Missing my cat Trouble
by Aida Soto.........................................
In July of this year, I lost my cat Trouble who was 16 years old. My heart and my home have not been the same since then. I feel like I lost my guardian angel, my best friend, my child, my sidekick. Every morning he stood by my side as I got ready for work, he watched me with a smile and eyes of appreciation and love. We rescued Trouble from Bide-a-Wee shelter but realistically he rescued us. I remember that day like it was yesterday, the day that my husband, my son Pookie who was 4 years old at the time and I went to Bide-A-Wee. I passed Trouble's kennel without giving him much of a glance, he was a scruffy looking black and white long haired cat, who I thought was ugly. But after playing with several other cats, trouble stuck his paw out and tapped my husband on the head. My husband convinced me to take Trouble out and take him to the playroom. As soon as we were in the room with Trouble, he turned on his charm. He purred and rubbed on my son's leg and came over and did the same to my husband and I. We knew that Trouble was meant for us. Trouble watched Pookie (my now 19 year old son) grow up and saw my other two sons grow in my belly, come home as infants, grow into toddlers and young kids and he was always protective and loving. I still feel Trouble around the house, watching over us with love and a smile. I miss you Trouble.
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Aida Soto
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