Mushu's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

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From: Mommy
On: 7/26/24
Hi my baby. I really miss you. Sometimes more than ever when I see other doggies that reminds me of you. I know all is well with you, and one day when we meet again, I will love you, hug you, and squeeze you over and over, just like before.
From: Mommy
On: 2/24/22
Hi my puppy doggy Mushu. 😊 I hope you got your balloon 🎈 I really like this balloon. It stayed good for several days. We had a chocolate cake that said "Happy Valentine's Mushu ❤" Brookie helped me with the balloon. Watch over Jayson and little Mia. Keep them safe and happy. I love you! ❤️ I'll be back soon.
From: Mommy
On: 2/14/22
Hi my Mushu 🥰 today makes 7 years since you went over the Rainbow Bridge 🌈🌉❤ we miss you so much. Every now and again, things I see, or stuff that happens throughout the day, reminds me of you. There's a lot of little doggies that remind me of you and it makes me smile big and call out your name. Katsu learned to cuddle with me just like you used too. Thank you for teaching him. Kikilyn, well, she tries, but she's too stiff 😂 I'll be releasing your balloon 🎈 and having some cake with grandma and papa later. You go play now, and have fun with Jesus. I love ❤️ you my puppy doggie.
From: Mommy
On: 9/10/21
Hi my baby. I was just thinking of you and whenever I do, I really miss you so much. I know you're doing great with everyone and your friends, and I know Jesus is taking great care of you. I love you and miss you so much!! ! ❤❤❤
From: Mommy
On: 2/14/21
Hi my puppy doggie. 😢 I'm thinking of you today and the days before this special day. I bought a Valentine's day cake and will be releasing some balloons again for you later as we do every year. I really miss you. You were the only one besides God that loves me unconditionally. Watch for your balloons around 1 o'clock, when I let them go. I love you Mushu, ALWAYS! Love, Mommy
From: Mommy
On: 1/27/21
Hello my puppy doggie. 🥰 it's been a while since I visited you, but you were not far from my heart and my thoughts. I think of you often and miss you like crazy! It warms my heart to know that you're with Jesus and I hope one day I can be with you again. This year will make 6 years since you went to be with Jesus and Hopefully Jami can be with me one last time to celebrate you before moving to Las Vegas. Please visit me. I would love to feel you next to me like before. Take care my baby, I love you, have fun with your friends and Jesus. Love you always, Mommy
From: Mommy
On: 4/19/20
Hui my puppy doggie 🥰 My friends doggie went over the Rainbow Bridge, her name is Paka. Maybe you can, if you haven't already, play with her and welcome her (I think she's a she 😁) also, your birthday is coming up. Phew! You'll be 14 years old. I love you! I miss you! I wish you were here! Have fun with Jesus and everyone else. I'll be back on your Birthday. I'll see you later my baby. Love you, Mommy
From: Mommy
On: 2/14/20
(Continuation)That being said, I hope you're all having a great time today and everyday over that Rainbow bridge. When it's my time, I can't wait to see you and Moki. Watch for your balloons later today. I Love You and Miss You Terribly My Forever Mushu!! 🥰🤗😘❤💙❤💙
From: Mommy
On: 2/14/20
5 years ago today, we got the call from the Kapiolani Vet Referral Hospital, that you were having trouble and that it didn't look good for you, so we rushed down to see you. I blamed myself for days, for letting you go without asking the female vet if she checked your previous records of the same condition, and that maybe just maybe, you would still be with us today. I'm sure it was God and you that kept saying, "Don't go down to the see the vet and go off on her for not checking your records, and that doing so, won't bring you back" hearing that constantly for days and weeks after was the only thing that kept me from going there. As of this day though, I still think about it as it gets closer to Valentine's. I must say, you picked a great day to go, full of love, just like you. Katsu and Kikilyn will never replace you, because you, are forever my first little guy we ever had, but they still bring me great happiness because there are things that they do that remind me so much of you. T
From: Mommy
On: 11/17/19
Hi my baby, I'm missing you so much. Your brother Katsu and sister Kikilyn each have a little bit of you in their personalities. It's so much fun having you in each of them. At times, it's like you're still here. Keep on playing with them, I'm sure they know you're their big brother. I love you always and forever and you will always be my number one puppy doggie. 🥰❤❤❤
From: Mommy
On: 9/12/19
Hi my puppy doggie. I miss you, and think of you very often, especially when other doggies are headed your way. Have fun with them, and Katsu, and Kikilyn says "Hello Big Brother" Mochi says hello too. I think he misses you too. 🤗 Hugs and 😘 Kisses my baby. Mommy Loves You Always & Forever!! 😘❤😘❤🙏
From: Mommy
On: 7/10/19
Hi my baby! I still miss you very much, and think about you very often. I know you're loving all the kids and playing with them and grandma and grandpa Bacio. Give Jesus a lick and a snuggle for me, and I pray that when it's my turn, that I get to see you. I love you always my puppy! ❤ Mommy
From: Mommy
On: 2/14/19
Good morning my puppy doggie. Today makes 4 years and not a day goes by that I don't think of you, or say your name. I know God is watching over you and all your brothers and sisters, as well as your new friends, and that makes me very, happy. 🤗 I hope you're getting all the balloons we send off to you, and know how much qr miss you. Have fun on your very special day knowing how much we love you! Lots Of Hugs and Love!! Mommy Loves You So, So Much!!
From: Mommy
On: 1/28/19
Hi my baby 💖 I miss you so much. I'm sorry I haven't visited you in awhile, but not a day goes by that I don't think of you. I know you're with Jesus and your brother's and sisters, and knowing that I'm so happy. Until we meet again baby, you'll always be in my heart, and in my thoughts, and when I think of you, it always makes me smile. I Love You!! XOXO Mommy. 🤗😘💖
From: Mommy
On: 5/31/18
Hi meu baby, i'm sorry i missed your birthday. 😢 i think of you often and your brother Katsu and sister Kikilyn mimic you everyday. I miss you, and your sister's kimberlyn and jamilyn miss you a lot too. I'm sure jesus is keeping you company until we get to see you again. I know sister Jami aton see you again for sure. I'm trying to be good so God will let me be with you again. I've been going with Jami to church to praise God for watching over us and blessing us until one day we can be together again. Until then, please pray for mommy to learn to be always hpd so i can see you again. I love you my baby Mushu. Have fun with Jesus and your fur-brothers and fur-sister. Love you always, Mommy.
From: Mommy
On: 10/25/17
Good morning my baby 😙 I still miss you a lot and wish you were here with me. I hug Katsu and Kiki and I love them, but your always on my mind. I know you're having fun up there and playing with all your otter brothers and sisters, as well as with uncle Laython, grandmas and grandpa's. Please don't forget me. I'm at work now a ff will think about you and have you in my heart always. Until we meet again. 😙❤🐶 Love You Always! ❤❤❤ Mommy
From: Mommy
On: 2/14/17
😢 today makes 2 years since you physically left us and I have never stopped loving you, abs thinking about you everyday. Valentine's day is all about you. We send you balloons with notes attached and let them go, hoping you get them and God reads them to you. My heart is very heavy as I write this to you. Have Fun with all your other brothers and sisters (dogs, cats, birds, mice, and fish) that left us long before you, and have fun with all your friends you made up there. One day, when we meet up, I hope I'm allowed happy tears, cause I have them now, and I want you to see how much I Love You!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ bye bye for now my puppy doggie. Mommy Really Loves You With All I Have. ((HUGS&KISSES))
From: Mommy
On: 11/21/16
Hi my baby. It's been a while since I came here to visit you, but I know you know, you've been with me everyday. I feel you, I see you, and I hug you through your brother Katsu and sister Kiki. I have pictures of you that I look at everyday, because I miss you everyday. I wish you were still here, but I know you're playing with all your other brothers and new friends. My friend Cal has to send his girl Riley over the bridge, so show her around, and take good care of her. You're gonna love her. She's a giant you. 😄 I LOVE YOU MY MUSHU PUPPY DOGGIE! I'll be back again one day. 😊 😉
From: Mommy
On: 5/31/16
As I last here tonight, next to you, I cannot help but remember how you cuddled with me every day or night. I miss you so much, I seem to occasionally call your name when talking to Katsu. He's so much like you, as is Kiki. You found me babies that are like you in many ways to comfort me. Thank you for that. 😊 I just wish they knew how to behave and cuddle just like you. We're planning to move to Las Vegas to be near your sister kimberlyn and Cody. I hope you're gonna like your new home away from home. I love you my baby and Happy Belated 10th Birthday! 🎂🎁🎈🎉 I'll visit you again my baby. Muwah!😙👄❤❤❤🐶
From: pam
On: 3/18/16
Dear Lori, you have my sympathy on the passing of your sweet Mushu. God bless you.

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