Welcome to Snoball's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Snoball
It's July 4 2021 3 days after we said goodbye. My precious Snoball what I wouldn't do to have you still with me. You were not suppose to go already. We had a deal to go together. My heart is beyond shattered. You were the absolute best little baby girl. You were the best cuddlier. The house is completely empty. I miss you waiting for us to go to bed, to take you out for walks, for keeping me and your daddy separated in bed. I miss your squeaky toys, sitting in the window saying goodbye when I leave for work and sitting there waiting for me to come home and greeting me with all your kisses and wagging tag whimpering because you were so happy I was home. Life is not fair, you did not deserve to go. I know your body said otherwise. You were so tired, you were a great fighter thru everything you were thru in your life. I know you are with your brother Bradley and sister Midnight and cousin Shadow. You will never be able to be replaced. You were way to special to us. I do not think I will ever be able to get over losing you as were my precious baby. Our lives revolved around your meds. No matter what I was home in time to give you what ever you needed. It hurts way too much without you here. It just hearts so much, I have been crying non stop for 3 days now, it's just not fair. I am so sorry the last few days of your life you were away from home and in the hospital, we all thought you would be coming back home. i am happy I was at least able to be there as you went to the rainbow bridge. I know you will be first inline waiting for me when i get there. My heart is just beyond shattered!!! I will NEVER forget you and ALWAYS LOVE you each and everyday. WITH ALL MY HEART AND SOUL I MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU!!!
07/29/21 My baby Snoball. Today is 4 weeks since you had to leave also also my birthday. I have not stopped crying over losing you. You were my little baby and we were suppose to go together. I think of you more times than not. I still do not understand why God wanted you already. Maybe Bradley and Midnight needed you. I will never know but I do know that we all will be together again someday. My heart is still and will forever be shattered. The house is empty. I still can not put away all your toys and blanket on your favorite couch. it is so hard to go to bed, wake up, leave or come home from work and not have you there to give kisses and hugs to. Mommy misses you with all my heart. My heart will for ever be empty without you. LOVE and MISS you forever!!! XOXOXOXO
10/1/21 Hello my baby. It has been 3 months today I had to say goodbye. I still cry everyday and think of you all the time. I still do not understand why you had to leave you were such a strong brave amazing little girl. my heart is shattered and i think it will be forever. i miss your kisses and cuddles. i miss you waiting for me when i get home from work, i miss you coming with me to bed. i just plan miss you like crazy. keep on eye on me until we can meet at the bridge. LOVE and MISS you with all my heart. XOXOXOXO
10/15/2021 Happy 12th Birthday in heaven my precious girl. I miss you more than words can say. Right now I would have been giving you your presents to open. You loved unwrapping your presents. I can not stop crying, everyday I have tears flow of missing you. My life has been so empty and my heart is still shattered from missing you. I am so ready to come spend eternity with you. Life is so hard, you were the one to always be there for me thru some of the worst times of my life. Now you are not here while I am going thru another very hard time. Please give me a sign that it will all be ok! I miss you and LOVE you I hope you have presents up there to open today. Happy Birthday my Snoball!! Mommy loves and misses you!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
12/25/21 My precious Snoball. Merry Christmas. Mommy misses you so much. I wish you were here to open all your presents. Not a day goes by that I do not think of you. Keep an eye on me as each day is a struggle with out you. Sending lots of hugs and kisses!! XOXOXOXO
01/01/22 6 months have gone by without you. my heart is still shattered and will for the rest of my life. You were my baby and we were suppose to go together. Not a day goes by that I do not think of you. keep an eye on me as I am lost without you. Love and Miss you!! XOXO
4/20/22 First Easter without you!! Just not the same. Mommy misses you more than you will ever know. The house is empty and my heart is shattered. I know you are safe with your siblings but Mommy still misses you more and more each day. Keep an eye Mommy until we can meet at the Bridge!! XOXOXOXOXO
July 1 2022 Where has this year gone without you. I think of you every single day. My heart is still shattered and the house is beyond empty. I would do anything to have even just one more day with you and never let go. Keep an eye on your mom as I struggle each day without you by my side.
until we meet at the bridge, keep an eye in me! LOVE & MISS YOU!! XOXOXOXOXO
7/29/22 Another birthday without you. I miss you so very much and think of you and speak to you everyday. Keep an eye on me as I am still lost without you. XOXOXOXO
5/2/23 Oh My Snoball, how I miss you so very much. Not a day goes by that I do not think of you. My life is still empty even though we have Holly. You had a very special spot in my heart. Well I guess you all did. Please keep on eye on me until I can meet you at the bridge. XOXO
7/1/23 Hello my baby girl. Its been 2 years since you have left. My heart still hurts. I think of you everyday. I know you are trying to show Holly the ropes. She is a tough one. I find myself calling her Snoball all the time. Please keep an eye on me as I still struggle without you. I miss you more than words can ever say. I can not wait to meet you at the bridge. XOXOXOXO
2/17/2024 Hello my baby girl Snoball. I miss you so very much and think of you everyday. Your baby sister is taking good care if us. I tell her about you all the time. You would have been the best of friends. Keep an eye on us as we miss you so very much. Until we meet at the bridge, XOXOXOXO
7/1/24 It has been 3 very long years without you my precious Snoball. I still speak your name and everyday and think of you everyday. You were not suppose to go so quickly on me. We ha a pack!! I will never forgive myself for not being with you the whole day that was the last day at home and then you had to spend the last 3 days of your life un the hospital. I wish I knew that I was able to visit you while you were there. I would not have left your side. You were there for one of the hardest parts of my life and i will forever be so grateful for that. Please keep an eye n me until we can meet at the bridge!! That day can not come soon enough for me. Miss and Love you everyday! xoxoxoxo

Please also visit Bradley, Bunny and Midnight.

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