Welcome to Holly Basile's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Holly Basile's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Holly Basile
Holly my baby girl. You were a very good girl. I will miss you so much. I am grateful for 16 years of memories. Be happy sweetie. Let the angel hold you.


Hi baby girl,

Thanksgiving wasn't the same without you. I'm sure you had turkey in heaven. I miss you everyday. Especially those kisses. Christmas will be here soon. I placed your Christmas stocking up. I'll be writing to you again soon. I bet you made so many new friends.

Hi Baby girl,

Merry Christmas 🎄 I love and miss you 😘 I'm sure you are getting lots of treats and a new bed for Christmas. Spending Christmas with all your friends. Especially Hayley.

Merry Christmas baby girl. I miss you so much. I look for you everyday. Waiting to be greeted by your love. I hope you are having a wonderful day in heaven with all your new friends and with Rudy and Henry. Just keep our memories with you.


Hi Holly,

I hope your doing fine. I love and miss you soo much. Happy Valentines day. Everyday i still wait to be greeted by you.

Kisses and hugs my baby girl.


Tomorrow's your 17th birthday baby girl. I'm sure you'll be celebrating in heaven. I miss you so much. Your first birthday without mommy. I love you. I think of you everyday. You have a great day with all your friends. 😘😘🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

Hi Baby Girl,

It's almost fall. I'm sure you are enjoying playing with all your new friends. I love you and miss you so much. Forever in my 💖

Hi baby girl,

Tomorrow you will be gone a year. I miss you so much. I look at your pictures and remember all the great memories. I'm sure your doing well and playing with all your friends. Mommy loves you and misses you. 💞💖

Love Mommy

Hi Baby girl 😘

It's almost Christmas. I'm sure you'll get alot of toys and treats. I miss you so much😪 I think of you every day. 💞


Hi Baby Girl,

Happy new year 2020. I miss you. I love you. My little valentine. I can't believe you have been gone 1 year.The cats miss you too. 🤗🤗🤗🍿😎💝💝💝💝💝💝💯🦴🦴🦴🙏



Hi Baby Girl

Happy 18th birthday 🎂♥️♥️♥️🙏
I love you sooo much. I miss you every day. I'm sure you have a lot of friends. I think of you often. Remember mommy loves you always. Have a very happy birthday my angel.

Love ,

Mommy 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

Hi Baby girl,

Happy fall. I know how much you love this weather. I miss you very much. I think of you everyday. The cats miss you too. I LOVE you. I'm sure your playing and happy.




Hi Baby girl,

You have been gone for two years. I miss you so much. I bet you got alot of treats for Halloween. I know you are smiling. Soon. It will be Thanksgiving. I know you're waiting for that 🤗😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

Always thinking of you

Love Mommy 💓💓💓

Merry Christmas baby girl ❤️❤️❤️.
I'm sure you got alot of presents. I miss you so much. I'm sure you got a special treat.

Love Mommy

Happy New year baby girl 2021

May you have the best year. I'm sure you have a lot of great friends and are playing alot. I love you and miss you.

Love Mommy 💗💗💗💗😘😘😘😘😘

Hi baby girl

Easter is here. Im sure you and your friends are looking for your hidden treats. I miss you so much. I think about you every day. Your happy smile. How much you loved the long walks. Now you must be playing and running around. Have a happy Easter.
I love you

Love Mommy ❤️❤️😘😘🤗🤗

Happy 18th birthday baby girl.

I miss you so much. I think of you everyday. I'm sure you will be enjoying a big party today. I can picture you running and playing with all your friends. Now beagle is part of the party too. I know you both are friends already. You will watch him.

Have a great day my baby girl.
Love you always

Love mommy😘🤗🥳🥳🎈🎈🎈🎈

Hi Baby girl,

Just wanted to say I love you. I miss you so much. It will be fall soon. The beautiful leaves I'm sure you will be running through.


Hi baby girl,

Merry Christmas 🎄⛄ I'm sure you are ready for your presents. I know you will get awesome treats.
I miss you so much. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you.

Enjoy your Christmas. Run and play with your friends. I love you.

Love mommy 😘🤗💞

Hi baby girl,

It's almost Easter. I miss you so much. I'm sure there is a bone hunt on Easter for you and your friends. I love you sooo much. Enjoy all the Easter treats. Take your picture with the bunny.

Love mommy 😘😘😢😢🌷🌷🧸🧸❤❤❤

Happy 18th birthday baby girl I'm sure you are receiving alot of presents and treats. I miss you so much. I think of you every day.

Enjoy your day baby girl. I live you.
Love Mommy 💕 💝🎂🍦

Hi Baby Girl,

It's fall now. I'm sure you enjoyed all the ice cream treats in the summer. The leaves are changing colors. I'm sure your running thru them.

Hayley entered the rainbow bridge last night. I know you greeted her and introduced her to new friends.

I love you. Miss you everyday 😢 💓 mom

Hi Baby Girl,

I love ❤️ you and miss you so much. Panthor and Heather miss you too. I'm sure your happy playing with the other dogs and maybe cats especially Hayley. It's almost spring. I'm sending you a kiss and big hugs


Hi Baby girl,

I miss you so much. I think of you everyday day. The cats miss you too. Heather and Panthor. I know you must be getting a lot of treats and love from the other dogs and cats too.

It's 🍁 🍁 🍁 fall. 2024

M sending you kisses and hugs
Mom ❤️

Hi baby girl

I miss you and love you 😘. Merry Christmas 🎄. I'm sure you will get lots of bones and a new bed. Have fun celebrating with your friends especially Hayley. Heather and Panthor miss you too. I say a prayer for you. God bless you baby girl.

Love Mom

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