Welcome to Maggie's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Maggie's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Maggie
Maggie came to us as a foster care. We fell in love and adopted her 2 days later. It was on from there! As a puppy she loved bothering her older sister Murphy. We determined obedience school was a good idea. She was having none of that! They told us she could get a certificate if we promised to not bring her back. Once we got her through car sickness...she became an avid fan of travelling. You could say vacation and she would run to the door. In Her later years a stroller was Her
happy place...on the go and comfortable...Maggie's way!
Her dad and I were her entire world. She
accepted our daughter, who was away at college when
we adopted Maggie. Some
innate sense of who
belonged in her world.
Fur babies are smarter than we are.
14 years of kisses, of the purest form of love you can imagine. Our hearts are shattered. If I could hold her again! Maggie wait at the bridge when you know we are coming. Find your sister and play. Know that we love you forever! You are our baby. Watch over your Mom and Dad. We miss you precious one.
8.10.18. Beautiful sweet baby girl...we have been without you for 17 days. Not a moment passes that I don't long to hold you and get my "kisses". I hope the angel holding you knows how precious you are. Mommy and Daddy miss you and love you. Thank you for the card. Only we know the meaning of Maggie Mae. Kisses our little love.
8.29.18. Today is your adoption day. 5 weeks and a day since we lost you. The pain is just as fresh. I miss you so much. Daddy misses you. If I reach out far enough will I feel your little kisses? We love you so much. The emptiness is so very loud. We love you little one. O7.31.19
I miss as much today as the day you were taken my love. We adopted Max who has so many physical and emotional issues and he needs us so much. He knows all about his beautiful and loving sister Maggie. I love you..all my heart..all my soul..forever. wish you were here my girl. Drove by the house at Hilton Head today..could not bear to look at it. You are such a wonderful soul angel. We love you.
7.24.20 Our angel. You have been gone for two years today. My heart still hurts. Daddy and I miss our little girl just as much today as all the other days. The world has changed a lot baby. There are times when I think I see you or I just imagined it. Either way, it gives me a little peace. I miss your little kisses. Please welcome little Le Deux and LuLu-two kittens we tried to rescue but it was too late for them here in this life. Help them find their way baby girl. Tell your angel to give you a million kisses from Mom and Dad. All my Heart and all my Soul--Forever my little one. Mommy
7.24.22 4 years my love. The pain never leaves but neither do all those memories. We miss you little one. I see your butterfly almost every day. All the way to the moon and back! Mommy
7.24.23. You left us 5 years ago. I still miss your little face. Daddy came to you this past year and I wonder who smiled more when you met him at the bridge. Kiss each other and Murph. Know I will be there when the time is right. Miss you to the moon and back! Mommy
7.24.24. 6 years little one. I miss you so much. Your daddy has been with you for almost 2 years. Max has been gone almost 2 years too. Love them little one and give them and Murphy kisses. To the moon and back! Mommy

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