Welcome to Kalie Gwendolyn's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Kalie Gwendolyn
She was my travel buddy, the pillow hog and my best friend. She was the boss of the house. She would remind me it was time to feed the chickens, or time for her and Bear's supper, and when it was time for their treats. She did a spin around dance for her chicken biscuit. Kalie loved having her belly rubbed. When she was a puppy she had her humpy hippo she slept with and played with. That hippo had to go everywhere with her. She gave lots of kisses to everyone she met.
When Kalie was a pup our Squeaky, a Manx cat, bathed her 3-4 times a day. Kalie would sit there and allow the cat to bath her from head to tail. I wonder if Squeaky has started to bath Kalie again in Rainbow Bridge meadows? Squeaky pasted 5 yrs. ago.
Kalie was so special she was permitted into Critical care to show love to patients that were not doing well. Having her visit always made the patients begin to recover. Kalie was not a Service Dog. There was something special about her that worked. God made her to heal, love, and made her for me.
It is only a week since Kalie pasted- I can't stop crying. I miss her so much. My heartaches.
Kalie, you are only gone from me for 2 weeks, which seems forever. I found Humpy and fixed her where Bear torn her. She is like new. I keep catching myself looking to take you to bed at night and reaching to pet you at night. I miss my Kalie Bear so much.
You have left me 3 weeks today. I miss you so much. Bear still looks for you. They say the tears will stop... Not for me I cry for everyday missing you. I know you are no longer having breathing problems and in pain. I hope you are with those that pasted before you were born, Max, Cassie, My Baby, and Gecko, and Sierra. Squeaky was your Mama Kitty and I know she is caring for again. We will be together again at the Rainbow Bridge. I Love You, Kalie!!!

9/11 WOW!! It is already 4 weeks since you have passed. I miss my BOO-Bear. I hear the Parrots Barking sounding just like you and I start to look for you, then I remember you are gone. Bear misses you. He goes around looking for his Kalie. I LOVE YOU and miss You. I can't wait until we are together again.
Kalie you are with me in my heart. I can't believe you are gone over a month, It seems like yesterday you were with me.
10/15/23 Today is your 12th Birthday, Happy Birthday, My Sweet Baby Girl!!!! I miss you so much. I think about you every day. Bear looks for you in your car seat when I take him for a ride. You will never be forgotten. Happy Birthday, Kalie!!! I Love and miss you!!
10/31/23 Happy Halloween, my sweet Kalie-Boo!!! I miss you more today than I did a month ago.
11/14/23 My Boo!! 3 months ago, you left me to be at the bridge. I know you are free of pain breathing good, but I LOVE YOU and miss you so much.
12/25/23 Merry Christmas, Kalie!! I miss you so much. Christmas isn't the same without you. You will always be in my heart.
2/24/23 Kalie, I don't know, but I believe you were reborn into Bella for me. I see so much of you in her. She does your flippy flip for food, runs for treats, and humps her toy after she eats. She will never replace you, but she fills the hole you left in my heart. I know you chosen her for me. I LOVE you and Miss you so much, I don't think the tears will ever dry up I shed for you.
4/6/24 Kalie, I miss you so much!! Bella is growing like a weed, but she isn't you. Easter was lonely for me without you. I Love You, Boo Bear!!
5/24/24 Hey Boo!! Bella wants all the attention. I miss you more every day that goes by. Things are not the same since you left. Love you, Babygirl!!
7/23/24 Kalie. I miss you so much. You went to the bridge almost a year ago. I never stopped loving you and missing you. Bella has her own personality now and is keeping me busy. She hasn't learned the danger of wildlife yet.

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