The loss of Bubba
by Pamela LaChance
My heart is broken.Bubba I love you.Im so torn up since you left me today.l don't know how I'm going to get through this.l have never felt a love as strong as I have for you.please God help me through this I beg of you.I can't stop crying it hurts so were my child.How will I ever forgive myself for not seeing that it wasn't just stress because of the wild fires an evacuation we had for two weeks.I thought you were just stressed out because we couldn't go home to your safe place. You were always stressed when you were not home in your darling I will love you forever. I sure hope it's true that when we get to heaven we get our pets back.My precious chihuahua you will never be forgotten. Fly high in the heavens sweetheart with your fur baby angel wings.momma will love you forever ❤️
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