mollie and BrookLyn Joy for Father's Day. He went fishing yesterday and really liked them. I know the one gift he would love to have but will have to wait until that one glorious day... that would be YOU!!! Someday, right, Baby Girl? We are sending you lots of love. Mom and Dad
Today is All Saints Day, Hope Christine, and I am remembering you as our little naughty Saint. We miss you so much, Baby Girl. Can't wait to see you again. Mom and Dad
The saying, 'God gives and God takes away', came true on the day He took our precious Mollie home to be mended and healed. We knew it was time for us to love her enough to let go and let God. Mollie left with a piece of our hearts on that horrible black Friday. We yearned to hear the patter of those little paws, but what we had were her paw prints on our broken hearts and the memories of 15 years of being loved by a perfect gift from above.
'The Miracle of Hope'
'Hope'... the confident expectation and desire for something good in the future.'
In the days and weeks following Mollie's death, our hearts were filled with sorrow and despair rather than the expectation and desire for something good to happen.
On a bleak November day, God blessed us with one pound of hope. She flew into our empty arms and broken hearts; suddenly we had the confident expectation of something good in our future.
With the golden thread of love she stitched our hearts back together and our arms were filled with Hope. Her smiles became our smiles; her joy became ours as well. Through her eyes we were able to see the invisible, when holding her we were able to touch the intangible, with her love we held the impossible.
She was the magic in ordinary days.
We named our piece of Heaven... Hope... Mollie's Hope.

September 7, 2022--September 7, 2023
HOPE is defined as 'to cherish a desire with anticipation'...
To want something to be true...
God used a tiny piece of Heaven to stitch back together two broken hearts...
We called her Hope... Mollie's Hope...
She replaced the despair and sadness with smiles, hope and love...
We cherished our Hope...
We never anticipated that God would come when He did to take His piece of Heaven back home with Him...
But on September 7, 2022 at 9:30 pm, He did just that...
He stepped down and gathered our little Girl, Hope, in His arms and our piece of Heaven home with Him to heal her heart...
Her heart has been mended, our hearts remain broken...
She gave us hope, joy and love everyday of her life...
Even through the heartache, we treasure each moment we spent loving Hope...
We are thankful God blessed us with a perfect piece of Heaven when He placed Hope in our lives...
And now we anticipate the day...
When our tears will be wiped away...
Death shall be no more...
Neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore...
For the former things have passed away...
And we will be filled with Hope once again...
July 27, 2011--July 27, 2023
sees the invisible...
feels the intangible...
achieves the impossible...
Twelve years ago God made it possible for us...
to see the invisible...
touch the intangible...
in His wisdom and love He created for us, Hope...
Mollie's Hope...
and our Mollie's Hope achieved the impossible...
healing two broken hearts...
On a cold November day, one pound of God's love flew into our lives...
bringing with her joy, laughter, healing and yes, hope...
Today we celebrate your 12th birthday, Hope Christine...
We give thanks for you and the love you gave us during the time we saw the invisible and could touch the intangible...
You were, are and always will be the Hope in our lives...
Happy 12th Birthday, Baby Girl!!!
We will love you forever...
Mom and Dad

September 7, 2011
Our world changed on October 7, 2011, the day God took our sweet Mollie home to be healed as is His Will. The days following Mollie's journey to Rainbow Bridge, we walked through dark nights of our souls. The days held no light and our sadness was the clothes we wore. And then--hope returned and we were able to find our way out of the darkness. God had taken our Mollie from us and in return He gave us Mollie's Hope.
On November 21, 2011 a tiny little girl flew from Florida into our empty arms and broken hearts. She brought joy, laughter and yes, hope into our lives. Her antics, her mischievous behavior and her big smiles are forever printed on our hearts. She gave us back our smiles and made us happy once again.
A 3 1/2 pound Yorkie with the personality bigger and stronger than a Mastiff. Like Mollie before her, Hope owned us, and everyone and everything who came into her orbit. She dictated when it was time for bed, time to play, time to eat and time to just sit and hold her. Mostly our lives revolved around Hope and her well being, however she could always sense whenever one of her people became sick. During those times she become their caregiver. She nursed her Dad through stage 4 cancer, chemo and radiation therapies, never leaving his side when he was made ill by the treatments. While not always the gentlest of nurses, she was never-the-less very attentive to his needs.
On September 7, 2022, our lives were once again upended when God stepped down from Heaven and took our Hope home to be with Him and Mollie. Our hearts are now twice as broken and our arms are more empty than they have ever been. The sadness has returned and we our left with our memories. Her leaving was so sudden and such a surprise that we were left breathless and questioning why?. Why wasn't our love enough to keep her here? Why couldn't she just stay a little longer? Why did she have to leave? Why? God Why? Questions with no answers.

July 27, 2011--September 7, 2022
Hope Christine,
You made us so very happy, we were blessed to have you in our lives. We wish you could have remained with us for an eternity. It wasn't meant to be, but we are so very grateful to have had you with us for nearly 11 wonderful years. You were so tiny, just a little minute. But your personality was so big you filled our house--a house that is tomb-like now. You brought joy and laughter with you from the moment Uncle Kevin picked you up at the Orlando airport until the moment you left to be with Mollie. Your smiles--they were so big you looked like you had dentures--always greeted us when we came home from 'Costco'.
We always wondered why you never learned to play fetch properly and we have now decided 'you were the fetcher and we were the fetchees'. We played fetch the way you wanted, just like we did everything else Hope's way. You had your own set of rules for everything, didn't you? Remember the game 'On your marks, Get set, Go!' A game you and J played for countless hours? You always were a bit of a cheater, taking shortcuts so you could be the winner. The two of you ran and ran, you barking and him yelling, "She's cheating!" Truth is, you did cheat and remember what we told you, "Cheaters never win and winners never cheat." I would never be able to calculate the number of trips around the living room you and J made, but what I wouldn't give to watch you and J make just one more run.
We were amazed at how perceptive you were when someone fell ill. You made it your mission to care for whoever wasn't feeling well. You spent hours tending to Aunt Chrissy and Dad when they were recovering from their cancers. While you were not always the tenderest of nurses and could be a little rough on your patients, I always knew who was feeling the worst because that is where I would find you. After you had nursed Aunt Chrissy back to health and she could go home with Uncle Kevin, you were then able to devote all your time to Dad. The relationship you and Dad developed during the years the two of you fought his cancer brought you so close together that at times there wasn't a lot of room for me. I never minded because I know you gave him a reason to get up even when he didn't feel like it. You were his Gal and the two of you loved each other so much. You know, Hope, Daddy's heart is really hurting right now because his Gal is gone. I wish Nurse Hope was here to mend it back together.
We have so many happy and beloved memories of you, Hopie. You could not be missed more. We couldn't have loved you more. We couldn't be more sad than we are in these moments since you have been gone. Our Gal, our Baby, our Hope.
We will love you forever and ever.
Mom and Dad
Good morning, Hope Christine,
I was just stopping by to say "Hi" and to let you know how much we love you. We talk about you at least once every day. You are always on our minds and in our hearts. Have a wonderful day, Sweet Baby. We love you for always and forEVER. Mom and Dad

4/9/23 Happy Easter, Hope Christine.
He is Risen. He is Risen, indeed! Today we will celebrate Jesus' victory over death... the grave has lost its sting. Praise be to You, O Christ.
And because He is Risen, we know one glorious day we will walk over the Bridge and gather our two sweet Angels into our arms. We will hold you in our arms forever.
We love you, Hopester, today, tomorrow and forever. Mom and Dad
Hi Hopester,
It's spring, but you couldn't tell it because of all the snow we have in our yard. It's been a long winter. Dad hasn't been feeling very well and missed his personal nurse, Hope Crachett. We have decided to sell the house and move to an apartment. I am very sad to be leaving our home, but we need to do what is best for your Daddy. We miss you so much! nothing has gone right here since you left us. I guess you took our hope with you along with our hearts. You are our Angel Girl, along with your big sister, Mollie. BrookLyn has proven to be quite a challenge for us--she eats her poop and like you did, chews on everything. But she is beginning to fill our hearts, she is very loving. I can't begin to tell you how much we miss you. You were the heart and soul of our house and without you nothing is the same. One glorious day that will all change and Daddy will hold you in his arms and I will pick Mollie up and everything will be good once again.
We love you, Hope Christine, for always and forever. Mom
January 1, 2023
Happy New Year, Hopi! I pray for healing for this shattered world. I pray the world will come to know the hope, peace and joy that comes from loving one another as we are loved. I give thanks for the good and perfect things from above. I give thanks that we serve a God who bends down and listens to our prayers. I give thanks for all the blessings that over fill my cup and I especially give thanks for you, Hope Christine. We missed you so much, it was difficult to get through the holidays because every where we looked we were reminded of you. The word 'hope' was everywhere as it was the season for hope. But, we did find some joy in a little girl named BrookLyn Joy. She is even naughtier than you were if you can believe. You were the Naughty Nabbit, she is the Naughtiest Nabbit. Like you, she is a lot of fun, even when she makes us crazy. No other little girl could ever take your place, Hopi, but we managed to find love in our hearts for her. We are so lucky to have been blessed with three wonderful little Yorkie girls. Love you, Hope Christine, for always and forever. Mom and Dad
December 25, 2022
Merry Christmas, Sweet Angel. We are wrapping all our love in a big red bow and sending it to you and Mollie.
We celebrate the love and memories we have of our Hope, even as our hearts are missing the piece you to took with you when you left. You will always be our special Angel, not just at Christmas but everyday of the year. We love you, Mollie's Hope, our Hope Christine. Mom and Dad
December 24,2022
On this silent holy night, my hurting heart is filled love for the Savior that stepped down from His glory and entered into this world as a tiny Baby. Because of God's love for us, there will come the day when Dad and I walk over the Bridge and you and Mollie will be in our arms forever. We will think of you in the songs and in the quiet of this night, Hope. We will hold in our hearts while we long to hold you in our arms again; you truly brought hope into our lives. You were our constant reminder to always have hope in God for what He will do in the future as we live in faith of what He does now. Hope Christine, we love you tonight, tomorrow and for always. Mom and Dad

Hi Hope Christine,
Dad and I have been so lonesome without you. The house is so quiet, almost like a tomb. You were small, but you made your presence known. I miss you, Baby Girl, so very much. Your leaving was so sudden, we didn't have time to process you being sick and then you were gone. I don't know when our hearts will stop hurting, but I know they will never stop missing you. Mom and Dad
Happy Valentine's Day, Miss Hope. We miss our little Love each and everyday. You had such a big heart is a tiny body and were so unselfish when it came to sharing your love with us. You will never be forgotten and we will always love YOU!!! Mom and Dad
Hi Hopie,
Just stopped by to update your site. Sorry I didn't visit sooner. You are always on our minds and we miss you so much. BrookLyn Joy is behaving much better, I am happy to say. She is such a rascal! We used to call you the Naughty Nabbit, but believe me, she is even naughtier. But, she is a sun worshiper like you were. If there is a sliver of sun, she is laying in it. We are going down to Iowa this weekend for Lucy's graduation and party. Your big brother is flying in on Thursday night and we will go down on Friday morning to help Katie with things. It's Memorial Day on Monday. It really won't be any different than any other day as we hold you in our hearts and miss you every single day. We always remember our Hope; you live in our memories. We love you, Hope Christine, with all the love we have.
Mom and Dad

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