Welcome to Mary Lou Pepper Hecker's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Mary Lou Pepper Hecker's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Mary Lou Pepper Hecker
Mary Lou, sorry it took me so long to post this here. You were with me through 14.5 years and seen so much of my life. It is hard to think of doing walks and going to the park with out you.
14 years you waited downstairs by the door for me. Woke me every morning and waited outside the shower for me.
You were my Tiny Dancer every morning showing love and happiness.
I will write better when my head gets a little clearer.
PLEASE tell Bwho and Bea how much I miss them also. All three of us were together for so long and now gone.
Penny and i will be okay, we just adopted Savannah that actually reminds me of you a bit.
I miss you and Love you dearly.
You touched so many people in your life Mary Lou!!!

Hi MaryLou
It is so strange to walk without you. I really miss you.
Everyone still talks about you at the park.
There will never be another one like you!
As you probably heard we have Savannah now. Its funny she waits for me like you did .
I tell her stories about you all the time .
Penny says hi and she is getting older . I am afraid she will cross over soon.
I love you Mary Lou
Say hi to Bwho Bea and Mekko for me

Mary Loy Pepper Hecker
I can't believe it has been 2 years now.
You were such a strong and major part of my life.
Everyone knew Mary lou!
I hope the 14.5 years we had together was wonderful for you.
You have seen so much of me. I miss you so much!
I am so sorry I rushed to put you down but I saw you were gone and I didn't want you to suffer.
Thank you for sending Savannah in a way she reminds me a little of you.
Its funny your spirit is still with me so it is hard for me to realize you are really gone.
Please say hey to Bwho & Bea for me.
I will always think of you Mary lou

Hi my tiny dancer.
I still can't listen to that song with out seeing you spinning around and herding me.
I'm sorry been so long since been here.
Today is the day you passed away and i am sadden still. You were always by my side and never felt lonely with you.
I miss you very much and hope you BWHO and Bea are doing fine.
Penny has become a mom over these past few years to Savannah . Never though t she would take to her so well.
Thansk you for bringing savannah into our lives .
I love you Mary Lou.
I think I am naming my new guitar that comes today Mary lou.

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