Welcome to July's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of July
Born 7/1/09 Died 2/17/21

February 21/21
Thank you my dear July for coming into my life, 11 yrs and 7 months and for being such a loving, special little friend and thank you July for all the joy and beautiful memories you have given me. Memories I will cherish forever. You were, and will always be, a blessing to me. Thank you for everything, I will never forget you! We are friends forever! I love you, and miss you dearly! I will never forget you, girl!, you were happy and full of life till the very end and My life will never be the same without you. because you was just that special to me. I miss playing with you, rubbing your back and spine up and down, bouncing you up and down and saying tac, tac, tac to, and saying good girl, and I miss your tack tack tack tack feet sounds when you were walking in the kitchen, and I so miss you coming to the front door to greet me when I was gone and returned back home. you would be at the front door, when I open the door you were waging your tail as if you were saying I'm so glad to see you are back at home and that you missed me. and I would say hey, July and I would say to you Good Girl!, You had a sudden change in health that no amount of love or "what ifs" or medical intervention could change, I miss seeing you sitting on your back legs with your paws up, If love alone could have kept your here, you would have been here forever. July I am so sorry I did not notice you were sick nor getting sick, if I had been paying better attention, maybe I could have had you for awhile longer. I do not use the term "friend" lightly, but July you were the best friend I have ever had, I'm so lonely and heartbroken and You will never be forgotten and my love for you will never diminish. you will always be my loyal, kind and loving friend and I am grateful for the 11 yrs and 7 months we were together, I misses you so much, you are gone now but never forgotten. You were my favorite good girl and my hardest goodbye.

February 24/21
July today makes 1 wks. that we are apart, I so miss you and I'm crying over the lost of you, it's so hard not having you around I love you, my good girl, you bought so much joy to my life and I will never forget you.

March 3/21
July today makes 2 wks. since you crossed the rainbow bridge I misses and love you so much, not having you in my like is so hard on me asking God to help me to still carry on with out your present, and keep all the wonderful memories of you, we had a hold lot of fun together, and you bought so much joy in my life love you my good girl July. still missing you and this coming Wednesday 3/10/21 will make three weeks that you are no longer with me, I was crying today 3/8/21 because I so missed you my good girl, I'm still not doing to well from loosing you, I love you goodbye. I have your ashes sitting on a shelf in the hallway so that I can feel and see you near by me when I walk through the hallway day after day again I love you my good girl.

March 10/21
July today make 3 wks. that your are gone and we are not together and are apart, I still love and misses you so much, I wish you were still here with me and that I can say come good girl you were such and obedience and loveable pet, and I will never ever forget you, love always your puppy MOM Mary

March 17/21
July today is 1 month that you are gone from my life, I still thinks of you and misses you every day and wishing that you were still here on this earth with me, I love you my good girl July, your puppy MOM Mary

April 17/21
July today makes 2 months that you are gone from my life and i still so misses you, i hope you are having a happy life crossing the rainbow bridge, where you are not sick nor having any pain in your body. again i miss you so much and i believe your son Jeremiah and Daughter Abby misses you also because they don't see you in the middle of them in your cage, i misses hugging you, picking you up into my arms, miss you from being at the front door when i come home wagging your tail, miss your bark, jumping up on my knee for me to rub your back and when you wanted water, and a snack, and many more countless things. my life is not the same now that you are not here with me to share it and i wish you were here with me. i love you my good girl July, love your puppy MOM Mary

May 17/21
July today makes 3 month that you have crossed the rainbow bridge, i still misses you so much, still wishes that you were here with me, i so misses everything about my good girl called July. i still misses the life that we shared together, i hope that you are well and happy now that you have crossed the rainbow bridge, love always your puppy mom Mary

June 17/21
July today makes 4 months you are gone from my life and I still miss you and still cry's over you and still wishes you were still alive and here with me, I'm on vacation this week, now in bloixil ms love you your puppy mom Mama Mary

July 17/21
July today makes 5 months you been gone from me, i still misses you so much, and this is the month that you came into my life it was July of 09, hope you are doing well across the rainbow bridge, i still have your children Abby And Jeremiah they are doing well it seems like to me that they misses you and can since that you are not here with them any more to, we all love and misses you until next time

August 17/2021
July today makes 6th months that you are gone from my life, it seem so long ago that you were here with me, i still misses you and love you my Good Girl, i still thinks of you just about every day, and cries sometimes for you to still be here with me Love you always Ju'Maryian says that he love and misses you to, be happy in your new home across the rainbow, LOVE YOU MY GOOD GIRL, LOVE Your Puppy MOM

September 17/2021
July I so still misses you, sometimes i am so sad not having you here sitting or looking over there at me in your cage and then i say good girl and you would wag your tail, then i say come July and you would run up to me to pick you up and i would pick you up and we would coddle up together in my arms, Love you still so much, hope you are doing well in your new home. Love your puppy MOM

October 17/21
July tonight as i sit at my computer desk and look over at your dog pen, where you use to sleep, it's empty now that you are gone beyond the rainbow, i sooooooo misses you, and i am cry just sitting here think of the times we use to spend together, i love you and i feel blessed to have had you in my life for 11yrs and 7 mo, and that makes saying goodbye so hard." July i will never forget you Love your puppy MOM

November 17/21
July i still misses you, hope you are happy in your new home, i think of you mostly every day, love your puppy MOM

December 17/21
July My heart will always wear the paw prints left by you, it was so hard not having you this Christmas 2021 which was the first Christmas without you, Your wings were ready but my heart was not, Love you always your puppy MOM

January 17/22
July i still so misses you, i still think about you and says to myself that i love you my good girl and i wishes that you were still here with me. your tow puppies Abby and Jeramiah are doing find and getting fat, i believe that they misses you to July my good girl i want you to know that i I woof you Love your puppy MOM

February 17/22
July i still misses you this is the month that you were called to the rainbow bridge, on the 17th of February 2021 1 year ago, i woof you and hope you are happy in your new home my good girl, i woof you your puppy MOM

March 17/22
July i still misses you even doth you have left my life but, you will never leave my heart. you and your puppy Abby look so much alike, and she sometimes act as tho she misses you also, Jeremiah is also a good boy just like his mother which is you, and you is still my GOOD girl

April 17/22
July how blessed am i to have had you in my life for 11yrs and 7 month and i will never forget you MY GOOD GIRL You Have Left My Life, but You Will Never Leave My Heart, I still love and misses you so much, your puppy MOM

May 17, 17/22
July you are no longer by my side but always in my heart, still misses you Your puppy MOM

June 17/22
July you were a Faithful, Loyal, and Loving Companion, still love you

July 17/22
July you are Always On My Mind, Forever In My Heart, i misses you so much, Love

August 17/22
July i am still Missing You, and i will never forget you, LOVE puppy MOM

September 17/22
July i still misses you

Octomber 17/22
July I will forever love you my good girl, love you

November 17/22
July I wishes that you wewe still alive and here with me, love you my fur friend

December 17/22
July this is my 2nd Christmas without you love so much your puppy MoM

January 17/23
July this is another new year without you, it been 2 years since you are in the rainbow bridge and i still misses you my good girl

February 17/23
July I still misses you and think of you, your daughter Abby looks just like you she is now 12 years old, love your puppy MOM

March 17/23
July I will always love and remember you

April 17/23
July you are sadly missed

May 17/23
July I'm still missing you so much, everyday since you been gone I long to touch and play with you, your puppy MOM

June 17/23
July you are no longer by my side but, forever in my heart love and still miss you, your puppy MOM

July 17/23
July this is the hardest month in the years that you been gone, I named you July because I loved and found a bond with you, in this month, I misses you so much and you will forever be my good girl your MOM

August 17/23
July I still have your puppy children, Abby who looks just like you and Jeremiah who barks all the time they are some good puppies, love MOM

September 17/23
July you been gone 3 yrs. and 7 months now, every day I wishes that you were still here and a part of my life

October 17/23
July Love you my good girl, your puppy MOM

November 17/23
July every day I wishes that you were still here and a part of my life

December 17/23
July every day I wishes that you were still here and a part of my life

January 17/24
July every day I wishes that you were still here and a part of my life

February 17/24
July every day I wishes that you were still here and a part of my life and I love and misses you so much

March 17/24
July every day I wishes that you were still here and a part of my life, love your puppy Mom

April 17/24
July every day I wishes that you were still here and a part of my life, your children Abby and Jerimah loves and misses you too

May 17/24
July every day I wishes that you were still here and a part of my life, I will never forget you

June 17/24
July every day I wishes that you were still here and a part of my life, next month is the Month of July, the month you came into my life, and we bonded together, you were such a good pet and I will never ever forget you, I still misses you till this day and every day I wishes that you were still here and a part of my life

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