Welcome to Zeke's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Zeke's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Zeke
As I write this the tears are flowing. Oh my beloved gentle giant Zeke how Mommy misses you. The frisbee sits on the ground and every time I see it I can see you galloping gracefully to retrieve it. I miss the daily play of frisbee or your favorite ball in the house. He was the sweetest dog anyone could have had. Sweet and so lovable from the time we brought him and his brother Zeus home at 6 weeks old. The retrieving was inborn in him and he loved to retrieve. He would bounce on his feet and exhibit the look of an excited child in anticipation of chasing his frisbee. It never mattered who came to visit he would present his frisbee for play. Zeke had the sweetest and gentlest look in his eyes and the day we had to have him put down from bone cancer we bawled. Zeke was only 7 years old. He took a huge chunk of our hearts. Even my husband said the heartbreak was too much. For him to break down in front of the vet showed how much Zeke stole our hearts. Zeke, Zeus has slowed down and while we are trying to handle a rescue dog and she has added some companionship it is not the same and he reflects it. The two boys were so close. Zeke never gave us a hard time and was the gentlest of dogs. He was tall, long and lean and we thought if either one lived longer it would have been him as he was so active. What we thought last October was a strained leg turned out to be bone cancer. Pet ownership comes with joy and heartbreak and God willing we will have another Zeke. To look in his eyes would make anyone's heart melt. The sweetest and most lovable look and eyes that spoke of pure love of life. Now I can only picture him running in pastures with our beloved Gwen who died in 2014, Jake in 2008 and our Jill in 2009, all Labs. I look forward to the day when we are all reunited. Run my Zeke! No more pain! I put blankets on your site to remind you of how we would cuddle under them in the winter. Balls too Zeke. I miss hearing you and Zeus chasing your balls. You gave us such joy and good memories in your short 7 years. Run with the wind Zeke and when we are reunited we will play again and cuddle again!

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