Tori's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

(Return to Tori's Rainbow Bridge Residency)
From: Mommy
On: 6/25/24
Hi Tor, I love and miss you so! I'm feeling pretty down today. I'll be 60 in a week & I'm just wondering what have I actually really done with my life. Not much. I don't know what else to say. Love always, Mommy xoxoxo
From: Mommy
On: 6/20/24
Hi Sweet Girl, I love you so!!! Miss you so, too!!! Well, Tor, got some bad news about Frankie a couple of days ago. He went for his annual check up, rabies shot, & got a level 2 panel done. 2 levels that deal with kidney function were slightly above what they should be. So, he has stage 2 kidney disease. We both know about that unfortunately! I'm worried about him & it brings up all the awful memories when you got sick with that & had to be euthanized. Please send your love to him. So far he's not really showing any major changes & he'll be on special prescription renal food from now on. My poor little Frankenfarter!He's so naughty but, I love him so much!!! Love always, Mommy xoxoxo
From: Mommy
On: 6/12/24
Hi Sweet Girl, I love you so 3x, Tori!! It's really hard to believe that it's been 14 years since that awful terrible day that you went to the Rainbow Bridge. I know it's what needed to be done but, I'm still so sorry that I had to have you euthanized. I know you get very angry with me when I say that I had to kill you but, sometimes that's how it feels. Please forgive me. I still miss you dearly. You, along with Secret, are the best thing that ever happened to me & you made me a better person! You, also, gave me a reason to live at a time when I really didn't want to continue living. Thank you, my sweet Cookie Nookie of Love!!!! I can't wait to be reunited with you one day! Love always, Mommy xoxoxo
From: Mommy
On: 5/22/24
I wanted to give you a lilac bush here especially since I had to leave your real one at Grant Ave. I'm so sorry about that! XOXO
From: Mommy
On: 5/22/24
Hi sweet Tor, I love and miss you so! Today is the one year anniversary of Liam joining you at The Bridge. Mommy is so sad & misses her 2 little girls so much! I know you are both watching over me & one day we will all be reunited! Love always, Mommy xoxoxo
From: Mommy
On: 5/1/24
Hi Tor, I love you so 3x google infinity squared! Miss you the same, too! One more sleep & wake-up with the house centipedes & then we are all getting the fuck out of here!!! Whoop whoop! So looking forward to it! Love always, Mommy xoxoxo
From: Mommy
On: 4/25/24
Hi Tori, I love and miss you so!!! Well, Tor, there is a light at the end of the tunnel now! 8 more days until we move. I'm so excited! Can't wait to get all of us the heck out of here! The new place is awesome & so much better than here! I hope Frankie is going to be okay with another move in less than 2 years. However, knowing him, it probably won't phase him a bit! I've already taken alot of stuff over to the new place so, the day of the move should be pretty stress free. I think of you every day, Little Girl, & I wish you were still here! Love always, Mommy xoxoxo
From: Mommy
On: 4/13/24
Hi my beautiful Girl, I love you so! I got the place, Tor!!! YIPPEE! 19 days & counting until we can get out of this Hell hole! I'm so happy & excited! I think you will really like it! The woman who is the landlord is so sweet and caring! The exact opposite of here! Mommy's been packing away & moving should be pretty simple compared to last time. Not sure if I'm even going to tell the a-holes here that I'm leaving. However, I really want my security deposit back!!! I miss you so much! Love always, Mommy xoxoxo
From: Mommy
On: 4/6/24
Hi Sweet Tori, I love and miss you so so so!!!! Mommy is going to look at an apt tomorrow not too far from here & I'm praying I get it. It's very nice & seems promising! Hopefully, I can take you, LiLi, & Frankie out of this crappy place very soon! The landlords are evil & pulled a fast one by giving me a 60 day notice to vacate before I could give mine. I hope nobody wants to rent it & they rot in Hell!!!!! This place is terrible! Say prayers for me & send me your special Tori love! Love always, Mommy xoxoxo
From: Mommy
On: 3/31/24
Hi Beautiful Girl, I love you so 3x!!! Happy Easter, Tor! I hope you get alot of jellybeans, chocolate bunnies( not real ones), & find lots of eggs during your Easter egg hunt! Mommy misses you so much! I hope you're playing with Liam and having fun! Love always, Mommy xoxoxo
From: Mommy
On: 3/17/24
My sweet sweet Tori, I love you so 3x! Mommy has pretty bad insomnia again/still. Last night finally fell asleep at midnight & up at 2:30 this morning. It's now 4:45. Can't fall back to sleep & I've been crying for an hour and a half. I look like a frickin zombie & pretty much feel like shit.Things are about to get way worse here. The other person is moving out the end of April( I so wish it was me, as well) so probably a significant rent increase & becoming one unit. We really have to get out of here. I just want to go somewhere & totally be by myself so, I can hide & rot. I miss you more than you'll ever know! Love always, Mommy xoxoxo
From: Mommy
On: 3/5/24
Hi Tor, I love & miss you so! Well, it's already March & we change the clocks this weekend. I don't know where the time goes sometimes! We're all still at 95 Crapert Rd which pretty much sucks! Mommy is still looking though & hopefully we won't be here too much longer. As you know, I'm very unhappy here & I know you hate for me to feel this way. Thank you for always being with me & giving me your strength! You mean the world to me, Little Girl! Love always, Mommy xoxoxo
From: Mommy
On: 2/14/24
Hi Sweet Tori, Happy Valentine's Day! I love you so 3x!!!!! I hope you get lots of chocolate infused with catnip! I miss you, Little Girl! Love always, Mommy xoxoxo
From: Mommy
On: 2/11/24
Hi Sweet Little Girl, I love you so! Well, Tor, it's just another stupid day in my stupid life. I wish you were still here. I don't think I'll be getting the new place so, I guess I'll just keeping living in a place I hate! Life sucks!!!!! I miss you horribly!!!! Love always, Mommy xoxoxo
From: Mommy
On: 1/17/24
Hi Sweet Tori, I love you so!!! Mommy went to see an apartment last Friday & I hope and pray that we will all be moving again really soon! It's been a bit nerve wracking waiting. I'm trying to remain optimistic but, you know how I get. Really have been so depressed & want to get out of here ASAP!!!! Now,I'm just angry at the bs here but, I guess that's progress. Please send your beautiful love & support my way! I miss you dearly. Love always, Mommy xoxoxo
From: Mommy
On: 1/1/24
Hi Tor, I love you so!!! Happy New Year 2024! I miss you so incredibly much! Things are terrible again where I'm living & I really hate it here! Incompetent landlords that change the rules whenever they want to. My goal is to get the help out of here asap!!! I think of you every day!!! Love always, Mommy xoxoxo
From: Mommy
On: 12/25/23
Hi my beautiful Tori, Meowy Catmas! I love & miss you so!!! I hope you like this years flowers that I put near you. I'm very pleased with them myself. I was just crying because I miss first Christmas without her. It's been many Christmases without you & that makes me cry, too. I hope you get many presents & treats from Santa Paws. You always were on the nice list!!! I have your ornament at the very top of my Christmas tree like last year. It's beautiful just like you! Have fun today & hang out with LiLi! I love you always & forever! Love always, Mommy xoxoxo
From: Mommy
On: 11/23/23
Hi Sweet Tori, I love & miss you so 3x google infinity squared!!! Happy Thanksgiving! I'm so thankful for you, little girl, & your sweet love that I still feel every day! Enjoy your yummy dinner but, try to be nice to the turkeys!!! :) Love always, Mommy xoxoxo
From: Mommy
On: 11/20/23
Frankie & Secret say Happy Birthday, too!!!
From: Mommy
On: 11/20/23
Hello Tor,I love you so! Happy 20th Birthday,my sweet little girl! I don't know whether or not you still would have been on this earth at 20 years old but, either way, it's a day to celebrate you! As you know, Liam is with you now so, I hope you party & have fun with her. Eat lots of catnip cake & bat at the bday balloons I left for you! I miss you so much! Have a great day, my beautiful Cookie Nookie of Love! Love always, Mommy xoxoxo

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