In ny arms
by Rachel Fuentes
When they placed you in my arms
you were one day old and you suckled them because they were th only mother you had known.
When your eyes opened in my arms
They were mountains you could creep over only to find yourself right back in them
When you rubbed your sick kitten nose in my arms
I was just glad you chose me as you tissue
When you licked water from the skin on my arms
I laughed as they enfolded you and brought you in the shower with me. a lesson you never learned
When you propelled youself into my arms
Every day when I came home from the longest ever day I knew you knew I would never abandon you.
When you curled up in my arms
You looked so tired and in pain, but you let me hug you closer and I thank you.
When you took your last breath in my arms
I saw the peace you knew because the one and only place you ever knew was lovetomake our lives worth living was
In my arms
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Rachel Fuentes
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