Welcome to Tuco's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Tuco's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Tuco
i remember the day we went to get you. your name was Bo then.. we had already went to farm & fleet to buy a kennel , food bowl,& leash. your dad had already seen you but i had'nt. so i guess we were sure we would get you.. the lady that was keeping you found you down the road from her house & told robert that you were to nice of a dog to take to the pound the day he went there looking for a dog.. so when we got to her house you were in her back room we played with you some then loaded you in the old red truck.. when we got home i guess you gave us a lesson on running off cause you slid thru the rails on the deck & ran up to the neighbors house... but we got you back & your dad fixed up your kennel & built you a dog box. you were suppose to be a outside dog but i think you had other ideas cause you won out & moved in the garage then the house & from then on you became the best dog & friend during good & bad times. it was 13 years of smiles with you Tuco Buddy.. just ended to soon. we miss you every day . we will see you at rainbow bridge and take a walk in the meadow like when you were young & sniffed every thing you came to. kisses, love Mom

Aug 14 2009 I saw you the other night in my dreams. I miss you so much and I still cry.I visit your grave every night to tell you good night. Dad

4-8-11 Ginger is with you now. Hope you two are playing instead of you barking at her.

Merry Christmas Buddy

Merry Christmas 2012

Merry Christmas 2013 You look after Ginger and Ellie for me

Merry Christmas Buddy. We still miss you very much. 2014

Fall is here again Tuco Buddy. 2015

Merry Christmas Tuco Buddy. Ginger Ellie and Daisey are with you now.Take care of them.we miss all of

you. 2015

Fall arrives again Tuco. Wish you all were still here. 2016

Merry Christmas Buddy. The snow is on the ground. We still miss you everyday. 2016

Spring is here again Tuco. Miss you. 2017

Tuco ole buddy summer time again, Still miss you everyday. Hope to see you again some day. 2017

Fall is here again Buddy. Pretty chilly outside. Wish you were still here. 2017

Merry Christmas Tuco Buddy. We miss you everyday. 2017

Been a wet spring buddy. But got the grass cut for the first time this year.we miss you. 04/14/2018

Fall is back but it has still been hot. We still miss you Tuco Buddy. Dr Junk passed way yesterday so he will be there to take care of you and the others. 9/19/18

Merry Christmas Tuco. Dont look like we will have any snow this Christmas.We miss you everyday. 12/17/18

Spring is back. Miss you everyday. 04/08/19

Tuco Buddy summer is here. Very hot out this weekk,in the 90,s Miss you everyday. 7/15/2019

Fall is finally here. Nice and cool but dry. Miss you everyday.10/7/2019

Merry Christmas Tuco Buddy Snow is on the ground.Still miss you everyday.Hope you get lots of treat's at the bridge. 12/18/19

Spring is back Tuco. The world is a mess. Cant go anywhere.Corona Virus.Mowing has started. Miss you every day.4/9/20

Very hot Tuco. Things are little better with virus. Visit you every night. Miss you. 7/7/2020

Fall is here Tuco. Been dry haven't mowed for 3 weeks. Miss you everyday. 10/03/2020

Winter is back. Had a white Christmas this year. Tuco MERRY CHRISTMAS BUDDY and HAPPY NEW YEAR 12/25/2021

Happy Spring Tuco. Had a lot of snow but all gone now. Sun is shining bright today. We miss you. Today is Good Friday. 4/2/21

Summer is here Tuco. Been very hot. Alittle late seeing you for summer.Miss you everyday. 7/24/21

Merry Christmas Tuco. No snow this year just rain.Sorry I missed fall.Time just got away from me. Miss you everyday. 12/25/21

Spring is here,but still chilly out. Be mowing soon. Think of you everyday. We miss you. 4/4/2022

Summer is back been very hot. I have had bad back problem but getting better with PT. Miss you everyday.7/152022

Fall is here again Tuco .Lots of leaves to rake.Had a Huskie come and visit for an overnight stay. She was a nice dog. Shelter picked her up said they would find a home real quick for her. We miss you everyday. 11/08/2022

Merry Christmas Tuco. Had a very cold high wind white Christmas this year.-9 degrees. Miss you 12/25/2022

Spring is here Tuco Done mowed once already. Miss you everyday. 04/04/2023

Summer is here Tuco. I am a little late changing things over. Been very busy. Mom has a new knee and been taking care of her. Been pretty hot and a lot of grass mowing too. Miss you everyday. 8/11/2023

Fall is back Tuco. Pretty good weather not to cold yet. Will be raking leaves before long.Miss you everyday. Moms birthday today 10/22/2023

Merry Christmas Tuco. No snow this year. Christmas just isn't the same anymore.Miss you everyday.12/25/2023

Spring is back Tuco. Been mowing between all the rain.Miss you everyday 4/10/2024

Summer is here Tuco. Been very hot. About 90 degress outside. Will be in the A/C today. Miss you everyday. 7/15/2024

Please also visit Daisey, Ellie and Ginger.

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