Bailey is the light of our lives. She brought so much unconditional love & happiness to us & to everyone who knew her. She loved to sit on the back of the sofa & look out the front window to see & bark at all the people & other d.o.g.s coming down the street. She loved to be warm & would always burrow in blankets and snuggle with me in bed. She loved her sister kitties & they would love to antagonize each other. She was usually cold & would love to be warm. She would sit at the dryer & bark, telling us that she wanted a warm towel. We would put towels in the dryer & when they were warm, we'd take them out so she could snuggle in them. We would do this over & over for her until she was content. Bailey did not know where she stopped & I began, to her, we were one. She didn't know she was a d.o.g., nor did we tell her. She was just one of us. In taking walks around the neighborhood, her little legs would tire quickly so we would put her in stroller & she would ride in style, the envy of all the other d.o.g.s in the area. Taking car rides was another fun activity for her & she would sit on my lap and watch everything while we drove. She would get so excited every year when we put up the Christmas tree. She would dig through all the presents under the tree until she found hers. She could open her own gifts & we enjoyed watching her do so. Our lives were altered when she joined our family & forever altered when she left us. We pray she is at peace & knows that we will love her & miss her forever. Rest in peace, our precious Angel, my little Ginger Snap. 12/12/13 - Oh my precious little baby. It's been a week since you left us & I can't begin to tell you how much we miss you. I know you were ready to go but we weren't ready to let you go. Your little body is whole again & you no longer have stomach pain or distress & there are no more pills. Your little legs are just fine & you are able to leap through the meadows chasing other d.o.g.s & kitty cats. Saying goodbye to you was the hardest thing we ever had to do. My heart still aches thinking of that moment when you left us. I know that we will see you again though & when it's time for us to join you, I will run to you & scoop you up in my arms & we'll snuggle & love for eternity. The void in our lives is horrific but our memories of you will sustain us. Thank you for being my constant companion & my love for all these years. Thank you for teaching me how to love & receive love as that gift from you is immeasurable. Thank you for allowing us to be your Mommie & Daddy as that was truly an honor. I love you forever my precious little Bailey. I will hold you in my heart until I can hold you in my arms.
12/26/13 - Hello my little Angel. Well, Christmas Day is over & it just wasn't the same without you. Oh how we missed singing carols with you as your howling always brought such joy to us. And we missed watching you sleep under the Christmas tree. You would always dig in the pile of presents under the tree & pull out the ones for you. We never knew how you knew but you did. I miss holding & kissing you. I miss sleeping with you & I miss smelling you. I continue to pray for you & pray you never forget us. I know you are safe, free of pain & there are no more pills. I hope you found Pice & L'il Kitty. We love you Bailey & miss you so much! 01/30/14 - It has been eight weeks, my love, but it feels like eight years. I long to touch you, smell you and hear you. I wish I could feel your little kisses on my face and hold you once again. Oh my precious little Bailey, I pray that you are making friends at the Rainbow Bridge and I pray that you haven't forgotten me. Run free my precious little girl and Mommie will see you once again. Until then, know that my love for you is never ending! "Give kisses!" 02/27/14 - Hi my sweet little girl. It's been 12 weeks that you left us and I cannot begin to tell you how much we miss you. I'm so sorry that we were not able to fix your illness and that you had to leave before us. I am forever thankful for the 16 wonderful years we had with you and I'm grateful that I was with you at the end. Being your Mommie is the best honor and I'm glad you chose me. I love you so much my precious little bundle. You are my everything. "Who's here to see me?" 03/13/2014 - Oh my sweet little Bailey. When I came home from work last night, I automatically said "who's here to see me". Saturdays afternoons are the worst as that was our special time. I cherished the ritual of me holding you in my lap as you slept. I miss everything about you my angel and pray that you are healed, that you remember me and that you still love me. I love you so much my precious Bailey. 04/17/2014 - Hello my little Bailey. Thank you for sending "orange" to me. The orange was a glimmer of hope that you still love me. I've had my share of heartache & loss over the years but this has been the worst ever. You are the smartest little girl ever. You were the best baby to care for & the most perfect companion. I am so thankful I was chosen to be your Mommie. I will love you forever my little baby. I miss you so very much! 05/15/2014 - Oh my sweet Bailey. I feel numb inside lately and not sure how to move forward. You left your paw print on my heart & in my mind forever. Sometimes the words I write don't capture what I truly feel. I pray for another sign & thank you for the ones that you have sent before. I also pray that you visit me in my dreams. You were/are the light of our lives. I love you forever my little angel & miss you so much. 06/12/14 - Hi my precious little bundle of love. The house seems quite different without you & Spice misses you too. I wish I could hold you again & snuggle with you. I miss sharing the pillow with you at night & I miss your sweet kisses. You are forever in my heart & will forever be a part of me. You are the best part too I love you forever! 07/10/2014 - Hello my little Angel. I saw Dr Bonny & she said that she thinks of you all the time. You were/are one of her favorite patients. I pray for Orange & the other day I saw so much Orange & was very happy. I miss you so much it hurts. I don't know how everything changed so quickly but it did & there was nothing that could be done to change it. My little precious bundle, you are the world to me. I love you forever. 08/07/2014 - Words cannot express the void in my life since you are gone. What I wouldn't give to hold you again. I miss those beautiful wet kisses, you attacking my face when I laid on the floor to exercise, our walks, feeding you. I miss everything about the life we had. I will see you again, I love you forever my sweet little girl! 09/04/2014 - Its almost nine months since you left this world. I can't even begin to express how much we miss you. I still say goodbye to you when I leave for work every morning & I kiss your urn good night every night. I say special prayers for you all the time. I am thankful that you are no longer sick but the void consumes me. Bailey, I love you forever. You are in my heart for eternity. I love you. 10/16/2014 - I'm struggling my little girl as it was this time last year that your health starting to dramatically change. I have all these memories and what-if questions. There will never be anyone else like you and no one will ever take your place. I talk to you all the time and I hope you know that. I pray that you visit me in my dreams. Your love is indelibly engraved in my heart. I love you forever, my sweet little Bailey! 11/27/2014 - It's Thanksgiving day & it seems so different this year. I miss you sitting in the kitchen hoping I'll drop some morsel of goodness for you. Today, I am thankful that you were with me for 16 fabulous years. I'm thankful for the love you gave me & that you chose me to be your Mom. I love & miss you forever my little Angel. 12/05/2014 - One year ago today, you left this world. I relive those last moments constantly and it takes my breath away and nothing is the same anymore. Our lives were intertwined and you didn't know where you stopped and I began. I look at your pictures constantly and I write in your journal and talk about my day and memories of you. I am so thankful that I was your Mom and you gave me 16 glorious years of pure love. You left this world, sweetheart, but you never left my heart. I love you forever, Bailey, my little angel. 01/01/2015 - Oh my precious little Bailey. It's the new year & its another year without you. I found myself singing one of our special "Christmas" songs about you today. It actually brought a smile to my face. You seemed to enjoy singing with us & howling along & then you'd lick my face so much. I pray for you every day. I love you forever my angel. Always, and forever! 02/05/2015 - Hello my precious little Angel. Well, its 14 months since you left this world, I can hardly believe it. It's a struggle to not have you with me as I miss you terribly. Thoughts of you run through my mind constantly. I still dread coming home every day knowing that you aren't there. The void in my heart & in my life is overwhelming. I pray that you visit me in my dreams. I love you so much my Bailey. 03/05/15 - Oh my little baby, I can't believe how long its been since I physically held you, kissed you, touched you. Every night I thank our Lord for holding you & caring for you until I come home. I know you are in the best hands now but I wish I was with you. Life just isn't the same and its been such a struggle. I go through a range of emotions each day & sometimes I think of you & smile & sometimes I cannot control the tears. My little Gingersnap, you are/were the best package ever & I love you forever. 04/02/2015 - Hello my little Angel, I don't know where to start as my emotions are all over the place right now. Everything I see, smell, hear reminds me of you. I heard a different song on the radio this morning & my thoughts went directly to you as though you were sending me a sign. I don't know why things happened the way they did & I don't know why you had to get so sick but I'm thankful for all the fabulous years to have you with us. This is an honor I'll always cherish. My little baby, I will always love you, forever!! 05/05/15 - Oh my little precious Bailey, I miss you terribly. Most days I think of you 7 your adorable antics & smile, then other days the grief is overwhelming. Walking out to my car after work to come home really affects me as the reality of you not being there to greet me is difficult. I pray for you every day and thank our Lord that you are safe in his loving arms. My love for you has no end. 06/05/15 - I am at a loss for words, but I am not at a loss for emotions. There are so many days that my emotions are just all over the place as I miss you so much my little angel. When I am running at the park, alone in my thoughts, I think about you & your memories overwhelm me. I love you so much Bailey & miss you terribly. I'm praying for orange!! 07/04/2015 -- My angel, oh how I miss you. I say this all the time but it is so true. The life that I loved is no longer the same. I think of you all the time & the emotions are so strong & I end up crying. I can't turn back the clock or change anything but one day I will hold you again & I'll never let you go. I pray you remember me and love me. I love you forever! 08/05/2015 - Oh my sweet little Bailey, I think and talk about you all the time. Some days are better than others but you not being here beside me is so difficult. My love for you is unending & ommeasurable. My little Gingersnap, I will love you forever & I pray that you are safe & that you remember me. 09/05/2015 - My darling little Bailey. I miss you so much but I have wonderful memories of you and I hold them dear to me. I relive these memories all the time and wish I could turn back the clock. I want to hold you one more time, shower you with kisses, play with you and sleep with you. I sometimes think you are right here by me, I'll feel you brush up against me and when I look down, I don't see you, but I know, you are there. I will see you again my little baby.... I promise I will. I love you forever! 10/05/2015 - Hello my L'il Gurl! I'm really struggling lately. Some days are worse than others but I try to remain focused on all the wonderful years we shared. I look for signs & pray that you send me another one. When I say my evening prayers, I thank the Lord for holding you in his arms. I miss you so much Bailey & I love you forever 11/05/2015 - Hi my little baby. I was holding your fall sweater the other day. When you wore your "Packers" shirt, everyone commented on how adorable you looked. It's getting closer to Thanksgiving, one of your favorite times. You were always right under foot as I cooked Daddy's turkey. You watched carefully to see "when" I would drop something so you could scarf it up. I miss you my precious Bailey. I miss you so much that I feel that my heart is ripping apart. I love you forever 12/05/2015 - Oh my precious little girl, it's now 2 years that you left us. I cannot put into words what I feel & how much I miss you. I relive your last moments constantly & it overwhelms me. I pray every day that you are wrapped in our Lord's arms & he is protecting you. Our worlds were so intertwined & now there is just me & I struggle with that. Please know that I love you forever & that you are always in my heart. 01/05/2016 - It's another new year and another year without you. Christmas was a struggle but I talked to your pictures and urn every day and made sure your stocking was hung on the tree. Of course, we sang your Christmas songs in your honor. I think of you all the time and reflect on the fabulous life we had together. Words cannot express what I feel so I'll just simply say I miss you so much and love you forever! 02/05/2016 - Hello my precious little Angel. I was talking about you to a dear friend recently. I was telling her all about the fun we had and how you were the most perfect bundle of love ever created. There are days that the memories fill my heart with happiness and other days that the memories hurt and I feel great sadness and emptiness. Today has been one of the overwhelming days and I miss you so much. I long to hold you again, but since I can't, I will continue to dream about you and hold you in my mind and in my heart. I love you my little girl. I love you so much. 03/05/2016 - I don't know how to put my feelings into words anymore. I don't know how to convey the emptiness that I feel in my heart. I think about you all the time and I talk to your pictures and your urn every day. I pray for you all the time and I pray that our Lord is holding you and protecting you. I know He is but this void is almost unbearable. My love for you is endless my precious little girl. I love you forever! 04/05/2016 - No matter what I'm doing, no matter where I am, my thoughts drift to you Bailey. Sometimes my thoughts take me to very happy & loving times but all too often, my thoughts take me to the day we said "good night". I still see you wrapped in your blanket laying in my arms as I kissed your face & stroked you, whispering to you that it was okay & that I love you forever. My heart is breaking all over again as I relive those last moments. My little Angel, I pray you are safe in our Lord's arms & that you will run to me when I come home. I miss you so much & I love you today, tomorrow & forever! 05/05/2016 - I miss you Bailey, I miss you so much. Your picture is on my desktop at work & so many people comment on how beautiful you are & it brings such a smile to my face. Although the emptiness & loss is overwhelming I do think of our happy times and it brings me comfort. I pray you remember me & pray that you are healed & playing with all your new friends at the Bridge. I will come for you sweetheart, I promise. I miss you terribly & love you forever!! 06/05/2016 - Hello my precious little Angel. A song keeps playing in my head about a broken heart & how it broke while trying to be strong. That's how I feel lately & I try so hard to be strong but my heart just aches for you. It seems like forever since I held you & kissed you. I do kiss your urn everyday but its not the same. When God created you, he created the most perfect bundle of pure love & I am so honored that I was allowed to be your "mom". I miss you terribly, Bailey, I love you forever! 07/05/2016 - I'm struggling my little baby, struggling with going through the motions like everything is okay yet inside my heart feels so empty. It's over 2 & a half years that you left and I miss you so much. I just never thought you would leave before me. No matter what I'm doing I think of you. I stare at your pictures, your little sweaters & your special toys and I can see you in my mind, but I want to see you in person, at home. If there were visiting hours at the Rainbow Bridge, trust me, I'd be there every day. I love you my little girl, I love you forever. 08/05/2016 -- Another month has gone by & nothing's changed. I was looking at the clouds today & for some reason, this overwhelming emotion of loss came over me. I have such mixed emotions & struggle, even after all this time, sorting them out. I know you were so sick; we exhausted all our options & we allowed you to leave with dignity, but it hurts. It hurts so much & I hate that I you're gone. I'm so sorry that you had to leave..... I'm so sorry my little baby. I love you with all my heart & I miss you so much, so very much! 09/05/2016 - Hello my little Sweetheart. Well, looks like fall is finally coming. I love this time of year. Everyone enjoyed admiring you when you'd wear your football sweaters; you were always so adorable. Oh I miss you so much, I miss all the little things that we did together. Like going for rides around the neighborhood in your stroller, sitting with you in the sun, holding you while you slept & just snuggling with you. I wish for one more day, all the time & every day. I pray for my little baby, I miss you & love you forever. 10/05/2016 - Hello my little angel. The days are getting shorter and the temperatures are cooling off. This would be the time that you'd start wearing your little shirts and sweaters again. I still have all of them & touch them frequently. I believe you are still with us but just not in the same form. There are times I think I see you out of the corner of my eye, but when I look again, you're not there. I know one day I will be with you again & I will savor your wonderful kisses & love. I miss you so much it hurts. I love you always & forever. 11/05/2016 - Well, it's the fall season again & my thoughts go back to when you started to get sick. This time of year I struggle so much as I wish things could have changed & you would still be here. I pray that you are running free and making friends at the Rainbow Bridge and I pray that when the time is right, you'll be there to greet me & we'll be together forever. I wish I could feel your wet kisses & body warmth on me again. Bailey, you are truly an amazing perfect bundle of love & I miss you so much. I love you forever my little Angel. 12/05/2016 - Three years ago today you left this world. Three years ago today a part of me left too. There hasn't been one day that I didn't think of you, didn't smile about a memory and didn't shed a tear over missing you. The pain of saying goodbye and holding you while you took your last breath overwhelms me and I can barely stand the pain and emotion. I love you with all my heart my little Bailey. I miss you so much, and I pray that you remember me. I love you my little girl, I love you forever. 01/05/2017 - In a perfect world, I'd be hugging you and telling you Happy New Year, but it's not, and I'm not. I miss you my sweet little baby. Christmas came and went. I had your stocking and ornaments hanging on the tree as always but it just wasn't the same. I pray for you every day and I kiss your urn goodbye when I head off to work. I pray that you send me another sign. I pray too that you still love me. I know you are now whole and safe but I miss you. I will always love you my little angel! 02/05/2017 - Oh, sweetheart, I'm not sure what to say anymore except that I miss you with every fiber of my body and soul. You are/were the most perfect little package of fun and love. I often think of your little antics and how much fun we had. I can still see you sitting on the back of the sofa, looking out the window and barking at anything that moved. I remember the time you almost caught a chipmunk while running through the yard. Luckily, the chipmunk out ran you. These fabulous memories just fill my heart and one day we will make more wonderful memories. Until then, I pray for you and love you forever. 03/05/2017 - My dearest Bailey. What I wouldn't give for another moment with you, another snuggle, another kiss, another walk, just another minute. You were such a part of my life and I often joked that we didn't know where one stopped and the other started. But, looking back, that wasn't a joke and it is real. Part of me left with you and the void is overwhelming. I miss you my sweet baby, I miss you very much. I love you forever and ever! 04/05/2017 - Hello my little Angel. I saw Dr. Bonny the other day and she said that she still thinks about you. You were one of her favorite babies and she misses you too. I don't always know God's plan and losing you absolutely altered everything that I knew, but I have to believe you were needed in heaven for another reason. I will see you again, my little baby, and I'll hold you forever. I miss you so much and I'll love you always! "Who's here to see me?". I love you! 05/05/2017 - My dearest little Bailey. I carry this guilt around and I struggle coming to terms with it. Little did I know that when you went to the doctor that day, that you would not be coming home. I knew the situation was serious but I figured you would heal in time. You always counted on me to come and take you home and I was there and I held you and loved on you as you took your last breath. I was always there to rescue you but this time I couldn't and this is the guilt I carry. You left this world as you entered it, with dignity and grace and surrounded by loved ones. Bailey, you are/were the most perfect bundle of love and I'm honored to be your Mom. I love and miss you forever! 06/05/2017 - Hello my little angel. It's been raining so much lately and we've had so many bad storms. I remember how you would love to lay in my arms and comfort you during them. And, boy did you hate getting your little feet wet when we would take you out to potty but you were a trooper and you endured it. I miss you so much, precious, every aspect of your life I miss. I pray that you are surrounded by little playmates and from time to time you think of me. You'll always be my precious little baby. I love you forever. 07/05/2017 -- My precious little Bailey -- you are always on my mind. There are days that I struggle with you not physically being here but I know that you are always in my heart. I felt you brush the back of my leg the other day. I felt it & looked down, there was no one there but the feeling was real all the same. I believe it was you, telling me that you are still with me, alway & forever. I know that one day we will be together again. I love you so much & miss you terribly. 8/05/2017 - Oh sweetheart, it's been so long, so terribly long. There isn't a day that my thoughts don't focus on you. I was thinking about your rides in the stroller today & how much you loved sitting in it & taking in all the sights. You were so attentive & never missed any of the action on the trails. Of course, you captured everyone's attention & they all had to stop & talk to you. I miss you so much, my little angel. I love you forever & I promise I will hold you again, I promise. I love you! 09/05/2017 -- Words cannot express what I truly feel in my heart, my sweet little girl. Time goes on but my mind continues to drift on that final day. I wish I had one more kiss, just one more tender hug, one more second with you. I love you so much & I know you are safe and well but I wish things were different. I will see you again my precious baby. I promise. Until then, know I love you forever. 09/15/2017 -- Happy birthday my little angel. I hope you had a fabulous celebration at the Bridge with all your new friends. My heart belongs to you, Bailey, always & forever. I love you & miss you so much! 10/05/2017 - Hi Sweetheart -- Fall season is upon us and this was the season we both loved. You loved wearing all your sweaters & shirts & I loved dressing you in them. You always enjoyed sitting at the window & watching the leaves fall. Of course, our walks or stroller rides were such a treat too. I miss you so much my precious baby. Know that I pray for you all the time & am thankful our Lord is caring for you now. I love you forever! 11/05/2017 - Oh my precious little Bailey. You've been on my mind so much lately & I know we are coming up on another anniversary soon. My emotions are heightened now as I think back on how sick you were getting. I am at peace though as I know you are whole & running free. I know you are no longer suffering & you are living with our Lord. I will join you one day my sweet baby & when I do, we will never be apart again. I love you always & forever. 12/05/2017 -- Four years ago, at 4:07 PM you left this earthly world & entered the Rainbow Bridge. Not a day goes by that my thoughts do not turn to you. Reliving the moment you left takes my breath away. I want to hold you & kiss you again, I want to play with you & take care of you again. My memories will have to sustain me until we meet again. My precious little Bailey, I love you so much. You are part of me & I miss you terribly. I love you forever! 01/05/2018 - Well, it's another new year and another year without the love of my life. We are having such a frigid cold spell now and it makes me think of warming your blankets and towels in the dryer. You would come running to me as soon as you heard me open the dryer door. I miss snuggling with you especially when it was so cold. Not sure who kept who warm but we both enjoyed it. I love you my little baby and I miss you terrible. Until I see you again, you live in my heart always. 02/05/2018 - I retired this week and although I am very happy I wish you were here with me. I always looked forward to spending these years with you and us just being together. My thoughts drift to you so often during the day. I pray that you are free and running with your friends at the Bridge. I will hold you again my little baby but until then, know that my love for you is unending! I love and miss you forever! 03/05/2018 -- Hello my little Gingersnap. I thought of you today, but that's nothing new as I think of you every day & multiple times a day. I felt something brush up against my leg the other morning but when I looked down, there was nothing there but I felt it, I felt you and I loved it. I know you are with me, you're by my side, in my heart and always on my mind. I love you forever my precious "little gurl". 04/05/2018 - Hi sweetheart. It's finally spring & the temps are getting warmer. I can picture your little nose all covered with pollen from smelling the flowers. Of course, you would sneeze all the time from the pollen but you continued sniffing them anyway. I miss all your little antics & I especially miss holding you & snuggling. I love you forever my precious little Gurl. 05/05/2018 - I felt your presence the other day. I felt you rub against my leg. Of course, when I looked down I didn't see you but the sensation was absolutely real & I know in my heart that it was you. I feel you in my heart everyday and wish I could feel you in my arms. I miss you so much. I love you forever & you'll always be a part of me. I love you! 06/05/2018 - Hello my little angel. We've had so much rain lately and my mind goes back to the struggles we had getting you to go out to potty in the rain. I would walk with you carrying a big stadium umbrella to shield you from as much rain as possible. You were a little trouper though & you'd go but you were not happy. I truly miss that but I am so thankful for the memory. I miss you so much sweetheart & I think of you all the time. Please know how much I love you, always & forever! 07/05/2018 - My sweet little Bailey, I miss you so much. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about you & your little antics. The fireworks last night were so loud & I know how much you didn't like them & how scared you would be. You would snuggle up against me & I would keep you safe & secure. I love you my precious bundle of love and I will see you again and we will be together forever. Until then, know how much I love & miss you. 08/05/2018 - It's been so long since I snuggled with you & I really miss you. My days are busy & full but there is something missing & that is you. I wish I could hold you & love on you one more time. So many things remind me of you. Sometimes I laugh when I think of your antics & sometimes I cry. I love you forever my little angel! 09/05/2018 - Oh how I miss you, my little girl. I'd give anything to hold you & snuggle with you one more time. Every day I see your pictures & I think back to happier times. But, I don't need to see the pictures displayed around the house, I just look in my heart & there you are. I pray that you always remember me & know that we will be together again. I love you forever my sweet little baby, always & forever! 10/05/2018 - Hello my sweet little Angel. I had a dream about you the other night & it seemed so real. I hope it was a sign from you that you still remember me & love me. It's been so long since I held you & snuggled with you. My arms ache to hold you again. Your memories are alive & well in my heart & I cherish all of them. Know that I love you & we will be together again, forever. 11/05/2018 - Hi my little baby. I was talking to someone today about you & how I wish I could have changed things. I always brought you home when you went to the doctor, but this time, I could not. You kissed me one last time & that kiss is forever with me. I held you that last time & kissed you. That memory will never leave me. You are part of me, the best part of me. I love you & miss you so much. I love you forever. 12/05/2018 - Today is 5 years that you left this world. You left this earthly world but you never left my heart. I can no longer physically hold you or feel you but I feel your presence every day. You live in my heart and in my mind. I see you everywhere I look; your spiritual presence is still in our home. I miss you so much my little Angel and I will see you again. Until then, know that you are always in my heart & that I love you forever. 01/05/2019 - Well it's the start to another year, another year without you. I was talking about you the other night and the emotions came rushing through my heart & mind. I was telling the person about your last kiss to me & how that has stayed with me. I miss you my Little Gurl. I will hold you again & never let you go. I love you & miss you so much! You live on in my heart! 02/01/2019 - What can I say my precious, my heart aches for you. Yesterday, I was reliving your last day and finality of it all just was too much for me to handle. Your last kiss is forever burned in my memory. I cherish the memories I have of you. I will come to you my precious girl and we'll be together forever. But, in the meantime, I will hold you in my heart and in my dreams. I love you so much. You're always my little girl. 03/05/2019 - Hello my little angel. The weather is starting to warm up a bit & of course that means pollen. I can still see your little nose covered with pine pollen or flower pollen & how cute you were. It's been so long since I felt you, held you & snuggled with you. The words are hard for me to type as missing you overwhelms me. Know that I miss you so much & that you are always in my heart. 04/05/2019 - Hi my little Gingersnap. You sure made your presence known to me the other day. I was on the floor cleaning up a spill & I felt a tug on my heel & looked around to see what it was & no one was there. I knew it was you though & I got so emotional. No one could ever capture my heart the way that you did. You and I were one & will always be. I love you with all my heart forever! 05/05/2019 - Looks like spring is finally here. We recently had some pine trees removed & in place of one, we planted a maple tree the other day in your honor. It's a red maple & its leaves will be as beautiful as your red fur. I was quite emotional when we were done & I was admiring it. Today I'm reliving the moment you left us & it tears at my soul. My heart can barely contain my emotions. I know we will be together one day & when we are we will be together forever. I love you always! 06/05/2019 - Hello my little baby. It's coming up on my birthday but celebrating it without you just doesn't seem right. You always made me feel special, all snuggled in my lap & sleeping away soundly. I miss those precious moments that we shared. We will be together again my sweet angel & when we are, we'll never be apart again. I love you forever. 07/05/2019 - Hi sweet girl! Summer is in full swing & my thoughts drift to you sitting on the deck letting the sun hit you. You always loved being warm. The 4th of July is a date that you always hated. The noise of the neighborhood fireworks always scared you & you would hide in my arms until they were over. I love you little baby & miss you terribly. Please know I will see you again, until then, you are always in my heart. 08/05/2019 - While running the other day my thoughts went to your last day on this Earth & I was overwhelmed with emotion. I thought about your last moments when you reached up to me to give kiss me, your last kiss. That kiss is forever with me. I miss you & all the tender moments we had, the chasing each other around the house, the walks, snuggling together & singing together. I miss every part of you. Know that I love you forever my previous little girl. 09/05/2019 - Oh my sweetheart, the weather is changing & leaves are falling & it's our favorite time of the year. You would now be wearing your football t-shirts on chilly days when we go for rides in your stroller. Life is different but your memories & the love we felt will sustain me until we meet again. I love you forever my little Bailey! 10/05/2019 - Hello my little precious bundle of love. I'm thinking of you in your fall sweaters today as the weather has turned cooler. Not sure if you liked your sweaters or not but you never fussed when I put them on you. You always got compliments on them too. I miss you so much my little darling. Life is just different without you but you live in my heart & in my mind. I love you so much, always & forever. 11/05/2019 - Oh Bailey, I miss you so much. I don't even know what to say. Words escape me at times but what I feel is so real. You are/were the most precious package of love I've ever known. You always have my heart & your memories live in my mind. My love for you is eternal. I love you forever my little Gingersnap! 12/05/2019 - It's 6 years today. Six very long & empty years. I cannot even articulate what I feel anymore. I miss you so much my sweet little girl. I relive the last days & moments of your life here on Earth & I can hardly breathe. Thank you so much for that last kiss, it sustains me for now. I will see you again my little baby, until then, know how much I miss you & that I love you forever. 01/05/2020 - It's another new year & another memory of life without you. Christmas came & went & yes your little stocking was hanging on the tree. I said a very special Christmas blessing for you. Oh my precious little girl you are so missed. I think of you all the time & remember all our special memories. I love you my little girl, always & forever. 02/05/2020 - I was staring at one of your pictures today, the one right in front of my treadmill. I was thinking back to happier times when we would walk all over the front lawn & bask in the sunlight. You loved being outside but only on your terms, of course!! I don't think there was ever a more perfect love than what we shared. You will always be my special little angel. I love you forever! 03/05/2020 - Hello my little angel. We had snow a couple weeks ago & it was so pretty & so much fun to watch. Of course I thought of you & how you loved running & jumping in the snow wearing your winter sweaters. I certainly miss those days; I miss you. I will come to get you one day, I promise. I love you forever my little precious baby. 04/05/2020 - Oh my darling little Bailey, we have so much pollen these days & I'm thinking of how your little nose would be so yellow from the pine pollen. You'd go outside & I'd have to wipe your little nose to clear it of the pollen. My thoughts are of you so often & there is such a void in my heart. I love you my little girl & pray for you always. 05/05/2020 - Hello my little Baily. This year's spring season has been incredible with the cooler temps. You would have loved it sitting on the deck just basking in the sun & the cool breezes blowing across you. How I long for the springs of the past where I actually held you outside in the sun. I miss you my little baby & my arms & heart hurts for you. I will hold you again though. Know that I miss you terrible & that I love you forever. 06/05/2020 - Oh my sweet little baby. You've been on my mind so much lately. I called your name out the other day & thought I felt you brush up against my leg. It felt so real & I know it was you in spirit. I miss you so much & wish I could hold & snuggle with you just once more. Know that you are always on my mind & in my heart & I love you forever. 07/05/2020 - Hello my little Angel. I don't know what to say except that I miss you terribly. I think of you so often & wish I could just hold you one more time, feel your little body in my arms & feel your wet kisses on my face. I miss all our adventures but mostly our snuggle times. You are/were such a perfect package of pure love. I will see you again my precious, I love you! 08/05/2020 -- I had a dream about you last night & it was so real. I was holding you while you were sleeping & you jumped up & kissed me & rested your head on my neck. I felt you, your body, your fur, your heart beat & I could smell you. But I woke up & realized it was just a dream. I miss you so much & I love you forever! 09/05/2020 - It's now September & many memories are flooding my mind. I can still see you sitting in the front yard watching leaves as they fell from the trees & often you'd try to catch them. Days, weeks, months & years roll by but it seems like yesterday that I was holding you & snuggling with you. I love you forever my little girl & I will see you again. 10/05/2020 -- Hello my little sweetheart. The leaves are changing & the temperatures are getting cooler & of course my thoughts are of you as you loved sitting on the back of the sofa, looking out the window & barking at all the leaves falling. I can still see you wearing your little football shirts too. I miss you my little girl & I love you always & forever. 11/05/2020 - Oh my little precious angel I can't begin to tell you how much I miss you! So many things remind me of you & I think of all the happier days we shared. I pray that you never forget me & please know that I will come see you & we will be together forever. I love you & miss you terribly. 12/05/2020 -- Today is 7 years that you left this world. It seems like forever & yet it seems like yesterday. I can't tell you how much I miss you. The void is unreal. I'll always cherish your last gesture of recognition, your last kiss & holding you as you left this world. You are always in my heart, always on my mind & I will love you & cherish you forever. 01/05/2021- Another year again, time just goes on but it's just not the same. Daddy gave me the best present -- a glass weight with a picture of you and me in it. I love it. I have it on the mantle with all of your toys and pictures. I cannot put my feelings into words but just know that my love for you is just as strong now as it was the first time I saw you. I miss you and will love you forever. 02/05/2021 - Hello my little Gingersnap. I had a very vivid dream about you last night & in it I was holding you while you slept in my arms. It was absolutely heaven. I could smell your fur & feel your body moving up & down with every breath you took. I miss you terribly & can't wait to hold you & kiss you again. Know that my love for you is forever! 03/05/2021 -- Hello my angel! I can't even begin to tell you how much I miss you. I can't believe how long it's been that I held you, smelled you & kissed you! Spring is on its way & our flowers are blooming. Your little nose was always inside the flowers & then the pollen would be on your nose. I will hold you again my angel. I love you forever. 04/05/2021 - My dearest Bailey, we are moving to a new home. Leaving here will be bittersweet as this is the only home you ever knew. As I walk thru all the rooms, I see you and I miss you terribly. Of course, you're coming with us, as well as all your toys, sweaters and all your pictures. You will always be with us, always be a part of us. I miss you and love you forever! 05/05/2021 - Hello my sweet little baby. We made the move & are slowly settling in. You're right here with me at my desk & I see your sweet face every day. I miss you & love you forever. 06/06/2021 - Hello my little Gingersnap. So long that I held you, kissed you & felt your little body against me. I can still picture you sleeping on my lap, with your paw resting on my arm. I will cherish this memory forever. Until we're together again, know that you are always with me, in my mind & in my heart. I love you forever! 07/05/2021 - Oh my precious little girl, I miss you so much! I have your pictures & favorite toys at my desk in the kitchen & I can see your beautiful little face every day. I know you're whole & no longer suffering & I'm thankful for that but I miss you terribly. I love you my darling Bailey! I love you forever. 08/05/2021 - Hello my little angel. We're having a tease of fall weather & immediately I think of you wearing your little sweaters; sitting at the window & watching all the leaves come down. You always got so excited watching them. Life is different without you. I miss you terribly & pray that you remember me. We will be together again. 09/05/2021 -- Words cannot describe the emptiness in my heart. I wasn't ready for you to leave & I relive that moment so many times. I wish there was visiting hours at the Bridge as I would visit you every day. Just know that I love you with all my heart & we will be together forever again. 10/05/2021 - Fall is here & the leaves are changing colors & dropping. Although I love the season I am feeling sadness as this was the time of year that you were getting sick. The memories of holding you & loving on you while you weren't 100% will always be with me. We would snuggle & snooze & it was the best. I will find you when it's my time. I love you forever 11/05/2021 - The season is changing fast here & it's getting cold now. All I can think of is snuggling under the blankets with you. We had our special times every day in that we would just snuggle & you'd sleep on my lap. I will cherish these memories forever! I miss you so much. Know that I love you & think about you all the time. 12/05/2021 - Hello my little Gurl. Our tree is up & the decorations are up too & memories of you laying under the tree or opening your gifts are flooding back to me. Not sure how you knew they were your gifts but you did. Eight years ago today you left this world but you never left my heart. Know that I miss you so terribly much & I love you forever. 01/05/2022 - Well my little love, it's another new year but another year without you by my side. You're always in my heart & on my mind but I want to hold you & snuggle with you again. We had our first snow of the year the other day & I immediately thought of how much you loved snow & would leap around the yard. I cherish this memory & all the memories we share. I miss you terribly & love you forever. 03/05/2022 - My dear little girl, the amount of pain I feel is commensurate to the degree of love I have for you. I never knew such perfect & unconditional love until you. You left your prints on my heart & I will love you forever. I pray you are whole & running with your friends at the Bridge. Know my love for you is forever! 04/05/2022 - I think Spring is finally here. I can still see your little face when you'd come in from outside & you'd be covered with the pollen. Oh how I miss watching you outside running in the grass. My memories of you are so vivid & I know we will be together again. My love for you is unending! 05/05/2022 - Words don't adequately convey what I feel. I miss everything about you; our routines, our walks, our playtime, our snuggling & most of all your kisses. I held your blanket today & I can still see you snuggled up in it. I cherish this blanket & all your toys as they bring me so much comfort. Know that I love you & that my love for you is forever. 06/05/2022 - I don't have the words to express what I feel deep in my heart. Best I can do is to tell you that I think of you every day & that I miss you immensely. I cherish these memories though & they sustain me until I see you again. I love you forever my little Gurl! 07/05/2022 - Hello my little angel. You are heavy on my mind today but I think that's because of the recent fireworks in our area. They scared you so bad but I would hold you & do my best to comfort you. I wish I could comfort you now or you could comfort me. I miss you with all my heart. Know that I love you forever! 08/05/2022 - Hi sweetheart. It's been a long hot summer but one that you would've enjoyed basking in the yard soaking up the heat. Oh how I miss those days sitting under the tree with you while you enjoyed watching walkers & other doggies go by. I miss you so much & cannot wait to hold you again! I love you forever! 09/05/2022 - When Fall comes around, all I can think of is you in your football jersey. You caught the eye of everyone that saw you as you looked so darn adorable in it. I don't even know what to say anymore except that my heart aches to be with you. I love you with all my heart! 10/05/2022 - Hello my little pumpkin! This was our favorite time of year & all the memories of the fun we had are rushing back to me. I still see you in your little sweaters, running through the yard and laying in a pile of leaves. I miss you! I love you my little gurl & miss you with all my heart. 11/05/2022 - This has been the most beautiful fall weather. I really wish you were here to enjoy it as fall holds some great memories for us. I think of you whenever I see a splash of orange color as that's the color you sent me as a sign that you're still with me. I love you with all my heart. 12/05/2022 - Nine years ago today you left this World. Each year the remembrance of your passing is just as difficult as the first. We have the tree up & your stocking is up as well but the void is still there & it hurts. Know that my love for you goes on forever & one day I will hold you again. I love you with all my heart my sweet little Angel! 01/05/2023 -- NY's Eve was uneventful this year with no fireworks. I wish it could've been like this years ago. Oh how you hated them & would hide under the blankets while I held you. I would do anything to protect you & make you feel more secure. I miss you my little darling & know that I love you forever! 02/05/2023 -- Hello my sweetheart. It's been so cold lately & it makes me think of you wearing your sweaters. I wish you were here, sitting in front of the fireplace with me, snuggling to keep warm. I think of you so much & just wish you could be here with me. Know that I love you forever & that I will see you & hold you again! 03/05/2023 -- We have yellow pollen already but it's way too early. You'd come in from outside with the pollen all over your nose & I'd have to wipe it off. I love you! 04/05/2023 - Words will never convey what I feel. My heart aches for you & I feel empty inside. I miss you terribly & would do anything to have you here with me. I cherish the memories I have of our life together. I love you forever. 05/05/2023 - Hello my little Angel. Been thinking of you a lot & I just hate that you had a leave. I think you were ready because you were so sick but I wasn't ready. The void in my heart & in my life is immense. I miss you so much & I love you forever! 06/05/2023 - My sweet little Bailey. I saw a little baby the other day & it looked so much like you that it took my breath away. Please know that I think of you every day & miss you terribly. I love you forever. 07/05/2023 - Somedays are harder than others & today is one of those days. My mind is back to your last day, your last kiss, your last breath & your last heartbeat. My heart aches. I love you Bailey with all my heart, I miss you terribly. 08/05/2023 - My words mean nothing as I cannot fully express what I feel which is emptiness. I miss you with every fiber in my body. I can't believe how long it's been since I held you & loved on you. My thoughts go to you several times a day, every day. I love & miss you forever! 09/05/2023 - Oh my sweet little Gurl, how I miss you. The seasons are changing & we have cooler temps. I miss seeing you in your little sweaters. You never complained when I put them on you either. My thoughts are with you every day & I love & miss you forever! 10/05/2023 - Hello my little Angel. I feel empty, lost lately. How I wish I could hold you again. Every fiber of my body misses you but I know you're pain free & running at the Bridge. I will hold you again, my love, I promise! I love you always & forever. 11/05/2023 - Dear Bailey, words do not express what's in my mind & heart. So many things trigger my emotions & I find myself very melancholy. I think of you often & miss you terribly. Know that I love you forever! 12/05/2023 - Ten years, ten years ago today our lives forever changed. Bailey I miss you with every fiber of my body. I can't express what I feel so just know that I love you forever. You are on my mind constantly. You left this earth but not my heart. I love you! 01/05/2024 - Dear Angel, I miss you so much. You've been on my mind so much lately & I relive so many moments with you. I know you are healed & whole again & I'm thankful for that, I just miss you with every fiber of my existence. Please know we will be together again but until that time, know that I love you forever. 02/05/2024 - My dearest little Gurl. I don't know what to say except that I love & miss you. I think of you all the time & pray that you are safe with our Lord. Oh how I wish I could hold you just one more time. I love you! 03/05/2024 -- Oh my sweet baby, you've been on my mind so much lately. Life is so different without you being here physically with me. I cherish all the memories I have of you & they must sustain me until we are together again. I love you forever! 04/05/2024 - Hello my little Angel. Spring just isn't the same without you. I miss seeing the pollen on our little nose as you sniffed the flowers. I have those memories though & they'll do until I can see you again. Know that I love you forever! 05/05/2020 - Hello my sweet baby. I can't put into words what is in my heart. I miss you with every fiber of my being. I wish I could hold you & snuggle one more time. Know that my love for you is forever & I will be with you again! 06/05/2024 - Dear sweetheart, I miss you. I miss you so very much. The temps are getting warmer & I can still see you laying in the sun soaking up the rays. You loved being warm & being outside. Words don't express how I feel but know that I miss you & love you forever! 07/05/2024 - Hello angel! It's your favorite time of year, summer & all the summer heat you could want. You'd love just sitting in the yard & soaking it all up. I miss you my little sweetheart. I love you forever & can't wait to hold you again! 08/05/2024 - Oh my darling Bailey, words cannot express what I feel. I cannot believe how long it's been since I held you & loved on you. You are in my heart & thoughts all the time. I miss you more than I can say. I love you forever. 09/05/2024 -- Hello sweetheart. I feel so empty lately. My thoughts revert to you so many times during the day. I miss our being together. I miss everything about you. Know that I love you & I will hold you again. I love you forever. 10/05/2024 - Hi sweetheart. It's that time of year again. Fall was our favorite season as you loved watching all the leaves fall and laying in them. You always wore your sweaters too which made you look even more beautiful. I miss you baby & I love you forever! 11/05/2024 - It's fall already sweetheart. You loved wearing your sweaters & watching the leaves fall from the trees. We would sit outside for a long time & watch leaves and the squirrels in the yard. It seems like forever since I held you. I miss every aspect of the life we shared. I love you forever. 12/05/2024 -- Eleven years today you left this Earth but you're still here in my heart. You always will be in my heart. I love you forever. I miss you terribly. I will see you again my angel. 01/05/2025 - Hello my sweet Angel. Well it's a new year but it doesn't feel new. You're not here so it feels the same. I miss you so much it hurts. I love you forever and ever!
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