From: Karen (Dusty, Momma, DJ, & Patches’ mom)
On: 12/6/15
“God gave us our memories so that we might have Roses in December." a quote by J.M. Barrie. May the memories of your sweet Lucy, the ones that can't help but bring a smile to your heart as you remember how your baby’s paw prints touched your life, be the ones that surround you this first Holiday Season without your beloved furbaby. My prayer for all of us this Christmas season, is that our babies will wrap up a special little sign for each one of us back here, and send it to us during this blessed season. May you catch a glimpse of your special sign, just when your heart needs it the most....And may each love-filled memory you have of all your beloved fur-angels now at Rainbows bridge bring to your heart the very warmth and sunshine of the Rainbow itself. That's just one "gift" your baby-angels would want for you this season. Best wishes for you and your family this Holiday Season, Karen (Dusty, Momma, DJ & Patches mom)