Welcome to Honey Bear's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Honey Bear's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Honey Bear
My sweet little girl....you came into my life through our rescue, won my heart and stayed with me until it was your time to leave. You loved your life, all your facebook friends, and especially your sponsor for the past many years, your Uncle Mike LaMont. You are in our hearts forever. Never to be forgotten....you made your impression upon so many thousands of people through FAcebook, that loved you so and feel an uncontrollable void now that you are gone. We love you Honey Bear and thank you for staying with us for 16 almost 17 years. Fly free and soar high into the sky, as we will see your beautiful face shining in the heaven's above and will meet you at the corner of the Rainbow Bridge someday in the future..... love your mommy Karen and your uncle Mike and so many more......... <3

July 5, 2015. Honey Bear your one year anniversary gone from our physical presence on July 5, 2014 is here. It was such a nice day that day and I really didn't expect you to leave us so soon. Yes, I knew you were in your 17th year and was very tired...By now you have met up with Taz and Max and Sophie that all have passed from my life. Sophie just passed away a few weeks ago...It was her time to go too. I miss you and your quirky little ways....I miss you strutting down the hallway when I call breakfast or dinner. You loved your food, you love your life and I am so happy that I made the last 5 years of your life so great for you. Tear still flow when I think of you because you were so darn special. One of the best rescues ever. I keep you close to my heart and soul and relish the day when I will be able to hear the patter of your paws flying down the hallway never to miss your meal. Love you Honey Bear. I miss you so Honey Bear...more than you will ever know.... I hadn't loved a dog like you since my precious Jake passed away...and you were special....sooo special.... you took my heart and held it for 5 years.... Give lots of licks and wags to Jake as I know you two are best buds... Love you forever....

July 5, 2016. Well here it is Honey Bear.....another year has gone. I miss you so much still and think of you often. You were that special to me....I love you little girl....more than you ever knew. Take care of all my babies.....I know you will always surround me with love and be there for me when I meet you at the Bridge. It may take a while, but in your time, it is timeless and before you know it. I will be there. Licks and wags and lots of hugs... Mommy Karen

July 5, 2017. Its that time again. Years come and go and I still will never get over losing you. Such an impact on my life. I love you forever little girl. Love Mommy

July 5, 2018.....I still love you and whenever I pass the spot where you passed away, I always throw a kiss. You were the most special and I look at your face everyday. I will see you again my precious little girl. I love you. mommy.

July 5, 2019.....here it is again...another year gone by It has been FIVE years since we parted. Can you believe it Honey Bear. Five long years without your cute little run up and down the hallway waiting for your wonderful food. I love you and always will. Mommy

July 5, 2020.....another year....more losses. I know all your friends are now with you....there will never be another Honey Bear....you were my special bratty girl. I love you forever....Mommy

July 5, 2021...ChiChi is now at the bridge with all of you....I know she is running and playing. She was such a special girl. I know you remember ChiChi....I miss you Honey Bear and soon we will all be together again....Let me know how you are doing....you were so special and you always will be. I love you...Mommy

July4,2022....Buckey is at the bridge hanging with you and ChiChi now...I have your precious picture hanging on the wall to remind me of what a bad/good girl is.....I remember you licking my face shortly before you left the earth. I will always miss you....love Mommy

July 5,2023.... My sweet Honey Bear....so many are with you now...Rafael and Noah are now at the bridge with you and waiting until we all are together again...so many of the adopted dogs that you knew are there with you now.....missing you forever...mummy

July 5, 2024....Honey Bear you will always grace my life...we will always miss you. Mummy

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