Welcome to Harley's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Harley's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Harley
For you my angel, you have been gone more than a year, seems like a life time since you left us and yet just yesterday. Taken so suddenly and so quickly, there was not enough time to say goodbye, for that I am truly sorry, I would give my world to hold you in my arms one more time. But now we know that you are never far from us and always in our hearts and in our dreams and we thank you for all the wonderful little things you have sent us since you left, like the goldfinches and the beautiful rainbows, the bluebells in your woods and this summer the baby blackbirds in the garden. You walk with us everyday, everywhere we go and surround us with your love in everything that is good in our lives. You will never be forgotten beautiful lady, our golden girl. You brightened up our lives for so many wonderful years. Thank you for choosing to spend all those years with us and for all your unconditional love, angel. Our hearts will never completely mend you took a piece of them with you when you went but you left a piece of you behind for each of us, wonderful love and happy memories. Now you are at the end of the rainbow, young and whole again, free from the pain you suffered at the end, you walk with angels and run with the wind and I hope you are happy there. Play, eat and sleep, all the things you loved to do with us, I know you have many friends there and the days are filled with sunshine, just the way you liked them, to sunbathe in the warmth on the green grass. You were the best darling girl, the sunshine in our days and the bright stars in our nights we will love you forever. We will see you again when our own rainbow time comes, until then wait for us, be happy and free. We long for the cuddles and the wonderful kisses raining down on us and that cheeky waggy tail, we were never quite sure whether the dog was wagging the tail or the tail was wagging the dog, we will see it all again one day. Bye for now my faithful friend, my shadow, my beautiful girl, my angel gone to Heaven. Your love is a flame that will burn in our hearts forever. Love you Bonsey girl. xx

I wrote this for you in memory of your 1st year at Rainbows Bridge and a whole year without you.....


God sent me an Angel
So beautiful was she
She came in the form
Of a little dog to me

I gave her a name
Harley she would be
I thanked Him for letting
Harley come to me

My best friend and soul mate
She very soon became
We shared our lives together
Through the sunshine and the rain

We walked through the woods
By the rivers and the sea
She was there with me always
My shadow was she

On visits to the country
In the fields of golden corn
She ran along beside me
From my side she could not be torn

Her love was pure and wondrous
Her devotion was so true
She always knew when I was sad
And stopped me feeling blue

Then one day just about a year ago
The Angels called her home
It was time to say goodbye
No more with me would she roam

It broke my heart to let her go
But deep inside I knew
That so deep and pure a love
Would always see me through

The rain came down the day she died
But a new star shone that night
The twinkle of an Angel star
Shone down on me so bright

Now when I think of Harley Bones
My soul mate and my best friend
I know that she has not gone far
Only just around the bend

Her love lives on within my heart
I dream of her so sweet
Wrapped in the arms of Angels
Until again we meet

Sweet dreams my Angel
Please remember me
Your heart and mine
Entwined forever they will be

My love for you
Will always be true
Your love for me
Will see me through

The days when I feel
Such sorrow and such pain
And when I hope that one day
I will see you again

Until that day comes
Hear this from me
You were the best
My sweet girl, my Angel - Harley

We will never forget you, sweet girl, but we will always miss you and wonder why. Rest peacefully my Angel, wrapped in the arms of love, until we meet again. I can't say goodbye, so instead I'll say Adieu, I love you Bonesey girl. I catch your kisses in the raindrops and your smile in the sunshine. Thank you for ALL your love. Mama xxx

Hello Angel
I wanted to leave you some fresh flowers and some more chews and of course to be with you again for a little while...oh how wonderful that would be. There has not been one single day gone by since you left me that I have not thought of you and missed you so much. They say time is a healer and that may be so, but my heart will never completely mend until I am with you again and I can hold you in my arms and never have to let go. The days and months go by and life goes on, albeit without you and that makes me sad, I am unable to let you go sweetheart, I just cannot say goodbye and know that it is forever. You are gone from my sight but never from my heart sweet girl and I will love you until the end of time. A dear friend sent this and I wanted to share it with you, sleep tight little lady, be happy and be free untill we meet again one day.

There is no love without some pain
And I would welcome grief again
If for one hour I could have the pride
Of walking once again with you at my side.

Love you always and forever, my Bonesey girl. Moma xxx

Another lonely day without you and now Zak is getting older each day, it will not be long now for his journey to end and you will see him again, together again as it was all those years ago when you came to join our family. You are in my thoughts every day angel, never far from me in everything that surrounds me that is good. I miss you sweet girl and long to hold you again, until then sleep peacefully wrapped in the arms of angels and fly free with your new wings, soar little lady, soar up to Heaven and wait for me there. Love you angel girl, always. Moma xx

Another day without you, tomorrow is my birthday, will you look in on me, I hope so sweet girl. I bought you some flowers and a bone today, enjoy them and have fun at the bridge, sleeping in the warm sunshine and drinking from the cool streams, flex your wings and fly a little, fly down to earth to say hello - I will not see you but I will know that you are there, a shadow, just out of the corner of my eye, just enough for me to know that you have come. I still love you so much my sweet girl and miss you more with every new day. May you guide me on my way and be with me always, until we meet again one day........I love you more than words can ever say.

The angels may have our tomorrows but I still have all our yesterdays.

Bye Harley Bones.....beautiful angel.
Moma xxx

Hello my beautiful little lady, I hope you are happy and enjoying life at the bridge with all your new and wonderful friends there.

It is nearly Christmas Day, my second one without you and I still miss you so much. I would give my world to hold you in my arms one more time and tell you how much I love and miss you, but you know that anyway don't you?

I think of you every day and light a candle for you. The light dances on the walls and reminds me of you, of that happy and bouncy young girl who chose us for her forever family all those years ago. Your love and zest for life remains in my memories, always running around and snuffling in the bushes on our walks, so happy to be out with me, always running back to make sure I was still there with you. Walks aren't quite the same now, you aren't there bringing up the rear or walking gently alongside me. Sometimes I look back, even now, in the hope that I will catch a glimpse of my little lady trotting up behind to catch up, I don't see you but somehow in my heart I know you are with me and it keeps me going along the way.

Angel girl will you come see me this Christmas, will you fly down and say hello. How you loved your Christmas dinner, turkey and all the trimmings, I'll save you some shall I? You are the brightest star in my universe sweet girl, shine for me always and please know that I will love you forever - and then some.

Happy Christmas sweet, sweet angel, may you be blessed with love and tender kisses and all the treats and turkey dinners you could hope for and sleep peacefully, wrapped in the arms of the angels and with love.

We will never forget you and love you always, my darling girl. Beautiful memories were your legacy - thank you for being ours, for a little while.

Love you Harley Bones
Moma and Dad xx

Oh angel, you have an old friend at the bridge with you today, your special Zak has found his wings and has come to be with you at Rainbow Bridge. Our hearts are broken all over again and the tears flow like a waterfall raging in the winter storms. Heartache and emptiness is our companion now and an old friend has been lost in a February song.

He was so very tired Harl, so lost in his own world of late and he has asked us to send him on his way to you, to be forever young and new, to find his wings. I hope he has, and has flown up to Heaven where the gates were opened wide to let him in. We miss you both now so very much, the good times, the special times together are now just a memory and our hearts are filled with sorrow and grief for you both.

Will you care for him now, will you look out for him and love him as we have and do, show him all the places to go and all the best friends you have made there since you left us 20 months ago? The hours have become days and the days weeks, then months and soon it will be 2 whole years without you my angel girl.

We love you sweethearts, always and forever. Rainbows are a pleasure to see and the sweet fragrance of springtime will soon come to bloom. Smiles will replace the tears one day ................ Until then, memories of our forever angels will lives in our hearts, sleep in peace babies, until we meet again one day.

Love always, Mom and Dad xxx
3rd Feb 2007

Hello my darlings,
I just needed to tell you how much I love you and how much I miss you both. There are uncertain times ahead for us now and I felt the need to be with you both again, to hold you and to feel you, to smell your scent and kiss you on your velvet heads..............one day I will again. So much sorrow and heartache around me, I need you both so much and you are gone, I wish I could be with you. I have your memories but I don't have you, emptiness and sorrow are my companions now.
I will never forget you I will love you forever and I will always remember the love.
Mama xx

Hello my darling girl,
2 years today you went on your journey, to peace and eternal rest, I love you and I miss you so much angel lady.

There is never a day that I do not think of you and wonder where you are, are you happy, are you free and are you still mine? Of course, I will never know the answer to all of those questions but I do know that I feel your love shining through today and every day, you are and always will be my beautiful girl my own angel dog and my true love.

You taught me so many things and I will always try to honour those things and be a good person, thank you for your unconditional love.........thank you for being you and for being mine.

See you again one day sweetheart, until then.............memories are golden, love is silver, the threads of silver and gold are forever entwined around my heart.
I love you Harley Bones.
Momma xxx

Darling girl,
I miss you. I write this with tears streaming down my face and the sorrow is over whelming. Why? I do not know why the hurt has returned, the sorrow, the pain, the longing to see and hold you in my arms one more time. Knowing that I cannot. It is nearly one whole year since your friend and companion Zak came to join you, perhaps the pain is due to that. My thoughts of the two of you, every single day of my life I see you, I look at the photo of you together and I remember well the day and place it was taken and oh..............how I want to turn back the clock and go there, just one more time. But it would never be enough angel, I know that I could never let you go again.
I will wait, time will pass but memories of you and the love you gave to me will NEVER fade, I promise you that I will never forget you and I keep you in my heart now and forever. My beautiful angel girl. Be at peace sweet girl, you earned it for sure. Perhaps one day I will find peace in my heart and we will be together again, I hope so.
Until then I love you, always and forever.
My Angel Gone to Heaven.
Mom xx

Hello my angel girl,
Well we are nearly there sweetheart, in 4 days time it will be 3 years since that fateful day, the day our hearts broke into a million pieces forever shattered. I never ever dreaned that this day would come but here we are, missing you as much as ever and just wanting to see you and hold you one more time. It seems like an eternity since I last saw you and held you and I can remember that day like it was yesterday, I will never forget it.
So many things I did wrong and so many things left undone and unsaid and I am sorry for that and I cannot change it and that is what hurts. I will always love you my darling girl please know that I will never forget you and keep your love locked in my heart always.
I will come visit you on Sunday, your 3rd anniversary at RB with Ralphie, Lucy and Wallybeans and all your other wonderful friends there. I hope your day is filled with sunshine and peace for mine will be a day for rememberance and reflection of a life lived long and lived well.
Goodnight for now my golden girl, I wish you peace and send kisses to Heaven on the wings of angels.
Mising you always
Mom xx

3 years today.
We love you now as much as we ever did and we will never forget you my golden girl. We will remember you today with so much pride and love, for the years of joy and happiness you gave us will last in our hearts and memories forever. We did so many wonderful things together with you while you were ours and made us so happy to be with you and to know you. You taught me how to love, totally and unconditionally and I will never forget that. I just wish that I could hold you in my arms right now and tell you just what you mean to me and that I am sorry I was not there with you when you passed away, I should have been and I will never forgive myself that. People tell me that you knew we loved you anyway and that you understood why I was not there - but it is small consolation for a broken heart that will never mend completely.
Lessons have been learned and I have made a promise that when I see you again in the next world I will never leave you alone again in pain and scared. I see your face at the window as I walked away and the tears streamed down my face because deep inside I knew that it was 'goodbye' that you would soon be gone from my life and I would never hold you again. I tried to believe that they could make you better when in my heart I think I knew they could not.
You are an angel now, you have your wings and you have your youth but most of all for you there is no more pain sweetheart. My brave and beautiful girl is strong again and free. I hope that you can hear my words when I speak to you and that you can see me when I cry, I miss you so very much beautiful lady .................. rest in peace until we meet again.
We love you, very very much.
Mom and Dad xx

Hello my angel girl. How much I miss you today and every day of my life. Our time together was cut short and you left so quickly and as I have said many times before, I was not there, I should have come back to the surgery to be with you, whether or not you would have known I was there. I wish with all my heart I could change that now, I wish that you had not had to go in pain and alone and I wish that you had not suffered. My heart aches to hold you today and every day and I miss your smile. You were such a happy girl, there were no signs of your pain, you hid it well. Sweet girl one day we will meet again and there will be no more goodbyes. I will love you until the end of time angel lady, you will never suffer or be in pain again. I wish you peaceful sleep under the stars little lady, may your golden heart be filled with joy and peace .........until we meet again one day. I will love you always and forever. Love mama xx

Christmas day 2008
Happy Christmas little lady. We are missing you today as we miss you every day of our lives, not one passes by without us remembering you and the love you left behind in our hearts even now after 3 and a half years. How I wish I could see you and hold you again, I would never want to let you go. I gave Kip, Sam and Jess a special dinner today and remembered Christmases past when I did the same for you, how you loved your food and your Christmas treats. Never one much for toys content to have a cuddle and a chew on moms lap, what wouldn't I give for one of those wonderful cuddles today.
I know that you miss me too, I feel it in my heart and I wish I could tell you not to be afraid and that one day we will meet again.
Go now little angel lady, play with Zak and all your wonderful friends there. You are free now, no more pain, at least we have that small comfort in knowing you aren't hurting anymore. Go now, find Zak and Ralphie, Lucy, Puck, Princess and Mac and all the others so many of them there are now.
We will never stop loving you golden girl, our hearts belong to you, always and forever.
Rest in peace little lady until we meet again one day.
Love you darling
Moma and dad xxx

March 2009
Hi little lady, I hope you are ok and happy at the bridge with your friends there. I have been thinking about you a lot lately and wondering if you are ok. I miss you so much my beautiful friend and I often feel you by my side on our walks, your warmth will never leave me and your love is always in my heart. Please stop by in my dreams sometime soon, I have not dreamt about you for a long time, since you came to show me how you had been renewed and how young and beautiful you are now, no more pain little one, you are free now. It still hurts, loosing you but I can smile sometimes now and think of you without crying too. That is a big step for me because my heart has been so broken and hurt.
So, for now please be happy and wait for me to come for you. We will meet again one day and I will never have to say goodbye again.
I love you...............always and forever.
Bye my golden girl, until we meet again. Moma xxx

May 2009
Hello my beautiful girl, I just stopped by to see you and to say hello. I have been missing you very much as we near your 4th anniversary and remembering all my friends here who are also approaching their anniversaries too. You have so many friends in Heaven and I know you love them as I love their fur moms and dads very much. I will always have your love and the lessons I learned about love and life and to make every day special because you never know when those days together will end. Your days were gone so fast and you left so quickly with no goodbye. If I could I would change that but I can't and so I tell you now that I loved you with all my heart and I am sorry you were in so much pain. I would have born it for you gladly. Go now and stretch your golden wings little angel, fly over the rainbow and wait for me..............until we meet again Harley, your heart belongs to me.
Love moma xx

15th June 2009 - 4 years today
My darling girl, it is nearly time and once more the tears come flooding down. My beautiful little girl I love you more than words can ever say and I promise that you will be remembered forever for as long as I live on in this world and the next. I miss you my angel, I miss you so much, but I know that now you are in a better place. I cannot think where 4 years have gone since you left me and yet I can still remember that day as if it were yesterday. I would change many things and I would have come to be with you at the end if the vet had not said maybe I should remember you as you were, that you would not know I was there. I was talked out of doing the one thing I should have done and I am sorry I was not with you when you left this world for Heaven.
You were my sunshine, my shadow, my whole world.............and then one day you were gone. Now you are the brightest star in the Heavens and you shine there for me. There is no more pain in your little body, you are free and you are young once more. One day I will come to you and we will all cross over the bridge together into eternal rest and my heart will be glad for that final day. I will feel your soft fur and smell your sweet scent and see you in all your glory with your beautiful gold and silver gossamer wings, shimmering with angel dust.
You are never forgotten sweet girl, I love you always and forever and you left me with your love so beautiful and so true. Go now, find your sweet Zak and celebrate your bridge day with all the friends you have made since you came to Rainbow Bridge. My little shadow, always there beside me, watching me and loving me ----- that is how I remember you today. Come see me if you can I will know you are there and I will not feel so alone anymore.
Tell my beautiful old man, Zak that I love him too, I long to hold you both in my arms.....one day I will.
Peaceful sleep little lady, my golden girl.
Until we meet again.
Your heart belongs to me.
I love you always.
Moma xx

Christmas 2009 - Our 5th Christmas without you.
Sending you all my love this Christmas time sweet little lady. Missing you every single day and loving you always. Run free my beautiful girl and sleep wrapped in the arms of the angels, safe and warm. My heart belongs to you.............until we meet again one day. I hold our memories together in my heart next to your love and pray that one day we will see you and hold you in our arms once more. God bless you darling girl - loving you was the greatest gift of all. Love moma xxx

Jan 27th 2010
Happy New Year my beautiful girl.
I miss you so much little lady and long for the day when I can hold you in my arms once more. Until then I have our memories and your love wrapped in my heart. Peaceful sleep my darling, until we meet again. You were my best girl and I love you so so much. Love always moma xxx

June 15th 2010 ~ 5 Years today, since I held you in my arms one last time
Happy Bridge Day beautiful beaney girl. Mommy is trying so hard to be brave for you and not to shed so many tears, I know you can see me and it makes you sad when I cry. Just missin you that's all golden girl. Remembering all the good times and those wonderful 11 years we spent together sweetie. We made so many beautiful memories didn't we? Days at the beach, walks in the woods with the bluebells, that special river walk Zak loved so much down in Devon along the river Otter, walks along the canal near our home and over the fields of gold. The cuddles, teasing you with a treat or two and Christmas dinners....you loved those so much. I will try not to think of today as the last day of your life but as the start of a new journey for you, one in which I will join you one day and one which we will end together in eternal love. Your pain is gone, my tears will come to acceptance one day and I have all your love as you have mine in our hearts forever.
I will never forget you my Angel girl, never. I will love you until the end of time and remember you with pride and love. You taught me so much about unconditional love and the gift of life, how could I ever forget that. Tell my beautiful Zak how much I love him too and long to smell his musky scent and feel his soft fur on my face, to look into those knowing eyes just once more. Until I hold you in my arms again.................sleep in peace, wrapped in love and beautiful memories. Adieu for now my little shadow Bonsey girl ~ Love mommy xxxxx

No More Tears

Please don't shed so many tears
I am free I have no more fears
My pain is gone and I have my wings
I have my memories of wonderful things
We danced together for so many years
Please don't shed so many tears

I have your love for eternity
I love you so, that will always be
My star shines brightest of them all
So I can see you when you fall
You will know that it is me
For I have your love for eternity

It was my time, I had to leave
Please don't be sad, don't you grieve
For I left you with my love to keep
To hold you tightly while you sleep
And when one day your time is done
I will be there, I will be the one

Who carries you home to be with me
Once more my loving eyes you'll see
To hold me close and feel my love
Together again in Heaven above
And so I wait at Heavens door
For you to come to me once more

We did not need to say goodbye
It was my time to learn to fly
I am not gone I am in you
I'm in every single thing you do
Such sorrow came when we had to part
But I live on within your heart

My journey ends when I see you again
And I will wait for you 'til then
With a wing and a prayer and a dream of you
A heart so pure and a love so true
And memories of our beautiful years
Mommy, please don't shed so many tears.

My beautiful ANGEL ~ 5 years today you found your wings and flew away.....

November 2010
I remember the love, I remember the dance, I remember goodbye.............and I will always remember you. Until we meet again I hold you in my heart. Moma xx

Christmas Eve 2010
I miss you, I love you and I long for the day when I will hold you in my arms again. Run free my darling girl in the meadows of Heaven and play with your brother Zak. I love you both so much, more than words can ever say. One thing I do know - my eyes will never be dry of tears for you both. Rest in Peace beautiful girl and when me meet again I will hold you in my arms forever. We will walk together again through the fields of gold, my little smiley girl. Sweet dreams angel......Mommie xxx

3rd Feb 2011
Please watch over your brother Zak today, run with him and fly high and free over the rainbow. Sprinkle some of your love over me and send me a sign you are there. I love you Bonsey girl, I always will ~ you have a special place in my heart no other will ever have. Remembering you today with pride and love and treasuring the special memories we made all those years ago. Run free darling and when next we walk through the fields of gold, I will never have to look back again. Missing you every day and loving you forever. Moma xxx

15th June 2011
6 years ago today I saw your sweet face and held you in my arms for the last time my darling girl. I have cried an ocean since then and my heart still feels the sorrow and loss of that day. They say 'life goes on' and yes it does, but it's never the same. That empty space where you once lay is still there and I long to see you sleeping there just once more. As my tears fall this morning and I remember the hour and minutes you left this world I am reminded of the love you gave and shared with me and perhaps, just a little, the pain is lessened and the sun shines through a chink in the dark clouds that hover over my heart. For today I have also smiled as I remember all the beautiful things we did together and the unconditional love we shared for 11 wonderful years. I wish I had known you for the first 5 years of your life too, I know you must have been such a beautiful sweet puppy.
You gave me all of you, who you were ~ your smile, your dedication, your friendship, your love and most of all you gave me your heart. Now, you have all of me and you have my heart and my love for eternity. I love you with all that I am ~ I am yours for all time.
The memories are golden my darling, they live on in Jess who you sent to me after you left. So, when the clock arrives at 10 past 10 I will hold her tightly and together we will remember you, your love, the memories we made and perhaps, a little shadow may just pass us by as she flies over the rainbow and sprinkles us with her love.
I love you and my darling Zak more than these words can ever say, today and always. Until we all walk together again one day my darling girl...................your love is a flame that burns in my heart forever.
Harley Bones ~ you were the best and I miss you.
Mama xXx

May 2012
Remembering you today my sweet little lady as I do each and every day. The tears still come, the heartache never leaves and the longing to be with you all and hold you all again remains.

We have a new little one with us now, his name is Herbie, he comes to us in memory of your old friend Kip.......our Golden Boy, who runs with you now at the bridge. Look down on us darling and know that as we go from day to day living what remains of our earthly lives we cherish your memories most of all. We will love Herbie as we love you and care for him as we did for you ~ he reminds us of the beautiful life we shared and the wonderful life we had together with you, and he makes us smile again, just like we did when you came to us all those long years ago in 1994.

Run free darling girl, knowing that when we meet again it will be forever......always yours, your loving Moma x

Today marks Harley's 7th Rainbow Bridge day.

I can't think where those years have gone to but I can remember that day like it was yesterday. Gone so quickly, no time to say goodbye and in pain..........so many regrets and things left unsaid and undone. My heart aches to hold you again and to see you renewed and beautiful once more, and one day I will. :)

Sweet dreams my darling girl, I will never forget you and the love you gave me to hold forever in my heart. We made so many beautiful memories, how could I ever forget..... ♥ You are, and always will be the love of my life, my special girl ~ thank you for everything you did, everything you were and for sharing my life for 11 wonderful years. I love you with all my heart and soul little angel ♥

I was blessed with the best, nothing can ever take that away from me. Heaven is a brighter place for your presence and your star shines above the brightest of them all.

Love from your mommy ♥ xxx

Today marks Harley's 8th Rainbow Bridge day.

Hello my lovely lady, my beautiful angel girl......8 long years ago today, you found your wings and learned how to fly. My heart will never completely mend and you will always have that piece of my heart you took with you on that sad day. I miss you still each and every day and I know that it how it will be now until we meet again as I continue on my own journey and come to the bridge to be with all of you, my little angel family. I know you are free from your pain and that you are a young, happy and healthy Staffy once more, my darling girl my little Bonesy.

So sweetheart, run with the wind, fly high and free over that rainbow and visit me in my dreams, for I long to see and be with you again darling. Look after my boys Zak and Kipper and tell them I miss them too, very much.

God bless you my little lady, shine for me in the night sky and I will blow you those kisses as I always do each and every night. Sweet dreams baby, until we walk together again............I hold you and your love in my heart, for all time.

See you soon beautiful girl.
Love you forever......mommy xxx

Today marks Harley's 9th Rainbow Bridge day.

So my darling girl, here we are once more another year has passed and still my heart aches to see you and to hold you again in my arms. The sorrow has eased over time but I still miss you so very much and I will love you forever and a day my beautiful lady. I have the golden memories we made together and I have your love for always and for now, that has to be enough ~ but I don't have you my Angel. You have many friends at the Rainbow Bridge, old and new and I hope that you are happy playing and lazing in the sun with them all, I remember how much you loved to lay in the sunshine with your brother Kip, I miss those days being with you all in the garden in the summer.

I hope you have found peace now that you have forgotten the pain you went through before you left us and that you are a young girl again so beautiful and fresh like the one I saw in my dream of you. I hope that when we meet once more it will seem like yesterday for us both and that we will all be together again into eternity and beyond. I love you with all my heart, always and forever my darling. Sweet dreams little Angel, fly high and run free and tell Bella, Zak and Kip that it won't be long before we are all together again. I long for that day sweetheart.

Be free little lady, and remember how much you are loved and cherished every day here on earth by those who knew and loved you best. Not one day shall pass that I will not think of you all and love you all forever.

Shine for me in the evening sky as you always do.....I saw your star trailing across the Heavens and I knew it was you dusting me with Angel dust from Heaven ~ I hold you in my heart, until we meet again.

All my love ~ Mommy xxx

Today marks Harley's 10th Rainbow Bridge day ........ my special Angel ~ gone from my life but never from my heart.

And so, my beautiful Bonesy girl ~ we are here your 10 year anniversary at Rainbow Bridge. I never imagined that this day would come, in all these years I have never forgotten you for one single minute I have never stopped loving and missing you for one single second and I never will ~ that much I can promise and do for you.

You were the light of my life, my soulmate, my heart dog and my world for 11 wonderful fun filled years. You came to us in 1994 from Bellmead Kennels in Old Windsor, an annex of Battersea Dogs Home, where you brother our beautiful Zak came from 18 months before we found you. I had wanted a Staffy for a long time and as company for Zak you came along and made our lives so complete. You never played with toys and you only ever barked once in all the years we had you, when you came face to face with a hedgehog for the first time. We laughed at your funny squeaky bark and made a big fuss of you for being brave. You loved your walks in the woods among the bluebells and sunning yourself at the end of the drive with your other brother Kip who came along a few years after you did and made 3 lovely dogs. You loved your food and gobbled it all up really fast no matter how hard we tried to slow you down You had a good heart, you were never vicious, you never fought with other dogs although you did stand up to them. You followed me everywhere, always behind me always with me my precious girl. You were just the best Staffy ever, my best girl, my beautiful Beanie lady ~ I called you that because you reminded me of coffee beans in colour ...... your silken fur your velvet head and your old leather ears, which was because you laid in the sun all the time, you lost the fur on them. I miss all those things so very much and I know that one day we will be together again and we will walk over the bridge and find eternal rest and peace ~ I long for that day so much.

I have your memories and your love in me, in my heart and I hold you there for eternity. I remember with pride and love your Staffy smile and the joy you had for life and I remember that at the end you knew it was goodbye as I walked away from the clinic, as you stood there with the vet lady and it was there in your eyes "Goodbye mom, I love you and I will miss you, thank you for loving me so long and so well and thank you for being so brave and bringing me here ~ yes I am in pain but that will soon be over and I although I will leave you I give you my heart and my love to keep forever ....... because ~ it was Heaven here with you"

There is no more I can say in mortal words my darling girl, all I have inside me are feelings so beautiful so wonderful and beyond anything I can write down here ........ a love more beautiful and more powerful than any human love can ever be. I know you are at peace, your broken body is gone and your soul is free. Your spirit soars across the heavens and you shine in every star and in the morning sun. I see you in every flower that blooms, in every butterfly that passes by and in every bird that sings to me. I see you in the colours of the rainbow and feel you in every rain drop and every ray of sunshine. You are waiting for me in a place more beautiful than I can ever hope to imagine and when next we meet I will wrap my loving arms around you and never have to let go again or say goodbye. You were my world, my life and you will always be ....... my Harley, my beautiful Angel girl.

Thank you for being you and for teaching me how to love, how to live and how to let go ............ until we meet again ~ my heart is yours ~ I love you so.

All my love ~ always and forever Mommy xxx

Just stopped by to renew your residency baby girl and to say hello beautiful Angel. Tomorrow Sam is going to the vets for a dental and I wanted to ask you to watch over him for me please. And, if it be that his path should lead him Home to you then walk with him to the gates and tell him not to be afraid and that although mom and dads hearts will break we will love him with all our hearts forever, he will always be our Special Sam. Thank you darling girl, I am missing you so much right now and your brothers and sister ..... I long to hold you in my arms and tell you that I am sorry I didn't come to be with you at the end that I should have and that my heart will ache and grieve for you always because I didn't say goodbye and tell you how much I loved you. I know you have forgiven me, that you would say there is nothing to forgive but there is ~ I cannot forgive myself only when we are together again will I finally find Peace. Until then I hold you and our beautiful memories in my heart always and forever .... you are and always will be my darling Harley Bones ..... sweet dreams little Angel until I hold you once more in loving arms. Mommy Xxxx

Today marks Harley's 11th Rainbow Bridge day.

All the years that have passed by so quickly since you left that cold rainy morning I have never forgotten about you nor have I ever stopped loving you my sweet Bonesy girl. I will love and miss you forever nothing can change that and I will always long to hold you again in my loving arms and tell you all the things I need you to know even if you already know them. This year has been a very hard one and since I last wrote to you when our beautiful Sam was going to have his dental and I was so worried that he wouldn't make it through it has become dreadful .... Sam came to be with you at Rainbow Bridge one week ago on the 7th June and our hearts are so broken baby girl, so broken. All the memories of all your losses came flooding back and the hurt and sorrow is so intense I can hardly breathe. I look and listen for him every day as I did for you but there is only emptiness and silence as it was for you. We had such a bond of love that was and still is wrapped around our hearts so tightly that it was cut with a jagged knife when he died, like it was with you. You were such a brave girl never showing your pain and Sam was the same ....... please look after him now and play with him, teach him all about being an Angel and show him how to fly. I saw a small rainbow today, just the top of one and very faint but we know that is was you showing him how to make his first Rainbow and it was absolutely beautiful ..... we are so very proud of you both, of all of you.

Remember my darling that you are in our hearts as we are in yours and that our love can never die as yours never can. We feel it in our hearts today strong, faithful and true as the little dog you were and are. Go play now my darling, be free ~ fly high and over the stars and show us how beautiful you are, all of you are.

Until we meet again ~ where the sky meets the sea on the distant horizon where you will come running back to me. For this much I know ..... how could we forget a little dog who gave us so much to remember. Beautiful girl I will always be your mommy xxxx

I dedicate this beautiful poem to you Angel girl ....... and my undying eternal love. xxx

The Silhouette

The silhouette stands boldly
at the end of the hallway
ears erect, eyes like jewels
the tail, it softly sways.

This wouldn't be the first time
I've seen her stand nearby
her image clear as crystal
from the corner of my eye.

Her visits I don't share with some
who think I've went over and beyond
the grieving time they deem I need,
they say I should move on.

I sometimes pity people who
have never felt just cause
to share the bond between two souls,
one with hands and one with paws.

The silhouette reminds me
what the others say is wrong
for as long as breath goes through me
there exists our mighty bond.

When the Keeper calls me home
and the Bridge gates open wide
our bond will deepen ten fold
as we walk through side by side.

You see, I am the lucky one
as I've been truly blessed
for someday we'll walk together
as eternal silhouettes.


Happy Easter beautiful girl, remembering you today and wishing I could just spend a little time with you to sit and hold you and talk to you one more time. God willing one day I will, all my prayers will be answered and I will find my Peace, as you have found yours. Tell my Sam how much I love him and Kip too please. I miss you all so much and send you all my love and kisses every night to the stars. Sweet dreams little lady, until we walk together again, through fields of gold and woodlands of blue. I love you to the stars and beyond.

Have fun and play with all your new friends ...... until we meet again <3

Please watch over Jess my darlings she is very poorly and needs your guidance and love more than ever God bless you, how much I miss you all .... until we meet again. Love Mommy xxx

Harley's 12th Rainbow Bridge anniversary

Reading through the last few posts to you I am in tears for your loss, for the loss of our dear Sam last year and now heart broken again for our beautiful Jess who left this world in my loving arms 5 weeks ago on the 10th May. She didnt make it through darling, she got so sick and after we think she got cancer of the pancreas :'( it was too much for her to fight my darling she was so weak and tired Mommy had to say 'let her go Home please, dont let her hurt anymore .... let her be free to find her Peace. So now the little Angel you sent us 6 weeks after you passed away is Home with you at the bridge in Heaven and all her pain is gone, like yours was, and she is at peace, like you are.

I still miss you so much, my heart aches to hold you in my arms young free and healthy again, but that can never be, not in this life for me. So, I will wait and live my life with only memories and photos and remember you, who you were what you were and what you taught me through our journey together, 11 years of beautiful love and blessings. Your song is called There You'll Be by Faith Hill and I'm going to write down the words for they are filled with love and are specially for you my darling girl, my little Bonesey.

Until we meet again baby know that our love is eternal and can never die......I love you to the stars and beyond Bonsey, on into eternity and forever. See you soon angel girl you have my heart and my love, always 💞💓💞

"There You'll Be"

When I think back
On these times
And the dreams
We left behind
I'll be glad 'cause
I was blessed to get
To have you in my life
When I look back
On these days
I'll look and see your face
You were right there for me

In my dreams
I'll always see you soar
Above the sky
In my heart
There will always be a place
For you for all my life
I'll keep a part
Of you with me
And everywhere I am
There you'll be
And everywhere I am
There you'll be

Well you showed me
How it feels
To feel the sky
Within my reach
And I always
Will remember all
The strength you
Gave to me
Your love made me
Make it through
Oh, I owe so much to you
You were right there for me

'Cause I always saw in you
My light, my strength
And I want to thank you
Now for all the ways
You were right there for me
You were right there for me
For always

In my dreams
I'll always see you soar
Above the sky
In my heart
There will always be a place
For you for all my life
I'll keep a part
Of you with me
And everywhere I am
There you'll be
And everywhere I am
There you'll be
There you'll be ~ running to me into my arms never to say goodbye ever again 💞💓💞I LOVE YOU HARLEY XXXXXX

13 years since you found your wings.....

I love you, I miss you, I need you ....... run free little Angel, I'll see you in the stars and feel you in every rain drop. You are so beautiful how could we ever not love you ~ tell your brothers and sisters how much they are loved and missed every day. So many anniversaries now, so many tears, so much love to remember and cherish. I long for the day I will hold you again and never have to let go. 💔

Harley, my special Angel you are loved and remembered with pride always and you will never be forgotten I promise. You are loved and missed beyond words ~ sweet dreams little Angel ~ we'll meet again one day, forgive me for not being there to say goodbye and be with you, it broke my heart so much 💔 until then ........

For Harley ~ my guide and spirit in the stars .... 💫

Touch me with your voice as a puppy young and new,
And let me know my presence is what is pleasing you.

Touch me with your spirit, for God sent me here to you,
To teach you of that precious bond known by the choicest few.

Touch me with your hands as I grow tall and strong,
I need you as my mentor through out my whole life long.

Touch me with your lips, and brush them softly on my brow,
Please kiss away the fears, that I am feeling now.

Touch me with your eyes, as I become full grown,
To validate unspoken love that we have always known.

Touch me with your heart, as our bond keeps growing stronger,
And words need not be used in our language any longer.

Touch me with your breath, so soft and warm upon my face,
As I try to bring you comfort in life's never ending race.

Touch me with your love as my muzzle turns to gray,
I live my life to please you, each and every single day.

Touch me with your scent when age has dimmed my sight,
To reassure me always that you will be my light.

Touch me with your face when your tears are meant for me,
So I may bear your pain, and let your heart be free.

Touch me with remembrance when I have travelled on,
And, I will hold your heart in mine, forever when I'm gone.

14 years today ~ God called you Home to your final rest 💔🌈💔

I have said so many times over the years how much I love you and miss you ~ my little Heart Dog ~ my shadow, my guide, my life, my world. There are no words, no actions, no things I can do to bring you back, all I ever wanted from the moment you left was to have you back again, that can never be, I know that now. It took a long time for me to come to terms with your loss and I will never be the same without you, you truly were one in a million my darling. You were special I knew from the moment I first saw you at the rescue centre, you didnt have a bad bone in your body, only love and those adoring eyes that gazed at me every day, filled with so much love and pride.

I look to the stars and I see you shining there bright and beautiful, always there watching over me, guiding me Home to you, through my journey, my beautiful friend. I cut some pink roses for you today, from the garden, they have the most beautiful scent and they are vivid pink, they bloom in memory of you sweetheart, every year. I placed the little vase next to your photo and put a candle there too. I will have many candles tonight glowing in memory of you and I will see you shimmer and dance in the light from that candle and remember your little wiggle bum when we came home from work or being away from you. One of my regrets, that we spent so much time at work back then and you Zak and Kip were home without us, so many wasted years of your lives when we were not together 😔🐾💖 Still, you had a good life with us so many adventures, walks in the bluebell woods, your favourite place I think, and along the beaches running and running enjoying life and having fun with your brothers.

I found an old CD it says Photos of Harley, Zak and Kip. I wonder what I will find on there, I hope it will play I hate to lose the photos. Well Angel, I leave your page today with sadness, yes, and love too, so many wonderful memories and a million tears, all filled with love for you. So if it rains a little in Heaven today you will know in every rain drop there is a memory wrapped in love, just for you. Peaceful sleep my little girl, run and play when you awake and remember ~~~ I will always be your Mommy and I will always love you with all my heart and soul 🐾💖🌹🌈🌹💖🐾 Until we meet again darling Harley ....... I know, you are never more than a whisper away 🐾💖🌹🌈🌹💖🐾 God bless you. I'll see you in the stars ✨🌟⭐️🌈⭐️🌟✨ and find you, in my dreams xXx

15 Years today, you are gone 🐾💔🙏💗🙏💔🐾 from my arms but never from my heart ....

I love you, I miss you and I will never forget you my darling girl, the one promise I can keep forever.
I know you are free from all the pain you had back then before you died, that pain became mine the moment your beautiful heart stopped beating 15 years ago at 10.20 am on a rainy Wednesday morning. I will never forget that day, my heart almost stopped beating too and I just felt lost and so alone without you there with me. You were my world and I was yours, two hearts that beat as one became one solitary beat, the other fell silent and was gone.

I know people say why do you still grieve and cry, Harley would want you to celebrate her life not mourn her loss with tears like you do. They are right, so today I have cried a little when certain memories came back to me and I have smiled remembering your joy for life and all the wonderful things you did that made you who you were. Thank you for your love, for your devotion to our family and for being the most wonderful Staffy we could ever have wished for. So perfect in every way and more. Your smile lit up when you saw us and we are so proud of you for being our beautiful girl and loving us as we love you ~ always and forever.

The little girl you sent us after you died is with you too now, 3 years she has been gone from our lives, little Jess, another heart breaking loss, which I still mourn. But today I will think of you both, of all of you, and remember the laughter and fun we had in the years you were all with us, my special girls and boys.

Run now my darling girl and play with your friends in the meadow and wait for the day my own rainbow time comes and you can walk me Home to find my own peace and to be with you once more and never say another goodbye. Sweet dreams beautiful, stop by and come see me and I will hope to dream of you again and see that smile looking up at me, I will never forget your face filled with pure unconditional love, the most beautiful face in Heaven 😇🐾🦋🌹🌈🌟 Until we meet again ....... I love you with all my heart and soul ~ always and forever 💗💞💗 to the stars and beyond. xXx

16 long years without you my darling girl 🌹😢💔🐾✨🌈

There will never be a day I dont love and miss you with all my heart. You will always be my special girl who gave me the best love and the most faithful heart in all the world. Your devotion and happiness around us was truly beautiful beyond mortal words and I have never known another dog who only ever barked once in all the years we had her. So many smiles of things to remember and to love about you ... I pray that there is a place where you all rest and play, young and healed from all your hurts and pain and suffering and that, most of all, we will be with you again and it will be forever. 🙏 Peaceful rest now Angel, you earned that much and more. I love you darling girl. To the stars and beyond to Eternity ... 🙏🌹😢💔🐾✨🌈 until we meet again one day. 💞💗💞 xxx

She was my other eyes that could see above the clouds;
my other ears that heard above the winds.
She was the part of me that could reach out into the sea.
She had told me a thousand times over that I was her reason for being;
by the way she rested against my leg;
by the way she wagged her tail at my smallest smile;
by the way she showed her hurt when I left without taking her along
(I think it made her sick with worry because she was not along to care for me).
When I was wrong, she was delighted to forgive.
When I was angry, she clowned to make me smile.
When I was happy, she was joy unbounded.
When I was a fool, she ignored it.

When I succeeded, she bragged.
Without her, I am only another person.
With her, I was all powerful.
She was loyalty itself.
She had taught me the meaning of devotion.
With her, I knew a secret comfort and a private peace.
She had brought me understanding where before I was ignorant.
Her head on my knee could heal my human hurts.
Her kisses on my tears washed away my bad feelings.
Her presence by my side was protection against my fears of dark and unknown things.
She had promised to wait for me...whenever...wherever...in case I need her.
And I expect I will---as I always have... She was always more than just my dog.💞💗💞

17 years you are gone
17 long years later I still love and miss you more than words can say ~ My darling Harley ~ my Angel girl. the 11 years we had were not long enough, forever would not have been long enough. I love you forever. You are loved and missed forever baby girl. Each day I speak to you and hope you can hear my words and see my tears. My eyes will never be dry as long as I breathe I mourn your loss still my darling. You were my world and I yours and our love will live forever.

I am still sad I never got say goodbye to you that fateful day when you left this world but I was at least able to end your pain in your tummy and bladder and help you to get Home to the Angels who were calling you. My heart and love is your always.

Sleep tight darling, God bless and care for you now and keep you safe and warm in loving arms as mine can no longer hold you now. Until our tomorrow comes ....... you were truly the best. Love Mom and Dad xxxx

18 years now you are gone darling
I still love and miss you more than words can say my sweet girl. No words can ever make it right that we lost you the way we did and that I was told not to come to be with you for your last moments on this earth. My heart will never mend and I will long for our reunion day until I am with you again ..... You are my yesterday, my tomorrow and my forever. My special Staffy girl, the best that ever lived. I only ask that the Angel take care of you know. That those who knew and loved you care for you and wat, ch over you every day. Give me strength Lord to overcome the sadness that overwhelms me most days since she is gone to know that we will meet again and that she has my heart and my love wrapped around her for always.

Goodbye can never come now, its way too late. Only Hello can come and be made to be real and to mean something. I have missed you forever and I always will. My special girl, my Bonesey my world.

Sleep in Peace you will always be in my heart I see your star every night when I look up, the brightest and the best my beautiful Harley Bones. Sunshine and love be yours always. God bless you Bonesey, Until I walk with you again in fields of green and on beaches of golden sand...... sweet dreams darling.

Run and play with Zak and Kip and Jess and Sam and Bella and Sandy and Muffin and Jasper and all those gone before who I knew and loved forever. Walk in beauty baby girl ~ walk in beauty, I'll see you soon darling. ❤️‍🩹❤️💜❤️🐶🐾🌹🌈✨ miss you forever ..... xXx

19 years today ~ my forever Angel
It may be 19 years since I held you last but I can still remember every minute of that last day. Your pain so great unable to pee because the cancer had blocked your bladder. But you hid it so well, we didnt know you were so sick baby girl I would have moved Heaven and earth to have tried to save you if we had known weeks before. But the vets never found it only at the end.......when it was too late to remove it. But when she said she couldnt wake you up for me to say goodbye and then put you to sleep ...... my heart sank and broke into a million pieces. 💔🐾

Never again will anyone tell me not to be there when my little one leaves this world. I will be there and have been there for every one since who has journeyed on (my Zak; Kip; Sam and Jess) and I always will God willing.

Harley ~ today is your Rainbow Day and I wish I could be there for the party there is going to be. Games and fun, swimming and running, chasing butterflies and rides on big doggie backs for the little ones. I will shed a few tears but I will smile too as I remember the happy times we shared and how we made so many wonderful memories together. I will look to the skies later and find your star ~ it will shine bright as it always does, and I will know you are watching and waiting for our tomorrow. I'll be there soon to see you running through the long grass in the meadow towards me just once more. There will be no more Goodbyes and I too will find my Peace and be free ~ with my little fur family my Angels with wings of Gold.

Until then ..... I love you my beautiful girl, thank you for being my beautiful friend. 🌹🐾🌈🧡🪽🌟
Sweet dreams my darling.... xXx

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