My Best Friend Bowie
by Jeanmarie Darby
My beautiful, baby girl Bowie, we were together for 18 years. You made me the person I am today. I will always love you. You are in my mind, body and soul. I know you are in Heaven with your brother, Freddy, chasing chippies and butterflies. One day we will all be together again.

Bowie, I miss you very much and not a day goes by that I don't think of you. I look for you, hope to hear you. I know you're watching over me and please send me a sign. I miss seeing you on top of the couch, always getting the last word, scratching me and the furniture. Just thinking of you warms my heart. I know you're in a better place, blue skies, running water and lots of friends to play with. Bowie, think of me and always know you were the best friend I ever had and love you very, very much. Freddy watch over your sister. Mommy and daddy loves you very much and I miss you. Bowie, you were the greatest. Patience, kind, understanding. All the qualities I have learned from you. You were the greatest teacher of love I will ever have.

Until we are together again, Mommy and Daddy miss you and love you very, very much.
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