Welcome to Zorin's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Zorin
18/5/13 Zorin was a beautiful white Persian with blue eyes. I bred him myself, so I was able to follow him from the day he was born to the day he died. When he was a kitten he was very big and strong, and absolutely loved to nurse his mum Kitty. He had two sisters, Solitaire and Mayday. Solitaire is still with me. Zorin was a very promising show cat, so I took him to cat shows at an early age and he won many ribbons and became CFA Champion and FIFE Champion when he was 1 year old. He was such a kind and loving cat. Easy to bathe and combe, never complaining about having his fur tended to and his eyes cleaned. In the mornings, he loved to eat a small piece of Philadelphia cheese. Sometimes he had this special treat in the evenings too. Whenever I called his name he would immediately stand up and move his back and tail upwards in a sort of half circle, like a squirrel. He was always positive and contended. Zorin wasn't the most social guy in the world; he didn't like too much fuss and didn't want to sit on my lap. But he loved to be together with people, and to sleep close nearby. His best cat friend was Billy, a small bluetabby and white van Persian kitten. I don't think I have ever been angry with Zorin. He was pure innocence, pure goodness, pure joy. Just a few weeks ago Zorin was suddenly taken ill. Despite all my efforts to save him he went over the bridge two days ago, on May 16. It feels totally unreal. He rests now in the garden, in a beautiful grave with flowers, but I don't want him to be there in the cold earth. I want him to be here with me. I really hope he has met his old buddy Ozzy over at the other side, and perhaps some other cats as well. Zorin will remain in my heart forever.

21/5/13 Five days since I saw you for the last time in this life...I miss you soooo much, my angel. The other cats seem lost without you, especially little Billy. He always kept close to you, like you were his big brother. If you only could give me a sign that you're okay, and that you exist somewhere, and that I will someday see you again! The pain in my heart is awful. I still cannot understand that you're gone from this world, so young and full of life. It isn't fair. I keep thinking I could have done things differently, and then perhaps you could have been saved. Everyone tells me I did everything that could be done for you, but I keep blaming myself for a lot of things. Please forgive Mom for not realizing how serious it was, and not acting until it was too late. I sincerely hope there is a heaven, and that you are happy now, playing with some other small furry friends. Perhaps you've met some of the "old gang"? If so, say hello from Mom to Isadora, Iwanhoe and Zita especially. I love you so much, my precious boy.

20/8/13 Dear Zorin, I hope everything is OK up in kitty heaven. Have you met little Billy yet? He passed the rainbow bridge two days ago. Please take care of him, as you did in life, and show him all the nice toys up there. Now that Billy is no longer ill I'm sure he would like to play with you and the other cats.

16/5/14 Hello pretty boy, can you believe it's exactly one year today since Mommy kissed you goodbye? I hope you are fine, wherever you are. I try not to dwell on the sad memories but focus on the positive things. In a short time, we will move to a new place and a new house. I'm sure you would have loved it. Plenty of rooms and space for everyone, and a nice secluded pool area. There are four cats left now: Alice, Ditte, Solitaire, and Felix. This summer I hope to have kittens from one of the girls. It seems like life is moving on; yet I will never forget you or little Billy. I remember your soft white coat and your clear blue eyes, your loving ways when you came and greeted me in the morning. I will always love you.

17/5/15 Hello my sweet white kitty, I can't believe two years have passed! We have lived in our new house for one year now. Last summer Ditte had a litter of four beautiful kittens, two girls and two boys. Guess what? One of the boys, Chuckie, is incredibly like you both in personality and looks. And the other boy, Vincent, reminds me a lot of little Billy! It's almost as if you boys have returned to me...at the least, I think you've sent me these two boys as a special greeting.Please say hello to little Billy from me, and remember that Mommy always loves you.

16/5/16 Dear Zorin, today it's three years since I said goodbye to you. Time flies so fast.How I wish you and Billy could be with me now, and play with the other cats at home. I hope you are happy, wherever you are. Maybe your soul has passed into another cat now. You had a heart of pure gold so whatever happens after death I'm sure it was something good for you. The cats at home are Alice, Chuckie, Vincent and a new little lady, Bebé. Alice is the only one whom you've met. She says meow and hello to you. Take care of Billy for me, will you? My angel boys are always in my heart. I love you sweety.

24/5/17 Hi pretty boy, this year Mommy was a few days late writing to you, but I thought of you a lot on the anniversary day. Do you know what? Yesterday Bebé gave birth to three beautiful kittens! One of them is almost completely white, with small blue patches over the ears, like Billy. The cats at home now are Alice, Chuckie, Vincent, Bebé and Lill-Spinn (blue and white Exotic). There was a young Persian female called Haley who sadly is no longer with us. If you see her, I hope you'll take care of her, just as I know you take care of Billy. I hope you have a good time chasing butterflies or sleeping in the sun. I'll never forget you and I'll always love you.

16/5/18 Dear Zorin, I've been thinking about you and Billy lately. I remember how much you loved each other; Billy always snuggled close to you. It was so incredibly sad what happened. It's five years today, and I'm still thinking about it almost every day. I'm always afraid it will happen again. I try to help people who have cats with the awful disease that took your life. We all hate that disease so much and can't wait until it's eradicated from this earth. I have been helping people and trying to educate myself ever since you passed away. It feels good to be able to help others, but it can't bring you back to life again. It's the only way I know though. You should be here now, it's warm and sunny. The cats at home are Alice, Chuckie, Gatsby, Lill-Spinn and Lilleman. They all say hello to you and Billy. I wish I could hold you and look into your beautiful blue eyes once more. Goodbye my sweet boy, until next year.

16/5/19 Hello sweetheart, 6 years have gone by, it seems so strange. I hope you have a good time up there in kitty heaven, together with Billy, Haley, and the others. I have something to tell you: there's a new promising drug that can treat cats with the horrible disease that took your life. It's not on the market yet, but I keep my fingers crossed it won't be long. How I wish that drug had been around at the time when you became ill...
The cats here are the same as last year, plus a new little tortie girl called VaVa. They all say hello to their friends in heaven. I love you and you know I'll never forget you.

16/5/20 Dear Zorin, it's 7 years since you left me, such a long time. Three and a half weeks ago Alice passed away, and she has her own memorial page now. Alice was the last cat who met you here on earth. The cats that are here now are all too young to have met you. It has been a difficult and sad time recently, not only with Alice's passing, but also with the birth of VaVa's first litter, where something went wrong (an infection probably) and three kittens died, one after the other. There are only two kittens left now, they are 7 weeks old and I hope they will remain healthy. I hope you've met Alice by now, and also the small kittens. Please be a good boy and help Alice take care of them for me. Also, give my love to Billy, Haley and the others up there. I love you my sweet boy.

16/5/21 My sweet boy, I can't believe it's 8 years since I saw you last. Time is incomprehensible. If you had been alive today and got the disease that killed you I would have been able to save you. There's a drug now that has saved thousands of cats all over the world. I still try to help people with cats facing this nightmare. Every time a cat is saved I feel happy. I continue this work in honor of your memory, and the memory of little Billy. Please give my love to Billy, Alice, Haley and the others in heaven. You were such a sweet, loving boy. I hope we'll meet again one day.

16/5/22 Another year has gone by, another year without you. It's 9 years since you left me. How is it possible? So many friends, both humans and animals, have left me over the years. During the last 6 months I lost two very good human friends. I miss them so much, and I miss you my wonderful boy. There will be no more cats or kittens for me now; I have the same four cats here and they're all neutered. I don't regret having tried breeding again because if I hadn't I wouldn't have known you. Your sister Solitaire is still alive and doing well, she has a wonderful home. I hope you're happy wherever you are, above the clouds or whatever, playing with Billy, Alice and the others. Mommy loves you forever.

16/5/23 Ten years since I said goodbye to you...is it really true? The years go by so quickly. I remember your gentle, loving ways; how you greeted me with your special "squirrel" pose. If I only could have saved you - and Billy - I would have given everything for that. Your sister Solitaire is 12 years old now, the only surviving kitten of that litter. Mayday died young after having been sold, many years ago. I don't know what happened to her really, but she had a loving human Mom and I'm sure her life, though short, was happy. As I told you before, there won't be any more kittens here. The cats are the same as last year (Ewert, Lill-Pip, Simpy, Spinn). They're all doing well. Please be a good boy and take care of Billy for me up there, and give my love to Alice and all the others. I love you so much.

16/5/24 Today it's eleven years since you left me. How time flies! Last year your sister Solitaire went over the rainbow bridge so now all of you are united in heaven. The cats here are the same - Ewert, Lill-Pip, Simpy, Spinn - with the addition of Angelika's cat Chuckie, who came to live with us last summer. He will remain here, at least for the near future. It has been a difficult time, something horrible happened last August and Mommy is still trying to overcome it. Now when summer is here again it feels much better. I hope you exist somewhere, in a better world than this, and that you're happy and free. As always, I ask you to take care of Billy for me, and to give my love to Alice and all the others in heaven. I love you my sweet boy and I'll never ever forget you.

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