Trojan's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

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From: Mummy
On: 5/3/24
May 3 2024 - Lola, today marks 2 years since you left us to join Ralphie, Nicnak, Pusspuss and the Munchbunch. We all still think of you and love you. Our little darling still cries over you and Ralphie. She misses you both so much. You will always be in our hearts LoLo. We love and miss you. Big hugs and kisses. Love Mummy💖💖
From: Mummy
On: 3/3/24
March 3rd 2024. To my beautiful, loving Ralph. Today marks 2 years since you left us. We always think of you and our little darling said yesterday that she misses "Ralphie and LoLo soo much". Just heartbreaking. We love you and miss you little man and are always thinking of you. All my love Mummy ❤️ 💙 💜 💖 💗
From: Mummy
On: 2/14/24
February 14 2024. To our beautiful Nicnak. Thinking of you today. It has been 6 years since you left us and we all still love and miss you so very much. You were such a sweet boy. Big Kisses to the Munchbunch. All my Love Mummy. xxxx
From: Mummy
On: 12/14/23
Dec 2023 - Dear Troggie, Ralphie, Lola, Nicnak, Pusspuss, Twinkle and all our other wonderful furbabies whom we have loved and lost. Christmas will soon be here and 2024 will be upon us before we know it. Another year gone. Another one without you all. You are and will always be forever in our hearts. Happy Christmas Dogletts and Pusspuss. I hope you all have a Christmas Stocking to enjoy. Love Mummy xxxxx
From: Mummy
On: 11/25/23
Our beautiful Trojan On the 23rd November it was your Birthday. You were born 30 years ago. Its so hard to believe that it was that long ago. We do and always will love and miss you Troggie. Forever in our hearts. ♥️ 💙 ❤ 💙
From: Mummy
On: 11/25/23
Our beautiful Trojan On the 24th November it was your Birthday. You were born 30 years ago. Its so hard to believe that it was that long ago. We do and always will love and miss you Troggie. Forever in our hearts. ♥️ 💙 ❤ 💙
From: Mummy
On: 10/17/23
Trojan today it is 16 years since we lost you. Where has that time gone! We still think of you, love you and will never forget you. You were one stunning boy. Always in our thoughts and our hearts 💕 ♥️ 💜 💙
From: Mummy
On: 5/8/23
May 3 2023 marks 1 year without you Lola Bear. We love and miss you so very much. Hope Ralphie is happy. Love Mummy ❤❤
From: Mummy
On: 4/5/23
Lola April 3 2023 marks ll months since you left us to join Ralphie. We are still trying to come to terms with such a devastating loss of both you and Ralphie Roo. We love and miss you so much Po Bear. Ralph too. Our hearts 💕 still broken xx 💔
From: Mummy
On: 3/3/23
March 3 2023 - Lola today it is 10 months since you joined Ralphie at Rainbow Bridge. Where has that time gone. It only seems like yesterday that we took you both over the Country Park for you morning walk. We love and miss you very much Po Bear. Love Mummy ❤️❤️❤️❤️
From: Mummy
On: 3/3/23
March 3rd 2023 - Ralphie today marks 1 whole year since you crossed over Rainbow Bridge. One whole year without my sweet Ralphie Roo. Waiting for me to come home from work so that he could just cuddle up on my lap. His favourite place. To be lavished with hugs and kisses. So much has happened since then Ralph. Our home that you knew and loved has been sold and we have moved away. We thought you and Lola would be with us to enjoy the most wonderful walks but it just wasn't to be. But wherever we are... you are my sweet little Crested. We all miss you. Our Bubba still can't get over you not being there. You loved her so very much and she loved you too. You will always be in our Hearts Ralphie and always in our Thoughts. Love Mummy ❤️❤️❤️❤️
From: Mummy
On: 2/14/23
Our Dear Nicnak, today marks 5 years since you left us. Our hearts are still broken and will never mend. You were such a wonderful Bulldog Nic. So full of love, fun and happiness and you gave us that love so very soon after we lost our beloved Trojan, which we all needed. Hope you're enjoying playing with Lola once more and her and Ralphie are being good. It's our bubba's 5th Birthday tomorrow. So sad that you only just missed her. Love Mummy, Daddy, Mummy Claire, Gary and our special little darling. xxxxx
From: Mummy
On: 2/3/23
Feb 3 2023 - Ralphie today marks 11 months since you left us. There is not a day we do not think of you. We are broken. We miss you so much. It's your Bubba's Birthday soon as she wants a dog like "Ralphie". If only we could. Lola today marks 9 months since you left us. We love and miss you so very much too. I'm sure you are happy being with your beloved Nicnak again and running around those green meadows at the Bridge. Love Mummy xx
From: Mummy
On: 1/4/23
3rd January 2023 - Ralphie you have been gone from us now for 10 months. I Love you and miss you so very much. Taken from me far too young. Life is just not fair. Lola you have been gone 8 months now. We love and miss you very much too. The loss of both of you was and still is unbearable. xxxx
From: Mummy
On: 12/3/22
My sweet little Ralph today marks 9 months since you've been gone. Its still hard to come to terms with the thought that you didn't have the chance to move with us to your new home at the Seaside. Life can be so cruel. We love and miss you so much little Man. You are forever in our hearts 💕. Lola its exactly 7 months today that you too had to leave us. We understand your heart was broken and you wanted to be with Ralph and Nicnak. We love and miss you very much. 💖💖💖
From: Mummy
On: 11/23/22
Dear Trojan, my Little Man. Today 23rd November is your Birthday. On this date 29 years ago you were born. How lucky were we that you came into our lives and our home. We loved you dearly and still miss you very much every day. All our love Mummy, Daddy and Mummy Claire. 💖💖💖💖💖💖
From: Mummy
On: 10/3/22
Ralph today it has been 7 months since I last hugged and kissed you. I love and miss you so very much. My heart is broken 💔💔 Lola it has been 5 months today since you crossed Rainbow Bridge to find Ralph. I love and miss you so very much. 💔💔 You are both forever in our hearts. xx
From: Mummy
On: 9/22/22
Happy Birthday my beautiful Ralph. Today you would have been 9. My heart is still in pieces. I love and miss you so very much Ralphi Roo. Love Mummy XXX
From: Mummy
On: 9/3/22
Ralph 6 months today since you've been gone. I love and miss you so much. 💙 Lola 4 months today since you went to find Ralph. Our lives devastated and broken. Both taken from us. I love and miss you very much too 💕. Love Mummy 💔💔
From: Mummy
On: 9/3/22
Ralph 6 months today since you've been gone. I love and miss you so much. 💙 Lola 4 months today since you went to find Ralph. Our lives devastated and broken. Both taken from us. I love and miss you very much too 💕. Love Mummy 💔💔

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