Welcome to Ralph's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Ralph

It was July 4, 1997 when Erin gave us the story that "people will adopt defective dogs, but they won"t adopt defective cats." You had been hit by a car, and had a crooked mouth, and walked funny because you had pins in your hips. We took you on a trial basis for we had to see how you would get along with Oreo, for she was with us first.
You started as a house cat at the vet (for about 2 years, and you were already about 2-3 years old then) and now it's been 13 yrs, 7 mos, and 4 days and over the years you became one of our best buds. Your age when you left us must have been about 18.
We took you wth the understanding Erin would take you off to school with her. It took you so long to grow accustomed to us because we were new. When Erin took you for the one semester, you reverted back and that was when I decided we were not going to change your location for you didn't take to change very well, and it really stressed you out.
It took Oreo a while to get used to you, for it was her house. When Oreo did find you where you didn't belong, she wouild yell at you. You didn't do much climbing for I think it would hurt with the pins in your hips. You would always go by steps...when you wanted to go look out the windows downstairs, you would go from the couch, to the end table to the cedar chest to the ledge, and walk all around the room until you got to your window, and then you would reverse and get down. Or when you wanted to get up on the kitchen counter and wound up in the sink, or tried to climb up into the Christmas Tree and get stuck for you were too fat.
That is how you got the name of "Fat Ralph", for you topped out at 23 lbs (you even gained weight when we put you on diet food). You didn't eat to live, you lived to eat. When you would hear the alarm in the morning, you would pound on the door until we woke up and fed you, or howl the minute we got home. Your favorite places to hide was in the garland, and sleep under the tree, sleep at the top of the couch, or any empty box or bag you could fit your fat little body in to, and later on, there was no where else but mine or dad's lap.
You were so in love with Oreo that you would howl every time she went outside with me, and you wouldn't stop until she came in. We could even hear you during the summer when the windows and doors were shut because of the air conditioning. When Charlie would come over (Erin's boxer) you would protect Oreo for she was getting older and he was just a puppy (and you also thought he was invading her house). You were such a quiet cat, but when Charlie came over this is when your "id" came out. Charlie was lucky you had no claws, for he would not have had a face. You even tollerated Charlie at the end.
Oreo left us on Nov 12, 2008, and you decided to stay with us another 2 yrs, 2 mos and 27 days (longer than I would have ever imagined). All of that time whenever I was at home, you stayed at my side (but mostly in my lap) and kept me company whenever I needed, taking Oreo's place by my side after my surgeries. After she left us was when you came down with diabetes, and it was all down hill after that. You went from a whopping 23 lbs down to 7. I never had the heart to get another dog, for you didn't like it when Charlie came over even when Oreo was gone...now it was your house.
For not really being a "cat" person, you turned my head..Although you had more of the disposition of a dog than a cat...and just like Oreo, you will be missed. And you went out of this world knowing you will be our one and only...and now you're back with your Oreo.
I can still see your head peeking at me through the railing when I come home.....
You were always such a good boy, and will always be my butter-boy...and you were so very, very happy to have a forever home, and always let us know it....
You will be missed....Someday we will all be together at the Bridge..all of the furries and your human parents and siblings...
You are now with Oreo on top of my desk watching as I write notes to persons who's babies have gone to the Bridge...

3-15-11...Started being a volunteer for the Bridge today so I can help other persons get through times like I went with you...miss you always, Momma...
8-14-2011...We brought your new little sister home this week.Her name is Eva and she is a yellow lab..please watch over her and protect her like you did your Oreo...you are still missed very much...
10-7-2011...Eva has joined you today..circumstances beyond our control..please watch over her for she is still new to this world...
10-16-2011...They say that if you lose a puppy very young suddenly or due to circumstances beyound your control you should get another right away. We brought your little sister home today. Her name is Hermioni and she is a black lab. Please watch over her for she is new to this world like Eva was.....
10-7-2014...You're cousin Shasta has joined you on the Bridge this week. I now you never liked other dogs to be around your Oreo, but if you could see to making him feel at home together with Oreo and Eva, that would be great...Love you, Butter boy...
10-22-2014...Charlie has joined you today, even though you did not like him please go with Oreo to meet him so he is not alone...Love, you, Butter boy

12-25-2011...Merry Christmas, butter boy...it seems so empty without you under the tree. Speaking of tree, I cannot find the tree skirt. I have looked in every box and closet. Did you come down and take it so no one else could lay on it? If you did that's ok, it would have seemed funny if someone else was on it instead of you. Be sure to celebrate with Oreo and Eva.I miss you...
2-10-2012...Sorry I'm a few days late in placing this note. I had my other knee replaced 2 weeks ago and it's taking me a while to get caught up.It's been a year, and I still miss you, butter-boy. Have fun up on the Bridge with Oreo,Eva and all of your friends. By the way, I don't know if you and Oreo gave Hermione a few pointers, but she has very nicely taken your physycal place beside me after I've had my surgeries...
7-4-2012...Happy birthday butter boy....
12-25-12...Merry Christmas my butter boy..I found the tree skirt. I guess you decided to give it back...
2-8-2013...2 years butter boy...I still miss you...
7-4-2-13...Happy Birthday...
12-24-13...Merry Christmas butter boy...If you have found a tree with a tree skirt to lay under, don't hog it all....
2-11-14...Sorry I'm late butter boy I have been so busy and I know that is not an excuse..I do think of you every day as you watch me write to others on the Bridge. 3 years and You're still missed as you always will be....
12-25-2014...Merry Christmas, butter boy...Still haven't found anyone to take your spot under the tree...and never will
2-8-2015....4 years and you're still my butter boy...hope you're having fun with your sisters and I'll meet up with you all someday. Love you always
12-25-2015...Merry Christmas butter boy..find a comfy Christmas tree to lie under..love you, Momma
2-8-16...It's been 5 years and I still miss you sitting on my lap while trying to crochet...Love You,Momma
12-24-2016...Merry Christmas, butter boy...the tree skirt is so empty without you...Love you, Momma
2-14-2017...Sorry I'm late, I had a hard time getting in to your site.6 years, butter boy, and it seems like yesterday...will always miss you, Love, Momma
12-27-17...Merry Belated Christmas, Butter boy..remember to share the tree skirt...love you, Momma
2-20-2018...Ralphie, I'm so sorry I didn't visit you on your anniversary date..I was so busy helping daddy move to his new location. This doesn't mean i don't miss you every day because I do...7 years, butter boy, I still miss you...momma
12-25-18...7 Christmas' have gone by, butter boy..Try not to climb up any Christmas trees and get stuck...love you and miss you always...Momma
2-8-2019...8 years since you left us, butter boy...still miss you...Love, Momma
2-8-2020...9 years you're gone, and I still miss you laying on my lap. Sorry I forgot you at Christmas, I didn't forget you, never could my butter boy. Take care of your sisters...Love. Momma
12-25-2020...9 years have gone by butter boy...have a good day with Oreo,Eva and all your friends...Merry Christmas, Love, Momma
2-10-21...You left us 10 years and 2 days ago. I can still see you under the tree...Still miss you, butter boy. Tell your sisters hi for me...Love, Momma.
12-25-21...10 Christmas's since you've gone. I hope you had a good day with your sisters...Still miss you butter boy...Momma
2-8-2022...11 years you're gone. Hope all is well for you and your sisters. I still miss you butter boy...Momma
11-3-2022..You;re sister Hermione has joined you today..please make her feel welcome..Love, Momma
12-25-2022..Just wanted to let you know Hermione has joined you. Please don't show her how to climb any christmas trees for she is too big and will get stuck just like you did...Merry Christmas, butter boy...Love you, Momma
1-9-23 it's 12 years you're gone and I still miss you under the tree...take care butter boy and please make sure Hermione is doing ok, Daddy misses her so...love you, Momma
12-25-23...Merry christmas, Butter boy. Hope you had a good day with your sisters...Love and remember you, always, Mommy
02-08-24...It's 17 years sins you left us, butter boy and I hope you're still making friends. Give your sisters kisses. Love you and still miss you ...Momma. 🌺
12-29-2024..Sorry for the belated happy christmas, baby boy. Could still see you sniffing around the presents fpr the ones that were yours. Hope you had a good day with your sisters.Love you, Momma

Please also visit Eva and Oreo.

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