Welcome to Angel's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Angel
2/10/05 My dear Angel....it was 10 years ago today I brought you home. Mommy is thinking of you today...and everyday. I miss you. Even though we now have little Ivory (who reminds us so much of you), you're still in our hearts and our memories. A.....always by my side N.....never disloyal G.....great companion E.....excitable L.....loved unconditionally Mommy will visit again soon. 6/26/05...Hello our precious Angel. We can't believe it's a year today since you left us. We know you are watching over us and little Ivory. In some ways, Ivory reminds us of you...I guess that's why we decided to get another yellow lab. We are very thankful that we had 9 1/2 years with you. There is still not a day that goes by that we don't think of you or look at a picture of you. Your cousin Jasmine misses you too. Love, Mommy & Daddy We'll visit again soon. 11/23/05 Our precious "Angel".....you would have turned 11 years old today. I will always be thankful for the years we did have together. You will always have a special place in our hearts. Miss you and love you.......Love, Mommy & Daddy 2/10/06 My dear "Angel".... 11 years ago today, you came into my life. You were a guardian "angel" sent to me. I have a picture of you and your cousin, Jasmine, sitting on the table next to Ivory and our latest edition to the family, Ebony. (Daddy came up with the names) Yes, we got Ivory a sister.... she's an 11 week old black lab. No matter how many dogs we may have...... you will always have a special place in our hearts, forever ! Mommy will visit again soon. 6/26/06 Here we sit, another year gone by. This was a very sad day for us two years ago, the day we lost our "Angel". But there is still not a day that goes by that we don't think of you. Ebony & Ivory are no "angels", but they do fill our house with laughter and love. Like the saying on your stone says, "you will live in our hearts and memories forever...our special "ANGEL" Love, Mommy & Daddy 11/23/06 Well, you would have been "12" years old today. We are still very thankful for the time we did have together, you will never be forgotten....our special "Angel" above. Love, Mommy & Daddy 2/10/07 You are in my thoughts today, my precious "Angel", Love, Mommy 6/26/07 Our precious "Angel"...it's hard to believe it is three years since we lost you. We still think about you everyday....Ebony has learned how to swim like her sister Ivory. We take them up to the mountains, just like we used to with you. They love to run free and swim in the lake. We're thinking of you today with all our Love, Mommy & Daddy XOXOXO 11/23/07 Here we are on what would have been your 13th birthday. We think of you often, our special "Angel". Miss you & love you always, Mommy & Daddy XOXOXO 2/10/08 Thinking of you today, my guardian "Angel"....thirteen years ago you came into my life, even though our time was cut short, I will always treasure our memories. Love always, Mommy XOXO 6/26/08 Here we are....another year gone by. We still think about you often....in fact, Daddy visited your site just the other day and Mommy visited last week (even though we didn't write). You will always be our special "Angel", forever in our hearts. I know that you are watching over us and the "girls". Ebony & Ivory are both doing well.....they give me a good workout, we go to the soccer field every morning at 7AM and play ball with their friends (aka...the"Breakfast Club") and then we sometimes meet back there after work, and then each night around 8PM we meet their friends again and walk 1-2 miles....sometimes there are up to 6 dogs walking together, it's like herding cattle! Of course, most of the dogs are retrievers....it's the labs vs. the goldens! Needless to say, the "girls" keep a very busy schedule!!! Your cousin, Jasmine, turned 13 a few months ago. Please know that you are in our thoughts tonite.....Love Always, Mommy & Daddy XOXOXOXO 11/23/08 Thinking of you today, on what would have been your 14th birthday.......even though our time together was cut short, you will always live in our hearts as our precious "Angel". Love, Mommy & Daddy XOXO 2/10/09 You are in my thoughts today, my guardian "Angel". Love, Mommy XOXO 6/26/09 It's hard to believe it is five years since you left us. We think of you often!! Ebony & Ivory are still keeping us very busy with their social lives!! We were up the mountains a few weeks ago, Ivory was swimming in the middle of a very large lake!! Ebony swims close to shore!! Two very different personalities!!! Some members of our "Breakfast Club" have moved, but then we have made a few new friends in the neighborhood. We still go to the soccer field every morning to play ball, Ebony would have withdrawal if she didn't get her daily dose of fetching her tennis ball!! And Ivory, she just likes to eat and roll in the grass, although she has been playing frisbee with me (we are trying to lose weight!). Cousin "Jasmine" turned 14 this month, she has a hard time with her legs. It seems like yesterday when you & me would walk to meet Aunt Susie & Jasmine at the school yard to play. Well, I must say goodnight my sweet "Angel". Remember, you will always be forever in our hearts!! Love, Mommy & Daddy XOXO 11/23/09 Well, here we are on what would have been your 15th birthday. You are in our thoughts and in our hearts today and always. Love, Mommy & Daddy XOXO 2/10/10 It's hard to believe that is was 15 years ago today that I picked you up after work from the puppy store in Cherry Hill! Thinking of you today with love, Mommy XOXOXO 6/26/10 It was a very sad day six years ago. You were on both of our minds today! May you rest in peace, our sweet "Angel". You may be gone, but you are never forgotten!! Love & Kisses, Mommy & Daddy XOXO 11/23/10 Thinking of you today, our beautiful "Angel". Love & Kisses, Mommy & Daddy XOXO 2/10/11 You are in my thoughts today, my "Angel". Love, Mommy XOXO 6/26/11 Just wanted to let you know our beloved "Angel" that you were in our thoughts and in our hearts today as another year goes by. Love & Kisses, Mommy & Daddy XOXO 7/14/11 It was a very sad day today for your Aunt Susie, Uncle Brian, & the girls, & everyone else, such as us, who loved Jasmine. After 16 years, your cousin has left us today; she will be sadly missed But like you, she will always remain in our hearts and in our memories. Me & your daddy were looking at the calendar your Aunt Susie had made for me as a Christmas Gift in 1996, there's a really cute picture of you & Jasmine laying head to head with each other at the school yard that you & me used to walk from Granny's and meet Aunt Susie & Jasmine so that the two of you can run free & play together, especially in the snow! Back then Jasmine had a lot of energy, she gave you a run for the money, lol ! It's never easy saying goodbye to a beloved member of the family, but we believe you & your cousin will be hanging out together and watching over each other. Our sweet "Angel", please take Jasmine under your "wings" and keep her safe with you. Good night, Love Mommy & Daddy XOXO 11/23/11 Thinking of you today, hope you & cousin "Jasmine" celebrated today with a couple of birthday bones !! Love, Mommy & Daddy XOXO 2/10/12 Thinking of you today, my sweet "Angel" ! Love, Mommy XOXO 6/26/12 Hard to believe it's been 8 years since we had to say good-bye. Ebony & Ivory lost one of their dear friends this month, Robi. They hope he is running around with a new pair of legs & making new friends. You remain forever in our hearts, our precious "Angel". Love, Mommy & Daddy XOXO 11/23/12 Hope you had a happy birthday, our precious "Angel". Love Mommy & Daddy XOXO 2/10/13 Thinking of you today, my precious "Angel" Love & Kisses, Mommy XOXO 6/12/13 It's a sad day for our dear friend Sharon, who lost her little guy, Joey, today. Sharon is like a Mom to our girls when we are away she takes good care of them, the girls LOVE her !! We hope Joey is well and pain free making new friends, such as yourself, here at Rainbows Bridge. 6/26/13 Here we are 9 years later, still think of you !! If only our BFF's (BEST FURRY FRIENDS) could live forever !! You may be gone from our sight, but never our HEARTS !!! Love Always, Mommy & Daddy XOXOXO 11/23/13 Happy Birthday our dear "Angel" !! Love, Mommy & Daddy XOXO 2/10/14 Thinking of you today, my sweet "ANGEL" !Love, Mommy XOXO 6/26/14 It was a very sad day for us 10 years ago when we had to say good-bye to you,our beloved"Angel" Always in our hearts! Love Mommy & Daddy XOXO 11/23/14 Thinking of you today, birthday girl !! Love, Mommy & Daddy XOXO 2/10/15 Thinking of you today, our sweet "Ängel" Love, Mommy & Daddy XOXO 6/26/15 Thinking of you today, our precious "Angel" !! Love, Mommy & Daddy XOXOXO 11/23/15 Happy Birthday, "Angel"!!! Love, Mommy & Daddy XOXOXO 6/26/16 Hard to believe it's been 12 years, our precious "Angel"!! We were thinking of you today as we hung out with Ebony in our Pocono home. We've been giving her extra loving since we lost our sweet "Ivory" 7 months ago. Hopefully you have met her and you are both running and playing pain free !! Hugs & Kisses XOXO Love, Mommy & Daddy 11/23/16 Happy Birthday our precious "Angel"!!I'm sure by now you have met our little "Ebony", unfortunately she has joined her sister, Ivory. I hope the 3 of you are hanging out together as each of you hold such a special place in our hearts. LOVE, MOMMY & DADDY XOXOXO 4/3/17 THINKING OF YOU MY BELOVED "ANGEL" XOXO LOVE, MOMMY 6/26/17 We are thinking of you today, hard to believe it's been 13 years since we had to say good-bye to you, our beautiful "Angel"!! Love, Mommy & Daddy XOXOXO 8/24/17 Just checking in on our beloved "ANGEL"!! Hugs & Kisses, Mommy & Daddy XOXOXO 11/23/17 Happy Birthday, our sweet "Angel"!! Love, Mommy & Daddy XOXOXO 2/10/18 Thinking of our beautiful "Angel" today !!! Love, Mommy & Daddy XOXOXO 6/26/18 Thinking about you on this sad day....14 years ago when we had to say good-bye to you, our sweet "Angel" As your Daddy said earlier this morning....You will LIVE FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS!! Love, MOMMY & DADDY XOXOXO 11/23/18 Happy Birthday, our sweet Angel!! Love, Mommy & Daddy XOXOXO 6/26/19 Thinking of you today...our precious "Angel" Hard to believe it's 15 years since you crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. Love, Mommy & Daddy XOXOXO 11/23/19 Happy Birthday, our precious Angel !! Love, Mommy & Daddy XOXOXO 6/26/20 Thinking of you today, our beautiful Angel !! Love, Mommy & Daddy XOXOXO 11/23/20 Happy Birthday, our sweet Angel !! Love, Mommy & Daddy XOXOXO

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