Welcome to Buster's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Buster's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Buster
My little Buster Boy. I'm so sorry you went through all of the crap, only for it to not work. Kidney crap sux. I'm hurting, but I know you are not anymore. I will write my favorite stories about you soon. Rite now I'm not ready. I luv u so much. I hope you ate a nice big meal and every one greeted you and you feel great again. I'm very lost without you. I know you are better off up in heaven. No more needles, no more forced feeding, no more meds. Just fun. Poe misses you. We will comfort each other.Well, the stories about you, I could tell. Your silly flips in the air, the way you used the kitty box. The way you nestle in my arms when we went to sleep. The way you took care of Sable when she was sick, the way you were the best big brother when Sugar, Daphne and Poe were tiny babies. You were just naturally loving 😭😭.
I miss wen you would jump in the air and spin around. I miss your silly meow that sounded like you were saying merlot, Well it's been 1 months. Omg, I can't believe it. I cry every nite. I miss you so much. I hope you are hanging out with everyone. I'm so sorry you got so sick. I luv u so much. I can't believe our first Christmas without you. I miss you every day.vi love u so much. How did I survive a year. On Tuesday I lost u. I know u miss me, like I miss u. I hope u are ok, I know u feel much better with those kidneys not ailing anymore . I hope ur hanging out with Tats and Sable say hi to everyone for me I luv u and miss you
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