Welcome to Heckle's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Heckle
I love you Heckle. Though you have been gone from this life for many years, you have never been away from my heart. I know you were here a long time, but it could never be long enough. I think about you every day. I still go outside and visit your grave every night. You have a nice marker out there and now thanks to modern technology, you also have this special tribute. Heckle you were and always will be an important part of my life. You were my very first fur baby that I could really call my own. I loved your big paws. You play with Jessie, Max, and all my babies until I get there and please give Jeckle a special hug for me. Let him know how sorry I am. I love each and every one of you guys. (((((HECKLE)))))

March 20, 2008-I love you Heckle. 261 months since you went to heaven and today is also the first day of spring. Happy spring my special friend. (((HECKLE)))

June 20,2008-I love you Heckle. Today it is 22 years since you went to heaven. 264 months, 1148 weeks, 8036 days, and at 3:47 pm it will be exactly 192,864 hours. I will be visiting your graveside at that time. I will never forget that horrible moment in my life when a part of my heart went with you. I still think of you each and every day and I will always love you and miss you. Please take good care of Jessie and Max up there for me. ((((((((HECKLE)))))))))

June 20, 2008-Welcome to summer my special friend. I love you forever. ((((((((((HECKLE)))))))))

August 20, 2008-I love you Heckle. 266 months ago today you went on to heaven. I will light a candle and give special prayers for you today. You live always in my heart. (((((HECKLE))))))

December 21, 2008-I love you Heckle. Welcome to the first day of winter. I want to wish you and everyone at the bridge a very Merry Christmas. I miss you forever. ((((((((((HECKLE))))))))))

December 25, 2008-I love you Heckle. Merry Christmas in heaven my sweet and special boy. I will love you always and forever. (((((HECKLE)))))

June 20,2009-I love you Heckle. Well here we now at 23 years since God called you home. 276 months but still each and every day you are on my mind and in my heart. 201,624 hours at 3:47 pm today and I will be at your graveside praying for you and talking to you. I love you so much and I always will. My first sweet little boy. ((((((((((HECKLE))))))))))

June 22,2009-I love you Heckle. We are now into summer my loving friend. I will be thinking of you each and every day. ((((((((((HECKLE))))))))))

Dec 21, 2009-I love you Heckle.

March 20, 2010-I love you Heckle. Welcome to spring my sweet angel in heaven. I miss you. (((((HECKLE)))))

June 20, 2010-I love you Heckle. Today I pause and remember you in a special way on this the 24 year anniversary of you going to heaven. Today it is 288 months and at 3:47 pm it was exactly 210,384 hours since that fateful moment. I was at your graveside at that very moment today praying for you and remembering the love and companionship you gave to me. You are never forgotten and you are always loved. Till we are together again I will hold you close in my heart. ((((((((((HECKLE))))))))))

June 20, 2011-I love you Heckle. Today marks twenty five years since you left this life and went on to heaven and I still miss you more than mere words could ever say. I still think of you with love in my heart each and every day. My love for you is forever endless and I know how blessed I am to have you in my life. You will always be in my life and that will never change. Thank you sweet boy for picking me to spend your life with and teaching me how to love and care for my fellow beings. Heckle, you are so very special and may God Bless you always and forever. ((((((((((HECKLE))))))))))

June 20, 2012-I love you Heckle. Today it is 26 years since you crossed over that magical bridge to await my arrival. You have sent me so many wonderful angels to love and care for and I know that one day we will all be there together to continue our journey into eternity with more love than we ever thought possible. I miss you so much being here but I know you watch over me with love and eager anticipation. I am so blessed that so many years ago you picked me to share your earthly life with and I thank you sweet boy for taking such good care of me all those years. I love you forever and always you big pawed lovable mutt. ((((((((((HECKLE)))))))))) XO

June 20, 2013-I love you Heckle. Today it is 27 years since I had to let you go to heaven and I continue to miss you more than any words could ever express. You will always and forever be a very special boy to me who will forever live on in my heart and memory. Thank you so much for picking me to share your life with and for all the wonderful memories you gave to me with your true love and devotion. You will never be forgotten my sweet angel boy in heaven. I love you always and forever. ((((((((((HECKLE)))))))))) XO

June 20, 2014-I love you Heckle. Today I pause to remember you in a special way on this the 28th anniversary of you leaving this life and going to your wonderful and just reward in heaven. I think of you often and remember the wonderful life we had together on this earth and only regret it could not be for a longer period of time. I will forever be blessed that you were sent into my life where you were my center of attention and my own special pride and joy. Someday we will be reunited again for all eternity. Remember my sweet friend that I will always love you with every beat of my heart. God Bless you sweet Heckle. ((((((((((HECKLE)))))))))) XO

June 20, 2015-I love you Heckle. I will pause today in silent prayer in your memory on this the 29th anniversary of you leaving this life and going on to heaven. Much time has passed but my love for you grows stronger and I keep you in my thoughts and prayers each and every day. My heart is still so broken without you by my side but I will always find comfort in knowing that one day we shall be together again. We will always have a special bond that God would never allow to be broken. I love you and I miss you until we meet again. God Bless you sweet angel in heaven. ((((((((((HECKLE)))))))))) XOXO

June 20, 2016-I love you Heckle. It is now 30 years since I had to let you go to heaven and still my tears fall as freely as they did on that fateful day so long ago. My love for you remains stronger than ever and I long for the glorious day when we will be reunited for all eternity. You will always be my special boy and you left a huge paw print on my heart that will last forever. God Bless you my baby. I love you forever. ((((((((((HECKLE)))))))))) XOXO

June 20, 2017-I love you Heckle. Today it is 31 years since that saddest of days and even now tears still fill my eyes when I think of you but I know that one day soon we shall be reunited for all eternity. I will always love you and cherish the wonderful memories of our life together. God Bless you always my angel in heaven. ((((((((((HECKLE)))))))))) XOXO

June 20, 2018-I love you Heckle. It has now been 32 years since that fateful day when I had to let you go to heaven after 15 wonderful years of love and devotion. I will never forget you my very special pal who was and always will be a most important part of my life. Thank you Heckle for choosing me and being one of the very best friends anyone could ever ask for. I love you forever my sweet boy. ((((((((((HECKLE)))))))))) XOXO

June 20, 2019-I love you Heckle. Today marks 33 years since I last held you in my loving arms and still you are a very constant part of my life. You brought so much happiness into my life and taught me more than any human ever could. I will always miss you more than anyone could ever know until we are reunited for all eternity. I love you forever my special boy with the big paws. ((((((((((HECKLE)))))))))) XOXO

June 20, 2020-I love you Heckle. It is now 34 years since that fateful day that I had to help you leave this life and take your place in heaven. I know that one day we shall be reunited but until that day arrives I will miss you with the pain of a broken heart. Thank you for being my beloved and faithful companion for 15 wonderful years. I love you Heckle so very much. God Bless you forever. (((((((((HECKLE)))))))))) XOXO

June 20, 2021-I love you Heckle. I cannot believe it has been 35 years since your wonderful presence here on earth ended. I still think of you everyday with the love in my heart that just grows stronger as we get nearer to being reunited again and I will always know how blessed I was that you were sent to be my loving companion. You done real good boy and I will love you forever. Enjoy each and every day in Heaven. ((((((((((HECKLE)))))))))) XOXO

June 20, 2022-I love you Heckle. Today it is 36 years since the angels came for you to relieve you of your pain. Such a wonderful and popular guy around town. You had more friends than I did and everyone knew you and looked forward to seeing you with your big paws. Your heart was even bigger. Thank you, sweet boy, for making me the person I am even to this very day. I love you forever and always. ((((((((((Heckle)))))))))) XOXO

June 20, 2023-I love you Heckle. It has now been 37 years since one of the worst days of my life when I had to give you one last hug and send you to heaven. You gave me 15 years of love and devotion, but it could never be enough. I still think of you often and I remember the wonderful bond we have that shall never be broken and I know that one day we shall be reunited for all eternity. I love you forever Sweet Heckle. May God Bless you always. ((((((((((HECKLE)))))))))) XOXO

June 20, 2024-I love you Heckle. It is now 38 years and yes, I still think of you frequently. You were and forever will be a very big part of my life and making me the person I am today, and you taught me so much more than any person could have. I know of unconditional love because of you and knowing that we must always care for each other. Thank you Heckle for all you did for me. I love you forever. ((((((((((HECKLE)))))))))) XOXO

Please also visit Bandit, Benson, Jessie, Max and Tally.

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