Welcome to Shadow's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Shadow
Though no longer by my side, you will be in my heart forever. I will always remember the morning headbutts, the gentle kisses from your heart shaped nose, watching you carry Roo around while talking to him. I will remember playing and brushing and bonding. Nothing will replace the comfort of hearing you purr while laying next to me. Our hearts and souls are connected. I miss you my Shadow, and love you more than life itself. Til we are together again...
Thank you for your love and thank you for the Rainbows.

09/05/2021 I miss you so much my baby. I know you are still here with me by the signs you send, but just to hold you again, I would give the world. I love you forever.

12/25/2021Merry Christmas my little boy. Mommy misses you so much. Every Christmas morning I would watch you play with your new toys. Rolling them around, kicking at them, throwing them in the air, and chasing after them. You are my child, and Christmas is empty without you. No happy play time, no special dinner. I hope where you are you are happy, and that you have all the toys, turkey, and love that you can possibly have. May you be showered with peace, love, and joy. I will see you soon my love. With all my heart and soul I love you and miss you. Merry Christmas! Mommy

04/05/2022 Happy Anniversary over the Rainbow Bridge. I hope it is so beautiful where you are and that you are running around with your friends Robbie, Sydney and Cordelia, as JJ Bird flies above. May you all be happy where you are forever young and pain and sorrow free. My sweet boy, I miss you so much and can't wait until we are together again. To hold you to my heart and feel your purr, and see the love in your eyes again is what I look forward to every day. My best friend, I miss you so. Mommy

08/12/2022 Happy Birthday my sweet Shadow. I hope you are having the best birthday. I only wish that I could be there to share it with you. I miss you so much. I will spend the day with you in my heart and in my soul, where you always reside with me. I know you still visit me. I have seen the rainbows you send at the times that I need them most. I know you sent me hawks as well. Something I have never seen like that in this neighborhood. So beautiful! I still feel you jump on the bed sometimes. So does Go Go. He jumps off the bed almost knowing that even though he is allowed to visit, it will always be your spot. I love you my beautiful boy. My life will never be whole until we are together again over the Rainbow Bridge. I love you and wish you love and friends, and happiness in your present life. Happy Birthday! See you soon my love. Always in my heart and a part of my soul.

12/22/2022 I know it is not Christmas Day yet, but I couldn't wait to send you my love and some gifts. I miss you so much my baby. I think of you all the time. Sometimes I still see you in the corner of my eye. I know you are still with me. I get your messages in rainbows, hawks flying by that were never here before, and in the dreams that are just too real to be only dreams. I hope you have a very Happy Christmas my love. I look forward to the time when we will share out Christmases together again. You are always in my heart and will always be my little boy, my Bug, my Shadow. Mommy loves you!

04/02/2023 Hi my sweet boy. I miss you my little one. My birthday is never the same without you. I still remember how you stayed with me for my birthday that last year you were here with me. I love you so much. Now it is almost 2 years since you have been on the other side, but I still feel like it was only yesterday. Please know that Mommy loves you with all her heart. There will never be another Shadow. You are my little Bug. Love and peace to you my little baby.

04/05/2023. Hello my baby boy. Thinking of you and missing you so much. It has been 2 years now since you crossed over the bridge. I think of you every day and still feel you with me. I see you in rainbows and the hawks that sit across from my window. I know you sent them. They are messengers. Please be happy and at peace. Don't miss me too much, but please come to meet me when it is my time. I love you forever and then some. Happy Anniversary on the other side. Love you always my little Bug. Mommy.

04/09/2023 Hello my sweet boy. Happy Easter! Hope your day is joyful and that you are spending it with all your friends. Are you hanging out with Robbie, Leo Rabbit, and Miss Cordelia. I hope you are having fun. Today should be such a celebration. I wish I was there with you or vice versa, but we will be together again. I promise. I love you too much to go anywhere else. I miss you my little boy. Much love and big hugs from your Mommy. Forever!

08/12/2023 Good morning my love. Happy Birthday! I hope you are having the best birthday ever. I miss you so much and wish I were with you on this special day. You are my heart. My life is so empty without you here. I know your spirit still surrounds me. Sometimes I still catch a glimpse of you and feel you next to me in the bed. I will think that it is GoGo, but when I look, he is not there. That is when I know for sure that you are there. I hope you feel me reach out to you and pet you when that happens. Maybe I am just a crazy old lady, but I cannot take the chance that you have come to see me and I have not acknowledged you. I love you so much. I have so many happy memories to hold me over. I know our lives weren't always perfect, but we had a love and a special bond that made our life together a perfect place to be. I will always feel your presence. I will always have you in my heart and you are a part of my soul. I wait patiently for the day that we are together again to make more happy memories. I wish you so much love and happiness for your birthday. I know you must be in a better place than this. I imagine that you have everything that you could ever want, and I imagine that the beauty is indescribable to the living. Perhaps you don't even have to miss me. Maybe I am there with you in your dimension. Anything IS possible with God. You are a pure and innocent soul. Why would you be without anything. I love you my little Bug. I wish you so much love and peace. Happy Birthday from your Mommy. Know that you will always be a part of me. Till we meet again...Mommy

Happy Halloween my little boy.
I miss you so much. I remember you playing with your little stuffy pumpkins. How you loved them so much. Swatting at them, throwing them up in the air and chasing after them. We had the best times together. I wait for the day when we can play together again. It is so lonely here without you. I have GoGo, and he has become a very good boy for his Auntie. But he is not you. You were my family and my best friend for so many, yet too few years. We will always have that special bond. No one would ever be able to replace you. I still know that you are with me. It brings me such comfort when you leave me little signs like rubbing past my leg while I am sitting here or watching TV. And the big signs like the beautiful rainbows that sometimes appear when I am particularly stressed or sad. You are the best baby. I miss you so much. Please be happy where you are. You will always be my sweet little Pussy Willow. I love you sweetie. Till next time. In my heart and in my soul. Mommy.

Happy Thanksgiving my sweet little boy.
This holiday is just not the same without you. I remember how much you loved your turkey dinner. You would be in and out of the kitchen all morning--looking--sniffing--as if "Is it ready yet?" I miss those days. I miss my best friend. I wait for the day we will celebrate together again. I miss you so much. I cannot even express it in words. Please be happy my love. I hope you have joy and many friends where you are. Don't miss me too much, but keep that place at the table open for me for when I cross over to you. I love you and miss you my little "Bug".

Merry Christmas my little one. Hope you are happy my sweet Shadow. I miss you so much. I cannot wait until we can share another Christmas together. I remember how you would just know it was a special day. You would be waiting like a child, knowing there would be a day of toys and special treats. You would tear into your gift, choosing the toy you wanted to play with the most. Most often a catnip kicker. It was so much fun to watch your inner kitten come out. I miss that more than you know. I miss you more than you could ever know. You are my child. When I lost you, I lost the last of my family. Please have fun today and have fond memories of our time together. Do not miss me, but remember me when I arrive. Looking forward to the play time, the cuddles and the head butts. I miss you and love you so much. My Bug. Mommy

Hello my little sweet boy. Happy Anniversary on this day that you crossed over that rainbow bridge. I miss you so much, my love. I hope you are happy and hanging with all your old friends. I am sure you have made some new ones as well that you will introduce me to when I get there. I am so sad for me, but so happy for you being your best self again -- all happy and healthy -- no more pain -- no more fear -- able to enjoy your sight again. I am so sorry that you had to go through all those scary things. But I am thankful that I was able to be with you and help you through. I am so grateful for all the time and love that we were able to share. I know we will be together again someday. I so look forward to grabbing you and kissing you all over to make up for lost time. I know you are still with me in spirit and in my heart, but to see you and hold you again is a dream that I wait for to become reality.
This world unfortunately just gets worse and worse. Pain, hatred and selfishness. I wait for peace with you and my other fur and feathery babies. I will do something special today in remembrance. Maybe a Boston Cream donut?
I love you my little boy and am always thankful for the little signs that you still send me. I think you come here and put GoGo in his place once in a while as well. Love and miss you very much. Till next time, my little Bug. Mommy
p.s. Speaking of "little" signs -- We had an earthquake here this morning. That wasn't you; was it?

Hello my sweet boy. Happy Birthday! I am so sorry that I am a day late. Your mommy hasn't been doing too well these past couple of months. I am here now though. I miss you so much. I saw your rainbow yesterday. Just out of nowhere. There right in front of me where I could not miss it. Instead of me giving you a gift for your birthday, you gave me one. I always know they are from you. You always send them when I need them most. I love you so much, but I am glad you are in a better place and not having to go through what is going on right now. I know you are happy. I can't wait until we are together again in a good place. Life here is just so sad and lonely sometimes.
I miss laying next to you, listening to your gentle purr, having you look up at me with love. I felt such pain for you when you went blind. Even though you adjusted so well, I knew you were afraid. You still loved playing with your toys and being brushed. You still enjoyed your special treats (especially shrimp, ice cream, and cream filled donuts).
But I know you missed the freedom of getting up on the bed by yourself. I taught you how to navigate the stairs, but as you started getting weak, you became more afraid. I am so sorry for that. I miss those times we spent together. I miss you. But I know you are whole now. No longer blind. No longer weak. No longer afraid. We will be happy together again. And I will be whole again too. I love you my Bug! I wish you so much love and joy. Thank you for being with me and loving me for the time we had. Thank you for the rainbows. Till we can watch them together,
know that I love you with all my heart and soul. My little Shadow. My sweet little boy. Happy Birthday!
Love always -- Mommy

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