Leo seduced me at the Rescue Shelter when I went to adopt Prissy. He was always very lively, jumping and racing around. One of our rituals was having a sandwich hug with Grandma every night before going to bed. After the hug, he would put his paw on my shoulder or cheek. He loved to nuzzle my face and neck. One of his nicknames was Mr. Tickle-Whiskers. He would often wake me up by staring closely into my face and his long whiskers would tickle me awake. He would sit in the window waiting for me to come home then run to the front door to meow his greeting to me. Then he had 2 detached retinas from very high blood pressure and stopped eating very much. That led to him being ill and weak. The medicine helped but could not reverse the changes. Now he's at Rainbow Bridge with his the rest of our family who are there. Now he can see and run and jump again. I miss him every day but he needed reprieve from all the discomfort. Love you Baby - always. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MY WHOLE HEART IS WITH YOU AND WILL REMAIN WITH YOU ALWAYS! Mom 10 August 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please also visit Annie Alm, Keoni Kitty Alm, Miranda Kitty Alm, Olivia Kitty Alm and Prissy Kitty Alm. |
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