Welcome to Mollie's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Mollie
Happy Valentine's Day, my Sweet Baby Girl!!!
I love you and miss you everyday. It really hasn't gotten that much easier even as time moves on. Dad and I can't wait until he is holding Mollie's Hope in his arms and I have you in mine. One glorious day our names will be called and we will all be together again. You are my Special Angel and I will love you forever and one more day. Mom
Hi, my Mollie.
Just stopping by to tell you how much you are loved and missed. You are loved more every day and will always be missed. My Sweet Girl, there will come a day when you are no longer gone from our arms and on that day and everyday after you will be in my arms forever. Mom
Hi Sweet Girl,
Just stopped by to tell you I am thinking about you and Hope Christine this morning. Dad and I love and miss you, my Mollie. Have a great day. Love you, Mom
November 1, 2023
It's All Saints Day and I am remembering you, my Sweet Mollie. You gave so much happiness and love to us. We have missed you everyday since you left us. Can't wait to hold you in my arms again. Love you to the moon and back. Mom
Hi my Mollie,
My heart is hurting today as I visit my Girls. There will always be a place for you in our hearts, we will always miss you and we will forever love you. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. You were always the sweetest Gal and I know you loved me as much as I love you. My Angel, my Mollie. With you and Hope everyday is Memorial Day as we have only our memories of the two of you to hold onto. BrookLyn Joy is a very naughty Girl, but she gives us so much love. She helps to fill our empty arms and mends our broken hearts. But, I do wait in hope for the day when I cross the Bridge and pick you up. I will be able to hold you in my arms forever on that glorious day. I love you, my Mollie Bean. Mom
Hi Baby Girl,
Just stopping by to change your scenery and to tell you how much I love you and miss you. My sweet, sweet Girl. Love you to the bridge and back, my Mollie. Mom
Happiness was born 26 years ago today...
Happy Birthday, Sweet Mollie. It's hard to imagine you are 26 years old today. If we could have your birthday wish, it would be to spend this day with you. We love you and give thanks for the joy you gave us.
Happy Birthday, Mollie.
Dad, Mom, BrookLyn Joy and Tucker A Byrd
October 7, 2011-October 7, 2023
It didn't need to come that day... but it did
It could have waited... but it didn't
It came too soon... but it was time
It broke our hearts... but she was made whole
Death... it came 12 years ago today
We loved her enough to say "Goodbye".
Our beautiful little girl went from our arms to God's.
Time has lessened the pain of our loss but not the love.
She lives in our hearts and our memories.
She is gone, but not forgotten.
We will always love you, Mollie.
Mom, Dad, Tucker A. Byrd and BrookLyn Joy

4/9/23 Happy Easter, Mollie Bean.
He has Risen, Mollie, He has Risen, indeed. We need no longer fear death, for it has been defeated. Today we celebrate the covenant God made with His children... that all who believe in Him will never die, but have eternal life. Alleluia!
There will be a glorious day when Dad and I will once again hold our two sweet Angels in our arms. We promise to never let either of you go again. We will then be made whole. We will find the pieces of our hearts that went with you and Hope when you left. Until then we will never stop missing you. We will never stop loving you. You are love and hope, forever and always, Mollie Bean. Mom and Dad
Happy Valentine's Day, my Mollie. Sending you all my love. You were my special Sweetheart everyday we were together. I miss you so much and think of and wish I could hold you for just one more minute. One day, Mollie, one glorious day. Love you to the moon and back. Mom
January 1 2023
Happy New Year, my Mollie. It was hard to get through the holidays this year. Our hearts were hurting because our Hope, Mollie's Hope, went to be with you at Rainbow Bridge. But as you know, we have little BrookLyn Joy to help heal our hurting hearts. She is a handful Mollie, I wish you were here to teach her some manners. We always called Mollie's Hope our Naughty Nabbit, but BrookLyn Joy is even naughtier if you can believe it. She makes us smile and laugh while she making us crazy with her shenanigans. We are blessed to have had it all--
Love (you), Hope (Mollie's Hope) and now Joy (BrookLyn). God has blessed us with 3 wonderful little girls. I pray that the love, hope and joy will be with us all through this new year. I love you, my Mollie. Mom
December 25, 2022
Merry Christmas, Mollie Bean. I celebrate both the birth of Jesus and you. I am sending you all my love wrapped up in a big red bow. I love you, my Sweet Angel. Mom
December 24, 2022
Once again, Sweet Girl, it is a silent night and holy night. A night of coming and a time of leaving. We welcome a Savior who came into this world as a tiny Baby; He left behind His glory to live amongst those He came to save. Because of His love for us, there will come that glorious day when I will walk over the Bridge and you will be in my arms once again. So in the still and quiet of this night I will remember our time we had together and look ahead to the time we will be together again. I love you, my Mollie Bean, for always and forever. Mom
October 22,2022
Sweetly and gently a gift from God entered into the world on October 22, 1996.
Mollie held our hearts from the moment we held her in our arms.
She loved unconditionally and brought great joy into our lives.
Today, Mollie, on your 26th birthday, we celebrate the love and joy you gave us.
Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl.
Mom, Dad and T-Byrd
October 7, 2011
that day in our lives when the sun dimmed and was no longer bright...
that day in our lives when breathing became too difficult...
that day in our lives when hope was replaced with despair...
that day in our lives when joy became sorrow...
that day in our lives when one journey ended and another began...
that day in our lives when our precious Mollie could no longer live peacefully in this world, only in God's...
He came that day and took her home with Him; to heal her and to free her from the ailments that afflicted her little body.
And still eleven years later...
there are days when the sun does not shine as bright...
there are days when it's hard to catch our breath...
there are days when despair can overshadow our hope...
there are days our sorrow can overcome our joy...
there are days when the journey seems too lonely...
there are days when we find our comfort in knowing Mollie is at peace in the Hands of God...
Christmas Eve, 2021
Another silent, holy night, Mollie.
Another Christmas Eve without you.
I look for you in the songs and in the stars, and that is where I will find you.
It is a time for love and I do love you so much.
You are my Precious Girl.

Love became... on October 22, 1996.
We saw Love... on Decmber27, 1996
We held Love... and never wanted to let it go... December 27, 1996-October 7, 2011
We celebrate Love... every October 22nd
We love our Mollie everyday of the year...
Happy 25th Birthday, Sweet Girl...
Our Love for you grows stronger every day...
Mollie, is Love...
Mom, Dad, Tucker A. Byrd and Mollie's Hope
October 7 2021
The Bible tells us...
Faith, Hope and Love... and the greatest of these is LOVE.
The first time ever we saw your face... We saw LOVE...
The first time ever we held you in our arms... We held LOVE.
The first time ever you gave us a puppy kiss... we felt LOVE.
The first time ever you came into our lives... we knew LOVE.
Mollie... you are LOVE.
It has been 10 years ago today, that God took you from our arms into His. Although it was devastating to let LOVE go, we knew only the loving and healing power of God could make you whole again. Dad and I had to love enough to let LOVE go home with the One who created love. You left with Him that day, Mollie, but God left enough LOVE behind to fill our empty arms and hurting hearts.
Mollie, our LOVE for you will last until the end of time because the first time ever... there was you.
We love you, Mollie Bean.
Mom, Dad, Tucker A. Byrd and Mollie's Hope

October 22, 2020
You have left our arms Mollie, but not our hearts...
Today we celebrate you...
every kiss you gave us...
every moment we shared ...
every memory we hold in our hearts...
Happy 24th Birthday, Sweet Angel...
If we could have but one birthday wish...
it would be to spend this day with you in our arms...
We love you and miss you, Mollie Bean.
Dad, Mom, Tucker A. Byrd and Mollie's Hope

October 7, 2020
The paws were so tiny, but the prints that were left on our hearts were enormous...
The years we shared were too short, but the memories last forever...
The earth slowly turns, but one day it stopped...
October 7, 2011 was that day... the day God took our little girl, Mollie, home with Him.
Nine years after that day, our hearts still miss the special love our Little Girl gave to us every day for almost fifteen years. Such a big heart in such a tiny body. We are blessed by all the memories of her, we cherish each one and hold them tightly in our hearts. Our arms are empty but she still fills our hearts.
We love you, Mollie Bean, as much today as the day the earth stopped. You are always in our thoughts, especially today.
Mom and Dad
Happy 23rd Birthday, Mollie Bean.
Today we are celebrating your life and the years we spent together...
You were a miracle... a blessing... a source of constant joy...
Watch for your balloons we are sending your way.
We love you, Sweet Birthday Girl.
Mom, Dad, T-Byrd and Hope Christine
Our love has a beginning--the day we first held you in our arms...
Our love has no ending--because now our hearts hold you...
We love you and miss you, Sweet Girl.
Mom and Dad
October 7, 2019
Our Mollie... God's Miracle...
She came into our arms and into our hearts...
For nearly fifteen years we were blessed with loving and making cherished memories with our Precious Mollie...
Eight years ago on October 7 2011, a black Friday, God gently took Mollie home with Him...
On that day...
Mollie found peace...
And although our arms were emptied and our hearts were shattered...
We had our memories and our love of Mollie to hold onto and to fill us during those dark days...
We still hold Mollie in our memories and our hearts...

October 7, 2011...
The day our world collided with Heaven... the day God took His miracle named Mollie home with Him...
The day our lives forever changed...
From the first moment we held you in our arms...
You held our hearts...
On December 27,1996, we met our very best friend, she would love us unconditionally, unfailingly...
a perfect love...
The Bible says... 'These three things remain... Faith, Hope and Love and the greatest of these is... Love...
Without a doubt, Mollie, you are the greatest of these...
Do you remember choosing Dad and me that day in December?Your sister ran to the back of the pen,but not you.You came right up to me, into my arms and into my heart.We fell in love with you in that moment and everyday you were with us we loved you more that day than the day before.Dad's and my hearts are breaking because you went to the Rainbow Bridge,and only seeing you again will make them whole.When you were diagnosed with the liver shunt at 5 months old and Dr.Ross told us you would probably only be with us from 2-5 years we knew we had to love you perfectly because you might be gone too soon.But you showed everyone and you lived with us for almost 15 years.Of course,Dad and I will always wish we had more.You filled our lives with so much joy and laughter;after all you were a funny little gal.
Do you remember being a tattletale?Sometimes you made your brother,Erik,so mad.Before you,he was an only child and then along came Mollie.He could be ruthless when he teased you but you always came to either Dad or me and let us know what he was up to.I remember the day we had Erik's graduation pictures taken.Dad and I wanted a picture with both of our children;the photographer asked me what was up with the two of you.You wouldn't look at Erik and he refused to let you sit too close.With a lot of patience we did get a great picture of our two kids but neither of you made it easy.Erik nicknamed you 'Stinks' because he said Dad and I spoiled you(which of course we did). For Christmas one year he even gave you doggie perfume to get rid of the spoiled Yorkie smell.The name stuck and you even answered to it.After Tucker A.Byrd came to live with us you and your big brother formed an alliance against poor Tucker that lasted the rest of your life.Erik loves you as much as Dad and I do and misses you so much.
God made you perfectly,Baby Girl,and there will never be another 'You'. Dad,Erik,Margo,and I love you so much. You touched so many lives with your sweet disposition and just being Mollie.We look forward to the day our family will once again be complete and until that day we will have huge a hole in our hearts that only you can fill.We love you,Baby Girl,and miss you every second of every day.
P.S.I know you loved your Aunt Chrissy as much as she loved you.
I thought of you today,but that is nothing new.
I thought about you yesterday,and days before that, too.
I think of you in silence,I often speak your name.
All I have are memories and a picture in a frame.
Your memory is a keepsake,from which I'll never part.
God has you in His arms,I have you in my heart...
Love, Mom
Mollie,in order to be able to write every day I take off some of our words placing them in a file I created just for you.The days that are special I will leave on your site.
10/22 Happy 15th Birthday,Mollie Girl!!!
I wish you were here to help us celebrate your birthday today.Just think,Baby Girl,you would have been 15 years old today.You didn't look your age you were always so beautiful.We never dreamed we'd celebrate this day without you;but we did get to have a lot of other special days with you,didn't we?Please celebrate today with all your friends;ask them to help you look for the balloons Dad and I are sending your way.Anna has a lot of experience catching balloons so I am sure she will help if you need her to.We ordered a little cake for you;remember I had told you could have a piece of cake and a scoop of Frosty Paws on your birthday.You are in our thoughts and our hearts on this day our 15 year old little girl.We wish we could say it is getting easier to be here without you,but we're just not there yet.We're still so sad but sharing our memories of you does make us smile,you always brought so much joy into our lives every single day.
Baby Girl,we miss you and would like nothing better than to have you with us again but we know you are in the only place where you can be healthy,happy,and young again.So have a very Happy Birthday,Little Girl.
Love, Mom,Dad and Tucker.Aunt Chris, Uncle Kevin, Sarah and Jordan, Riley and Piper.
10/31 Happy Halloween,Little Wizard.
I know you were never very happy wearing the wizard costume Aunt Chrissy made for you,but you always looked so adorable.Every minute we spent with you was God's treat to us.I love you so much,Baby Girl,Mom
11/24 Happy Thanksgiving, Mollie.
This morning I was thinking of all the blessings in my life and, you, my Mollie, are a blessing.I thank God for you and all the joy and love you gave me.I am thankful you no longer are old,sick and weak;but instead healthy and happy. Your love for me will carry me through the sad days for you are just a precious thought away. You,Miss Mollie,are one of the things I am most grateful for. Thank you Sweet Girl for all the memories,the joy,the love,and the happiness you gave to us.
12/24pm I need you to be with me on this sacred night, my Angel.I will look for you and I will find you in the music,the sermon,at the cemetery,in the stars,and in my heart,where you now live; you will be with me in this silent and holy night.I love you,my Angel.
The entire world should sleep in the peace of Heaven for... tonight a Child has been born unto to us,His Name is Prince of Peace,Wonderful Counselor.Sleep peacefully tonight,Mollie.
12/25 Merry Christmas,Angel,I am sending you every ounce of my love wrapped up in a huge red bow.
I am looking and finding you in the beautiful day just beginning.I see you on the sun that is starting to peak over the horizon. I see you in your brother's face.I see you in your Dad's arms.I see you in Hope.I see all this through my tears as my selfish heart weeps for you;but what I see most clearly is our love for one another and the joy that is YOU!How can I be sad when you make me so happy?Today my Christmas gift to you is I will wipe away my tears and wrap myself in your happiness,love,joy and of course,your hope.I will be happy and celebrate the blessing of Jesus' birth and the blessing that is you.I love you,my Christmas Angel,and will find you every where I look today.
01/01/2012 Happy New Year, Angel.
My prayer for the New Year is for healing and comfort for all who are in pain,grieving,or ill. I love you,Mollie Bean, for always and forever, Mom
4/8 It is because of this day over 2000 years ago I know we will be together again one glorious day; Happy Easter,my Mollie.
5/1 Happy May Day, Mollie,my heart is sending you a May basket filled with beautiful flowers and is watching you run around the May pole,chasing the ribbons.
7/4 Happy 4th of July!!!God bless America and God bless you,Little One.
*10/5 It was 52 Fridays ago that God kept His promise to you that He would only let us have you for a short while.On that Friday He came and took you home with Him to mend your tired little body and make you whole.He has made that promise to all of us and one glorious day,I believe He will come for me,too, Moll,and then our hearts will once again beat as one.Mollie,you were the magic of my ordinary days.
*October 7, 2011, the day our road trip came to an end and we reached your final destination. You continued on a journey without me and I am left to watch the sunsets and weather life's storms without you. Our journey here has come to an end, but our hearts still hold each other and our love becomes us.
*10/22 Mollie,sixteen years ago today,God created a perfect little miracle He filled your heart with unconditional love and you shared your love with Mom and Dad for nearly fifteen wonderful years.Today, we celebrate you,our life together and the love we shared.You made it so easy to love you,Mollie,and so hard to let you go.This is your second birthday we have had to celebrate without you.Special days like today are more difficult because you hold the missing piece to our hearts.We know that one glorious day our hearts will be made whole and we will celebrate all our special days together once again just as we did for so many years.Today,Mollie,is your sixteenth birthday;sixteen purple balloons filled with love and a kiss on each one are making their way to you.If love could have saved you we would be together rejoicing that you are sixteen years old today.
Happy,happy birthday,Sweet Mollie,we love you!!! Mom and Dad
10/31 Happy Halloween, my little Wizard!!! I have put your costume away,I know how much you liked wearing it(not!You were God's treat to Dad and me for your whole life.
11/22 Happy Thanksgiving,my Mollie.We are thankful for the miracle God made on Oct.22,1996;He breathed life into the miracle, named her Mollie and placed her in our arms and in our hearts.We love you,Sweet Girl,for always and forever.Mom and Dad
12/24 pm It is a silent,holy night,Mollie, a night of wonder and joy.I will look to find you in the music,in His Word,and in the bright,calm night.You will be the brightest star shining over us tonight at the cemetery and I will find you where now live...in my heart.You are my Christmas Angel,tonight, tomorrow and forever.Mom
12/25 Merry Christmas,Mollie,the world is rejoicing for unto us a Savior is born and with His birth comes the promise of that one glorious day when we will be together again!!!I am sending you all my love wrapped in a big box and tied with a big red bow.My selfish heart wishes you could have spent this day with us,but I remind myself you are only a thought and memory away.I will look for you in the wonder of this beautiful day that God has made.You are my Christmas Angel today and everyday.Mom
1/1/2013 Happy New Years!!!This year my prayer is for all we love to have a healthy,Hope filled,and joyful New Year.I pray the pains from the past heal and we can turn our faces towards the sun(Son)and find faith,hope and love.
2/14 Happy Valentine's Day,Mollie Bean.My heart belongs to you and loves and misses you so much.You are my Forever Valentine!!!
3/31 Happy Easter,my Mollie!!!He is risen...He is risen indeed!!!Because of this,Moll,I know one glorious day you and I will be together again...I will hold you in my arms for all eternity.
5/1 Happy May Day, Mollie,I know you will be running around the May Pole...catch the ribbons!!!
5/27 Memorial Day 2013
Remembering you is easy,
I do it everyday.
Missing you is hardest part,
it never goes away.
I love you!!! Mom
7/4 A day to celebrate love of family, friends and country, Moll. God bless America and God bless you.
***10/4 104 Fridays ago, our world tilted on its axis and came to a heart breaking stop. We received the call we had dreaded... Dr. Bisignano told us it was time... time to let you be free... time to let you find peace... time to let you go....
Loving you was so easy... as natural as taking a breath. Letting you leave... took our breath away.
Love wasn't enough to keep you here... but it was love that gave us the strength to place our Sweet Girl into the loving hands of God... He was the only One who could give you what you needed... rest for you tired, tiny body. Only God could heal you... all we could do was to love you enough to say 'Good Bye'...
***October 7, 2011... the day my world collided with Heaven... the day God took his miracle named Mollie home with him... the day my life forever changed...
From the first moment I held you in my arms-- you held my heart...
I met my very best friend that day, who would love me unconditionally, unfailingly... a perfect love.
The Bible says... 'These three things remain... Faith, Hope and Love and the greatest of these is Love...
Without a doubt, you are the greatest of these...
***Oct.7, 2013 marks the second anniversary of that life changing moment... the moment you went from our arms to His. Loving you was so easy, who couldn't help but love a miracle? Losing you has been so difficult, definitely one of the hardest things I have ever done... the emptiness of living in a world filled only with memories. Not a day has passed that you have not been in my thoughts... I think of you first thing in the morning, you are my last thought at night.... I think of you and smile; I think of you and cry... but I always think of you.
Even after all this time... my heart still hurts. It hurts its way thru each day; selfishly wanting what it cannot have... You... My head tells me you were no longer happy here and needed to be healed, not with my love but with the healing power of God's love. You left your tired, worn out body here and exchanged it for a healthy one in Heaven and knowing that causes my selfish heart to rejoice.
Even though there has been this pain since you left, I would not give up one moment of the 15 years I spent dancing with you on God's great dance floor. You were so tiny but your love for me was bigger than this world and I believe with every fiber of my being it was your love that brought Mollie's Hope into my life. She is my dance partner now, Mollie, and I will cherish each song with her just as I did with you.
I love you, Mollie Bean Hurst, with every breath I take. You hold the missing piece to my heart and I know you will keep it safe until that one glorious day... Mom
10/22 Seventeen years ago today, God created a wonderful miracle and shared it with us for almost fifteen years... You, Mollie Bean Hurst, are that miracle. We have spent every day of these past seventeen years loving you... who could not love a miracle? Our first moment together sealed our bond. You came into our arms and into our hearts the instant we met. We knew you were to be our little girl, our little Mollie. You gifted us with such joy and unconditional love every day we spent together. We always knew that you would bring your magic into our ordinary days... a sweet, precious magic that soothed us, healed us, calmed us and loved us. There is no greater magic or wonder than the love you gave us... the love God gave to our miracle, Mollie, to give to us. Time has lessened the hurt most days, but it has never lessened the love we have for you...
and today... we say 'Happy Birthday, Precious Mollie'!!!
We love you, today, tomorrow and for eternity, Birthday Girl!!! Mom and Dad
10/31 Happy Halloween, my Mollie, I am grateful for the wonderful treat God has given me...You!!! My heart is sad when I think my Little Wizard won't be delivering treats to the neighborhood children. You hated your costume but believe me you were adorable. I can still see you running across our front lawn with your wizard hat falling down on your head and looking like a miniature unicorn. I love you, Bean, and miss you so much.
12/24 It is the Holiest night of all tonight, Mollie... Christmas Eve. Tonight is a sacred and holy night filled with the promise of new life. We celebrate the birth of a Child, the One who will be called Wonderful Counselor, Everlasting God, Prince of Peace... tonight we celebrate Jesus.
On this most sacred night, I will look for you in the music, His Word, the candle light, the stars shining over head, and in the silence of the night. Mollie, you will be with me where you have lived these past two years... in my heart. Our love is alive because of the promise God full filled on this night of wonder.
12/25 Merry Christmas, Mollie!!! I am sending you all my love and tied it with a great big ribbon.
1/1/14 Welcome to 2014, Mollie, a brand new year has begun!!! My prayer for 2014 is we will find Hope, Joy and Love in the One who has blessed us with our family and friends, always remembering He is the center of it all..
2/14 Happy Valentine's Day, Mollie, you are the keeper of my heart...
***10/7/2014 third anniversary of Black Friday***
It was on October 22, 1996 that God created a Miracle we named Mollie...It was three years ago, on October 7, 2011 He took His Miracle home... our hearts broke into a million pieces that day... shattering like glass.
We were introduced to God's Miracle, on a frigid Minnesota winter day in December. From the moment we saw her she came into our arms and into our hearts... we didn't choose her... Mollie chose us to be her Dad and Mom.
Thru out our years together, Mollie was a wonderful caretaker of our hearts... while she was with us there was never any danger of heartache... she loved us perfectly... an Agape love... unfailing... unconditional... unchanging.
Loving Mollie was easy... as easy as taking a breath... losing Mollie... took our breath away... three years later we are still a little breathless...
A piece of our hearts went missing the day she left... tender holes in the hearts she held for so many years... not a day passes without memories tugging at the hearts left behind... we laugh, we cry... but we always remember our Miracle that holds the missing pieces...
***10/22/14 Eighteen years ago today God created in you a very special kind of love. Agape' love is as rare as it is pure and unconditional and is the only word that can describe how you loved us. You are Agape' love in the truest sense--a more perfect love does not exist. There is no greater love than the love you gave us; you were the essence of the word. We cherished your love and you for nearly 15 years and our hearts broke the very moment you left. Loving you was as easy as taking a breath, loosing you left us breathless.
Today, we hold each treasured memory of you in our broken hearts as we celebrate you and all the birthdays we spent together.
Happy 18th Birthday, Sweet Mollie, we love you today, tomorrow and for eternity. Mom and Dad
10/31/14 Happy Halloween, Mollie, you were God's treat to Mom and Dad for 14 Halloweens and we cherish the memories of each and every one, Little Wizard. Mom and Dad
12/24/14 Christmas Eve
It is the 3rd Silent Night, Holy Night without you, Mollie...
I will once again look for you in the candle light, in the music, in His Word...
I know I will find you in my heart where our love lives on...
Together we will celebrate the holiest night of all...
For unto us a Child is born... the Son of God...
He will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Prince of Peace...
He has come to not to condemn us, but to save us...
Because of that promise...
On one glorious day we will be together again...
Merry Christmas, Mollie Bean!!! I am sending all my love for you tied with a red ribbon. You were a wonderful gift from God... you gave us love, joy and brought us so much happiness... love you, Bean
Happy New Year, Mollie Bean Hurst.
My prayer for 2015 is... everyone will be blessed with good health, lots of love, hope and joy.
2/14 Happy Valentines Day, my little Sweetheart. You are my Forever Valentine and I will love you forever, Mollie.Mom
October 7,2015
'Mollie's at peace'... three words that shattered our hearts...
In December of 1996 Mollie chose us to be her Mom and Dad. For nearly fifteen years we danced together on God's Great Dance floor...
Then, four years ago on October 7, 2011, the music died... The time had come for us to make one of the most difficult decisions in our lives. Mollie was no longer able stay here with us. Our love could not heal her, it could not sustain her, but it could set her free to be happy and healthy once again. We had to love her more than we thought possible... we had to love her enough to let her go. God took Mollie home with him that Black Friday to heal her tired, little body.
Mollie's name is written on the dance cards of our hearts and one day... one glorious day, the music will come alive and we will once again be dance partners.
Loving Mollie was so easy... letting her go took our breath away...
But how could we not love her enough to let go... to let Mollie find peace?
October 22, 1996
A Miracle came into this world 19 years ago today...
God took the very best part of His love and put it into the Miracle we named Mollie and He gave her to us to love for almost 15 years...
Mollie, you gave us so much joy, love and happiness and during our time together...
Today on your 19th birthday, we celebrate You and the journey we shared...
We do not forget...
The tears still fall...
Our hearts are still broken...
We love you and miss you, Birthday Girl... for always and forever... Mom and Dad
10/31 Happy Halloween, my little Wizard!!! You were God's treat to for nearly 15 Halloweens. I will cherish my treat forever.
11/26 Happy Thanksgiving, my Baby Girl!!! I miss you today and am saying a prayer of thanksgiving to God for all the years we had together. I am thankful for the love you gave to me, the friendship you gave to me, for you being the miracle in my life for so many, many years. Not a day has gone by that I do not remember you and give thanks for you. You were a gift and a blessing from God and I will give prayers of thanksgiving for you until that one glorious day. I love you, my Mollie, thank you for being everything to me.
December 24, 2015
Mollie Bean Hurst, my Sweet Christmas Angel. This is the fifth Holiest of nights that I have had to find you where you now live--in my very selfish heart. I know that when I look up tonight you will be with me in the songs, in His Word, at the cemetery, in Mollie's Hope's little face, in the joy of God's precious Gift... for tonight a Child is born and He will be called... Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, Ever lasting God... He came not to condemn us, but to save us... for that one glorious day... the day, I pick up you, my Christmas Angel and we walk over the Rainbow Bridge together...
12/25 Merry Christmas, Mollie!!! I am sending you all my love wrapped up and tied with a big red bow.
Happy New Year, my Mollie!!! welcome to 2016. I pray this year will bring us good health, joy, happiness and lots and lots of love.
10/7/2016 Black Friday
It is has been 5 years; 260 weeks; 1825 days; 43,800 hours; 2,628,000 minutes; 157,680,000 seconds since we received the call that shattered our hearts and lives... Mollie was no longer able to stay here... she needed more than our love to heal her... we had to give her a new life... one at Rainbow Bridge...
One cold December day Mollie took our hearts from us and in return gave us her unconditional love for almost 15 years... she was a beautiful miracle and each day we shared with her was a blessing... she loved us perfectly... unconditionally... she was the magic in our ordinary days... our dance partner on God's great dance floor... she shared with us our hopes, our dreams, our mountain tops and our valleys, our laughter and our tears...
Our years together begin to take its toll on her health... it became harder for her to stay with us... the time came when we knew our love was not enough... she needed us to love her enough to let her go... to let her have peace...
Her leaving left us broken... breathless... crying... grieving...
October 7, 2016--the 5th anniversary of that life changing moment--we mourn for our Mollie... we miss our Mollie... we love our Mollie... we wait for that one glorious day when we will come to Rainbow Bridge... we will pick our Mollie up and NEVER let her go... our hearts will be whole again... our family will be complete...
10/22 20 years ago on October 22, 1996, the One Who Creates All Things created a miracle... a little Yorkshire Terrier. The Creator gave His miracle the best of Himself... He gave her a heart that loved as He loves... a heart that forgave as He forgives...
The Creator blessed us with His miracle and we named her Mollie... our lives were changed by His miracle... we laughed more... we loved more...
We celebrate today Mollie's 20th birthday with hearts that remember the joy His miracle gave to us...
We love Mollie... we miss Mollie... we still have sad hearts... but today, we celebrate the JOY of Mollie...
We give thanks to the Creator for the love He placed into our lives 20 years ago.
Happy 20th Birthday, Mollie!!! We love you!!!
Mom, Dad, Tucker A. Bryd and Mollie's Hope
11/24 Happy Thanksgiving, Mollie!!! We had a wonderful day, but of course, someone was missing...You!
Tonight is the 6th Silent and Holiest night that I will search for you among the stars, in the glow of the candle light, in the notes of the music, in His Word and in my heart, because I know that is where you will be. Together, you and I will celebrate this Holy night...
For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders... and He will be called...
Wonderful Counselor... Mighty God... Everlasting Father... Prince of Peace...
He came into this world not to condemn us, but to save us...
He came so that we may live... and that is why I can say with total certainty that one glorious day He will call my name like He did yours, Mollie, and you and I will be together forever in His Presence.
He is the reason I can celebrate this night with you, knowing that one day I will pick you up in my arms and together we will walk over the Rainbow Bridge... such a wonderful God!!!
Merry Christmas, my Sweet Angel!!! Once again I am sending you all my love wrapped up in a big red bow. Enjoy your day, my Mollie, knowing that even though it has been 6 Christmases that we have been apart, I love you and celebrate our years together. You were one of the greatest gifts that God has blessed me with. I will hold you in my heart today as we celebrate the birth of the Christ Child; for He is the One that made it possible for you and me to one day be together again...
God is holding your leash and I am holding your heart and that will keep us connected to one another until that one glorious day...
I love you, my Mollie!!!
Another year is coming to an end... another year without Mollie on my lap...
It has been a good year, hasn't it, Daddy and Aunt Chrissy are doing really well and everyone else is healthy. What more could we ask for, Moll? Maybe just one thing and that would be to spend New Year's Eve with you, my Sweet Girl.
I will hold you tightly in my heart as the ball in Time Square drops, knowing one day it will happen again...
Spending all my New Year Eves with you...
1/1 Happy New Year, Mollie!!!
My prayer this year for family and friends is...
May God bless us and keep us safe...
May God guide us on our paths...
May God hold us tightly thru the storms of life...
May God heal our hurts and illnesses...
This is what I will pray each night before I go to bed, Mollie...
And I will wait for that one glorious day when He calls me home and hands me your leash once again...
2/14 Happy Valentines Day, Mollie Bean!!!
October 7, 2017...
On a cold December day in 1996 God blessed us with a gift we named Mollie...
Six years ago today...
On that bleak, black Friday in October, He knew it was time to bring His blessing home...
He knew our Mollie would be healthier and happier with Him...
Our love wasn't enough... she needed God's healing love...
The time had come to put Mollie first..
To lift her into God's loving arms...
And say 'Good Bye' to our Sweet Blessing...
Her life gave us... Joy... Love... Happiness...
Her leaving left us... grieving... breathless... shattered...
Six years later we are still reeling from the emptiness she left behind...
We know she is now at peace...
She is healthy...
She is happy...
And we are stilled blessed with the memories we hold dearly in our hearts...
Bean, Dad and I miss you... we love you... today... tomorrow... and forever...
Twenty one years ago today a Miracle was born... we named her Mollie...
She blessed our lives as we held her in our arms for almost fifteen years...
Now she blesses our lives as we hold her in our hearts...
Happy Birthday, Bean!!!
11/23 Today we are celebrating our 6th Thanksgiving since you left for Rainbow Bridge, and I am thanking God for all the blessings He has poured into my life. One of the best and one I am most grateful for is ...You, Mollie Bean. I thank God for the years we shared... the love we shared... and today like all the other since you have been gone I am missing my little Yorkie blessing. I love you, Mollie Bean Hurst, always and forever.

12/24/17 His name is Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, Everlasting Father, Mighty God. He is Emmanuel--God with us. He came to this earth on a Silent, Holy Night, not to condemn us but to save us. On this 7th silent and holy night that we have been apart, I will hold on to you and your memories tightly knowing that because of this night and the One who was born on a night like this over 2000 years ago, I will get to pick you up and hold you in my arms. I will look for you in the songs, His Word, at the cemetery and in the stars knowing you are in my heart. I love you, Mollie Bean Hurst, you are my Special Christmas Angel. Mom
12/25 Merry Christmas, Mollie Bean. I am wrapping all my love for you with a big red bow. This is the 7th Christmas that we have been apart and it is still hard not being able to pick you up and give you a Christmas hug. You, my Baby Girl, were one of God's greatest blessings he has gifted me with and I loved every moment that we were together. Now I unwrap each of our memories and hold them close in my heart, grateful for each one. I love you, my Christmas Angel!!! Mom
12/31/17prayer for the New Year is: God will continue to bless us...
He will keep us safe...
He will guide us thru all our days...
He will sustain us in all things...
This is what I will pray each night for our family and friends.

April 1st
Happy Easter, Sweet Mollie... He is Risen! He is Risen, indeed! He has swallowed up death forever... and because of our Risen Lord, there will be a day when I will pick you up, my Sweet Mollie and hold you in my arms forever! This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it--even as I miss you, Moll (that feeling never goes away). Enjoy your day, my Sweet Angel, reveling in the love of our Lord Jesus who came not to condemn us but to save us...
May 31st
Happy Memorial Day, my Sweet Girl. I miss you.
10/5 Seven years ago on this black Friday we received the call we dreaded...it was decision time...
We were told nothing more could be done for our beautiful little Girl, Mollie...
She was no longer happy...
She was no longer healthy...
She was too tired to stay...
We had to determine whether to be selfish and continue her struggle or...
We had to love her enough to let her go...
We chose love...
This many years later, we still struggle with our grief, but know there was nothing else we could have done...
We loved her too much not to let her find peace...
The plans we make for our lives can happen or not...
But what God plans for us happens...
His wonderful plan for Kurt and me included a Miracle we named Mollie...
She came came into our arms and into our hearts December 27th,1996...
From the moment we met her...
We loved her absolutely...
She loved us perfectly...
We were blessed to be loved by Mollie for fifteen wonderful years...
On October 7th, 2011 God's plan for Mollie's time on this earth happened...
That day, our world collided with God's perfect plan to heal her and make her whole once again...
It was the day God took Mollie from our arms to hold her in His...
God's plan for Mollie was almost complete...
We are left with memories and knowing that God's plan for us will one day include a reunion with Mollie...
He will take her from His arms and place her in ours...
As we wait for the final fulfillment of God's plan...
We will continue to hold our Mollie in our hearts...
And love her absolutely...
Twenty two years ago one of our biggest Blessings came in a tiny package filled with love for us...
We named our Blessing, Mollie...
Our Blessing taught us...
what true friendship is...
what true love is...
what true happiness is...
Today we celebrate your 22nd Birthday, Mollie, remembering everything you taught us...
Happy Birthday, Sweet Angel, we love you!!!
Mom, Dad, Tucker A. Byrd and Mollie' Hope
Christmas Eve, 2018
It is another Silent, Holy Night, my Mollie Bean...
I will hold you close in my heart as we celebrate the birth of the One who gives to those who believe the greatest gift of all... Eternal Life.
He is Emmanuel... God with us...
He is Jesus... God saves...
His name is Wonderful Counselor.. Prince of Peace... Everlasting Father... Mighty God...
I know I will find you in His Word, in the music, at the cemetery and in my memories that keep you alive...
Silent Night, Holy Night... all is calm... all is bright... I will look to Heaven...
And know you are watching and waiting for me to come to you on that one glorious day...
I love you to the moon and back, Mollie Bean.
Merry Christmas, Sweet Mollie. I am sending you, my Christmas Angel, all my love wrapped and tied with a big red bow. 22 years ago you were the best Christmas gift I could have ever imagined. I thank God that He blessed me with a precious gift... a best friend. I still miss you everyday, Best Friend, but I give thanks that I have had you in my life and have you now in my memories. I love you, my Mollie, to the moon and back.Merry Christmas, my Angel. Mom
2/14/19 Happy Valentine's Day, my Sweet Girl. Loving you more than a box of chocolate. Mom
2/29 Hi Baby Girl, your Mom needs you so much tonight. Jesus came for our Mikey today and our hearts are broken. It was so unexpected to those of us who do not yet see clearly like you now do. Oh, my Sweet Girl, there is so much I don't understand. The one thing I do know is that God's Will is done here on earth as it is in Heaven and one day I will see clearly. But for now, I just don't get how He chooses the ones He wants to bring home. I know your friend, Tippy, is happy to see his Daddy. Did you get to see the moment when Tip saw Mikey? I sure hope you did, that's how it will be when we see each other. Oh, my Mollie, I am so sad. I turn to you, because nobody understands me the way you do. I love you, my Mollie, more than anything. When I was in the hospital, I thought about the two of us being together. I was so sick, Moll, more than I told anyone and I am ready whenever my name is called. It was not yet to be, but one day I will come for you, my Mollie, and nothing will ever separate us again. I love you, my Mollie. Mom
5/21/20 Good morning, Miss Mollie. I woke up and knew today was a day I needed to come for a visit. I miss you so much. As you know we are on stay at home orders, they are slowly being lifted but we are not to keen about going out as of yet. We had planned a trip to Arizona next month after Dad's appointment, but now I guess Erik is coming home with Charlee and the crew. I can't wait to meet her. The distance while probably a good thing as far as Leah and her girls are concerned, but I wish we were closer so we could be more involved in Charlee's life. Oh well, I am trying to leave it in God's Hands (not always easy though). Dad is doing well, his side effects from the radiation are disappearing. That's a good thing. We really won't know much until in September when he has more scans done. Your Girl is the naughtiest thing ever! The two of you couldn't be more different. We love her so much--probably because she is so naughty. We are all good here, just trying to stay away from the virus. I love you even more today than yesterday, my Sweet Mollie, and I know one glorious day I will come and gather you once again in my arms and we will be together forever. Mom
7/19 Hi Bean,
I just stopped by to visit Tiffy and knew I couldn't leave without seeing you, my very Special Angel. So Moll, what do you think of Charlee. I know you would share your toys with her like you would with all the other babies that came to visit us. You were always so generous with your love. I know you heard Dad's good news from his last blood draw--no detectable cancer; the radiation is working for now. We are so grateful and so blessed. It is a great comfort knowing you are watching over us and helping keep us safe. My love for you continues to grow everyday, just like it has for the past 24 years. I will hold you in my heart until the day I can once again hold you in my arms. I love you always and forever, Mollie Bean Hurst. Mom
11/28/20 Hi, my Mollie, I am really missing you today. Dad asked me what I wanted for Christmas and my first thought was...You...to hold you for one more minute. I have your tree setup and decorated. I hope you can see it every night when I light it. With all the ornaments you have collected over the years, we may have to get you a bigger tree. This year things have changed a lot--we won't be celebrating on Christmas Eve with the family. Instead, it will be just Dad, me, Tucker A.Byrd and Mollie's Hope. Your tree will be the only one we will have this year. I did decorate, I wasn't sure if I was going to. The virus has caused so many changes in our lives-we won't be flying to Arizona this December to spend time with Erik and Charlee. Our little Granddaughter has gotten so big. We would love to spend time with her, but it is just not safe until we can get the anti-virus vaccine. Your Girl is having another surgery on Dec.7th for her knee and maybe a torn ACL. She is so reckless, but after the surgery she will be like the bionic dog. She is a rascal but, Mollie, we sure do love her just as much as we love you. Of course, I will be the first to admit that she is more Dad's girl, just like you were more my girl. But, that's okay, she is so tiny, but has a great big heart and she does share the love. I am sure you already know that Mary's little Remmie is now at the Rainbow Bridge. So very sad-do remember that she got Remmie because she liked you so much? And guess what!?! Remmie was as sweet as you. In fact, every time I saw him I would miss you so much. I know you welcomed him with lots of wags. Well, Bean, I updated your page to reflect that Christmas is coming. I love you so much, so very much. You are my Special Angel, help God by watching over us. Mom
It is another holy and silent night as we await the birth of our Savior.
'For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder. And His Name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace."
He is the Son of God and the Son of Man who came down from above to save this fallen world.
God's most precious Gift of all!
Once again on this most holy of nights our arms are empty, but our hearts are full of the love we shared and we will look for you and find you...
in the silent night...
in the stars above...
in the candle light...
in the music...
We love you, Sweet Girl, forever and for always,
Dad, Mom, T-Byrd and Mollie's Hope
Hi my Sweet Mollie, I am missing you so much right now. I know you got to meet Cheryl when she came and picked up Tiffany. I am so glad she was able to pet you and tell you how much your Mom misses you. One day, I will come over the bridge and pick you up. I promise I will never let you leave my arms again. It's been a little difficult for me lately. I have to admit I am a bit depressed. I have no reason to be, I have so much to be grateful for and yet here I am feeling sorry for myself. I am almost done with my Christmas baking, just a few more things to do and then Dad and I do our deliveries. Hard to believe we are heading into a new year. Tell Riley, Mikey and Maddie that their Momma is cancer free--5 years. Best news ever, right?
Well, Sweet Mollie, I just wanted to say 'Hi' and get you all set up for winter and Christmas. I think of you everyday and love the lights on your Christmas tree. I hope you can see how pretty it is. I love you, my Mollie, yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever. Mom

3/31/22 Hi my Sweet Girl. Your Mom is missing you today.As you know we have had a sad month. Puppy is now with you, Maddie and Mikey at Rainbow Bridge. When she left it was like losing you all over again. Puppy was so much like you, my Mollie. So sweet, so good, so Mollie. I know you are making her feel welcomed. I think once it warms up a bit, I will send you, Maddie, Mikey and Piper some balloons to remind you all how much you are loved and missed.
We had a great time visiting Charlee and Asher. Mollie's Hope loved playing with Charlee as she was able to run, bark and chase Charlee. She was a good little traveler. She liked to sit on Mom's lap in her bed and sleep. I worry, my Mollie, as she is getting older--11 years this summer. Time seems to go so fast as I get older. I still am waiting for the day when I cross the Bridge and can pick you up in my arms. I love you, Sweet Girl, for always and forever. Mom
May 30,2022
It's Memorial Day, Mollie, but for you and me, everyday is Memorial Day. I think of you each and every day and have since you left me. A lot has happened since I last visited as you well know. Piper is now with you, Maddie, Riley and Mike. We all miss her, too, just like we miss all of you. It's just not the same without you, Sweet Girl. I love you so much, my Mollie, and I will forever remember you until that glorious day I can bend down and pick you up, never to let you go again. My Sweet, Sweet Girl. Mom9/24/22 Hi, Sweet Girl. I know that you have met Mollie's Hope. She was everything you meant her to be. She was a Naughty Nabbit, but we loved her so much. Just as much as we loved you. Daddy is really sad, she was his special Gal just like you were mine. But you two are together now and that is important to us. She is home now on the fireplace. Dad and I got her an urn very similar to yours. We set it on her Christmas Man, that was her favorite toy. Gosh, Mollie, I am so sad, I miss you and Hope so much. I can hardly wait for that one glorious day when Dad and I pick up our two little Gals and I promise you, we will never put you down again. I love you, Bean, and miss you for always and forever. Mom
Hi Bean, Just wanted to say 'Hi' and 'Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl'. I miss you so much and your Girl, too. My heart is hurting a lot today. I know you know how much I love you and Mollie's Hope. BrookLyn is coming on Monday, I depend on you to help me love her like I do you. You were always my Special Girl, my Mollie Bean. It was sometimes hard to not compare Hope to you, she was so special in her own naughty way. It makes me smile to remember how naughty she was. Our house has been so lonely without a Yorkie to make it a home. I love you, Beanie, so very much. Mom

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