Welcome to Oreo's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Oreo's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Oreo
I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. I don't know where Mommy would be right now if it wasn't for you. You were at my side through the best and worse times. Although you had to go through 2 knee replacement surgeries....we made it. You were my shadow for 10 years and I cherish every minute I had with you.
How much you loved going "in the car" and "to the park", the smile you put on my face when you would chase the geese back into the water. The fun we had playing in the water with the hose. How you loved to chase and bark at the leaf blower,and the dustbuster. The fun we had in the snow. You always biting at the shovel, knocking the snow off of it waiting for me to throw it up in the air so you could catch it and eat it. How you used to go to your basket of toys and take out your toys one at a time and bring them to me to play especially your favorite snake. The bones, oh how you loved those bones, and the little cookies.
It is so lonely without you, my best friend isn't here to climb up those stairs onto the bed and snuggle with me. I miss giving you all those "belly rubs" you loved soooooooo much. You have filled my heart with so much love. Letting you go was the hardest thing I ever had to do. It happened so fast, I didn't have enough time to give you more hugs and kisses and love. I just pray everyday you are ok. Mommy is having a really rough time with this. I'm trying to think of all the happy memories you have given me, but the pain of losing you is taking over. Please give Mommy a sign that this is going to be alright.
I LOVE and MISS you so much.
Bellyrubs, hugs, and kisses always,
your Mommy xoxoxoxoxox

Oreo my baby.....it's been 3 months now since you've gone to rainbow bridge.I have your ashes on my dresser with pictures and all the stuff of yours I saved. I have a big memory box filled with stuff I will never part with. I still have your
basket with all your toys. I still can't believe you're gone. I keep thinking you are going to be there one day when I walk through the door. I can't handle the pain anymore. I need another snuggle. I need to hold you. My life will NEVER be the same without you.......im still waiting for a sign that you are ok....please let mommy know you are ok. All my love, hugs, kisses, and belly rubs, I love you xoxoxoxo

Hi my baby,
I need you to know Mommy thinks about you EVERYDAY. I still cant stop crying. The pain is overwhelming. The feelings and the emotions are still running wild in my head. Is it true???
Did this really happen??? Was there anything more I could have done??? The pain and the guilt and missing you will be with me forever.....but I think about the good times too....the car rides, how you chased the squirrels, how you licked my tears away. And most of all the love and joy you gave me for 10 years.
I miss you every minute of everyday.
I pray you are ok.
Mommy loves you with ALL her heart.
I miss you boobah,
Hugs, kisses, and lots more bellyrubs,

Mommy xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Please send Mommy some signs you are ok and that someday we will be together again.

Hi my Boobah, today has been 6 months already since we had to let go of each other. The pain and sadness is as strong today as it was then. I miss you more than anything in the world. I would do anything to have you back if even just for a day. The guilt and the "what if's" are still haunting me. Oreo, please know how much I love you. Send me that sign....I want you to put your paw on my shoulder and give me TONS of Oreo licks and tell me that you are ok and what we did was the right decision.....My emotions are on a roller coaster that never comes to a stop. Mommy loved you soooooooooo much, you know that. My life is just not right without you. I love and miss you...and am sending you Mommy's belly rubs you loved soooooo much.

My baby Oreo,
I can't believe it's been a year already that I had to let you go. It seems like just yesterday that we had to say goodbye. The pain never goes away. I still wonder if I made the right decision that night??? I will love n miss you always. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. I cherish every moment of the 10 years I had with you. Love, hugs, kisses and your favorite belly rubs......Mommy XOXOXO
Good night my boobah, I wish you were here with me. I can't get over this pain. You were the only one that could comfort me, understand me, make me smile, love me unconditionally, cuddle like I've never cuddled before, you were my everything. I am so lost without you. Please please please give Mommy a sign you are ok and that you still love me. I would give anything to hug and snuggle with you just one more time......I LOVE YOU MY ANGEL more than anything. Give BooBoo a kiss from me and protect him and play nice. I have such a hole in my heart without you, I just hope you know....(I hope you can hear me) my life is so empty without you. I love and miss you Oreo. If you were here right now, you would have run to me and licked away all Mommy's tears....you always did. You are the BEST thing I ever had in my life. Nothing can ever replace you and what we had. I love you, you are in my heart and on my mind always....xoxoxoxo Mommy xoxoxoxo

Hi my boobah, I couldn't come here yesterday because the pain of not having you still hurts like it did that horrible night that will haunt me forever. Not a single day goes by I don't think about you. Look what Mommy got tattooed on her ankle.....baby it's you!!!! You and me forever. I'm still hoping you know how much I love and miss you. I never had the feeling of peace and comfort as I did with you. You were the greatest cuddler.
I miss everything about you. If you're watching over me (which I hope you are) I know you see Mommy going through a very hard time right now......please continue to have fun with all the other fur babies.....but keep one paw on Mommy's cheek.
Kiss BooBoo for me xoxo
And I still hope you and I made the right decision that night.
I miss and love you more than words can ever express.
Hope you are loving Mommy's tattoo of you. It was worth ever ouch ;)
Be happy my baby.
All my love, hugs, kisses, and belly rubs....until I see you again.
Love Always, Mommy xoxoxoxoxoxo always remember you were my #1

My Baby Oreo, it's been a little over 3 years now since we said goodbye.
I miss you, losing you was the hardest thing Mommy ever had to face. I still and always will think about everything we went through. So many things, so many places remind me of you, especially when im driving. Making the left turn onto Montauk Hwy. You knew exactly where we were going....(Argyle Park) you got so excited in the back seat, sticking your head out the window making those excited wimpering noises. I still cry happy and sad tears. I would give anything to have you back with me. Like the poem says "if tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again". Love and miss you more than ever. All my love, hugs, kisses, and bellyrubs being sent to you.
Love you always n forever,
Mommy xxxxxxxxoooooooo

Hi my boobah....it's mommy....I can't believe it's been 4 years since the night I lost my baby. I miss you more than anything. The pain of losing you never gets any easier. You were the best thing that ever entered my life. I wish you could have been here with me forever. Your memories are and ALWAYS will be with mommy. Don't EVER forget the LOVE I have for you and all the happiness we brought to each other. All the fun times....and the hard times...we were always side by side. My best friend....I love you and miss you more than anything. I hope you are happy at the rainbow bridge with all your friends. Kiss booboo for me and send mommy a sign that you think of me too.
All my love, hugs, kisses, cuddles, and bellyrubs.....until we meet again.
I LOVE YOU Oreo xxxxoooo
Mommy ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

My Oreo, I can't believe it's been 5 years without you. They say time heals a broken heart. Not true boobah, I think of you everyday, there is and always will be a hole in my heart since the day you had to go to rainbow bridge. I will never ever get over the loss of you and always think of all the happy times we shared. The joy and strength you brought into my life. The smile you put on my face for 10 years will never be replaced. The cuddles we shared...you were the best at cuddling with mommy. I love you my baby...I hope you are having fun and watching over me. Kiss booboo for me. Keep sending me signs you think of me too. Sending you all my love, hugs, kisses,and bellyrubs. Love Mommy xoxoxoxo♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

Hi boobah, it's mommy!!!
I can't believe it's been 8 years since you left. I think about you all the time Oreo. I hope you're having fun at Rainbow Bridge with all the other pets. Kiss booboo for me. I will keep your memory alive forever my baby. You were and still are my #1.... sending lots of love hugs kisses and bellyrubs..Love Mommy xoxoxoxo

Hi boobah
I miss you everyday. I hope you are running free with all the other fur babies at Rainbow Bridge. 9 years since I lost you. It feels like yesterday. I wish you were still here with me my best friend. I'm sending you lots of love hugs kisses and belly rubs. Mommy misses you sooooo much. 😢
I love you Oreo!!!! ❤❤❤❤

Hi my boobah
It's been 10 years today. 😭😢
I miss you today just as much as the day you went to Rainbow Bridge. I have you as my screen saver on my phone all these years. I just can't change it. It means the world to me to be able to see you everyday. I miss you dearly... I hope you know just how much mommy misses you. 💔 A piece of my heart is and will always be empty. You were my best friend and so much more. I'd give anything right now to have a cuddle with you. We were the best at cuddling 💕
Say hi and kiss BooBoo for me. Run free my angel 😇 until we meet again. I love you. Sending you all my kisses and lots n lots of belly rubs.
Love you and think about you all the time.
Love you always and forever!!!
Mommy xoxoxoxo ❤❤❤❤❤❤

Hi my boobah, I think about you everyday. My heart still aches without you 💔 13 years without you 💔 I hope you're happy and have lots of friends. Kiss booboo for me. Sending all my love, lots of kisses and a million belly rubs 💕 💖 ❤️ Love you always, Mommy xoxo

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