Lucy's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

(Return to Lucy's Rainbow Bridge Residency)
From: Mom
On: 1/23/25
Dear little Lucy! Ten years...a decade...since you let us know that it was your time to go to the Rainbow Bridge. Your sweet spirit lives on here and I try to honor the memory of your life with us every day. Your collar and name tag were under the Christmas tree and the "Lucy tree" outside that was once scrawny and misshapen is now lush and thriving. I miss you so much but I'm at peace because I know my pretty, precious "coyote" girl is in God's care...forever, your mom 🌲 💚
From: Mom
On: 1/23/24
Little were with me while I was out walking this morning. I was remembering that cute kissable dark spot on top of your head, your after bath fluff butt, your "coyote" pounce. A calendar alert sounded on my phone about your 9th Rainbow Bridge anniversary (not that I ever could/would forget). Then I heard a coyote yipping, howling, and barking in the hills...and I do believe that you were sending a message that you are okay!..."fur ever" your mom💚
From: Mom
On: 1/23/23
Hey little Lucy! Today marks your eighth anniversary at the Rainbow Bridge. I'm thinking of you...the sweetest, most trusting and humble soul...with a smile and gratitude that you are a part of our critter family! Love you my "coyote girl" and I know I'll see you on "the other side"...forever, your mom.
From: Mom
On: 1/23/22
Little Lucy...Lately I have been thinking a lot about how quickly time and life pass. I clearly remember the day we were introduced and the day you "moved in"; it's been over eleven years, yet it seems not so long ago. And now another Rainbow Bridge anniversary, your seventh, is here. I'm not going to think about your struggles...not on this day. I just want to remember how much you enjoyed scrambled eggs, your blanket, exploring the backyard, and snoozing in the grass! You are very much missed and forever loved...
From: Mom
On: 1/23/21
Hey little Lucy! Today is another anniversary...your the Rainbow Bridge. I'm thinking of how a lost, scrawny creature became such a beautiful girl! Your bright shiny eyes showed your contentment, friendliness, intelligence, and amazing faith in humans. Your only fault was that you left us too soon...I miss you little one. Forever, your mom
From: Mom
On: 1/23/19
Little Lucy...gone, yet still here. I can picture your bright eyes watching from your "den" in the back yard. I just miss you! Forever your "coyote" mom...
From: Mom
On: 1/23/18
Little Lucy...I'm thinking of you with a smile on my face, love in my heart, and sweet memories of you on my mind on your third Bridge anniversary! Forever...your "momma dog coyote"
From: Lyle Ungerecht
On: 3/27/17
Hi and hugs Lucy. Today, March 27, 2017 is no special day in particular, only that I was thinking of you Lucy and also Chopper, Sara, Sophie, Dickster and all the other kids. Soon Mikey will be joining you all at the Rainbow Bridge and I hope you will make him feel welcome. Not today or tomorrow but fairly soon. He will need your love and guidance as you are the experts at the Bridge. Run fast, smell the air and remember your Doggy Mom with love as she remembers and loves you.
From: Mom
On: 1/23/17
Dear Lucy...I have thought about you so much this month as your second anniversary at the Rainbow Bridge drew near. Your bright-eyed Christmas picture from 2013 is on my phone...what a little beauty you became while you were here with us! I wish it could have lasted longer, but I am so glad that I was able to care for you as long as I did. I miss you little Lucy, my "coyote girl", and as I watch your "snow video" from a few years ago I am remembering you with a smile because it is snowing right now! Forever, your momma dog...
On: 1/22/16
From: Karen (Dusty, Momma, DJ, & Patches’ mom)
On: 12/6/15
“God gave us our memories so that we might have Roses in December." a quote by J.M. Barrie. May the memories of your sweet Lucy, the ones that can't help but bring a smile to your heart as you remember how your baby’s paw prints touched your life, be the ones that surround you this first Holiday Season without your beloved furbaby. My prayer for all of us this Christmas season, is that our babies will wrap up a special little sign for each one of us back here, and send it to us during this blessed season. May you catch a glimpse of your special sign, just when your heart needs it the most....And may each love-filled memory you have of all your beloved fur-angels now at Rainbows bridge bring to your heart the very warmth and sunshine of the Rainbow itself. That's just one "gift" your baby-angels would want for you this season. Best wishes for you and your family this Holiday Season, Karen (Dusty, Momma, DJ & Patches mom)
From: Lyle
On: 7/30/15
Just read the 6 month memorial message from your Mom. Molly and I also miss you very much and can only be thankful that your forever Mom was there to take care of you when we no longer could. Run free and have fun at the Bridge with all your fur and feather friends.
From: Jennifer
On: 1/27/15
I am so very sorry for your loss. May you find peace in knowing that your Furbaby is at the Bridge, awaiting the day you meet again! Blessings!
From: Debbie, Ginger's mom
On: 1/27/15
Jennifer, I'm sorry for the loss of your beloved Lucy. I lost my Ginger to lymphoma she was only 6, I miss her everyday. We must take comfort in our memories and know both Lucy and Ginger are happy and healthy, waiting for the day we will all be together again. I'm enclosing an Angel to watch over our babies. I do hope Lucy and Ginger have become fast friends and will spend time together playing while they wait...
From: Patricia
On: 1/26/15
What a beautiful tribute to your precious Lucy! My deepest sympathy on your loss. Please take comfort in knowing that Lucy is healthy and free, up at the Rainbow Bridge, watching over you with love.
From: Bridget
On: 1/24/15
Dear Jennifer I'm sorry for the loss of your Lucy. What a beautiful girl. I lost my Finnbar December 2012.I understand how hard it is to say goodbye.When its time you'll be together again just as it should be.Until then Lucy is waiting for you at the bridge happy and healthy. It looks like she's in good company. There are new places to explore so much space to run like the wind all the good treats and when she needs a break,meadows to lie in the sun.She's having a ball with her new friends all the while still keeping an eye on you.I hope she's met Finn by now.He's a friendly little cat but he's scrappy and he can catch. If you would care to visit my Finnbar
From: david brody
On: 1/24/15
Dear Jennifer: I am so sorry to learn of the loss of your precious LUCY. I am certain you have so many wonderful memories t ocherish. David Brody
From: Regina - Bailey's Mom
On: 1/24/15
Dear Jennifer - I am so sorry for your loss of Lucy. My heart goes out to you as I know you are struggling so with the loss of your precious baby. Your world has lost a very special baby, family member and friend, but the heavens have welcomed home a very special soul. Earth’s loss is heaven’s gain. I know you had a special relationship with Lucy that will always be a part of you. I pray that my sweet little girl, Bailey, found Lucy and they have become friends. May the precious love you shared with Lucy continue to warm your heart and I hope you find peace and comfort knowing that your love will bind you together forever. Peace and blessings to you. My precious Bailey left our world December 5th, 2013 and we miss her so. Please visit my Bailey at
From: gretchen
On: 1/24/15
so sorry to hear of your loss. i hope you feel better soon.
From: Lyle Ungerecht
On: 1/24/15
Dear sweet beautiful Lucy. You touched our lives in ways we will always remember. You were not with Molly and me very long, but you did a little traveling with us and hope you had fond memories of these travels. Than you had the best luck in the world by finding your forever Mom. Bless you both, run fast and free and fearless with Chopper, Sara, Sophie and all your new found friends at the Rainbow Bridge.

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