Welcome to Smokey's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Smokey's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Smokey
My heart is broken without you here with us. When we adopted you at age 8, we knew we wouldn't have as much time with you as we would want. For 5 1/2 years, you gave us so much love and laughter. You came to us with so many health issues, but you were so worth it. You were just the best old man and everyone adored you. We could tell you were slowing down over the last year, and kept telling ourselves that we didn't want to loose you. Then February your vet, that adored you too, said that you were declining, we put you on more meds to help but it just wasn't working as good as we hoped. The last few days were hard on you, we could tell, but then that awful day, Monday 3-22-21 when you couldn't even stand up, broke our hearts. After rushing you to the ER we, couldn't stay with you because of COVID. We waited by the phone for the ER vet to call. When he did and said it was best to say goodbye, my heart shattered. We decided to say goodbye outside in Paws park. I will never forget the look on your face when they wheeled you out to us and you saw us standing there. Smoker man, mommy loves you dearly and always will. I hope Shadow greeted you at the bridge and that you are swimming every day and in every lake there is. I love you, my Chocolate turd and can't wait to see you again. Mia and Cisco miss you too and every day that I walk them, Cisco wears you leash along with his and they leave a space for you. My heart is still broke and always will be. I pray every night to see you in my dreams. Please send me a message that you are pain free and happy.
Love you always,

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