Welcome to Pud-Pud's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Pud-Pud's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Pud-Pud

April 10, 1997 - July 20, 2007

Pud, you left us 3 weeks ago at 8:23 a.m. on July 20, 2007. This was one of the two worst days of my life. The other one was Sept. 30, 1989, the day I lost my other best friend, Charly. The first few days were almost unbearable. I didn't think I was going to be able to go on. I have gone through so many different feelings since then. I feel such a great loss, anger, resentment, and extreme sadness. We would give anything to just pet and hug you one more time.

We were with you when you were born, and we were with you when you passed on. Ten years is not nearly enough time to have spent with you but that's all we had and we are grateful for that.

Mel named you Puddles because, well you know why!! The more you grew, the less you looked like a Puddles!! So we shortened it to Pud.

I remember putting you to bed at night in the kid's babydoll playpen to housetrain you when you were just a pup. Then when you chewed your way out of that, you slept in the bathtub. Then when you outgrew that, you slept wherever you wanted. The kids used to dress you up and play house with you. All of their friends loved you too. Remember when you would run up the steps to the trampoline and jump on it with the kids. Remember when you would swing Patches, one of our kitties, around in your mouth and then she would curl up beside you and take a nap. All the other kitties were afraid of you. The only one that wasn't was Patches, the one you were so rough with. You were so funny. You loved the water. You could spend hours in it.

You spent a lot of years traveling the country with the kids and us in the 18 wheeler. You were very protective of the truck. You've been in every state, every major city in the US, and even in Canada. You've also been to both oceans on each coast, two great lakes, and the Gulf of Mexico.

Your brother and sister, Zoe and Ziggy are missing you very much too. Life will never be the same without you.

Well Pud my friend, wherever you are, we think about you all the time and we will cherish you forever. Thank you for all the memories and for being part of our family.

Love, Your family-Daddy, Mum, Melani, Erin, Randi, Zoe, Ziggy, Ozzie and all the kids.




Aug. 19, 2007
Well Pud, tomorrow will be a month since you left us. I'm still having a tough time with this situation. I spend every minute thinking about you. When I'm home all I do is look at this Rainbow Bridge. It has been a lifesaver for me. I feel I'm with you when I'm here. I just want to hug you so badly. I don't even want to think about the holidays coming up. I remember saying last year to pay special attention to you because it might be your last holiday with us. I didn't really believe it but just in case. Unfortunately it was. Take care my baby and know I'm always with you.
Love, Mum

Aug. 22, 2007
Hi Pud, just wanted you to know I'm thinking about ya. All the time. I miss you so much my little man.
Love, Mum

Aug. 23, 2007
Miss you so much Pudders. Daddy came home from work today and he cried when he looked at this. He misses you very very much too. We all do.
Love, Mum

Aug. 24,2007
Dear Pud Pud, I miss you and love you so much. The house isn't the same without you. I will always love and miss you. You'll never be forgotten.
Love, Melani

Aug. 24, 2007
Another day without you. I thought this was supposed to get easier with time?
Love you Puddy, Mum

Aug. 26, 2007
Pud Pud I remember when you were a puppy and you loved to play under the blanket with me. You used to sleep in my babydoll playpen till you chewed your way out of it. I miss you and love you Pud Pud. See you one day.
Love, Randi

Aug. 28, 2007
Daddy and I talked about you all day today. I light a candle for you everyday on the chest where I keep your urn and pictures. I'm so sad Pud. I love you.
Love, Mum

Aug. 31, 2007
Hi Pud, How are you? I'm doing a little better. You are still the first thought in the morning and the last thought at night.
I love you so much.
Love, Mum

Sept. 15, 2007
Hi Pud Pud. We went to the candlelight rememberance service for you at Animal Friends on Thursday night. It was very nice but very sad. It's fall now. This used to be my favorite season, but not without you.
Love, Mum

Sept. 26, 2007
Hi Puddy. I haven't written for a while, not because I didn't want to, I don't know how much space I'm allowed on here. I miss you so much. It's been 2 months and six days. DJ bought a very nice memorial stone for you. Even though you were cremated, we put it on the chest with you. He bought one for Jayna too. Have you seen her yet? How about Grandma Nellie and Charly? Miss you soooooo much.
Love, Mum

Oct. 6, 2007
Hi Pudders. Just when you think you've shed all the tears, something else happens to bring them on again. I'm still getting sympathy cards from the wonderful people here at the Rainbow Bridge. Also, I finally got out your things that I didn't have the courage to look at yet. It was horrible. The Barney bowl was the worst. You drank water from that little bowl all that night til you took your last breath. I want you back sooooo badly.
Love, Mum

Oct. 16, 2007
Hello Pudley, In 4 days it will be 3 months since you left. So far its been all about me and my pain. I think I should start to focus on you and what a great guy you are. You are a great protector, a loyal friend, my pillow, my cuddler, and so much fun to play with. Everyone loved you so much. Even Mel's friends who weren't crazy about dogs loved YOU.
Love, Mum

Oct. 25, 2007
Hi Pudders, I have just been visiting the new residents of the R.B. and having a good cry. I know how these people feel and I feel so sad for them. Losing you will never be ok, but it does get a little easier as time goes by. It would have to, because if it didn't, it would be unbearable. I hope you are doing well. I look forward to when we can all be together again. Zoe is having some problems. She is only 6 1/2 but having gone through this heartache with you I am worried about her. I cannot ever go through this again. Ziggy sends his love. All the family misses you very much too. Bye for now sweetheart.
Love, Mum

Nov. 3, 2007
Hi Little Man, Just wanted to say hi and let you know how we think about you all the time. Miss you so much Pud. I hope you are at peace and with all your friends and loved ones.
Love, Mum

Nov. 11, 2007
Hello Pud-Pud. Still missin ya very much. It eased up a little but that didn't last. The holidays are approaching and I'm not looking forward to them without you. We bought some candles and a little tree for you. Take care of yourself little man.
Love, Mum

Nov. 25, 2007
Hi Pudders, I'm still missin you very much. Holidays are here and I'm very sad. We put the tree up yesterday and I hung Zoe's, Ziggy's and your stocking up on the door as usual. I have a tree and some candles on the chest where your urn and pictures are. We love you so much.
Love, Mum

Nov. 29, 2007
Hi Pudders. We decorated the house so we are decorating Charly's and your home too. Hope you like it. I put your stocking up this year with your picture in it along with Zoe's and Ziggy's. I am not ready to put it away yet. The holidays are not happy for me this year.
Love, Mum

Dec. 16, 2007
Hi baby. How are you? I'm okay. I'm smiling a little more when I think of you instead of crying all the time now. Still not looking forward to the holidays but.... Think of you all the time. I'm so glad you and Charly are spending the holidays together.
Love, Mum

Dec. 24, 2007
Well, Pud, the Christmas I have dreaded is finally here. I wish you were here. We all have gifts for you. I love you and miss you so much. Merry Christmas Puddy.
Love, Mum

Jan.1, 2008
Happy New Year Puddy. We love you and miss you so much.
Love, Mum

Jan. 17, 2008
Hi Puddy. We are always thinking about you. We are getting passed the tears and smiling a little more when we think of you.
Love you forever, Mum

Jan. 27, 2008
Hi Puddy. How are you? Having a great time I hope. We think about you everyday and miss you so much.
Love, Mum

Feb. 7, 2008
Hi Pudders. How are you doing? We are okay. Zoe and Ziggy send their love. They are not doing well with their diets. Oh well, we weren't very good with ours either. Take care of yourself.
Love, Mum

Feb. 20, 2008
Hi Pudders. Well its 7 months today. It does not seem that long since you left us. We still think about you all the time. We talk to you as if you were still here. You will always be here with us.
Love, Mum

March 3, 2008
Hi Pudders. I hope you are enjoying your forever lake. You loved the water so much. Take care.
Love, Mum

March 22, 2008
Hi Pud. How are you? Tomorrow is Easter and I wanted to wish you a very happy Easter. I can't believe you have been gone for 8 months already. Have fun with Charly and Daisy.
Love, Mum

April 10, 2008
Happy birthday Pudders. You would have been 11 yrs. old today. I hope this is day is a great one for you. It's your first birthday away from home. I have thought about you all day. I put something special on the chest for you. Take care.
Love, Mum

May 3, 2008
Hi Pud Pud. How are you? Last Sunday we adopted a puppy. It's been 10 months since you left us.
It's time to open our home and hearts to another needy pup. He is a lab/golden ret/shep mix. We don't have a name picked out yet. None of us can agree on a name!! I told him all about you. I think you would like him. Zoe hates him, but hopefully she will come around. Ziggy plays with him and it is so funny to watch them. Zig is so big and puppy is so small. I love you Puddy.
Love, Mum

May 21, 2008
Hi Pudders. How are you? I hope you're happy in your new home with Charly. I think about you two all the time. We named the puppy Ozzie. You will like him. He hangs with Ziggy. Zoe is adjusting a little, but you know how she is. I still light candles for you everyday. You will always be my baby and my buddy. Miss you so much.
Love, Mum

June 11, 2008
Hi Puddy. Today is Charly's birthday. Help her celebrate the day and have fun. I've been thinking about you soooo much lately. I think it's because we are coming close to a year since you left us. I'm dreading the day. It seems like it was yesterday. I miss you guys very much. Ozzie says "HI".
Love, Mum

June 20, 2008
Hi Pud Pud. How are you? Well it's 11 months today since you left me. I can't believe it's almost a year. Seems like it was yesterday. Still miss you soooooooo much.
Love you always,

July 20, 2008
Oh my little man......I have dreaded this day for so long. One year ago today you left us and you left us extremely sad. We have talked about you all day, as we do everyday. Still love you and think about all the time. You are gone physically, but you will never be gone in our hearts.
Love you forever,

August 9, 2008
Hi Pudders. We love and miss you very much.

August 13, 2008
Love ya Puddy!

August 16, 2008
Good morning Pud. I love ya.

August 25, 2008
Morning Pudders. How are you? Great I hope. Love u!

August 31, 2008
Hi baby. Love you very much.

September 17, 2008
Hi Pudders. How are you? Wonderful I hope. Miss and love you.

September 30, 2008
Hi Pudders. Today is a very sad day. It is the 19th anniversary of Charly's passing. I know you are with her and you are both happy. We will all be together again someday.
Love, Mum

October 18, 2008
Hi Pud. How are you? Great I hope.
Love you so much, Mum

October 26, 2008
Hi Pud. Thinking about you already this morning. The holidays are just around the corner. Another one without you will not be easy.
Love, Mum

November 6, 2008
Hi honey. Cant beleive another holiday without you.
Love you

November 24, 2008
Hi Puddy. Another holiday is here and your not. I can't believe you are not with us again.
I love you so much.

Dec. 11, 2008
Hi Pudders. We just put your Christmas decorations up for you. Hope you like them!
Love and miss you,

Dec. 17, 2008
Hi Pud. I visit both of you still everyday. I get sad at the holidays.
Love and miss u!!

Dec. 25, 2008
Merry Christmas Pudders. This is the second Christmas without you. I cannot believe it
has been a year and a half since you left us. You are still my first and last thought of each day.
Love and miss you,

Jan. 1, 2009
Happy New Year Puddy!! Been thinkin about you and Charly all day (as usual!). We love you and miss you very much.
Mum and everyone

Jan. 11, 2009
Hi honey. just lettin you know we're thinking about you.
Love, Mum

Jan. 19, 2009
Hi Puddy. I'm visiting you all and missing you.
Love, Mum

Feb. 08, 2009
Hi baby. How are you? Great I hope. Thinking about you, like I do all the time.
Love, Mum

Feb. 24, 20009
Good morning Pud. How are you? We are ok, still thinking about you both all the time.
Love you so much,

March 17, 2009
Hi Pudders!! How are you? Great I hope. You have a new buddy at the R.B. Tiny lost his battle
yesterday. Lenny is heartbroken. Tiny was his best friend for a very long time. Make Tiny welcome. I know you will.
Love you and miss you,

March 30, 2009
Hi Pudders. How are you? Enjoying yourself I hope. Did you see Tiny yet?
Love and miss you so much,

April 10, 2009
Happy Birthday Angel!!! This is your 12th birthday today. Everyone remembered. I didn't
have to remind anyone like I usually do with all the birthdays and anniversaries. Hope you are okay and having a great day. It's still sad here, but it does get a little easier to live with
as time passes. Looking forward to when we can all be together again. Also Happy Easter Pudders!!!
Enjoy the day with Charly and Daisy and all your friends.
Love, Mum

April 15, 2009
Hi sweetheart! Just stopped by to take Easter and birthday decorations away. I put some fresh flowers out for you guys.
Take care, love you so much,

May 1, 2009
Hi Puddy. Just dropped in to say "hi". Thinking about you and Charly.
Love and miss you very much,

May 14, 2009
Hi Puddy. Just wanted to let you know we think about you all everyday
Love, Mum

June 3, 2009
Hi Pudders. How are you sweetie? I cannot believe it will be 2 years next month since you left us. We think about you and Charly every day.
Love and miss you, Mum

June 11, 2009
Hi Pudders. Happy birthday to Charly. I hope you guys are having a party for her. Don't forget to invite Daisy, Jayna, Sammy, Bonkers, Sad Sack, BJ, Morgan, Bella, Foxy, Smokey 1, Smokey 2, and Sneakers.
Love and miss you,

July 1, 2009
Hi Pudders. How is everything? Love and miss you very much.

July 20, 2009
Today is the 2 year anniversary of your passing. It has been a rough road for us. We never stop
thinking about you.
We love you forever,
Daddy, Mum and the whole family

August 4, 2009
Hi baby. Just visiting and thinking about you and Charly.
Love you and miss you always,

August 18, 2009
Hi Puddy. How is everything? Great I hope. Love you all and miss you as usual!!!
Love, Mum

Sept. 10, 2009
Hi Pudders. Just visiting everyone and wanted to tell you, again, how much we love and miss you.

Sept. 26, 2009
Hi Puddy. How's everything? Still missing you so very much!!
Love, Mum

Sept. 30, 2009
Hi Pudders. Today is the 20th anniversary of Charly's passing. I miss you both so very much.
It's good to know that you are together now. I look forward to the day we are all together
Love and miss you,

Oct. 17, 209
Hi Mr. Weaver. How's everything? Fall is here and it is not the same withut you. It used to be my favorite season, but none of them are without you.
Love you so much, Mum

Nov. 13, 2009
Hi Pudders! How's my little man doing? Great I hope. I have just been catching up on the new
residents at the bridge. It looks like you have lots of great company.
We love you so much, Mum

Nov.26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving Pudders! Missing all you guys. The holidays will never be the same without
you. Love, Mum

Dec. 27, 2009
The holidays will never be compleyely happy without you guys. Miss you more than we can say.
Love, Mum

Jan. 1, 2010
Hi Pudders. I cannot believe that this was the third Christmas and New Years since you left us.
We still miss you soooooooooooooo much, you will never know. HAPPY NEW YEAR PUDDY!!!!
Love you forever, Mum and the family

Jan. 9, 2010
Hi Pudders. Thinking about you guys. As is you don't know already, but we love and miss you.

Jan. 23, 2010
Hi Puddy. Been thinking about all of you as usual. As if you need to hear it again, but
we miss and love you very much.

Feb. 16, 2010
Hi Pudders. How is everything? Great I hope. Thought I'd better pop in and let you
know how much we love and miss you.

Hi Spudders! Been thinking about you and Charly a lot lately. I hope you two are having
a great life. I miss you so much. Love, Mum

Mar. 7, 2010
Hi baby. Visiting you all and want to say "Hi". Love and miss, Mum

Mar. 14, 2010
Hi Pudders, love and miss you, Mum

Mar. 22, 2010
Hi baby! Love you and miss you guys very much. Mum and everybody!

April 4, 2010
HAPPY EASTER!!!! This is the 3rd Easter since you left. We miss you so
much. Enjoy your day with Charly.
Love, Mum

April 10, 2010
Hi Pudders! Well, today is your birthday. After 3 years, I still cannot
believe you are not here. Happy 13th!! I love you so much.
Miss you, Mum

April 22, 2010
Hi Pudley!! How's it going? We love you and miss you so much
Ziggy is having his 5th birthday Sunday. Wish you could be here.
Love, Mum

May 14, 2010
Hi Puddley. How are ya? I hope you guys are very happy. We think about
you two all the time..Love, and miss you, Mum

May 29, 2010
Hi Pudders! Visiting the new residents. Love and miss you, Mum

June 11, 2010
Hi Pudders. How are you? Wonderful I hope. Help Charly celebrate her
birthday today. She would have been 35. I feel better knowing that you
are with her. Love you so much and miss you so much, Mum

June 25, 2010
Hi Mr. Weaver!! Just visiting everyone. Love and miss you, Mum

July 14, 2010
Hi baby. How are you? Great I hope. Miss you everyday!!
Love, Mum

July 20, 2010
Oh Pud Pud, It's been 3 years today since you left us. You left us very very heartbroken. But you also left us with many happy and funny memories. You are still here with us in spirit as you always will be. Love and miss you so much, Mum

August 7, 2010
Hi Baby. How are you? Doing great we hope. We think about you guys all the time.
Love and miss you, Mum

August 18, 2010
Hi Angel!! Missing you so much.
Love, Mum

Sept. 7, 2010
Hi Pudders! I check in on you guys all the time but I needed to say hi to you guys today.
Miss you and love you, Mum

Sept. 18, 2010
Hi Baby! Catching up on all the new residents. As if you didn't already know, we miss you and love you so much, Mum

Sept. 30, 2010
Hi Pudders. Today is the 21st anniversary of Charly's passing. We are sad today. I am missing you guys very much.
Love you, Mum

Oct. 12, 2010
Hi Pudley!! How are you? Doing very well I hope. Time to catch up on the new residents and have a visit with you guys. Love and miss you so much, Mum

Oct. 21, 2010
Hi Pudders! Just dropped by to say "hello" and remind you guys how much we miss and love you, Mum

Nov. 4, 2010
Hi Angel! I'm cathing up on the new residents. As if you don't already know, we love and miss you so much. Wish you were here. Love, Mum

Nov. 17, 2010
Hi Pudley. How is everything? Great I hope. I'm starting to feel very sad about the upcoming holidays. They have never been the same since Charly and you left. Love you and miss you so much.

Nov. 25, 2010
HAPPY THANKSGIVING PUDDERS!!! Hope you and everyone had a wonderful day. Ours was nice but
always sad when we think of you all. Love and miss you very much, Mum

Dec. 10, 2010
Good morning Pudders!! I've been thinking about you guys so much. The holidays are sad around here. We miss you sooooooooooooooo much!! Love, Mum

Dec. 23, 2010
Merry Christmas Pudders!! I cannot believe that this is the 4th Christmas since you passed away.
I miss you more than you will ever know. Ziggy reminds me so much of you. He does things like you did. He is also very smart just like "my little man (you)". I always tell him that he is a good lookin smart boy just like my Pud Pud. We wish you could be with us, but I know that you really are in spirit. Love and miss you so much, Mum

Jan. 1, 2011
HAPPY NEW YEAR PUDDERS !!! This is the 4th new year we've had since you left us. Time just flies by. I hope you have a great day with everyone. I miss you so much. I always will. I'm very
grateful that I have the Rainbow Bridge to come to when I need to talk to you. I remember telling you, "you better never leave me Puddy".. I understand that you had to. I find myself telling the same thing to Zoe now. She is going to be 10. When she comes to join you all, it will be a comfort to know that you are waiting for her. So many years of saying "Pud and Zoe". We still find ourselves saying it.
I love you and miss you, Mum

Jan. 25, 2011
Hi Pudley! How is everything? Wonderful I hope. Just checking in to visit the new residents.
You are in very good company.
Love and miss you, Mum

Feb. 13, 2011
Hi Sweetheart!! How is everything with you? Amazing I hope. Just want to tell you Happy Valentine's Day. We think about you all the time. You will always be with us even if we cannot see you. I would give anything to be able to pet and hug you again. I hope you are happy and I live for the day we can all be together again.
Love and miss you so much, Mum

March 3, 2011
Hi Pudders. Just checkin in. Miss and love you very much, Mum

March 13, 2011
Hi Mr. Weaver! How are you? Great I hope. Love and miss you, Mum

March 21, 2011
Hi Pud. I put up some Easter decorations for you. We still think about you constantly.
I am so grateful for this Rainbow Bridge. It makes me feel so much closer to you.
Love, Mum

April 10, 2011
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PUDDY!! Today is your 14th birthday. We cannot believe you have been gone this long. We think about you all the time. I hope you and all your friends and family that are there with you have a great day. Enjoy yourself Pudders.
Love and miss you so much, Mum

April 24, 2011
HAPPY EASTER PUDDERS!!!!! I cannot believe another holiday and you are not here with us.
You are always with us in our hearts and thoughts. Enjoy your day!
Love and miss you very much, Mum

May 5, 2011
Hi Pudley. Thinking about you all. Love and miss you, Mum

May 25, 2011
Hello Pudders. How's everything? Wonderful I hope. Another season is here. I miss you so much. It seems like yesterday that you were still here. Take care.
Love, Mum

June 11, 2011
Hi Pudders! How are you? I guess you already know that today is Charly's birthday.
I hope you guys have a great day. Help her celebrate, and have fun!! We miss you guys so much.
Love, Mum

July 3, 2011
Happy 4th of July Puddy!!! Hope you guys have a great holiday, but without any fireworks!!
You do not like all that noise. I don't blame you, I don't either.
Love and miss you very much,Mum

July 17, 2011
Hi Puddy! How are you? Just checking in to let you know I'm thinking about you guys (as always).
Love and miss you so much, Mum

July 20, 2011
Today marks the saddest day of my life. It is 4 years since you left me. I begged you not to leave, but you had no choice. I am so thankful that you didn't suffer very long. I read all these sad stories here at the R.B. and I am so grateful that we did not have to make the decision to let you go. You were our special boy and so thoughtful all the way to the end. You only thought of us. We love you and miss you so much. Mum, Daddy and all the family

August 9, 2011
Hi Pudders, how are you? Wonderful I hope. Just visiting all your friends. You already know this, but we love and miss you very much. Mum

August 24, 2011
Hi Mr. Weaver! Missing you and love you very much!! Mum

September 18, 2011
Hi Angel! How are you? Great I hope. Still thinking about you all the time. Fall is just around the corner and it was always our favorite season. It will never be the same without you.
Love and miss you, Mum

September 30, 2011
Hi Baby. How are you? Just great I hope. Charly left us 22 years ago today. We are feeling
sad. I miss you guys so much. I look forward to when we can all be together again.
Love and miss you, Mum

Oct. 19, 2011
Hi Pudders! How are you? Great I hope. Today is Mumma's birthday and I wish you guys were with me. I miss you so much. Zoe is having some health problems. Say a little prayer for her. We will keep you informed. Love, Mum

Nov. 7, 2011
Good morning guys. Just dropping in to let you guys know that we are thinking about you all.
Love and miss you so much, Mum

November 24, 2011
HAPPY THANKSGIVING PUDDERS ! We are thinking about you and miss you so much.
Love, Mum and family

DECEMBER 24, 2011

JANUARY 1, 2012
HAPPY NEW YEAR PUDDERS!!! Been thinking about all the time.
Love and miss you so very much, Mum

Jan. 14, 2012
Hi Baby. Taking your Christmas decorations down. Thinking about you always.
Love, Mum

Feb. 10, 2012
Hi Baby! Missing you soooooo much!
Love, Mum

Feb. 28, 2012
Hi Pudders. Zoe is on her way home to join you. We had to end her pain and suffering today. The "Pud and Zoe" era has finally come to an end.
We are going to miss her so much. We love her. Her pain is finally over and ours has just begun.
Take care baby.
Love, Mum

March 6,2012
Hello Pudders! How are you? We are very sad today, and everyday. Today is Zoe's 11th birthday. I know you and Charly will make it a special day for her. This is her first birthday away from home. Remember how yours was. Have a great day and know we are with you always.
Love and miss you,

March 13, 2012
Hi Pud. I love you! Mum

March 20, 2012
Hi Mr. Weaver. I am feeling sad about you. (not an uncommon feeling)
Love, Mum

March 26, 2012
Hi Boy! Love u, Mum

April 4, 2012
Hi Pudders. How is everything? Wonderful I hope. It's Easter time already. Seems like it was Christmas last week. Another sad holiday without my babies. Miss you very much.
Love, Mum

April 8, 2012
Love, Mum

April 10, 2012
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGEL !! I cannot believe it has been 15 years since you were born. Right here at home with us, you were born and you passed on here with you family. Believe it or not, I had a dream about you last night. You were lost and we could not find you anywhere. We were sick. We didn't rest until you were found and home with your family. I miss you so much still.
Love, Mum

April 28, 2012
Hi Sweethart. I love you and miss you, Mum

May 27, 2012
Hi Pudders! How are you getting along? Great I hope. You are in the best company. I miss you so very much.
Love, Mum

June 3, 2012
Hi Boy love ya, Mum

June 12, 2012
Hi Baby. Thinking about you, missing you very much.
Love, Mum

July 20, 2012
Hi Pudders. Today is the 5th anniversary of your passing. We cannot believe you have been gone that long. We think about you every single day.
Knowing you are with Charly, Daisy, and Zoe is very comforting.
We love and miss you very much, Mum and family

August 16, 2012
Hi Pud! I have been reading about all the new residents. I am crying and smiling at the same time. The stories are so sad but the pictures are so precious. I miss you as much today as I did when you left us 5 years ago. I still ache for all of you. Take care baby.
Love, Mum

September 30, 2012
Hi Pudders. How are you? GREAT I hope. We are missing you guys very much!
Love, Mum

October 13, 2012
Hi Angel: I am missing you so much!
Love, Mum

October 28, 2012
I love you P J. Mum

November 12, 2012
Good morning Pudders. How is everything going? Perfect I hope. I am missing you all so much. The holidays are not the same without all of you.
I think about you all the time and look forward to when we can all be reunited. Ziggy, Ozzie and Roxie say "HI". I know you didn't know Ozzie and Roxie
but they hear about you all the time. Ziggy remembers you and he is still as crazy as ever.
Love, Mum

November 22, 2012
Love, Mum

December 6, 2012
Hi Boy! How are you? Great I hope. I hope you enjoy the Christmas decorations I put up for you. It is hard to imagine that this is the 6th Christmas without you. I can still see you everywhere. You were my "truckin buddy"!
Love and miss you so much, Mum

December 24, 2012
MERRY CHRISTMAS SWEETIE !! We are wishing you all the merriest Christmas ever. We are thinking about you missing you terribly.
Love, Mum

January 1, 2013
Love, Mum

January 23, 2013
Hi Buddy. I just realized something.....I picked this song for you because you were so faithful and loving, but after all these years, I see how appropriate it really is. You were my truckin buddy for all those years!! This song is about life on the road and who knows that better than you and me.
Love and miss you so much,

February 6, 2013
Hi Pud-Pud. Love ya, Mum !

February 14, 2013
Love, Mum

February 28, 2013
Hi Mr. Weaver! How ya doin? Wonderful I hope. You have had the good fortune to have had Zoe with you for exactly one year today. We have missed her so much, but we know she is in good hands. Also, today is your little brother Ozzie's birthday. You didn't get to know him but I can tell you, you would not have liked him. LOL!
Love and miss you, Mum

March 6, 2013
Hi Pudders. Hope you all enjoy Zoe's day today. It is her 12th birthday. Have a GREAT one.
Love and miss you very much, Mum

March 31, 2013
HAPPY EASTER BOY! Hope you have a great day. We miss you so much. Wish you were here!
Love, Mum

April 10, 2013
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PUDDY! This would have been no. 16. We hope you have a great day and we miss you so much. It's hard to believe you have been gone for 6 years. "MUMMA LOVES YOU!!"
Love, Mum

May 14, 2013
Hi Pudders! Missing and loving you very much !!!!

June 11, 213
Hi Pud! How is everything? GREAT I hope. Help Charly celebrate her 38th birthday today. Hope you guys have a great day.
Love and miss you very much, Mum

June 16, 2013
Hi Pud. Dusty has come to join you guys. Show him the ropes. I am counting on you to help him make the adjustment.
Thanks. Love, Mum

June 29, 2013
Hi Mr. Weaver. I want you to give Dusty the best birthday party possible. This is his first birthday and he is away from home. I am glad
he is with all of you. I love you.

July 20, 2013
6 years ago today Bud, the worst day of our lives. We will always love you.
Miss you, Mum

August 13, 2013
Hi Boy! Missing and loving you very much!!!

September 14, 2013
Hi Sweetheart. I am visiting the new residents and decorating for fall for you guys. We miss you.
Love, Mum

September 30, 2013
Hi Baby. I just want to let you know how much I miss you!!
Love, Mum

November 9, 2013
Hi Pud. How are you? I have been visiting all the new residents. Another holiday season without all of you. It makes me so sad.
Love and miss you, Mum

November 26, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving Boy! We miss you sooooooooo much Pudders. 7 holidays have come and gone since you passed on. Unbelievable isn't it.
Think about you everyday.
Love, Mum

December 25, 2013
MERRY CHRISTMAS MY ANGEL. We miss you so much especially at this time of year.
Love you, Mum

December 31, 2013
HAPPY NEW YEAR PUD-PUD! You have been truly missed but never forgotten. We love you.
Love, Mum

January 31, 2014
Hi Pudders. I miss you so much.
Love, Mum

February 19, 2014
Hi Buddy! I love you.

March 6, 2014
Hi Pudders. Today is Zoe's birthday. I want you all to have a great day. We are thinking about you all as we do everyday.
Love, Mum

April 10, 2014
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY BIG BEAUTIFUL BOY!!!! You would have been 17 today. So very hard to believe. We think about you everyday.
I miss the good old days of truckin all over the place with you. You were the best co-pilot I could have asked for. I loved it as much as you did. Have a great day angel.
Love, Mum

May 15, 2014
Hi Pudders. How are you? Great I hope. I have been visiting the Rainbow Bridge residents. You are in such wonderful company up there while you are waiting for us. We miss you very much.
Love, Mum

June 11, 2014
Hi Pudders. I hope you guys have a good time celebrating Charly's birthday today. Miss you all so much.
Love, Mum

July 20, 2014
No. 7 today boy. It's hard to believe you have been gone that long. I know you are waiting for us. We miss you so much and can't wait to hold you again.
Love, Your family

August 3, 2014
Hi Angel. Just wanna tell you I love you and miss you.

August 3, 2014
Hi Guy. Missing and loving you.

September 21, 2014
Hi Handsome! How are you doing? Wonderful I hope. The holidays are right around the corner. This is when I miss you all so very much. I have my memories to make me smile. I love you.

October 8, 2014
Hi Pudders. Max came to join you all yesterday. Welcome him and make him feel at home. I love you all.

November 25, 2014
Happy Thanksgiving Boy!! Hope you all have a GREAT day.
Love and miss you, Mum

December 25, 2014
MERRY CHRISTMAS BUDDY!!! We love and miss you sooooooo much. Have a wonderful day!
Love, Mum

January 1,2015
Happy New Year Pud Pud!!
Love, Mum

February 14, 2015
Love, Mum

March 6, 2015
Good morning Pud. I hope you all are doing great. Have a fun day with everyone celebrating Zoe's 14th birthday. We miss you very much.
We remember you every single day.
Love, Mum

April 5, 2015
Love, Mum

April 10, 2015
Happy Birthday Pudders!! This would have been #18. We miss you so much and cannot wait to be with you again.
Love, Mum

May 19, 2015
I love you Pud-Pud!!!

June 11, 2015
Hi Buddy. Help Charly celebrate her 40th birthday today. I know you guys will have a great day.
Love, Mum

July 20, 2015
It's very hard to comprehend that you have been gone for 8 years. Seems like yesterday you were cuddling with me. We miss you so much. My only comfort is that you are waiting for me at the Bridge. I love you so much my gorgeous boy.
Love, Mum

September 30, 2015
Hi Buddy!! Well, last time I wrote to you, I said it was very hard to believe you were gone for 8 years. Well today Charly has been gone for 26 years
and that is even harder to believe. It seems like yesterday you all were here. We miss you so much and think about you everyday.
Love, Mum

January 1, 2016
HAPPY NEW YEAR ANGEL!! We miss you so much. This past year so many of our friends have come to join you. I hope you got to meet Cemper, Smokey, Joey, Harley, Elmer & Bailey. So many have passed, but it's good to know they are with you all.
Love, Mum

February 28, 2016
Hi Angel. Missing you very much. Zoe has been with you for 4 years today. Give her a big kiss for me.
Love, Mum

March 6, 2016
Hi Buddy! I love you.

April 10, 2016
Happy #19th Birthday!! We hope you have a great day. We are thinking about you all the time.
We miss and love you so very much.

May 15, 2016
Hi Buddy. I love and miss you soooooo much.

June 11, 2016
Hi Bud. Today is Charly's Birthday. I hope you all have a great day. We miss you so much.
Love, Mum

June 21, 2016
Hi Angel. Well I guess you know by now Ziggy is with you all. You were buddies and loved each other.
Make him feel at home as Charly did for you. I love you very much.
Love, Mum

June 27, 2016
Hi Bud. I went to the candle lighting tribute last night. You were our whole life and still are. I love you all so much.
Love, Mum

July 20, 2016
Morning Pud. I cannot believe it's 9 years since you left us. Not a day goes by that we don't remember you. We miss you very much.
Love, Mum

August 1, 2016
Morning Buddy. Just here to let you know we are always thinking about you and miss you very much.
Love, Mum

September 7, 2016
Hi Angel. How's my co-pilot doing? I miss truckin with you so much. You enjoyed it as much as I did, if not more! Those were the good old days huh? See you soon.
Love, Mum

September 30, 2016
Hi Buddy. Today is the 27th anniversary of Charly's passing. It's a sad day. But I'm glad you are all together. You are all mum's angels and are truly missed.
Love, Mum

November 3, 2016
Hi Buddy. I miss you so much. Take care Bud.
Love, Mum

November 24, 2016
Happy Thanksgiving Pud-Pud. We miss you so very much. It seems like yesterday that you were here where you belong. Your brother Ozzie is very sick and we don't know how long he will be with us. I know you didn't know him. He came to live with us after you passed. You will love him and I'm sure you will take great care of him. We miss you so much.
Love, Mum

December 6, 2016
Hi Pudders. Your little brother Ozzie has joined you at the bridge. You didn't know him. He came to live with us one year after you crossed the bridge. Please love him and take care of him as only Pud can do. My special boy!
Love, Mum

December 25, 2016
Merry Christmas Mr. Weaver! How have you been? Great I hope. You are in the best company. Your brothers and sisters are with you and I'm very glad you can spend Christmas with them. We love and miss you so much.
Love, Mum

January 1, 2017
Happy New Year my gorgeous Pudders!!
Love, Mum

February 6, 2017
Hi Pudders. Daddy and I miss you so much. We talk about you every day. We love ya buddy.
Love, Mum

February 28, 2017
Hello Mr. Weaver. How are you? Great I hope. I hope you are helping Ozzie celebrate his 9th birthday today. He is in such good company. We miss and love so much you buddy.
Love, Mum

April 2, 2017
Hello Mr. Weaver. Zay and I were looking through the photo albums today. We miss you so much. You were a gorgeous boy. Even though you have been gone for 10 years, your memories are still very fresh in our hearts. Be a good boy until we meet again.
Love, Mum

April 10, 2017
Happy Birthday Bud. Another year has gone by and it seems like it was yesterday you were still with us.
Love you forever, until we meet again.
Love, Mum

April 16, 2017
Happy Easter Angel !!
Love, Mum

June 11, 2017
Hi Pudders. How are you? Great I hope. Just dropping by to wish Charly a Happy Birthday and to tell you how much we love and miss you. Take care my handsome boy.
Love, Mum

July 20, 2017
It's hard to believe it's been 10 years since you left us. We miss you as much now as we did then.
So much has happened in this 10 years. We lost Zoe, Ziggy and Ozzie came to us and left us. Love you so much Pudders.
Love, Mum

August 28, 2017
Hi Pudders. Just visiting and letting you know how much we love and miss you.
Love, Mum

September 30, 2017
Hi Angel. How are you? Great I hope. I just visited Charly because it's the 30th anniversary of her passing. We love you all so very very much. Take care baby boy.
Love, Mum

November22, 2017
Happy Thanksgiving Pudders. We think about you all the time. I was just sharing memories of you with
Zay today. You were my protector in the truck. All I had to say was "look whos coming Pud" and you scared them away. Good boy Pud! Miss you very much.
Love, Mum

December 4, 2017
Well it's been a year since Ozzie came to live with you guys. We miss him so much. Take good care of him as I know you will. We think about you all the time and miss you.
Love, Mum

December 25, 2017
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Pud Pud. We love you forever.
Love, Mum

April 1, 2018
Happy Easter my faithful boy.
Love, Mum

April 10, 2018
Happy birthday Mr. Weaver. It's been a long time Pud. Not a day goes by that we don't think about you.
The best times were when you went with us in the truck and traveled the country. I remember people jumping up on the truck in New York City and I would call you to stand on my lap at the wheel. You barked and they ran!!! Thanks Pudley. You were my big handsome boy. We love you very much.
Love, Mum

April 25, 2018
Hi Pudders. Love you and miss you very much.
Love, Mum

July 20, 2018
Hi Pud-Pud. Today is the anniversary of your passing. 11 years has gone by so quickly. Just as quickly as the 10 years you were with us. Trucking was never the same after you passed. You were my co-pilot and protector. You loved going in that truck and I loved having you with me. We remember you every day and miss you so very very much. See you soon.
Love, Mum

August 7, 2018
Hi Pudley, Just want to remind you how much we miss and love you.
Love, Mum

September 8, 2018
Hi Buddy. I'm missing you guys very much. I think about you ALL the time. It doesn't seem like you have been gone as long as you have. I would love to hug and kiss you. C you soon Bud.
Love, Mum

November 21, 2018
Happy Thanksgiving Pudders. We miss you. You were my fearless protector in the truck.
Love, Mum

December 24, 2018
Merry Christmas Buddy. We miss you so much. Those years of you and me and the kids in the truck traveling the country are my best memories. You were the best protector we could have had.
Love, Mum

January 1, 2019
Happy New Year Pud-Pud. We love and miss you.
Love, Mum

February 28, 2019
Hi Pudley. How's my best guy? Great I hope. Just dropped in to wish Ozzie a happy birthday and to talk to Zoe about her anniversary. Take care Buddy and know how much we love you.
Love, Mum

April 10, 2019
Happy birthday Angel boy. Daddy & Mum miss you very much. You would have been 22 today. Can't wait to be with you all again.
Love, Mum

July 20, 2019
How's my big boy?? Good I hope. It's been 12 years since you left us. I cannot believe it's been that long. I never thought I would get over losing you, but time heals. Now I look forward to being reunited with all of my babies. I miss you Pudders.
Love, Mum

November 28, 2019
Happy Thanksgiving my handsome boy. We miss you so much.
Love, Mum

December 25, 2019
Merry Christmas my Angel. We miss and love you very much.
Love, Mum

January 1, 2020
Happy New Year my sweet Angel.
Love, Mum

April 10, 2020
Happy birthday Pudders. 23 years ago you came into our lives and you gave us the best 10 years ever.
We miss you so much. Looking forward to being with you again.
Love, Mum

April 12, 2020
Happy Easter Pud-Pud.
Love, Mum

July 20, 2020
Hi Pud Pud. It's been a long time, 13 years today, and we have missed you everyday. I remember how you loved to go in the truck with me and protect me. You were such a good boy. We will be joining all of you soon. We miss you so much.
Love, Mum

November 26, 2020
Happy Thanksgiving Bud.
Love, Mum

December 25, 2020
Merry Christmas my faithful protector. We miss and love you very much.
Love, Mum

January 1, 2021
Happy New Year my faithful Pud Pud. Even though you are not with me here, we are still truckin together.
The memories will never die. We miss you very much.
Love, Mum

April 10, 2021
Happy birthday Pudley. It's hard to believe it's been 24 years since you were born. Born with us and passed with us. You were the best dog for those 10 short years We love and miss you very much.
Love, Mum

June 20, 2021
Dear Pud, we have missed you more than you could ever know. You were my best friend and went everywhere with me. And I do mean everywhere! Like all over the country, you were my truckin buddy. It's hard to imagine you have been gone 14 years. We are looking forward to seeing you again soon. Wait for me.
Love, Mum

December 24, 2021
Merry Christmas my faithful loyal boy. We miss and love you very much. Thinking about you always.
Love, Mum

January 1, 2022
Happy New Year Pudley!
Love, Mum

April 10, 2022
Happy birthday Pudders. No one has ever protected me like you did. We were truckin buddies. I miss you so very much.
Love, Mum

July 20, 2022
Oh Pudders. It still seems like yesterday that you were here with us. It's been 15 years and a lot has changed in those years. We miss you very very much and love you, that hasn't changed!!
Love, Mum

December 25, 2022
Merry Christmas my faithful boy. We love you!!!
Love, Mum

January 1, 2023
HAPPY NEW YEAR! We miss you so much.
Love, Mum

April 9, 2023
Happy Easter and happy birthday buddy! We remember you everyday and miss you so much. The 10th is your birthday. Hope you have a great one. Won't be long now til we are reunited.
Love, Mum

April 25, 2023
Hi Bub. Just want you to know that your little sister Izzie, has come to live you with guys. She is the sweetest little girl. I'm counting on you to love and take care of her. We will see you soon.
Love, Mum

July 20, 2023
Hi sweetie. It's been 16 years since you left us. I can still see you here like it was yesterday. We will be joining you soon. I look forward to it. We have missed you so much. Take care big boy. We love you.
Love, Mumma

August 27, 2023
Hi baby. Today your little sister Bailee joined you all. You didn't know her but you would have loved her as we all did. Take good care of her.

Dec. 25,2023
Merry Christmas PudPud. Another year has gone by and we still remember you everyday. You were one of a kind.
We will be seeing you soon. Can't wait!!

December 31, 2023
Happy New Year Pudders. We love you very very much. My special angel.

March 31, 2024
Happy Easter Pud Pud. We miss and love you.

April 10,2024
Happy birthday Pud Pud. It's hard to believe it's been 27 years since you came into our lives. That was a very good day. My co-pilot and best friend was born. I have missed you and our mischief we used to get into. I will see you soon. Have a wonderful day with Daisy, Charly, Zoe, Ziggy, Ozzie, Izze and Bailee.

April 15, 2024
Hi Sweetie. Another sad day. Your little brother Joe has joined you at the R.B. He was such a good nice boy.
Take good care of him.

April 25, 2024
Hi Pud Pud. Just dropping in to say "hi". It's seems like forever since you left us but yet it seems like yesterday. We have missed you so much. We remember you everyday with smiles. You were our faithful protector.
We will see you soon.

July 20, 2024
Hi sweet angel. 17 years ago today you left us. It was so unexpected. We think about you everyday. We will be with you soon. I'm looking forward to seeing you all again. We miss you so much. Take care.

November 28, 2024
Happy Thanksgiving my special boy. I have missed you so much. I wish you were still here. We will be seeing each other very soon. Take care big boy.

December 25, 2024
Merry Christmas Pud Pud. We have missed you so much. You are our special boy. See you soon.

January 1, 2025
Happy New Year Pud Pud !

Please also visit Bailee, Charly, Izzie, Joe, Ozzie, Pud, Ziggy and Zoe Ann Weaver.

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