Tucker James's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

(Return to Tucker James's Rainbow Bridge Residency)
From: Grandma
On: 7/21/24
Hi MY SPECIAL ANGEL, I missed writing to you. Had trouble with my comp. I hope Grandpa gave you a hug from your Daddy and me. Wish you were here so I could do it myself. I love and miss you so much. Your brother is doing ok. At times he doesn't get to go for walks because it is so hot. Give Grandpa kisses from your Daddy and me. Love you always and forever.
From: Grandma
On: 6/7/24
Hi MY SPECIAL ANGEL, I love and miss you so much. It will soon be 16 yrs. since you left us. Hope you are having fun with everyone there at Rainbow Bridge. Give Grandpa kisses from your Daddy and me. Some day I will see you again. Love you always and forever.
From: Grandma
On: 5/18/24
Hi MY SPECIAL ANGEL, Tucker, I love and miss you very much. Wish that you were still here with us. Harley is doing ok. Your Daddy takes him for walks. But we've had rainy days so he couldn't go out. Some day I'll join there in Heaven. Love you forever.
From: Grandma
On: 3/28/24
Hi MY SPECIAL ANGEL, Today was my b-day. Wish you were here to celebrate with us. I'm going to send you some balloons for you and Tyler to play with. Your Daddy made me a cake and gave me cards. One was from Harley. He is still afraid to go for walks. Wish you were here to go with him. I love and miss you Tucker. You will never be forgotten.
From: Grandma
On: 2/25/24
Hi MY SPECIAL ANGEL, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TUCKER, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. Tomorrow is a special day for you. I wish we could be together to celebrate your birthday. We love and miss you so much. You will never be forgotten Tucker. I sent Grandpa a cake for your party. Have fun and we love you always. I hope you like your gift.
From: Grandma
On: 2/2/24
Hi MY SPECIAL ANGEL, Today is your Daddy's birthday. I wish that you could be here to celebrate with us. I sent Grandpa a cake for your party. I will send you balloons. Your Daddy loves and misses you very much. I love and miss you too. Have fun.
From: Grandma
On: 1/17/24
Hi MY SPECIAL ANGEL, Tyler joined you at RB this day. I hope you and he are having fun together. We have snow on the ground. I remember you liked to play in the snow. Daddy has a picture of you in the deep snow. Harley likes the snow too. He doesn't want to come in the house. I love and miss you Tucker. I'll see you some day. Always love you.
From: Grandma
On: 1/9/24
Hi MY SPECIAL ANGEL, We had snow the other day. but it will be gone by today because we are having rain now. We have pictures of you playing in the deep snow. Will you give Grandpa kisses from your Daddy and me. We love and miss you so much Tucker. See you some day. You'll never be forgotten. Love always.
From: Grandma
On: 12/24/23
Hi MY SPECIAL ANGEL, Tomorrow is Christmas Day. And you won't be with us.We love and miss you very much. Will you give Grandpa kisses from your Daddy and me. I will send you a gift to play with. Hope you have fun tomorrow. Always love and miss you. Harley will have fun. Merry Christmas.
From: Grandma
On: 12/17/23
Hi MY SPECIAL ANGEL, I love and miss you very much. Wish you were here with us. Are you having lots of fun with all your friends? I guess every day you get new ones, don't you? And God makes them well again. Like he did you. Santa will soon be here but you won't be here to celebrate with us. Give Grandpa kisses from your Daddy and me. Tucker we will never forget you. Always love you too. Bye for now.
From: Grandma
On: 12/3/23
Hi MY SPECIAL ANGEL, We love and miss you very much. Today your Daddy and I was decorating the Christmas tree. It won't be long before Santa comes. I wish that you were here to celebrate with us. Some day I will celebrate it with you there in heaven. So watch for me when that day comes. Give Grandpa kisses from your Daddy and me. Love always and think about you every day.
From: Grandma
On: 11/22/23
Hi MY SPECIAL ANGEL, Today is Grandpa's birthday. Will you help him to celebrate his special day. I will send you a cake for his party. Wish we could all be together to celebrate with him. Love you and miss you always.
From: Grandma
On: 11/15/23
Hi MY SPECIAL ANGEL, Today is the date that your brother joined you at R.B. I miss him so much like I do you. I hope you and he has a nice day. I'm glad you were there for him. Give Grandpa kisses from your Daddy and me. I'll see you some day. We will always love and miss you Tucker.
From: Grandma
On: 11/5/23
Hi MY SPECIAL ANGEL, I love and miss you Tucker. Was looking at your pictures that your Daddy put on your webpage. Wish that we could start over again and you were our puppy again. You were so special to us. We love and miss you very much. Some day I will see you again. Love always.
From: Grandma
On: 11/5/23
Hi MY SPECIAL ANGEL, I love and miss you Tucker. Was looking at your pictures that your Daddy put on your webpage. Wish that we could start over again and you were our puppy again. You were so special to us. We love and miss you very much. Some day I will see you again. Love always.
From: Grandma
On: 10/22/23
Hi MY SPECIAL ANGEL, Did you have a fun week playing with all your friends? Is Tyler doing ok? Harley isn't doing any better as far as taking walks. I wish that you two could be here for him. It was a cold day today. Suppose to get a lot of snow this winter. You would like that, wouldn't you? I love and miss you Tucker. Will you give Grandpa kisses from your Daddy and me. Love always.
From: Grandma
On: 10/15/23
Hi MY SPECIAL ANGEL, I love and miss you very much Tucker. Harley needs you here to show him every thing will be alright. Your Daddy tried to take him for a walk. We had to take him up on the hill for a walk. I wish people would take better care of their dogs. Now Harley is hurting because of them. Will you give Grandpa kisses from your Daddy and me. Some day I will see you again. Love always.
From: Grandma
On: 10/1/23
Hi MY SPECIAL ANGEL, We finally got nice weather today. Your Daddy and Harley were here for dinner. Harley is so afraid that he runs from the car and to it. It breaks my heart to see him so afraid. When you were with us you weren't afraid, were you? I love and miss you Tucker. Wish you were still here. Always love you. Write again soon.
From: Grandma
On: 9/24/23
Hi MY SPECIAL ANGEL, I love and miss you very much. It has been raining for two days. But you are having nice weather, aren't you? Have you made new friends this week? Harley is better. He got groomed on Monday. I'll write again soon. Always love you.
From: Grandma
On: 9/10/23
Hi MY SPECIAL ANGEL, I love and miss you very much. Have you made new friends? Hope you are having lots of fun. Some day we will see each other again. Harley is still having problems. Tell him everything will be ok. Talk later. Love you.

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