Welcome to Junior Aguzzi's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Junior Aguzzi's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Junior Aguzzi
Dearest love,
Until we meet again, remember that you were my baby and best friend for 13 years. It is already difficult for me to live without you. Thank you so much for everything you have taught me and for making me a better person. As a team, we shared every moment. Since you were born, when we moved to Davis together, when we lived with vet students in the country side of California, when we moved to Missouri, when we returned to Southern California. The time we spent at Lake Tahoe and finally, the last two years of our life together in Salt Lake City. From this day forward, I will be without you by my side, but you will always remain in my heart. To me, you were never a cat. It was as if you were a bambino in a cat's body.
Mommy loves you

October 13, 2022- One month without you. I brought you home last week. I opened the bag with your box and could not stop crying. Stella was by my side. Stella still looks for you at night. She goes everywhere you used to hang out. Now we visit you by the little altar mommy created for you. I know you are here with me I can feel you. Words cannot describe the pain I feel inside for having lost you. I love you so much baby cat.

November 6th, 2022. Mommy misses you immensely. You wanted me to change your song baby. Mommy did it. I know "Yesterday" is your favorite song.
Love you and miss you!

November 13th, 2022. Two months without you. It still doesn't feel real that you are not with me. In my mind, I keep going through how I could have saved you. I feel guilty because I did not know what else I could do to save you. Cancer was really hard and unforgiving on you my sweet love. There was no chemo, no medication that would work. I felt you were given the most unkind treatment from Lymphoma which gave you no break. I hope you are resting with the angels my love. Know that you are always in mommy's mind and heart. I promised I would write something for you today and promised you that I would upload more pictures.
Love you always,

November 20th 2022- This will be our first Thanksgiving without you my love. Mommy will be missing you and I know you will be with me in spirit. I leave you a ball of yarn as I know you like toys so much. Love you

November 24th 2022- Happy Thanksgiving my love. This is our first Thanksgiving without you! Mommy and Stella miss you so much.

December 8th 2022- I uploaded more pictures of you. Thinking of you!

December 12th 2022- Tomorrow will be the 13th. It will be three months that you are not with us. Mommy misses you so.
Love you so much!

Jan 2nd 2023- Happy New Year my love. This will be a hard year without you. Mommy always thinks of you and so does Stella. We moved to a new home and you are with us in spirit. We created your little space with your ashes, your sleeping angels, your toys and the music you like. I promised you I would also take care of your virtual resting place so here I am. Some days are better than others. And some days you just won't leave my mind. Definitely you will never leave my heart.
Mommy and Stella

Jan 13th 2023- Today marks the fourth month anniversary. In my mind I know you are always with me and Stella. It still hurts so much to know that you are no longer with us. You are an angel now my love. A precious little angel making so many miracles. I see light and love every time I think about you. The day you went to heaven, I thanked you for all you had given me and for all you have thought me. I learned to be a better person from you. But the light of you is still with me and still improving this rusty human. I love you so much!
Mommy and Stella

Feb 13th 2023- Today marks five months since you crossed the rainbow bridge my love. You are always in my heart and my thoughts and I shall never forget you. I miss you so much. You know I pray for you and with you every night and I know you are now a splendid little angel. My heart still aches as I write and and aches at knowing you are no longer with us. Today I choose to celebrate your life and to give you the things you liked to play with.
I love you so much and miss you still

March 13th-2023- My love, today marks six months since you crossed the rainbow bridge. Mommy is still heartbroken and still thinks about you every day. I take you with me every where I go (literally) and I always talk to you. I know you are here with me and Stella. I know you watch over us. We love you so much!
I feel your spirit with me even now and I send you lots of love and the kisses in the head you liked so much <3

April 13th 2023- Baby, today marks seven months since you crossed the rainbow bridge. Mommy always thinks about you and I know you are now a wonderful little angel. People don't understand how hard it was for me to lose you. Every time I think of the day you cross over I cry. I know you are in a better place now. No pain, no cancer, not having to move every five minutes to ease pain, not having to be nauseated when trying to eat, not having to do Chemo or appetite boosters. Now you rest my little angel. Mommy loves you so much!

May 13th 2023- Baby today marks eight months since your departure. You are always in mommy's heart and thoughts. I set up a bird feeding station just like you would have wanted. Now the small garden birds come and greet us every day. Stella still looks for you once in a while and I know we both miss you very much. You are our little angel now, a very beautiful one and I know you watch over us. I know you send us cardinals and I send you lots of love.

June 1st 2023- Baby, today I miss you more than ever. Today marks one year that your ordeal began. I brought you one year today to the emergency room. That is how your cancer journey began even though on June 1st we still did not have a firm diagnosis. I remember this day. I can't believe how much this day changed the course of our lives.
Thinking of you

July 4th 2023- Happy Birthday my beautiful love! Today you would have been 14 years old. Mommy would have woke you up with kisses and sang happy birthday to you! Things did not go this way and you crossed over last year. I want you to know that you are always in mommy's heart and thoughts and you are in Stella's heart and thoughts as well. Happy birthday my little angel! I hope you are celebrating today in heaven. Lots of hugs and kisses from mommy to you!! <3 <3 <3

August 8th 2023- My first birthday without you. Mommy thinks about you every day my little angel. I know you are with me in spirit. I love you so much and miss you always.
Mommy and Stella

Sept 13th 2023- My love, today marks one year anniversary from your departure. Words cannot express how I feel today knowing that you are no longer with me.
I thought I heard you meowing this morning. I believe you are with me in spirit. It's going to be hard today I know it. Here is a poem for you sweet angel
"There is an empty space
where you used to lay,
and a pain in my heart that won't go away,
I couldn't have asked for a better friend.
You were my faithful companion until the end.
Now you're roaming endless fields
forever free to run.
Listening to the song of the wind
beneath the golden sun.
Meet me at the rainbow when the time is right
Run into my arms again
walk with me into the light"
(Christy ann Martine)

Until then, know that I love you and miss you very much

November 2nd 2023- Mommy is here remembering you. I send you love and kisses and flowers my little special angel. You are always on my mind. Thank you for being with me in spirit.

Jan 6th 2024 - We moved to a different city but you are always with me in spirit. I miss you every day love and keep you in my heart. Something is constantly reminding me of you and I keep looking for you. I love you so much babycat!!

Feb 3rd 2024- Visiting your memorial today love. You are always with me and in my heart. I felt you wanted me to visit you and I felt the need to spend some moments in solitude with you. I love you always

July 4th 2024 Happy angel birthday my love! 🌹🌷❤️❤️❤️❤️ Today you would have been 15 and mommy would have given you many kisses in the head and your favorite meow with a candle on top. I miss you so much and never forget you. Here is a poem for you my sweet baby cat:
Speak Their Name

Someone I love has gone away
And life is not the same
The greatest gift that you can give
Is just to speak their name

I need to hear the stories
And the tales of days gone past
I need for you to understand
These memories must last

We cannot make more memories
Since they're no longer here
So when you speak of them to me
It's music to my ear

Happy birthday my love ❤️ 💕 💗

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