Welcome to Bear's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Bear's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Bear
Dear bear I remember getting you in October of 2012-2013, the first day I met you I was only 13 and you just a pup, I remember your lil baby paws and teeth, but over time we both began to grow now look at us I'm 23 now and your forever age is 10-11 years old. Everyone always asked me why bear and it wasn't me the family we got you from lil girl named you and I thought it fit but over time I gave you lil nic name, bear bear, my baby boy, my lil old man, and my lil king, I remember the time I lost you I ran for blocks screaming your name and looking for you only for you to be a couple of blocks away unharmed, I remember the feeling of my heart racing and hoping you were okay, and you were,
Rest easy my baby boy I will forever miss with my time on earth not a moment will go by were I don't think about you
I love you so much bear bear
Sincerely dad

It has been 24 hours since you crossed the bridge and it has not been easy my beautiful baby boy. I will forever hold onto our teather I went on our walk this morning like I promised.

Hey there lil man it's been a week since you have crossed the rainbow bridge I still go out side plenty just feels so lonely out there sometime but I know your with me, not a day goes by I don't think about you, I can't ever bring you up in conversation or I start to tear up, but I love and miss you baby boy ♥️♥️

Hey there bear bear I just had my first birthday without you, we usually celebrate our birthdays together since I never knew your actual one, and this one just wasn't the same without you, just felt in complete without your kisses, I hope your having a grand time across the rainbow bridge, I can't wait to see again one day I know you check everyday for me but I have a long time left here.
Love you forever my lil man, love dad

Hey bear bear it's been one year now I sure do miss you my lil man, I'm in college now and had my 25th birthday without, number 2 down and so many more to go, I hope I get to see you one day again, love you my lil man, I also passed my first semester, love you so much my lil man, till we meet again

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