Welcome to KittyHawk's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
KittyHawk's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of KittyHawk
Kittyhawk was a sweet, kind little guy who loved feathery toys, the red dot laser light he would go round and round in circles until dizzy to catch, he loved sunspots, watching the birdies and other critters outside, including horses, ducks, turkeys, alpacas on a farm in Indiana where he lived for a spell.

He endured teasing from his brother from another mother, Special K aka Peanut, who preceded him to the Rainbow Bridge about a year ago. Occasionally, Kittyhawk would have enough of Special K and would sit on top of him grabbing him by the scruff of his neck. Kittyhawk became a guard cat of sorts and would let us know when neighbors were leaving, someone was at the door, and the garbage men were coming. He would sit on our bellies and talk to us.

His health started failing shortly after Special K passed. He didn't want to play too much anymore, but he was still our sweet guy. We sadly made the decision in July at 14 years of age that it was time to ease his pain and let him go meet Special K, and Val the Dalmatian at the Rainbow Bridge who are also sorely missed. It is funny, but when we left the farm in Indiana, there was a hawk circling overhead watching us go, and we now see a Hawk nearly every time we are out in Delaware, Ohio.

As Kittyhawk's human mom and dad, we look forward to the day we see him, Special K, and Val the Dalmatian again at the Rainbow Bridge. It will be joyous to see them all.

To visit Special K https://www.rainbowsbridge.com/residents/SPECI002/Resident.htm

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