Welcome to Gracie's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Gracie's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Gracie
I remember the day I brought you home. You were the last pick of your litter but the last became first! You had a feisty, curious spirit about you, and I fell in love with your big ears, big brown eyes and lovable nature! The first night I had you at home I thought to myself that I was going to train you right and make you sleep in a crate. You started whining, and in an instant it was over for me. I picked you up and put you in bed next to me and the rest was history. You stole my heart and my bed! I will always remember the way you would wake me up in the morning by looking right over my face and I could feel your presence lingering over me as if to say, "Wake up Mom! I need to pee NOW!!! Your personality over the years won my heart over and over again! Your big smile...I don't think I ever saw a pup smile as big as you! Your playful, gentle, loving personality was the best! I will always love you to infinity and beyond and I miss you like crazy!

This is the first Christmas without you my fur baby Gracie! I hope you are enjoying running around at the Rainbow Bridge and that you feel all of our love! I thought about you the other day as I was walking your new puppy brother Gibson around and I saw a hummingbird. It made me think about you! I hope you have a very Merry Christmas at the Rainbow Bridge and I love you!

I can't believe a year has passed since we let you go! I hope you are enjoying it up there at the rainbow bridge! I hope you have many friends to play with and keep you company until we meet again!

I can't believe 3 years has passed by since you left for the rainbow bridge! Time flies indeed. I decided to leave you a roll of toilet paper today since you used to love grabbing the TP in my small condo and in the house and you would TP the rooms. Your Grandma Deb found a funny video of you being held over the ground and your little feet going so fast but nowhere. It brought a huge smile to my face. I love you and miss you my little stinkapoo!

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