Indy Anna Morris's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

(Return to Indy Anna Morris's Rainbow Bridge Residency)
From: Calvin and Bobo
On: 4/27/21
Hey Indy! How are you doing? I'm sure you're having a lot of fun with Bobo up there. I hope he's not stealing all the treats from you. I was just thinking today about the time when we were living in the old house, and dad accidentally slammed the door on your leg because you thought it was a good idea to not commit to going outside. You barked and you cried and I remember dad thinking he broke your leg, and then the second you saw you were getting a pancake you acted like nothing was wrong. That was the day we all knew your stomach called the shots. Just thinking of that made me smile. I love you so much and I hope your having a fun time up there. Love you Indy!
From: Carol
On: 10/14/18
Rick and Dawn, I am sorry for the loss of your sweet angel Indy Anna. Oh yes, the love you have for your little cutie is a mirror reflection of how she feels for you. The love never ends even after transition.❤🙏
From: Melissa
On: 10/6/18
My eyes are teary... just read your beautiful memorial for Indy. So sweet! I just lifted my Bailey up to the rainbow bridge on Sept. 26th. 😥 It’s still so raw. I talk to Bailey just as you still talk to Indy. It’s amazing how tuned in dogs are to their owners feelings, and to siblings, like Indy’s sissy, visiting his bed. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Hugs, Melissa
From: Dana (IddyBears Mom)
On: 7/29/18
Rick and Dawn, I'm so sorry for your loss of your precious Indy Anna Morris. As you cherish and remember every memory and moment, please be comforted and know that your Indy Anna is at the Rainbow Bridge meeting many new friends including my Bailey. The Bridge kids will be with your precious fur-angel in the beautiful Paradise Meadow. My thoughts and prayers are with you, and I'm leaving flowers to comfort you... You can visit my Bailey: God Bless...
From: Lito Ortiz
On: 7/21/18
Rick, Dawn: Was Indy a Beagle? I’m sorry for your loss. Know that you are not alone. I, too, have lost a beloved pet; everyone in this website have. We know you’re hurting, and we’re here for you. We feel the pain that you feel; we’ve suffered the loneliness that you suffer, at not having our beloved pet by our side anymore. But we all feel the same relief---that where our beloved pets are now, they’re safe, and happy, and content, whatever afflicted them in this life is gone. And we all share the same hope---one day, we will be together again with our beloved ones. My baby, a female Beagle named River, left for Rainbow Bridge on March 21, 2017; you can see River here---
From: Debbie, Ginger's mom
On: 7/17/18
I'm sorry for your loss.
From: Minks Mom
On: 7/11/18
Dear Rick and Dawn, I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful, loved, and precious, Indy Anna. I will keep you in prayer.
From: Joan Hayes
On: 7/11/18
Hi Rick and Dawn, welcome to the bridge. I`m so sorry you've lost your fur baby Indy, she sounds very much loved and it almost brought a tear to my eye reading your memorial that you did for her. So sorry she had cancer its always so hard when they get sick. I lost my Jasper almost four months ago, he had cushings another horrible condition. I know Jasper would have welcomed your Indy, they'll most likely be playing together now I hope. If you would like to visit Jaspers memorial here is his address. I just want you to know the first few weeks are very hard, it gets easier as time goes by. Love from Joan and Jasper
From: Raylie Morgan
On: 7/11/18
No truer word was said when they called a dog, man's best friend. Indy Anna Morris was a special dog. May the fond memories you have, ease the pain of grief at this difficult time. Also please feel free to email me if you need to let go of some grief.
From: Cher
On: 7/11/18
What a sweet furbaby! I am so sorry for your loss but believe me, those wonderful creations of life and love are why we exist, they remind us of love and how we should live. I truly believe that every life is precious, every life has meaning and every life has a destiny. No matter how big or how small. Animal and human. We all share this world and this life and our souls are connected. Your furry child is still alive but in God's beautiful heaven and the love you share will find it's way to heaven and back. Feel whatever it is you need to feel for as long as you need to. I have many furbabies at the bridge and I still long for them but I know their souls are always with me. Please know that you will see your lil angel again. We are all one big family up there! Take care! Big hugs! Please take care! You are in my thoughts and prayers!
From: Patti
On: 7/11/18
Dear Rick and Dawn, I am sorry for the loss of your sweet Indy Anna Morris. She was such a lucky girl to have you take good care of her for all those years. I hope you can find some comfort and healing in your memories and know that your love will live on forever. The loss of our fur-babies is so profound. They love us unconditionally and ask for so little in return. Not everyone understands the depth of that connection and I hope you can find support on RB. They are an excellent resource of folks to get it. Sincerely, Patti
On: 7/11/18
From: sher
On: 7/11/18
hi i am so verysorry for your lossmyprayers and healing hugsare withyouGodBlessyou
From: Susan Harrill
On: 7/11/18
I am so sorry to hear about your loss of Indy. Please find comfort in knowing that Indy is now at Rainbows Bridge and making lots of friends. Saying goodbye is never easy. I also lost my precious cat Spooky July 30th 2001 after 16 wonderful years with her. I have lost several babies since Spooky's passing. Hannah 1/11/13, Sammi 8/2/13,Maci 4/9/14, Gabbi 3/20/17, Zoe 1/3/18, Willow 6/4/18, and Shelby 6/12/18. I am sure that Indy and my babies have all become good friends. You can visit with Spooky at: Take Care, Susan
From: pam
On: 7/11/18
Dear Rick and Dawn, please accept my sympathy on the passing of your dear Indy Anna. God bless you.
From: pam
On: 7/11/18
Dear Rick and Dawn, please accept my sympathy on the passing of your dear Indy Anna. God bless you.
From: Ann
On: 7/11/18
May the special memories of your much loved fur angel, Indy Anna, be of comfort in your grief. Such a beautiful, precious girl!
From: Toni
On: 7/11/18
Indy Anna Morris I am sorry for your loss. My Perseus went to Rainbow Bridge when he was 14. There are no more aches or pains. No rain only sunshine. Running and playing all day with the other furbabies. One day we will join them for all eternity at Rainbow Bridge.
From: Regina - Bailey's Mom
On: 7/5/18
I am so sorry for your loss of Indy Anna. My heart goes out to you as I know you are struggling so with the loss of your precious baby. Your world has lost a very special baby, family member and friend, but the heavens have welcomed home a very special soul. Earth’s loss is heaven’s gain. I know you had a special relationship with Indy Anna that will always be a part of you. I pray that my sweet little girl, Bailey, found Indy Anna and they have become friends. May the precious love you shared with Indy Anna continue to warm your heart and I hope you find peace and comfort knowing that your love will bind you together forever. Peace and blessings to you. My precious Bailey left our world December 5th, 2013 and we miss her so. Please visit my Bailey at
From: Andrell
On: 7/5/18
Rick and Dawn: Indy Anna's picture revealed a sweet and loyal, fun-loving soul who will be deeply remembered with great fondness. May the adventures you've shared as well as the unconditional love you've experienced will be cherished for an eternity. With my deepest condolences in your time of need.

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