[12/24/19] - Little Baby - where do I begin? The first time I saw you was when you were a kitten, running through the apartment parking lot. I wondered who would let a little kitten outside on their own? I left some food out for you and it didn't take you long to find it. You then started coming around more often. You were too scared to let me bring you inside, so I was happy to feed you. You looked just like a feral cat I was feeding, his name was Baby, so I decided to call you "Little Baby." For 2 years you came around and gradually you got used to me. You would come inside and lie on the floor just inside the door. If I tried closing the door, you would panic and I had to let you out. I'll never forget the time I had to go out of town for a month for job training. I was so worried about you. I had my sister leave food out each day but Baby was also eating so I wasn't sure who got it. When I returned home, I didn't see you for a month. I had hoped someone took you in to care for you. Imagine my surprise when one day I came home and you were on the porch! You had lost a lot of weight but otherwise looked OK. You ate 5 small cans of food that day! After that, you visited twice a day and once again I tried getting you to move inside. Finally, I was successful and you moved in permanently after living 2 years outside on your own. For the next 4.5 years, you made yourself at home, chased the other cats, played with your mousie and bunny rabbit and just enjoyed life. You made me so happy! This year I was devastated to learn you had cancer. It just isn't fair that someone so sweet and lovable had to experience this. I did everything I could for you but it just wasn't enough. I am so sorry I could not save you. It was very difficult holding you as you passed over the Rainbow Bridge but I had to be there to see you off. I am going to miss you so much Little Baby, I loved you so much and will always love you. Maybe you will run into your namesake, Baby, who also passed and you can fight over food again. I can't wait to see you again Little Baby, until then, please come visit me when you can. Love you!! [Update - 12/24/20] Little Baby, It's been one year since you departed on your journey across the Rainbow Bridge. Christmas is supposed to be a happy time of the year, but as I think back on the past year without you, my heart is broken. I am so thankful that you shared your short life with me and at least for that, I can say I'm happy. You were such a mischievous cat - always getting into things and chasing the other cats but I loved you so much for "just being a cat." I think the other cats also miss you, even though you gave them a hard time. I know you were just playing but you were sometimes too energetic for them. There are times when I come home and see your picture on the wall tilted and instead of your collar hanging from it, I find it somewhere in the apartment. I think that's one way I know the other cats miss you and still want to play with you. I saw you a few times in my dreams and I thank you for coming to visit. I love you so much Little Baby and your absence is going to be felt for a long time. You'll always be my Little Baby! [Update - 12/24/21] - Little Baby, it's been 2 years since I held you for the last time. I miss you so much. I look back on your short life and wish we could've had more time. I always expected you to be around for many years, I'm just so sad you had to leave so early. I'll always love you Little Baby and I hope you continue to visit me when you can. You were the best Little Baby! [Update - 12/24/22] - Little Baby, here it is, 3 years since you've been gone. So many things have happened recently. Pippers and Kimbers (Tweety) took their Journey across the Rainbow Bridge, I hope you were there to meet them and show them around. I also have a new cat named Mousey - I found him in the warehouse at work, he was less than 2 months old. He reminds me a lot of you, always getting into things and chasing the other cats around. I know our time was short, Little Baby but I am so thankful that you were able to share it with me. I'll always love you Little Baby and look forward to seeing you again some day! [Update - 12/24/23] - Little Baby, it's been 4 years since I last held you. It's also been a tough year for me. Buddy and Rooster both took their Journey across the Rainbow Bridge this year. I hope you and the other kitties were waiting for them. I still think of you all the time, you were the best Little Baby! I'll always love you and hope you come visit me some time. Love you Little Baby! [Update - 12/24/24] - Little Baby, here it is, 5 years since you took your journey across the Rainbow Bridge. I still think of you all the time. My cat Mousey is so much like you, I sometimes wonder if you came back as Mousey! He has your personality, he likes to play around like you did, his (and your) favorite game is "ambush!" I miss you so much Little Baby and I will always love you! Please also visit Ally (Mommy Cat), Baby, Kimbers (Tweety), Kitters, Nibbers, Pippers, Scrunchers (Buddy), Squeakers and Tuckers (Rooster). |
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