Tosha's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

(Return to Tosha's Rainbow Bridge Residency)
On: 4/10/13
On: 4/11/12
From: Susan Harrill
On: 4/10/11
I am so sorry to hear about your loss of Tosha. Please find comfort in knowing that Tosha is now at Rainbows Bridge and making lots of friends. Saying goodbye is never easy. I also lost my precious cat Spooky July 30th 2001 after 16 wonderful years with her. I am sure that Tosha and Spooky have become good friends. You can visit with Spooky at: Take Care, Susan
From: Shayna Girl, Leche, and Si's mommy, Lisa
On: 5/5/10
Tosha, What a cutie pie you were, always so loyal and loving.You taught and gave your mommy so much that she now knows the true meaning of unconditional love. She longs for the day to be able to hold you and to look into your eyes again.I know just how grateful you are for all of love and care in which she provided you. She misses you baby, so very much. I know that you don't want her to be sad for too long, but instead, be happy. For you are happy, content at peace and have been surrounded by so many others who also love and adore you, including my Shayna Girl, Leche and Si.I extend my deepest condolences to you for the loss of Tosha.I know just how painful it is to have lost your angel, for, I too, lost mine. Please vist my Shayna Girl at: My thoughts and prayers are with you. Until we are with our babies again. Shayna, Leche and Si's mommy, Lisa
From: Theresa Anders
On: 4/27/10
sorry about your loss remember the good times you are not alone I have been through this too enclosing a gift
From: Trish
On: 4/26/10
Hi Patsy, I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am about the passing of your furbabby. I lost my beautiful Tai on April 2 and miss him so much. I feel your pain. I know that your baby is safe and pain free and they are all together running and playing until they see us all again. Please take care. Trish
From: Joyce(Joshua's Mom)
On: 4/25/10
I am so sorry for your loss. You are right they do leave a hole that never heals however it can be softened. We lost Joshua just a year ago and now we have Tedy and he is wonderful. He is not Joshua but we do love him. We feel that Joshua helped us to find Tedy because we looked and looked and when the time was right for us we found Tedy. I wish the same for you also. May the grace and peace of the Lord be with you now and forever. Blessings.............
From: Pat Lively
On: 4/24/10
My deepest sympathies to you on your loss. I do know what it is like to lose a loved one, whether Human or one of our special, furry babies. Having lost quite a few of my own and doing dog rescue, it is never easy. From my house of 8 furr babies, to yours, we wish you the best. If you ever need to write please do so. I will be there for you. They never leave us, we just don't see them any more. Their spirit lives on.
From: Diane
On: 4/24/10
Hi Patsy, I am so sorry for the lost of your beautiful Tosha. I lost my Zander July 2008, I know how sad & empty you must be feeling. please take comfort in knowing that we will one day be together again with our beautiful companions; also know that there love for us is forever, as is our love for them. If you get some free time I have attached Zander's link he loved everyone, and I know your baby will be happy and loved by all at Rainbow Bridge. With Love & Sympathy Diane
From: ken and sue
On: 4/24/10
You are a beautifull baby. You were loved very much. Goodbye is never easy when the one we love so much cross's over. Iam sure you are happy in heaven sitting beside God and making all kinds of new friends. God has promised that we will see you and our friends again. What a beautifull time that will be and to know that for all enternity they will never leave our sides again. We are very sorry and we hope you find comfort in knowing that your baby lives in your heart. your baby knows that you gave so much love of yourselves and they will be waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge. We lost our Punky on Feb. 2, 2010. We miss him every day snd sometimes we still cry, but that is ok because we know where he is at and he does wait for us also. I will ask Punky to look for baby so they can run and play together. Please visit our Punky at
From: Betty Hanson
On: 4/23/10
Tosha - You were a great companion and loving baby to mom. Send her some signs, kisses from the Rainbow to let her know that you are safe, happy, healthy and will have many friends. Let Patsy know that God has appointed you to be her guardian, protector to watch over her until she is called to the Bridge to join you one day. I will tell my Brande to find you and play with you. To Patsy - I send my heartfelt sympathy to you over the loss of Tosha. I too lost my soulmate not long ago, see Brande at - We know that God has promised we will be with our babies again one day. I leave this quote with you, "heaven is the only place where all the dogs and cats you have ever loved will come running to meet you." Author Unknown
From: Kathy
On: 4/23/10
Patsy I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved pet Tosha. I know she will be waiting for you when your time on earth is through and you will be together forever in heaven. God bless!
From: donna
On: 4/23/10
Patsy.. I am so very sorry for the loss of your best friend. I am keeping you close to my heart and in my thoughts during this sad time. Godspeed sweet Tosha.
From: Doreen (Sasha's Mom)
On: 4/23/10
Patsy I am so sorry for your loss of your beloved Tosha . She sounds like such a wonderful girl, always loyal and loving to her mom who she loves so much. The two of you had many years together full of joy and cherished companionship. The memorial you have set up for her is beautiful and your tribute speaks volumes of the unconditional love that the two of you shared. Your sweet Tosha is now your guardian angel watching over you with the same tenderness you bestowed on her earth life with you. When your time comes, your sweet fur baby will be waiting at that front of Rainbow Bridge to join you for all of eternity. For now, may you find peace and comfort in all the happy memories that you shared. "An animals eyes has the power to speak a great language" ~Martin Buber
From: Dorothy Lingenfelter
On: 4/23/10
I know the heartbreak you face as I recently lost my darling Romeo, my Shih Tzu, and the heartbreak is unbearable. You have my deepest sympathy.
From: Carli
On: 4/23/10
May sweet memories of Tosha fill your heart and give you comfort. You have a bond with her that will never be broken. And, you will see her at Rainbow Bridge in time. Blessings.
From: Clare and Martha
On: 4/23/10
Tosha, you are such a dear one! Please go to the Bridge and send your precious love down the Rainbow straight into the heart of your mommy who misses you so much, and she will send her love right back to you on angels' wings. Patsy, your world has lost a very special furperson, family member and friend, and heaven has welcomed home a very special soul. Tosha is now your very own angel, watching over and for you, just as BG is watching over us, until you meet again and cross the Bridge together. May her sweet love continually hug your heart until then. Blessings & peace, Clare & Martha....Please visit our BG at
From: Rosemary and Rodney
On: 4/22/10
Patsy, so sorry for your loss. Saying goodbye is never easy.....those little furry companions definitely steal our hearts and souls. They are so precious and are truly one of God's greatest gifts. Take comfort in that their love for us goes on as our love for them does for eternity. I am sure that the memories of this precious member will be with you always. We also lost our adorable little pug, Nikki Mae, who was the light of our lives for more than 14 wonderful years. We are sure that Tosha and Nikki Mae have become good friends and are now having so much fun playing and running again. Please visit our Nikki Mae at:
From: Pressy's Family
On: 4/22/10
Hello, precious Tosha, welcome to the forever sunny meadow by Rainbow Bridge. Mommy loves and misses you so...she made you a beautiful place at Rainbows Bridge. We asked our Pressy to welcome you and be a playmate to chase golden sunbeams and colorful rainbows and give you special kitty love headbumps. She'll show you wonders of Paradise meadow and teach you to send love signs on the wind so Mommy feels your loving presence with her and sweet kisses in gentle breezes. You're now a guardian star shining brightly for her until she comes to cross the Bridge together for all time. We ask she not be so sad but treasure memories of you and remember you're nestled beside your pawprints deep in her heart forever. Play happy meadow games with other furangels but stop often to smile at Mommy so she feels the warmth of your love surround her and knows you miss her too and are with her. Soar among clouds on silvery new angel wings to watch over Mommy always, beloved Tosha. Pressy's Grandpa
From: Auntie JoyCee
On: 4/22/10
Your dear sweet life meant the world to all of us. You had the best mom & sister & dad ever. I will always remember you. Love, Auntie JoyCee

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