Bailey had three favorite things--Swimming, Walking, and Eating. She gave us more love and companionship than we ever imagined possible. We miss you EVERY minute of EVERY DAY and we know that someday we will all be together again ..... 8/17/2014 3 weeks today Bailey, can't stop thinking about you, we miss you so very much..We Love you Bai..... 8/24/2014 4 Weeks today Bai. Sydney is looking for you, we have a special Sunday tribute candle going for you today. You are missed, and will never be forgotten... 9/1/2014 Happy Labor Day Bai, We miss you today. Only a few weeks of swimming left.. Its been a long 5 weeks Bailey, you bring smiles to our faces every day.... 9/7/2014 I miss you Bailey. I think about you often and wish you were here with us. I hope you are having fun with grandma!!! We adopted a new puppy and she reminds me a lot of you when you were a baby. Just know that you can never be replaced and will live on in our hearts. . Its been a long 6 weeks. We will miss you being here for football but you are always with us.. 9/14/2014 7 Weeks today Bailey! You are Missed so much. We bought a tree today to plant in the yard in your memory in one of your favorite spots. It will be something else to remember you by for a lifetime.. 9/21/2014 8 weeks today Bailey. We look for you all of the time, Fall is in the air, I know you would be swimming today if you were here. We miss you so much. So much.. 9/28/2014 9 weeks today Bailey, we look at your pictures all the time, the pool closed this week and somehow I cant help to feel you would have been mad. I see your paw prints on the pool cover and it makes e sad, but you are in my heart forever..... 10/5/2014 10 long weeks it has been, It has become cold now with leaves everywhere. I miss you fighting me to get off of the pool cover loaded with puddles when you knew I couldn't walk out there and you stayed just far enough so I couldn't get you. Your special candle is being lit today, your in our hearts always constantly Bai....... 10/12/2014 11 weeks today Bailey, feeling sad without you here, but i know you'll always be in my heart. I saw your Halloween costume and it brought back a lot of fun memories. It won't be the same without you, but you are always here to us. You are Loved!!! 10/19/2014 12 weeks today Bailey. Our lives are not the same without you and we miss you very much. Your pictures are all over and we see them everyday!!! I watered your tree today and we got a special stone to put next to it saying how much you are in our hearts. I know you are in heaven feeling better than ever with grandma, grandpa, and great-grandma (and Aunt Dolores) taking care of you. I wish you could have stayed with us longer, but your spirit will live on forever. Sydney misses and loves you to. Until next time know that we love you and not a day goes by without thoughts of you. 10/26/2014 Just about 3 months today Bailey our lives have changed. We think about you and talk about you all of the time, every day. The patio furniture is all put away now and I can't help to feel you would be sad. The puddles are on the pool cover and I miss trying to get you off of there. Your candle is lit today and I feel sad that you are not here to touch but you are in my/ our heart right now! 11/01/2104 14 Weeks, The clocks went back today and its getting colder, I know you loved the snow and its coming. We missed Halloween without you having your Bee costume on, which you probably hated. You are in our thoughts today and we miss you as we do every single day. We love you Bai..
11/8/2014 15 weeks today, very sad feeling today, its gotten cold, winter is coming, I heard a Christmas song already and it reminded me of what we were doing last year at this time Bailey. Sydney misses you, and we look for you all of the time, I tell Sydney good things about you and it makes us feel good. Your candle is always lit to feel your presence, but the feeling is always in our hearts Bailey. We miss you every day, but you will always be here with us. 11/15/2014 16 long weeks today Bailey since you got sick. My Birthday was sad for me because you weren't here to pet, but i thought of you with a lot of nice special memories. We all miss you, and talk of you, I have your special candle lit today and its snowing a little, I know you loved eating snow, it was a favorite of yours. I miss you and will talk to you soon. You are in my heart as always. 11/22/2014 17 weeks today Bailey and it still feels like yesterday. You are close to us in our hearts and souls. Daddy misses and loves you so much. He is not the same person as he was when you were here. He has an emptiness in his heart that no one else can fill. I miss you too. I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving with your new friends and eat lots of turkey, stuffing and gravy. It won't be the same without you. Sidney misses you very much. Her new sister, Daphne, bothers her a lot biting her ears and tail. I tell daddy all the time that she reminds me of you when you were that age!!!! We will be thanking God for letting you be part of our lives for 12 years even though we wish it could be a lot longer. Love mommy and daddy 11/27/2014 Happy Thanksgiving Bai. We miss you today and miss you drooling for turkey. I am going to put a Christmas song up for you today. You are missed little girl. 11/30/2014 18 Weeks . We are missing you today as we do everyday. The Christmas tree will go up soon, and I will miss you watching it go up and wonder what you were thinking. Your Sunday candle is lit, and we are thinking about you .If you were here you would get a hug, you ware always here with us in our hearts...... 12/7/2014 19 weeks today Bailey, I remember it like it was an hour ago, Your pictures are everywhere, your Sunday candle is lit. There are puddles on the pool cover and I think of you when I see them remembering trying to get you off of there and I felt like you just laughed at me. I never got that mad at you, and I wish you were here to chase off of it today. The Christmas tree went up this weekend as well and I remember you watching us put it up last year and sleeping a lot too. Its not the same without you and you are missed every single day. We love you Bai and you are here with us always.............
12/14/2014 20 long weeks today Bailey, We miss you very much. Christmas is 2 weeks away and as the decorations come out and go up, memories of you are there with all of these things. You are thought about so very often. I have your Special Sunday candle out to help with your presence. Im here always, and miss you very much, now more than ever. .......... 12/21/2014 21 weeks ago today was the saddest day Bailey. Today is Sydneys Birthday, she turns 5 years old, I can remember the day she came here, you were lying in the living room and growled at her as she approached you.. You became a good match with her, I know she misses you to this day as we all do, but feel your presence and try to include you by lighting a candle for you. This is a hard week at Christmas comes near, lot of memories with you and about you. I will miss seeing you open your gifts as that was a highlight every year for us to watch.. Please know you are missed and loved every day all the time. Merry Christmas Fuzzy, We love you so... 12/24/2014 Christmas Eve Bailey. Im sad your not here with the family, but you are here in spirit and in our hearts, I looked forward to seeing you open gifts on Christmas Eve, and will never ever forget the good feelings you brought. You are loved and missed, but always put smiles on our faces, and are here in our hearts 12/25/2014 Merry Christmas Bailey from Sydney, Daphne, Your Mom and Dad, You are missed and no matter what, your always here in our hearts. You are always thought about and will never ever leave us... 12/28/2014 22 weeks Bailey, Christmas is over, you were talked about, thought about and missed. Everyone that knew you talked about you. We made it through the holidays, knowing your at the bridge, and in peace, and know that we are together always even if we are apart. You are loved Bailey.... 12/31/2014 New Years Eve . As I sit here with Sydney and Daphne I think about you, knowing you would be eating crab legs tonight, the doggie that ate almost anything, missing you and everything you gave . We were lucky to have you and you were lucky to have us. I do miss you and when it hurts I think of how things really had become, and I know you are in a better place, You are always here in our hearts, and the candle will forever burn for you. You were the best and even though we are apart, someday will be together, until then, always in heart and soul. Happy New Year pup... 1/04/2015 New Year Bailey, As I write this I realize this month will be 6 months since your leaving us to a better place. It was nice out today so we took Christmas decorations down briefly, and i saw things in the yard that made me think of you, Your tree looks nice. I saw the big puddle on the pool cover and thought of you running on it or lying in it. Everywhere around are things that make me think about you. I know your in a better place, and not in pain and seizure free, for that it brings me happiness. Your in my heart, today tomorrow and always Bai... 1/11/2015 24 weeks ago Bailey, Just really hard to imagine, I see your photos and different things and it seems like yesterday. The Christmas tree went down today, I thought of you with so many things I saw and so many memories that I have. There is snow outside and I remember you licking all of the snow up on the porch and around the pool. We miss you all of the time, having your Sunday candle lit helps. We love you and you are on our minds always Baby..... 1/18/2015 25 weeks Bai, We just want you to know you are on our minds today, your Suday candle is lit, and we are missing you watching the football playoffs, Happy thoughts as we think of you and miss your prescence this cold snowy Sunday. I know if you were here Id be chasing you off the puddle on the pool cover today. You are always loved.... 1/25/2015 6 Monthes ago Bailey you left us for the Bridge, It has been a hard long 6 monthes and there has not been a day gone by that we dont think, talk, smile or laugh thinknng about you. We look at your pictures and light candles to have you closer to us, the fun times will never go away and you are always here in our hearts forever. I know you are in peace and not suffering, it doesnt make it easier but knowing you are not hurting helps. We are with you no matter what happens forever, we love you, and are with you Bailey... 2/1/2015 27 long weeks today Bailey. It snowed alot today and Sydney was covered with snow and I remembered and thought of you being covered with snow. Today is the super bowl, the puppy bowl was on and I remembered you and Syd watching it together and barking at the tv. You are missed every day Bai, your Sunday candle is lit . We Miss You and you are with us...................... 2/8/2015 28 Long weeks Bailey since you left the earth for the bridge. It was sowing this week, i often thought of how you would handle the cold, i know you had towalk around in 40 circles before you peed, and I thought of that when i was outside with Sydney. We miss you and everythig we do and wherever we go, we think of you, we miss having fun together, but you are right here with us in spirit my doggie. We all love you, i will write soon, your father. 2/15/2015 29 weeks Bailey, I just cant imgine. We got the pet magazine this week and they printed a tribute to you in there, it was very touching and it makes me feel good to have a rememberance for you, about you for all to see. You are special to all of us and Im gald for all to know. We miss you very much each day, It never gets easy. Its freezing cold out and I look for you all of the time in your favorite spots. Even though you are not here, you will never leave our hearts, you are missed every minute of every day.......... 2/22/2015 30 weeks Bailey it has been, We think of you and talk of you all of the time, you are missed so much. There is alot of snow out right now and I am glad you dont have to struggle in it. I do think of you covered in snow when I see it though in your yard.I Know that Sydney misses you, but no one misses you as much as your dad, I think of you just like you are here, I feel sad but you put a smile on my face. I want you to know we are thinking about you and you are with us ALWAYS and forever!! 3/1/2015 31 weeks Bailey R . It was snowing alot today, we had to shovel the driveway twice. I realized two things I miss alot today, one is you looking out the winndow in the basement thru the blinds and the other is you sitting beside me in the recliner chair. Sydney sits beside me, but not on the side you sat on. We all miss you ,Your Sunday candle has been going all day, and we think of you all the time, your sisters are hhere, but its not the same. Your in our hearts and never apart Bai! 3/8/2015 32 weeks Bailey, HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE GIRL! Happy Birthday too you, Happy Birthday too you, Hapy Birthday Dear Bailey , Happy Birthday too you..You would be 13 today or 91 in people years. The heavy snow is melting and the weather is changing, I will keep an eye on your Cherry Tree and et you know its growth progress. We all sang happy birthday to you today and had your special Sunday candle is lit all day, We all love you and miss your prescense, but know your here in our hearts. we love you Bai Dad.. 3/15/2015 33 weeks ago, unbelieveable. I put the spring backround up, alot seems to have changed over the past week as it is warmer, muddy and rainy, the snow is about gone, and there is a big puddle on the pool, again reminding me of you staying in there not wanting to come in, You are missed , thought of and talked about every day. Now as the weather changes we can watch your tree grow and bloom for the first time. I hate to have to go on here, we look at your photos everywhere when we come in and leave, and light a candle every day to have your prescence her with us. you are and will always be loved.......... 3/22/20115 34 weeks it has been. It has been a quiet week, the weather is changing, the snow is gone, the ground is muddy and the pool cover is one big puddle. all thee things I see make me think of you last year and all of the things you did. I dont have to be specific because your candle is lit every day so you can be as close as possible. We all miss Bailey and Sydney does very much. We love you Bailey... 3/29/2015 its been 35 weeks Bailey, I still cant believe it. All that we had been thru. I write you because I want you to know your not forgotten, nor will you ever be. and you know that because we always have a candle lit to feel your prescence. You were loosing weight, had an infection, you were sleeping alot, not eating and not being yourself. I now know and realize this. I cant help to think about you when I see something that I have not seen since you were here. it hurts but I did not want to see you suffer. You are missed and will never ever be forgotten. You will always be with us in our hearts until the time comes when we are together again in person. You are loved..... 4/5/2015 Bailey Easter Sunday a long 36 weeks, I had your special sunday candle lit since 9 am today. Only a few people stopped here but they all saw you It was nice out, i missed you so much watchig the boys look for teier Easter eggs and feeding you ham, You were here in spirit, with photos and candles and memories, We love you Bailey, will talk to you very soon my love mom & Dad 4/12/2015 37 weeks Bailey, very sad feeling without you, your candle is lit, there are buds coming out on your tree this week, I cant wait to see it bloom which will be very soon. I also saw the spring pattern in the stars last night which reminds me of long nights waiting outside for you to pee. You are in my heart, always near me, time may go on, but the memory of you here with us stays present all the time, we love you so much Bai... 4/19/2015 38 weeks have gone Bailey, truly amazing, Your tree we put in for you last August has bloomed, I was very surprised to see green all over it and 3 nice white flowers on it when I looked at it yesterday, it made us all feel very happy and reminded us of you, we will have it forever to remind us of you when we are out in your pool area. Sydney is here with me and I feel she knows I am writing you as she just is staring at me, I miss you lying beside me in the recliner, that was your spot and Syd doesn't lay there. Your in my/our heart today and tonight as you always are, but especially on Sunday. I miss you Bailey, it doesn't get easier, but you are always with us in heart and memory...... 4/26/2015 39 weeks, It was a hard week Bailey as we had to take Syd to see Dr Hall and Dr Mike, plus we went to Heartwood one time, so you were on our minds always, I remember you lying in that pond at Heartwood, and of course the rides and visits to the other Dr.s. Your tree is doing well, as Im waiting for it to fully bloom. Sydney laid on my lap today for the 1st time in a long time and it reminded me of you. You are with me all day especially today and always, We love you Bailey! 5/3/2105 40 weeks, We put a plaque outside on your tree today for you Bailey for all to see that this tree is in your memory. We pulled all of the things out of the shed today and got the porch area partially ready, I remember this being a day we all spent together, so we were thinking about you alot today. Nothing more can be said as you are on our minds all the time, I dont need to tell you that tonight, you know we are thinking about you today and every day, you re missed my friend, buddy and baby.... 5/10/2015 41 weeks. Sydney had a lump remover from her back left leg this week,seeing Dr hall reminded of you, being in the supermarket reminds me of you, all the food i got for you to try to eat, the liver i cooked you wanted none, you did eat the chicken noodle soup and i was happy, but you ignored the steak and meat, It breaks my heart to remember now some of the things we went thru, then there was the cat food. This was about a year ago. Today was mothers day, your tree looks very nice, the pool will be open soon and I will take you out to your favorite area. You were thought bout so much this week Bailey, your never forgotten my baby, you are loved and missed 5/17/2015 42 weeks Its been a tough week in ways Bailey, you are missed even more when some other things dont seem to go right, You are here in spirit and always in our hearts, in alot of ways we are always together. The pool opens tomorrow, that will be a hard day because I always looked forward to you going out and seeing the pool open for the first time and you heading right for the water! You never wanted to get out, I will miss helping you out and drying you off. when the weather is good, I will take you outside, I promise. You are in our hearts and terribly missed by us all, especially me, your dad. .... 5/24/2015 43 weeks its been Bailey, i remember last year at this time like it was yesterday. The pool is open this week, it was hard to see without you being here, the first swim of the season, helping you out, getting dried, the shivering, I miss it all. we think about you all of the time, is not easy but I light a candle and know your here in our prescence. Day at a time, we love you Bailey 5/31/2015 44 weeks tonight Bailey, Alot of memories today from the first taco at taco bell to the things we were going thru a year ago at this time, I cant believe it will soon be approaching a year. There has not been a day, or a moment gone by where we have not missed, thought of or talked about you. You are still here in this house, and I know you can see us and realize how much we cared for you. Sydney, we all miss you. with our love Bai...... 6/7/2015 45 weeks ago Bailey, we were thinking of things that were happening last year and missed you extra much. I was at a restaurant and I remembered how no matter what i was eating i always saved a bite to bring hone to you, I miss you, we miss you, i fight with myself all the time over how things ended. You are not here with us but you are here in spirit and heart, that will never ever change so threfore you are always here with us. I have your candle lit and several pics out of you all the time, I know your here, you can show me any sign if you ever need something. I love you, and Im here, we are together........... 6/14/15 46 weeks dearest Bailey. What a day, we painted the basement all day, went swimming once, It would have been a day we all would have been together, we painted all around the mantle where your box sits, so it will look real nice for you. You and Sydney would be swimming all day, you would be on the steps and her waves from jumping would rough you up when your just chilling on the step, you were here in spirit together in all our hearts, I am especially thinking bout you happily missing you and your personality, i love you Bai Ill talk to you in a few but are always with you 6/21/15 47 weeks and Fathers Day. There was a ton of people here yesterday for graduation, It would have been a bit much, you probably would have liked it better downstairs away from the crowd I m sure. Today was spent just relaxing, your candle was lit all day, you were here with us. It is amazing that next month will be a year since you are gone, It never gets easy, you are in my heart and that can never go away. 6/28/2015 Just hard to believe we are approaching 12 months here Bailey. Very quiet rainy week, i know if you were here you would be swimming in the rain, no matter what the temperature, Your Sunday candle is lit and we have been together all day, with Syd and Daphne, We love and miss you and think about you every single day little girl, you are loved and missed fuzzy. 7/5/2015 A hard weekend went by Bailey because it was the 4th of july and you werent here, I saw chicken broth in the cupboard and it reminded me of making you chicken soup last year to eat. When I heard fireworks I remembered you running for the door from the explosions. It was hard to get you to pee on the 4th weekend. One nice thing is your mom and I went swimming with Syd and it was nice and peaceful thinking of you in the pool with us. I know you loved the pool but Sydney loves it almost as much as you did. Shes helping in your abscence, but your prescence love and memories will never leave us as we approach this hard one year mark. I love you Bailey, you are missed, but never gone 7/12/2015 Bailey we are thinking of you today for sure and every day, thinking about things that were going on last year at this time as we approach one year . We are glad you are at peace because of what you went thru, and know that you know we are all together in spirit. We are with you everyday and this is just a way of paying respect to you as we always feel love for you and miss you and cherish the time we had and would do anything to get it back for even just a day. You are loved and missed.... 7/19/2015 51 weeks bailey, we cant imagine a year is even upon us. There hasnt been much time go by in a day where we have not looked at a picture, or talked or thought about you in some way. It hot out right now and we dont swim as much but miss you in your favorite place, the pool, or seeing you lay in the sun. We miss that the most, watching you swim, as I write this with a smile. Your candle is lit today and we think of you with happiness, you are truly missed baby.... 7/26/2015 52 weeks ago, it was a horrible day and a horrible night at this time, The only good thing is that you are at peace, no more suffering or struggling, as hard as it is and was, I , we need to be happy for you that you had a great life and can rest now. Know that we will be with you someday, but until then we will never be apart. It was a special day today being able to have you out and by the pool. I can not believe it has been a year, I miss you scratching at the door for treats, jumping when I gave you one, barking to get up the steps, helping you up the steps, flipping you over on the couch, so much and so many things, You were the best anyone could've asked for, thank you for all the fun and smiles you gave us along with the memories that We will cherish everyday forever. You are here , will never go away and never be forgotten, you are and will always be loved. 7/27/2015 Remembering you and missing you on this one year date, Life is not the same without you, but your spirit and memory live strong always.. M D & Syd
8/9/2015 Thinking of you today and always Bailey, there's not much that we can do here without thinking about you, If I dont write as much, its not because Im not thinking of you, you prescence is felt all the time every day here and I know that you are with us. We love and miss you , not just today but every, mom and Sydey 8/23/2015 Always thinking and never forget, your Sunday candle is lit and you are here with us today especially, but everyday. Sydney misses you too. We are here Bailey... 9/6/2015 Thinking of you and remembering you on this Labor Day weekend Bailey, I know you loved the pool and we are thinking of you this hot weekend as e see the water, You are thought about and missed as your Sunday candle is lit. We miss you Bailey and never ever forget.. 9/27/2015 Its Sunday Bailey, you are thought of and missed more than ever. Fall is officially here, the weather is changing, Football has started, things are different. I see that star pattern in the sky at night and it reminds me of your bathroom trips at night when it is cold out. Sydney and Daphne are here and we all miss you on this Sunday with your special candle lit. We love you Bailey.... 10/11/2015 The pool is closed this week Bailey, I know you would be mad and I miss seeing that. I miss alot of things, you scratching at the treat door, making noises for treats, waiting outside of the bathroom door when I am taking a shower, alot of nice memories. You are here in spirit , thats why I took you outside for a little today while it was still nice. You are thought of all the time every day, and are always here with us. We love Bailey!!! 11/1/2015 Halloween was yesterday Bailey and you were thought of very much. I will always remember the Halloween when I pulled in and you were waiting by the mailbox giving out Halloween candy, Alot of special memories. We always burn a candle for you every day, and your tree is really growing well. The weather is changing to cold and leaves are falling, the puddle is on the pool cover, I miss you always going in and out of that puddle, not listening to me. You are always here with us, and I wanted to write you this weekend as you are always on our mind.. 11/22/2015 As it gets colder and Thanksgiving approaches, you are missed and are on our mind. You are thought of and missed every single day. you will always be with us and in our hearts.. Love M D & Syd 12/6/2015 There are alot of things that make us think about you, last night it was the stars in the sky, Thanksgiving you were missed, as Christmas approaches, you are missed, and thought of daily. Your candle is going right mow, We Love Bailey Forever................
12/20/2015 Missing you especially today and this week of Christmas, your pictures are present and we always have candles burning for you, You are never ever forgotten, there is so much that reminds us of you. Today is Sydneys Birthday and we are missing you here for cake. We will be together always Bailey, We Love You... 12/25/2015 Merry Christmas Bailey, you are on my mind and in my thoughts last night and today. I have a candle lit for you all day and I think of nice memories of you opening Christmas gifts with us. You are missed, We miss you and Sydney misses you, You are in our hearts for ever!
1/3/2016 Happy New Year to Bailey. It is cold out, The stars are in that special area in the sky, and I am thinking about you. Another new year of memories of us, Your Sunday candle is lit, and you are here on this snowy sunday, but you are missed. You are in our hearts Always! 1/11/2016 We are looking at your pictures thinking about you on the weekend of your Moms Birthday, We love you and miss you, you are in our hearts and make us smile!! 1/27/2016 Sydney hurt her right leg and is having surgery today just like you had, We are helping her just like we helped you Bailey, Up and down the furniture, bed and steps. Brings back alot of memories of what we went thru together. You are on our mind, especially today, We miss you.. 2/20/2016 Thinking about you today especially because the weather was nice, the stars are still in winter formation at night. Sydneys surgery went ok, but she is very active and needs to take it more easy, Her knee has scar tissue and fluid and looks like your knees did. We are doing what we can to help her, and remember all we went through together with your surgerys. We are thinking about you and you are in our hearts everyday and always. 3/6/2016 Its your Birthday Tuesday, Happy Birthday little girl, we love you, we are thinking about you all the time, Your Candle is lit, we love you Bailey.. 3/8/2016 Happy Birthday Bailey, we love you and cherish our memories with you on your birthday, your in our heart every day always! 3/25/2016 Happy Easter Bailey, Spring is about here, Sydney is recovering from her knee, but still has a way to go. We miss you and you are in our hearts every single day, It seems like yesterday you were with us, but will always be in our thoughts and hearts. So much reminds us of you. We Love and Miss you. 5/1/2016 You are missed so very much, The pool opens in 2 weeks, your tree is growing and beautiful, Sydney is lying here with all of us, Your prescence is here and we want you to know you are on our mind this Sunday. We Love You 5/30/2016 Memorial day 2016 is not the same with out you, but you are here in spirit and our hearts. Your favorite pool is open and I cant help to think of you every time I am near it. There isnt a day that goes by that you are not thought of by Sydney or any of us... 6/29/2016 Summer is here and the 4th of July approaches, your candle is lit and we think of you throughout the day, Your tree is blooming huge always reminding us of you. You are missed and loved and will never ever leave our hearts.. 7/17/2016 Thinking about you today , missing you at the pool especially, you are loved and always remembered and are always with us! 7/24/2016 No special message, just thinking about you alot this weekend, You are here in spirit, and we love you!! 7/28/2016 It has been 2 years Bailey, There has not been a day go by that you were not on our minds, we see your pictures and always have a candle burning for your prescence. So many memories all good, you are missed but always with us in spirit and you are never ever forgotten, We always will love you! Mom, Dad and Sydney!! 8/25/2016 As summer winds down you you are on our minds, yor tree is huge and growing making us never forget of all the fun we had outside at thr pool, I just wanted to take the time to tell you I miss and Love you even though you are here every day in our hearts. We love you Bailey 9/17/2016 The pool is still open but fall is coming, As those fall stars move over the pool area We think of you knowing you were mad when the pool closed. There is a candle lit and you are with us now as it becomes cooler and Football starts. You are loved forever... 10/31/2016 Halloween is here Bailey, the weather is cold and when i look to the sky at times i see those star patterns from winter and remember our times outside. Hlloween is here and I remember the time i came out and you were at the table with karen in your costume waititng for me, You always waited for me, everywhere, i miss that all the time,a long with scratching at the door for treats, I love and miss you along wh=ith your im and sydney, you will always be my life......... 11/13/2016 Day after my Birthday Bai, wishing you were here remembering the fun and thinking of good thoughts. Those winter stars are in the sky when Sydney is outside, we all cant help to think about you, we miss you with everything. You are loved little girl! We Love YOU 11/25/2016 Happy Thanksgiving, thinking about you today. Love M&D 12/25/2016 Merry Christmas to Bailey, we went to paps with syd and Daph and you were clearly on our minds. We miss you and remember all the fun we had together every Christmas, I missed you opening your gifts. We love and miss you and you will never leave our hearts.. ever! 1/1/2017 New Years Day, we have a candle lit and miss you and are thinking about you. You are in our hearts and missed so very much, I think of you opening gifts, you loved that and I loved watching you. We love you Bailey always!! 1/22/2017 Sitting here with Sydney thinking about you, she has her tennis ball, and we have a candle lit and were looking at some pictures of you. We love and Miss you Dear Bailey. Miss seeing you scratch the door for treats... 2/26/2017 We miss you and are thinking about you today as we are all here together, we love and miss you baby.. 3/27/2017 Missing you and thinking of you this Sunday and everyday as Spring is here. Sydney and I are here with you, we know you would be wet from the pool cover and here eating a treat, we miss you every day Bailey... 5/1/2017 We miss you and love you Bailey, you are here with us as the weather gets nicer and your favorite will be open soon. We miss you this Sunday, thruout all we do! Love Mom and Dad 6/17/2017 Even tough we dont write every day, you are always here with us, especially now that its hot and summer. We miss you and you are always here with us in and out of the house. We love you always 7/16/2017 Just thinking about you today Sunday, at the pool, looking at your tree, Sydney had a little trouble climbing the steps today and it made me remember what we went thru. I will write next week on your 3rd Anniversary. Your in our heart everyday forever!! 7/27/2017 Its been 3 years today Bailey, I never thought I would get this far, we have a candle light for you today, I miss you scratching on the door for treats, and running around the pool. Just know that not a single day goes by where you are not thought of and looked at. We love you and miss you but you are and will always be with us!! 9/5/2107 Labor day Bailey, so much going on with moms new job, my back, pappy sick, i look up at the stars changing for fall and it reminds me f you that you are there. we all miss and love you on this holiday and each and every day!! 10/16/2017 Always thinking of Bailey, the pool is closed, its getting colder, the stars are aligned for fall, remembering our trips out at nite, scratching on the treat door, and Halloween, you outside and in costume, we will never forget and remember with smiles, we love Bailey always.. 12/24/2017 Missing you and thinking about you all thru this Christmas Bailey. All of the things that happen once a year that you were involved with make us never forget. You are with us every day and especially at Chrismtas. Your canlde is lit and Sydney and I are here thinking about you. We always Love Bailey..... 2/10/2018 I think of you all the time Bailey, you are here with us, You , Me , mom and Syd. You are always with us Baby. 3/23/2018 SYDNEY Dearest Bailey, Sydney is there with you now, after all of these years you two meet and are together again, the orinigal duo. Please tell sydney she is loved so and missed. a piece of our hearts are there with her,we love you both always 4/7/2018 Bailey and Sydney, you are so missed, thought of all the time every day by mom and me. Life is not the same without you both here. Sydney you are so missed, mom and I grieve daily for you, your urn came today, you are in our hearts every single day, never ever leaving us, you and Bailey together forever. I love and miss you both.. 5/30/2108 Memorial day, we have a new Puppy named Bindy, she looks so much like sydney and reminds me of her alot. theres only one Sydey and she is in my heart every where I go and during every thing I do she is there along with Bailey. We care cherih and miss you both Number one Bailey & Sydney!! we both miss sydney soooo much.. 7/1/2018 Missing Sydney and Bailey with Daphne and Bindy. We love and miss you painfully all the time, cant look at anything or do anything that doesnt remind us all of you both. We miss you and love you and our hearts ache for your touch but we know you are with us always and forever! 08/19/2018 Just missing you both this Morning especially, Today we would be swimming and outside and I cant do it without you both in my thoughts. Someway every day I think of you both all the time about all different things. I love you both, we love you forever and are always always always!! with us.. Dad 9/30/2018 Its been 6 monthes Sydney, we miss you and Bailey every day, your sister, everything that Bindy and Daph get, we want you to have also. The pool is closing and I see the fall stars starting to appear in the sky which I saw every night on our bathroom trips, you two are in our hearts and thoughts every day forever! 11/21/2018 Missing bith of you Buddies, Babies on Thanksgiving. Syd and Bai, you are with us forever every day. So much good to think about, I just cant say enough today, please know you are here with us. We Love You.. 12/16/2018 Just thinking of you both as Christmas approaches, you are right here with me, but Sunday is our day when we spend more time together. Forever Love Girls! 12/30/2018 Bailey and Sydney. Another holiday has come and gone, it was especially hard as Syd this is the first one without you. Things are not the same in life without both of you here, even though you are in our hearts, and spirit every single day. We love you and are together always and you will always be our babys! 3/3/2019 I am saddened tonight missing you both, knowing you are here with us, but you are both strongly on my mind. I can just say I miss you both more than anything and your spirit will always be with me forever! Love Dad. 3/23/2019 one year ago today Sydney my baby. I am thinking of you and love you forever every single day. you and Bailey are the best, we love you all. I love you girls, you are here with me in every way 5/31/2019 Really no need to write you both as you are forever here with us all. We miss you every single day and in our heart, you are with us everywhere all the time. Love you both. 7/19/2019 Thinking of you both today especially with the heat, Syd I miss your looking at me in the pool and your diving, Bailey I miss watching you go into the pool, You buddys are in our heart today as every day 10/14/2019 Missing you as Pappy is gone in 10/10/2019. Im glad of all the times we had together, please welcome my dad over the bridge and love him as you did when you were here. You are in my heart every minute every day Bailey and Syd! 11/10/2019 Missing Bai and Syd today I hope you are taking care of each other and Pappy in heaven. I think about you all constantly and you are in my heart always! 12/24/2019 Missing Sydney thru her birthday and Both Bailey and Sydney on this Christmas eve. Jesus Birthday you are with pappy and here in our hearts. We love you all 3/25/2020 I THINk OF YOU BOTH DAILY ALL THE TIME, SO MUCH HAS CHANGED, PAPPYS GONE, THERES THIS CORONA VIRUS I MISS YOU MORE THAN EVER NOW. THERE ISNT A DAY THAT GOES BY WERE WE DONT THINK ABOUT YOU IN SOME POITIVE WAY. WE LOVE YOU ALWAYS AND FOREVER 6/7/2020 Just missing you both, seeing you in the pool and outside, you are on my mind all the time, buddies, babies we love you 7/12 2020 Missing you both, theres not a day that goes by that you are not thought of, Someday you will meet Bindy and Daphne and you will all be together, we love you both and wish we could hug you or scratch your ears, you are here in spirit thru all the holidays, swims evenings, everything. Love Mom and Dad 7/27/2020 6 Years ago you left us Bailey but you are with us all every minute every day, we love you and are with you baby! Love mom and Dad with all of our hearts... 9/12/2020 As fall approaches and the pool will soon be closed, I can see those stars in the night sky that remind me of our nights together. Syd and Bai we love you and think of you every single day Babys. we love you always! 12/25/2020 We are thinking of you on Christmas and miss you both dearly. We love Bailey and Sydney, you are in our hearts now and forever. Our Babies 5/27/2021 We love you both. As the pool open we all think of you and how you loved the pool, You are in our hearts with the treat drawer, the garden the couch, everything all the time , we love our babies and you are in our hearts and thoughts all the time more than ever! We love you always... 7/27/2021 7 YEARS AGO Today Bailey, you are in our hearts and you are with us here tonight, We love and miss you and Sydney but you are always always here with us . We LOVE you Mom and Dad 10/7/2021 Thinking about Bai and Syd. I saw the fall stars last night and you were both there with me, It will never go away, we love you so much.. 12/19 2021 As Christmas approaches we are thinking about Syd and Bai always and every day. You are here with us always and every day. We love you both Mom and Dad 3/19/2022 Missing you each day, playing ball, watching the weather change, all things we see everyday that remind us of the times we had together, always in our hearts, forever, Love mom and DAD 8/3/22 Bai and Syd Syd and Bai.we love you and miss you in body and think about you constantly, until were together again, you are in our hearts and mind no matter what changes happen with us day to day, we will always be with you, Love mom and Dad 10/27/2022 Seeing the stars form and hearing songs make me miss our times together, i love you guys and miss you, we will be together again, tell pappy we love him too. Dad 1/3/2023 Missing you guys at Christmas and New Years, Things arent the same without you but we will be together someday, Love you Both. mom and Dad 03/24/2023 Cant tell you bth how much we miss you, Bailey scratching at the door and Syd with the ball, We think about you every day, were glad your here with us and will be together someday soon, we love you both forever 7/27/2023 Missing you extra today Bailey, enjoying the swimming videos of you Sydney. You are thought of every single day, until we are joined again in person, you are here in spirit and we love and care for you both. Love Dad and Mom 10/07/2023 As the pool closes and it gets coder and you can see the stars you are missed and thought of more than ever, we love you and miss you and will be together again and it will be glorious. All our love mom and dad 12/23/2023 Merry Christmas to our babies Bailer and Sydner. We love and miss you every minute of every day, You are with us always. We love you 03/03/2024 Weather is changing as it reminds me of our walks and time to swim. We think about you both every day and all the good times we had and look forward to the good times we will have again. We love you both and miss you every minute. Our babies and buddies. Mom and Dad 07/10/2024 Thinking of you in this heat remembering our memories swimming together, we miss you and know you are with us every day in our hearts. Our babies always. Mom and Dad 07/29/24 Thinking of Bailey and Sydney today for no special reason, just know you are missed and Loved. Dad and Mom 10/5/2024 Always something to eat and something to play with for my babies. Its fall and starting to become chili, the stars are in the sky at night when we go out to go pee. I love you both and am thinking about you both today with mom. WE LOVE YOU!! 01/19/2025 How much things have changed, but we think of you every day, Please take care of Pap and Grandma until we are all together.We love you all...Dad and Mom