Hershi's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

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From: Mommy
On: 6/3/24
Hi baby girl. I know it’s been a while. I’m so sorry. I miss and love my princess so much. I know you are running and playing at the rainbow bridge with Snickers, Ninoshka, and Snowball. And of course all the babies at the meadow. I miss and love you all. Hoo-girl, I miss your smell and your sweet face. I miss your personality and you Mayo going by my head on my pillow. Things I never took for granted. Snickers, I love and miss you so much. I try to forgive myself for what had to be done, it’s hard knowing that had to happen. I know you are healthy running and playing so that gives me comfort. There’s no more pain for any of you. You all lived a long life full of love ❤️ ❤️❤️ I love you Snickaman. You was my loyal baby. I loved you all as much as you loved me. I have no doubt about that. Always remembers that God loves you. He loves all baby’s. I miss you all and I am so sorry I took so long to write. I’m leaving something really great for all of you. Make sure and share. ❤️❤️❤️ Yummy
From: Mommy for Snickers
On: 2/20/24
Happy Birthday to my big boy!!! I know I’m late. Your Birthday was January 3rd and I’m just now getting around to posting this. I miss you Snickers. I had a Birthday 🥳 party for you too. I’m using Hershis because I still need to make you one. I think about my Snickaman everyday. Just because I don’t post as much doesn’t mean I’m not thinking about you every day. I miss my loyal and sweet little boy. You always had a heart of gold. I bet you are running around and playing with Hershi and Ninoshka like you all use too. I picture that so I don’t cry over you every day. And trust me I cry over you all. It’s hard not having you here with me. You and Hershi both had your spots in the bed with me or sitting with me on the recliner. You loved going on rides with mommy. I’m leaving you something special baby boy. I love and miss you with all my heart ❤️ Share with everyone at the meadow. I love you baby boy!
From: Mommy
On: 2/20/24
Hi my beautiful baby girl. I can’t believe I have went this long without talking to you on here. I miss you every single day. I talk to you and I had your birthday party 🥳 on December 7th 2023 like every year. It was nice. I cried per usual. I look at your beautiful face on your headstone and it breaks my heart. You have been gone 3 birthdays now and each one is the same. I love you so much that I can barely take you nor bring here. I miss everything about you. Your smell, how much you loved me, your loving personality, and just everything. You are my hoo-girl that I can’t wait to see again. I know you are heathy and happy and playing at the meadow with Snickers and Ninoshka and all the baby’s at the meadow. I’m going to leave you something good and it’s unlimited!!! Do share with everyone. Happy Birthday!!🎂 I love and miss you every single day!!
From: Mommy
On: 9/17/23
Hello my beautiful princess. It’s been way to long baby girl. I love and miss you so much. There’s not a day that goes bye that I don’t miss that perfect little face and your little pink nose. I miss your smell and how you would curl up beside me on my pillow. You always had 2 spots right by me. And I loved it. I have really been missing you hoo-girl. I love and miss Snickers too. I know he knows and I take comfort knowing that you Snickers, Ninoshka and Snowball are all together healthy and happy. I know you are all running and being the life of the meadow. Words can’t explain how bad I need you all back in my life. I wouldn’t change anything about the way we all loved each other. Just needed forever with you all. I know we all bring joy to each other’s lives and then we eventually have to leave it. I can’t wait to see you all again. Princess 👑 you are my rock that holds me together, and Snickers is my baby boy that loves me more than anyone in his long life. ♥️♥️♥️♥️ Toys for all!!
From: Mommy
On: 9/17/23
Hello my beautiful princess. It’s been way to long baby girl. I love and miss you so much. There’s not a day that goes bye that I don’t miss that perfect little face and your little pink nose. I miss your smell and how you would curl up beside me on my pillow. You always had 2 spots right by me. And I loved it. I have really been missing you hoo-girl. I love and miss Snickers too. I know he knows and I take comfort knowing that you Snickers, Ninoshka and Snowball are all together healthy and happy. I know you are all running and being the life of the meadow. Words can’t explain how bad I need you all back in my life. I wouldn’t change anything about the way we all loved each other. Just needed forever with you all. I know we all bring joy to each other’s lives and then we eventually have to leave it. I can’t wait to see you all again. Princess 👑 you are my rock that holds me together, and Snickers is my baby boy that loves me more than anyone in his long life. ♥️♥️♥️♥️ Toys for all!!
From: Mommy
On: 6/9/23
Hi my princess. I love and miss you so much Hoo-girl. You are my little Angel. Not a day goes by I’m not thinking about you, your smell , you sweet face and how you would have you spots on the bed. Especially curled up on my pillow by my head where I woke up with a kink in my neck just because I was on the edge of the pillow. I would love to have you back there. I miss you in every way. Snickers mommy loves and misses you sweet boy. You are mommy’s sweet boy. You are loyal, protective and we loved each other unconditionally. You mean the world to me. I miss you laying beside me guarding me but always having to touch me in some way. You 2 are in my heart in so many ways. I love you Snickaman and Hoo-girl. And I can’t forget Ninoshka and Snowball, we all miss and love them too. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Bacon and eggs for everyone. Mmmmm!!
From: Mommy
On: 5/2/23
Hello princess 👑 how is mommy’s going-girl? I love and miss you so much. I have been cleaning and leaning pretty flowered down for all 3 of you. There’s not a second that goes by that I’m not thinking about you. You are the light of my life. I’m sorry it’s been a while. You know what’s been going on. Snickers I love and miss you so much and when I renew Hershis I will make yours. Ninoshka and Snowball I love and miss you guys too. There’s so much I want to say to my baby’s but it would take pages and pages. I know you all are with mommy. I wish I was holding you all in my arms. But Hershi and Snickers, I grieve you everyday. Not one day goes by I’m not thinking about both of you. You 2 made every day complete everyday after work. Now, I just go through the motions. Twix is great and she has her own big personality. She would have loved you Hershi. She annoyed Snickers with her hyper actions. Easter was a few weeks ago. Happy Easter ❤️❤️ I love you all!
From: Mommy
On: 4/1/23
Hello to my princess 👑 and prince. How is my Hoo-girl and Snickaman? I love and miss both of you so very much. You 2 are my very best friends and my baby’s. I need to talk to you both more often, but just know I think about both of you each and every day. I know you both know that. I forgot to say that Snickers Birthday was January 3rd on my last post. He was 16 years old My time with both of you were the best times of my life. You guys were always there waiting for me each day. Those are the best thoughts I keep. I always laugh at the crazy things you 2 would do. And then you guys would growl at each other just for a spot on my lap and I would have to separate you to opposite sides of me 😁. There may have been quite a few dog fights t had to break up. Both of you were scrappy like that. At the time they wasn’t funny, but I bet you 2 joke around with each other about them. Mommy misses you both. And the love I feel for both of you will stay in my heart forever. ❤️❤️ Mmm hamburger.
From: Mommy
On: 2/28/23
Happy Birthday Snickers. I love you so very much and I miss you like crazy. Mommy will get you your own page. I miss you every single day. I know you had such a great Birthday at the meadow with Hershi. Your Birthday was January 3rd but I’m trying to catch up. You are mommy’s little baby boy always and forever. Thank you hoo-girl. Happy Birthday Snickers!!
From: Mommy
On: 2/28/23
Hello my beautiful Angel 😇. Oh how I miss and love my hoo-girl so much. I haven’t made Snickers one yet so of course you are sharing right now. Hi my baby boy. I love and miss you Snickaman. I think about you both and how much I miss my baby’s. Mommy was in the hospital for 5 days, but everything is good now. I had both of your name tags bandaged to my wrists during my surgeries/procedures. I knew with you two with me and God by me there was no worry for a bad outcome. And I was right. You all pulled me through again. So how is the meadow? I imagine you 2 with Ninoshka and Snowball so healthy and laying around soaking up the sun and running and playing with all the other baby’s there. I know he’s w healthy, pain free, and full of life you all must be. I talk to Twix about you all. And the boys think about you all. And mommy and daddy miss all of you. Princess thank you for letting me talk to Snickers. I love you all!! Happy Valentine’s Day. I know I’m late. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
From: Mommy
On: 1/26/23
Hi my beautiful princess and Snickaman. I know I’m behind so Happy New Years!!!I know I will get ahead here soon. I’ve just had some things going around and you and God knows. I wish I could feel you guys around me. I really need you both. I love and miss you each and every day! Nothing crosses my mind more than my 2 baby’s. I hope you both of you are running everyday and living it up in the meadow. I picture you 2 with Ninoshka and Snowball all playing together. That makes my heart happy. I am happy when I think of you all, but sad that you had to leave mommy. You 2 were my comfort, security, and my unconditional loves. I know I am imperfect, but we were perfect for each other. I know you had to go, but come to mommy anytime. I need both of you. Mmmm bacon and eggs. Unlimited amount for everyone!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
From: Mommy
On: 1/7/23
Well baby’s I missed Christmas, New Years and Snickers Birthday on here. Not that I didn’t think of you all the entire time. You 2 are all I wanted that have gone away. It’s so lonely with our you 2. I love and miss you both so much everyday. Please forgive mommy for not typing to you all, including Ninoshka and Snowball. I know you all are having fun. I miss you so much hoo-girl and Snickaman. I’m going to start out with Merry Christmas. I had you all made new ornaments. Next year I will decorate for Christmas and put all the ornaments and decorations up. So let’s start. Merry Christmas baby’s. Mommy loves you all so much. I feel you both near me. We were one and I miss your smell and you sleeping with me every night. So, Merry Christmas my Angels 😇 ❤️❤️❤️🌈
From: Mommy
On: 12/7/22
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRINCESS 👑. I can’t believe you are 14 years old today, but you had to leave mommy 2.5 months before your 12th Birthday. I bet the whole Meadow is celebrating you today. You are so loved here and there. Snickers and Ninoshka are right by your side…along with Snowball and all the other baby’s there. You will be celebrated here for sure. I’m about to go get stuff to celebrate with. I love and miss you so much Hoo-girl. Even though I can’t see you today, I know you will be by my side today. You are my Everything and I can’t physically touch you, it doesn’t make me not miss you any less. I love and miss Snickers so much too. I promise I will make yours soon baby boy. I love all of you and I hope you all are running and playing each and e every day. I know you all feel like healthy baby’s again and I love that. I can’t wait to see that one day. Share your Birthday Cake 🎂 with everyone. I love you so much. 🎉 with everyone. I love you all. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
From: Mommy
On: 10/21/22
Hello beautiful princess. Mommy is sitting at work thinking about you. I love and miss you so much. Not a day that goes by that I don’t think of you. You will always be my precious baby girl…mommy’s little hoo-girl ❤️ Hey baby boy. Mommy sure misses her little boy…my most loyal and best friend. It’s hard not seeing your face everyday. You loved mommy so much. We were together the longest. So, we have the most special bond. You are mommy’s baby Snickaman. Ninoshka I miss and love you too. Not a day goes by that I don’t miss all 3 of you. Everyday is hard without you all by my side. I know dad misses Ninoshka the most, and I love you all. You all have unique personalities that make you who you are. My heart aches for you all in different ways. Mommy will see you all once again. I know all of you are happy and healthy and out of pain and that’s what keeps me going. Until we meet again my baby’s. I love all 3 of you. Unlimited chicken sandwiches for every baby there. ❤️❤️❤️
From: Mommy
On: 10/6/22
Hi my sweet baby girl. I love and miss you so very much. I found some more of your clothes when I cleaned out the bedroom. You and Snickers both. I was saddened but then thought that you are playing again together and happy and healthy. And I know Ninoshka is the same. I love you Hoo-girl ❤️ and everyday o think about all of you. Snickers- I love and miss you so much. And Ninoshka I miss and love you too. I miss all 3 of you in so many different ways. There’s so much I want to say but I just want to stay positive and love myself like I love you all. I will get separate accounts but for right now I know my princess won’t mind because she is awesome! And my Snickaman is loyal and protective and Ninnie is the caretaker. I know you all so well because you are my baby’s. For life! I know you all had to leave mommy, but we will meet again. I love and miss you all!! ❤️❤️❤️ Cheese for everyone unlimited amount!!!
From: Mommy
On: 9/26/22
Hi Hoo-girl and Snickaman!!! How are my baby’s doing. Is Hershi and Ninoshka showing you around? I miss and love you all so much. Princess I grieve you everyday. Not a day goes by I don’t think of you. I know I’m using your private account with mommy, but they don’t have one yet. But, you are so loving and kind that I know you won’t mind. You are such mommy’s little girl. Make sure Snickers has you and Ninoshka. You 2 can help him so much. I know every baby at the meadow are so loved 🥰 and you all love each other. Snickers, I miss and love you. You are mommy’s big boy that had to leave mommy. I knew it was your time and there was no way you was going to be in pain. I just miss you and hoo-girl laying in bed with me and us comforting each other. You 2 brought me through some tough times that’s for sure. I love all of you to the moon and back. ❤️❤️❤️ Hamburgers for everyone!!! I love you all! 👑
From: Mommy
On: 9/20/22
Hey baby girl. I know it’s been a month and I am very sorry. I love and miss you so much and since I haven’t make Snickers one yet I want to tell him I love him and miss him so very much. Rough times right now baby’s. Mommy and Daddy are getting a divorce so we will not be together anymore. It’s OK though. It just makes me sad that you 2 are not with me to get me through this. It would be nice if you would give me a sign that you are with me. You 2 lifted me up when I was down. I miss you both laying in bed with me and.fighting for spots on the bed lol. You guys were my baby’s and my best friends. You 2 stick with Ninoshka and Snowball and rub and have fun. Snickers I hope you have forgiven me but the look you gave me I just knew. We both knew. I miss you so much. On the 19th of this month Hoo-girl you have been gone for 2 years. On the 20th is mod this month Snickers you have been gone for 1 month. I love and miss both of you. ❤️❤️❤️ Unlimited milk Mmmmm
From: Mommy
On: 8/28/22
Hi princess 👑. Well, as you already know, Snickers is up there with you all. I miss you both so deeply I feel like my heart has shattered into a million little pieces. He was so sick, couldn’t walk, barely ate or drank. It was heartbreaking to say the least. He doesn’t don’t leave me on my own terms, I had to make the horrible decision that no one ever wants to make for their baby’s I know he is healthy and it’s pan free now, but it’s still haunting me and at the same time as I’m grieving. I am still grieving you. I like be and miss both of you so much. I’m going to make Snick his own page but today you 2 are sharing. Please help him. I know you will, but you have tons of friends. I’m sure he was welcome with opened arms. ❤️❤️ I bet you both will eat all these up. Enough for everyone. I love you hoo-girl and of course my Snickaman ❤️❤️
From: Mommy
On: 8/8/22
Hi beautiful baby girl. I just wanted to let you know, as I stare at your portrait on the wall while I lay in bed, that I love and miss your beautiful face so so much. You are every star that shines so bright in the sky. I can’t wait to see you again. ❤️❤️❤️ Unlimited chicken sandwiches for you and your friends.
From: Mommy
On: 8/2/22
Hi beautiful baby of mine. Mommy loves and misses you so much. How is the meadow? Are you having lots of fun with Ninoshka and Snowball and all off your friends? I know you are queen bee up there hoo-girl! You light up everywhere you go. I bet you look so healthy with your beautiful hair, pink nose, and absolutely stunning eyes. It’s been almost 2 years since you had to leave me. I will never forget that day 09/19/2020. Feels like it happened just recent. It hurts my heart. Snickers is a little Turkey. He’s been peeing the bed so he has been sleeping in the living room. Just for now. I’m going to stop giving him water after 630. I know it’s hard for him but I clean the mattress everyday and where I get home late he doesn’t get to eat or drink late. I feel bad he hasn’t slept in here tonight, but I’ll get him in a routine hopefully. I miss your smell. Just like I loved you sleeping by me. I miss him sleeping with me. He’s just a pee boy right now. I love you Angel. ❤️❤️❤️ Mmmmm B/E

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