Welcome to Mika's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Mika's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Mika
You were my first baby. I remember the day i picked you up at the farm. Of all your brothers and sisters, you were the only one who paid attention to me. You were climbing all over me, curious about who I was. I knew right then you were the one. I took you home and fell in love instantly. You were my baby girl. My whole world. You were an endless ball of entertainment. You always loved your little ring tower and stacking cups. Chucking the rings about and making a mess. Not to mention the damage you did to two of my apartments 🤣. But it was okay because you were too cute to get mad at. The whole family loved you. Grandma, grandpa and auntie. Im so sorry things ended the way they did. At the young age of 5. Well you would have been 5 this coming April. Oh Mika. My baby. My heart aches without you. But I know you're no longer suffering. And thats all I care about. Mommy will always love you baby. You're in my heart now and forever. You're my goodest girl Squeedums Mumee. I hope you are looking down on me from heaven ❤️ I love you baby girl.
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