Welcome to Jimmy's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Jimmy's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Jimmy
"And if I go, while you are still here...know that I live on, vibrating to a different measure, behind a thin veil that you cannot see through. You will not see me, so you must have faith. I will wait there for the time when we can soar together again, both aware of each other. Until then, live your life to the fullest. And when you need me, just whisper my name in your heart...I will be there."

Big Jimmy, you came to live in my heart even though I never met you in purrson. You were my special sponsor kitty at Tree House Animal Foundation in Chicago for several years. I feel that I got you know you through your many purrsonal messages, written in "cat" but so readable by this human!

I learned just this week, 2/12/07, that you had peacefully crossed Rainbows Bridge. You are such a mellow, sweet boy and had been a mentor kitty to several who came to Tree House over the years. Now be a mentor across the Bridge to those kitties who come, afraid and alone. I shall deeply miss your kitty notes and your beautiful pictures.

In the words of the letter that came on 2/12, "Jimmy was an absolute favorite of both staff and volunteers. That sweet face, his broad boyish muzzle, his beautiful fat belly, the way he loped down the hall, rocking from side to side like a little boat - Jimmy will be intensely missed, and he will never be forgotten."

And I will never forget you either, my Big Jimmy, my precious orange and white tabby. I will see you when I cross the Bridge. And you will always be in my heart. Your sponsor purrson, Clare

2/3/08 - It has been a little over a year since you crossed the Bridge, and I know that you are well and happy and with many other furbabies. Please know that you are still and always will be in my heart. You are very special to me, and I love you and look forward to meeting you in purrson one day. Hugs, Clare

3/25/08 - Dearest Jimmy, I sure hope you had a wonderful Easter there. I miss your getting your pictures and hearing from you in your notes. I love you and always will. Clare

12/3/08 - Dear Big Jimmy, it's Christmas again and you will have a white Light of Love hung for you at Tree House this year. I wouldn't miss doing that for anything. I know you are cuddled up by the fire in the fireplace, gazing with wondering eyes at the beautiful silver and gold Christmas trees and wondering how you could get to the top-most branch! And then I see you go to the window to watch the gently falling snow just outside, knowing that you are safe and warm and cared for by the angels. I will meet you in purrson one day. I will pick you up and love you like I couldn't do here. Big Jimmy, be my special kitty angel, okay? Merry Christmas! I love you. Clare

12/31/08 - Well, another year has come and gone. Please watch over me with love, knowing that I love you so much even though we never met here. I'm looking forward to seeing you across the Bridge in God's good time. I love you. Clare

2/7/09 - Happy Valentine's Day, big boy! You are always and forever in my heart. Clare

3/3/09 - Happy Easter, Sweetie. You are forever with me until we meet across the Bridge. Clare

11/29/09 - Merry Christmas, Big Jimmy. This is your 3rd Christmas across the Bridge. We know that you dearly love the golden Christmas trees all trimmed in shining white lights. Look down at Tree House and know that you are remembered there with love and that I think of you often and love you so much. Run and play with the Christmas angels and once in a while think of me with your kitty love, okay? I love you. Clare

1/23/10 - I know that you are blessed there and having a wonderful time on the Other Side of the Bridge. I miss you even though I never met your purrson here. And I look forward to meeting you one day in God's time. You mean the world to me. Happy Anniversary, dearest Jimmy. I know your party will be grand and everyone there will be joining in your celebration. I love you with all my heart. Your sponsor parent, Clare

3/14/10 - You are truly cherished and so loved! Your sponsor parent, Clare

9/16/10 - You are a treasure to me! Be a good boy and watch over all those other kitties. Love you. Your sponsor mom, Clare

11/26/10 - Big Jimmy, happy holidays. This is your 4th Christmas at the Bridge. I'm asking that your very own Christmas angel hold you close and love you. The folks at Tree House miss you, and we all know that you're blessed and waiting for us to join you one day in God's time. I love you to the moon and back, Big Jimmy! Your sponsor parent, Clare

12/25/10 - Merry Christmas! Your white light beams brightly at Tree House again this year in memory of your sweet presence. Please remember that I will always love you and look forward to meeting you one day in purrson! Your sponsor parent, Clare

1/23/11 - Sweetest Jimmy, this is your 4th anniversary at the Bridge, and I know that you are celebrating with a magnificent banquet, and all of your friends are there to celebrate with you. Enjoy all the marvelous foodies, and I'm sending you big hugs and kisses, dearest boy! Happy Anniversary....celebrate with the angels and our sweet Katy, BG and Mittens and all the others who surround you with playful fun. I love you and always will, and I look forward to meeting you one day in God's time. Your loving sponsor parent, Clare

1/29/11 - You are my Valentine, and I love you soooo much! Your sponsor parent, Clare

2/25/11 - Dearest Jimmy, please keep an eye on me, your sponsor parent. I love you to the moon and beyond and we'll get together soon. Clare

3/18/11 - Happy Spring, Big Jimmy! You are treasured and loved forever and always. Your sponsor parent, Clare

4/25/11 - You are loved and cherished always. Your sponsor parent, Clare

5/29/11 - Memorial Day is a time to remember those we love who have gone on to their next great adventure. You are remembered with love and caring always. Your sponsor parent, Clare

6/17/11 - We know that you are enjoying the warmth of the summer sun and having such a wonderful time with all your kitty and doggy friends. Please watch over us and know that you are loved. Your sponsor parent, Clare

9/15/11 - Fall is upon us, and I want you to know that you are cherished and thought of often. You are held close in my heart forever and always. I love you, Big Jimmy. Your sponsor parent, Clare

11/25/11 - Thanksgiving has come and gone, and now the Christmas Season is here. Please know that you are held close in my heart. Merry Christmas, Big Jimmy. You are loved. Your sponsor parent, Clare

1/23/12 - It's difficult to believe that you have been at the Bridge for five years, beloved Big Jimmy. I still think of you so often and send you love on angels' wings. Please watch over all those at Tree House who loved you so much, and watch over me too! I love you now and always. Your sponsor parent, Clare

3/20/12 - It's been a warm winter at Tree House in Chicago where you spent so many happy years. And now Spring is here in all its flowery glory. We know how much you are enjoying your new life. Just please know that you are loved and cherished forever and always. Your sponsor parent, Clare

3/21/12 - Jimmy, please take Windsor under your paw and show him all the wonders of that glorious place. He came to join you on Monday, 3/19/12, to start his grand new adventure in that heavenly land. Windsor, I shall truly miss being your special purrson, and I know that you are well and healthy and no more pain or medication. You are loved by me, your sponsor parent, to the moon and back. You two have fun, and one day I'll get to meet both of you. I love you so much! Your sponsor parent, Clare

5/28/12 - When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure. You are remembered with love on Memorial Day and always, dearest Jimmy and sweetest Windsor. Your sponsor parent, Clare

9/16/12 - Romp and play in the falling leaves in that glorious place just beyond the Bridge and watch over us here too. We know that you and Windsor hang out together and that you are keeping a close eye on those at Tree House who miss both of you so much. I look forward to meeting you both one day. You are truly loved. Your sponsor parent, Clare

12/3/12 - Big Jimmy and Windsor, Merry Christmas! We know that you are having such a grand time, preparing for the magnificent Christmas banquet with everyone there, and gazing with eyes filled with the light of the trees and candles. Get a snooze in before the fire place cuddled in your blankets and remember in your dreams that I love you both soooo much! Your sponsor parent, Clare

1/23/13 - Dearest Jimmy, it doesn't seem possible that you have been at the Bridge for six years. How time flies right along! You are still loved and thought about, and I know that you watch over all the kitties at Tree House along with Windsor and many others. Please remember that you are deeply loved all the time. Your loving sponsor parent, Clare

3/31/13 - Happy Easter! May the warmth of God's love surround you and may your guardian angel hold you close. Keep a close eye on Windsor, 'k? You are dearly loved all the time. One day I'll get to meet you and Windsor in purrson. Be a good boy... :o) Your loving sponsor parent, Clare

12/3/13 - Merry Christmas, sweet boy. Your stocking is hung by the chimney with care...may it be filled with every joy imaginable. I love you always. Your loving sponsor parent, Clare

1/23/14 - Dearest Jimmy, you have been at the Bridge for 7 years now. Wow! We know that the banquet is all prepared for you and the others who came to the Bridge on this date. Enjoy all the good food and remember to send purrs of love to those at Tree House who still miss and love you so much. I hold you in my heart until I get to meet you in purrson one day. Your loving sponsor parent, Clare

12/25/14 - Merry Christmas, dearest Jimmy. May you find all kinds of delights in your kitty stocking. I send you my love on angel wings. Your loving sponsor parent, Clare

1/23/15 - Sweet Jimmy, this is your 8th anniversary at the Bridge. It just doesn't seem possible that you've been there that long. We know you're enjoying the banquet with all of your friends there. Please be sure to send whisker kisses to your friends at Tree House who still remember and love you. You are always in my heart and one day I'll get to meet you in purrson. Your loving sponsor parent, Clare

12/2/15 - May Christmas be the brightest and best there. You have my love always. Your very loving sponsor parent, Clare

1/23/16 - Dearest Jimmy, this is your 9th anniversary at the Bridge and we want you to know how much you are loved. The banquet is set and all is truly well. Send some kitty kisses to the kitties at Tree House to let them know that you are thinking of them. You are forever in my heart and I look forward to the day when I meet you in purrson. Your loving sponsor parent, Clare

12/25/16 - Happy Christmas, dear Jimmy. You have my love at Christmas and always. Your sponsor parent, Clare

1/23/17 - Wow, sweet Jimmy, it's hard to believe that you've been at the Bridge for 10 years no. You are loved truly and always. Enjoy the banquet with all the others who crossed the Bridge on this date. Send whisker kisses to the kitties at Tree House to let them know you think of them. You are truly always in my heart and one day I'll get to meet you. Your loving sponsor parent, Clare

12/25/17 - Merry Christmas, sweet boy. I think about you and at this time of year, send you much love. Your sponsor parent, Clare

1/23/18 - Dear Jimmy, this is your 11th anniversary at the Bridge. Just know that you are truly loved and cherished and that we look forward to meeting you one day. You're very special. Hugs, Clare & Martha

9/8/18 - Always remembered with love and light and always in my heart. Your sponsor parent, Clare

12/25/18 - Happy Christmas, dearest Jimmy. You are tucked in my heart and loved always. Your sponsor parent, Clare

1/23/19 - Dearest Boy, this is your 12th anniversary at the Bridge. You are dearly loved by us and we know that you are blissful in that land of Love and Light. We'll see you one day and give you lots of hugs. Much love, Clare and Martha

12/25/19 - Merry Christmas, handsome boy. You are always in my heart and I send my love to you on angels' wings. Your sponsor parent, Clare

1/23/20 - Beloved Jimmy, this is your 13th anniversary at the Bridge, and you are held deep in my heart always. We will get to meet you one day in purrson. Love you so much, your sponsor parent, Clare and Martha too

12/25/20 - Happy Christmas, dearest Jimmy. You're forever in my heart and I love you always. Your sponsor parent, Clare

1/23/21 - Dearest Jimmy, this is your 14th anniversary at the Bridge, and you are always in my heart. Celebrate your eternal life today and always. Love you forever and always, your sponsor parent, Clare and Martha too, and our Jackie

12/25/21 - Merry Christmas, sweet boy. You are tucked deep in my heart and my love surrounds you. Your sponsor parent, Clare

1/23/22 - Sweet Jimmy, this is your 15th anniversary at the Bridge. You live in my heart always and it will be great to get to meet you in purrson one day. Enjoy the sunshine, the flowers, the butterflies and run and play with all the kitties and doggies there. Love you always, your sponsor parent, Clare

12/25/22 - Happy Christmas, dear Jimmy. Love and Light surrounds you now and always. I love you. Your sponsor parent, Clare

1/23/23 - Wow! This is your 16th anniversary at the Bridge. I think of you often with lots of love and know that you are safe in God's Light and Love. I will meet you one day in purrson. Until then, love you always. Your sponsor parent, Clare

12/25/23 - Merry Christmas, sweet Jimmy. You're in my heart always and loved forever. Your sponsor parent, Clare

1/23/24 - You have been at the Bridge for 17 years now. It doesn't seem possible. You are always in God's Love and always in my heart. I love you. Your sponsor mom, Clare

Please also visit B.G., Callie, Chucky, Jackie, KITTEN ANGELS and WhiteKitty.

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