Welcome to Mishka's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Mishka
(6/15/2018) Mishka, you gave us so much in such a short time. You deserved more than two years with us but cancer took you away. I don't understand how such a wonderful dog had to face such a fight against a terrible disease, but you fought bravely and were so strong.
When we first brought you home you were so scared of your new surroundings. I remember the first 2 or 3 days you would crawl into my lap and shiver. I tried to make you feel safe and soon you became much more comfortable. Eventually you still crawled up onto me when I was in a chair and I loved it when you put your upper body across my lap and put your paws and head on my chest. You were such a loving companion.
When it was time to eat or time for a walk, you were very entertaining as you jumped up and down, lifting your front legs off the ground in excitement. It was awkward to see but it was you being you, loving life.
But your calm, comforting demeanor is what set you apart from other dogs. You got along with every person and dog you met and all who met you praised you for being so incredible.
In the end, when the cancer spread, it paralyzed your hind legs, we had no choice but to let you go and send you to the Bridge. I am still in pain with guilt, anger and heartbreak that you are no longer here. Some day the hurt will subside but I will always miss you so much. You were truly one-of-a-kind and your time with me will remain forever. Thank you for all you gave, my Little Mouse.

(June 15, 2019) I am so sad thinking about how you are no longer with me. You were so young and didn't deserve to leave us so soon. One year has gone by so fast and it seems like yesterday we would go for a walk and you would reach a point along the way where the bricks lined the sidewalk and you always climbed up on them to continue your walk with the balancing act you enjoyed doing. I will go there today with a couple of your pack-mates. It will make me sad again and bring back nice memories of you. The pain of losing you is still with me. I miss you so much.

(June 15, 2020) Mishka, when I think of you, and I do very, very often, I remember how strong you were and how you adjusted to so many different things while you were with us. It is such a shame you were taken so early in your life. I wish you were still part of our pack here. On the walk I have with your pack-mates, I will honor you and go over the bricks you walked on when you took the walks. I will always remember that quirk you had. It was great and I miss it so much. I go past that stretch and I always think of you and I say "hi" and "I miss you, Mishka". I hope you can hear me as you wait at The Bridge. I wish there was some miracle that would bring you back so you could get the life you deserved and not the cancer that took you. You are a great dog, Mishka.

(June 15, 2021)) As I write this today, I still don't understand why you had to deal with this rare form of cancer and why a horrible disease like that had to take you away from me. You were a great companion and such a character as time went on. You were with me a short time but you came out of your shell and were amazing. I still try to honor you on walks with your brother and sisters still here with me by walking on the pavers as you did. You did a great balancing act and were so much fun. You should still be here at my side and I miss that so much. I hope you are enjoying perfect health while you wait for me at The Bridge. I miss you so much. Send me down some of the strength you had and show me the way.

(June 15, 2022) 4 Years,...You would be only 8 years old right now. Instead you wait at the Bridge. I still have difficulty dealing with the unfairness of that. I see your picture almost every day and I talk to you. I hope you are playing with your pal Maddie who joined you not too long ago. As always, I will take your walk and honor your balancing skills...you know what I mean. I wish so much that you and those beautiful blue eyes were still here. You are missed so much. Enjoy your heavenly home, run with all your pack-mates and wait for me, I will see you again.

(June 15, 2023) Mishka, it seems so unfair you are no longer with us. We talk about you a lot and I remember you on walks now when we get to the spot you would walk up on the landscaping blocks. That was just part of your unique personality. You were so shy and scared when we brought you home and then you grew into a great dog. You were so strong after the cancer diagnosis and fought hard. Please watch over Jaxxson and Juno as they are now going through their own health issues. Give them some of your fight. Thank you for being here for the time we had together. You were amazing.

June 15, 2024 I have your photo on my laptop screens and I greet you every day and express how much I miss you. I just walked the dogs and made sure we did your special trick on the bricks. You were amazing at that. You should still be here with us if not for having to fight the cancer that took you away. You deserved so much more of a full and happy life. You fought so hard to win that battle until the very end. You were just coming into your own personality and confidence when you were taken away. You were such a sweetheart. I will always remember you and we talk about you often! Take care and wait for us at the Bridge, little girl.

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