Johnson Boys's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

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From: Grandaddy
On: 2/15/25
Fellows, the weather is all over the map. Cold bright sunny days, cold rainy days days with above average tenure due to high winds, tornado warnings, ice on bridges and trees,, etc, etc. We expect to attend a long planned Johnson clan lunch 20 minutes a Of course the weather projection i icey bridges, and heavy rains over the lunch period. We seldom go out in bad weather since nana has lost sight in one eye and I no longer have a driver's license. You two along with us would be wishing for spring to finally get her. WWe did celebrate Valentine's Day and have had a good week with our work on various projects. We still have taxes and other end of year chores to complete. We need to be able to get back to walking at the church in Pleasant Garden. We stay away because of high sickness rates and our age and low immune systems. We really miss you two and you are always in our hearts and minds. We love you. Granddaddy
From: Grandaddy
On: 2/8/25
Boys, it has been a quiet week. Grandaddy gas spent a great deal of time working on genealogy with very little progress. My eyes are so bad, thymotrinan both are are tearing up as if I were crying, that I spend more time trying to make the computer work and correcting errors than what gets done in a couple of hours which used to take maybe 30 minutes! Maama has been reading, checkingreceip books and Dr. Google. We have cabin fever so staying civil is becoming a problem. I wish she would get out and have lunch with her friends more often as she needs a break. The weather seems to directly change every few days. cold to freezing , warmer days with not enough crying snow and price or both next week It probably makes me miss a dental appointment. You two are in our hearts every moment. We love you. grandaddy
From: Grandaddy
On: 2/1/25
Gentle companions, Nana and I miss you so very much. As the seasons pass we always have a memory to the weather patterns are changing and we finally had some rain last night after weeks of only a bit of snow to supply moisture to the plants and lawns. We are currently enjoying overnight low temperatures above freezing; however, sub freezing te,[s wo;; return a;; tpp sppm. The days are [providing one more minute of daylight everyday so that helps. The four of us were always glad to reach this point in winter time as it means spring is due in a few more weeks and we can resume spending more time outside. The four of us would prepare for our annual seek or so on oak island frolicking on the sand and navign high noon napping on the deck when not protecting your territory from house to the ocean. Murphy was particularly aggressive on this while you, Harper, usually reacted when the trespassing animals challenged Murphy. As you were always safe. We love you. Grandey
From: Grandaddy
On: 1/25/25
Fellows, We have accomplished very little since my last update. We have had two shows but not deep enough to keep Murphy from going potty on his own. The temperature has been and still is below freezing for 4 or 6 days. I just went out to get some packages delivered overnight and felt the bite of the dold. Nana has bought me a new blanket to keep warm when we watch TV. She also brought me two sets of pajamas which I also did not need. There were also some body creams that I did need. I have repeatedly asked her not to buy me any more clothing items unless I request them as I still have packages containing clothing items that are at least 14 to2 years old! We have our taxes to do band bookkeeping financial info and every thing id in order to do them as needed. We have begun watching Tb. Nana is going for a haircut today. We miss your love and warmth in times like this. I seem to be losing more fatalities every day so I should see you soon. love Grandaddy
From: Grandaddy
On: 1/18/25
Boys, we have had a quiet week which includes Nana's visit to one of her MDs after which she brought k to Ed some ready to cook items from her favorite butcher. She also worked in her closet selecting items for the hospice thrift store The house cleaner is coming one day. I worked on the computer for several hours each day and made a little headway on my garbology actuaries. Maybe someday it will all come together! We watched a movie last night and both slept well. Nana did receive some potentially bad news when the initial blood test results were available to her this morning. She will probably have to see her MD as early as next week. The cold weather continues and while most of the show from last weekend is gone, a severe drop in temperatures over the next 10 days or so will cause more problems. We love you and miss you terribly in times like this. Granddaddy
From: Grandaddy
On: 1/11/25
Fellows, I am up early this morning as yesterday was a bit hectic and I went to bed early. It began to snow about 22 PM and was still snowing when we went to bed at 9 PM. it must have stopped shortly thereafter as there seems to be only about 1.4 inches of snow on the deck readings. The expectation is that skeet would follow the snow so that the usual dangers of outdoor activities would be extremely dangerous. When it was only snowing the youngsters were enjoying the change. It had not snowed this much in 3 years. Harper, you would have been very happy with being out in it although you Murphy would have to be coaxed to go potty. We are prepared with food and no plans to be out for several days. Nana has an MD visit on Thursday and the house cleaner is due on Tuesday. I hope it can take place. This event reminded me of the big one which the three of us endured while Nana started with Peggy and Ed in town. We love you and always will. I will be with you soon. Grandaddy
From: Harris Lee Johnson Sr
On: 1/4/25
Boys, another new year has arrived along with some very cold weather. Murphy would not like it although Harper would be loving it. No snow yet but it will surely happen later this month. We had a quiet on the eve of the new year and were very busy on New Year's Day. Ed came for lunch as did Brian , Carol and Carol' mother. I woke up that morning not feeling very well so Brian did the heavy lifting, etc. for the day. I couldn't have done most of it anyway but normally I would have tried. Nana had prepared a wonderful lunch, and everyone was complaining about her. Since we have not been very active with our "must do list" but that will change next week. As usual this time of year taxes must be paid and the prep for them is always time consuming. Other end of year errands and chores must be completed. I hope the anticipated icy days will not delay us. We miss not having you fellows here to keep us warm and happy as in the days you were her. We love you, Grandey
From: Grandaddy
On: 12/28/24
Boys, Christmas is over, and Nana is putting the sparse, but meaningful items she had used to decorate and constantly remind us of the season and the reason for the season. It also served to remind us of the precious memories of you two being with us at this time of the year. Harper and his controlled enthusiasm for his gifts and his alone while Murphy considered all of the presents under the tree were his. He would only try to open his and yours Harper and you were always generous in sharing. Harper, after you had completed your time on earth Christmas for the three of us was never the same. Murphy would be interested in his gifts for a little while and then he would keep them gently around him and his eyes would focus on something we could not see, and he would lie quietly for long periods at a time. He clearly missed his brother along with Nana and Granddaddy. Spoon I will be with you, and I pray Nana will remember us and then join in family festivals. Grandaddy
From: Grandaddy
On: 12/21/24
Gentle boys Nana and Grandady always miss you two and this time of the year we are particularly aware of the condition because Harper completed his time on earth in Novemberand two years later Murphy joined him in December. Both of us will join you when our time on earth is complete. I look forward to seeing you two as well as Queenie, Calvin and Sm one glorious day when all my adult four legged companions are gathered in my arms. Nana and I are planning to have a very quiet Christmas as both of us are recovering health problems. nana is doing extremely well and I am recovering from oral surgery with, I hope, my final visit to my surgeon on Monday. Both of us have other health issues which are primarily those which older people have in common. The weather is going to be very cold this weekend so we will be attending church via live streaming. In our prime we, like Harper were seldom forced to change our desires because of the weather. Murphy was not! granddaddy
From: Grandaddy
On: 12/15/24
Fellows, we have had a busy week. Medical visits for me an Christmas errands for Nana. We postponed our anniversary lunch because I was\t feeling well and did it yesterday instead. Afterwards we purchased a new cabinet for our TV base and now have to find someone to pick it up for us. if we cannot give it to the Burlington Hospice thrift store which used to make most of our non-cash gifts. Today we went to Lisia's home so Grandaddy could be present. I am having some dental surgery on Tuesday of next week therefore, Christmas for us this year will be very quiet. TI reviewed some Christmas photos of you two over the years and enjoyed the happy memories they brought me. You are our favorite family members, and we will never forget you fellows in that way. One of our church ministers visited us this week and I went over my material for him to review before he holds my funeral services. I will be cremated and with you two as my container companions we will/en Granddaddy
From: GrandaddyPPPW
On: 12/7/24
Boys, granddaddy is not feeling well today although I have been thinking of you during this extremer cold weather spell. we had a little snow on Mondy, and we remembered how much you, Harper, enjoyed show and Murphy did not Grandaddy has so many physical problems that Nana and others have to take care of Mim almost every day. I will have to totally give u my computer activities soon as my eyesight is failing more and more. Enough of problems. Nana is doing very well and takes care of me. We love you. Granddaddy
From: Grandaddy
On: 11/30/24
Boys, I am having difficulty with an entry today so this will be berry brief. winter has arrive4d. No snow yet but very, very cold. Nana is doing well and is recovering from some dental work this week. I will be involved with MDs most of next month with serious oral surgery mid-month. I hope i can get long as well as nana. We talk about you two every day and believe that you're watching over us along with the angles. We loved you when you were with us, and we love you still. Granddaddy
From: Harris Lee Johnson Sr
On: 11/23/24
Fellows, after my update last week bumped my head on my desk and broke a door hinge as well as the keyboard platform which is on rollers.  Thankfully I did not get hurt too badly unless something is going on in my head that I am not noticing. Your uncle Bian came up and fixed both for me on Thursday.  He is coming back soon to install some crawl space vents.  I could do the vents but not the desk.  He is a good man to drive so far and then help his mother and me. My medical visits are piling up on  me and the time I thought I would have to do some genealogy work simply has disappeared with the problems I keep cursing or finding.  It is now about noon and I still have a full dys chores and errands to complete. Nna is doing well.  We miss you two, love you and cherish our memories of our time together.  See you soon. Grandaddy
From: Harris Lee Johnson Sr
On: 11/23/24
Fellows, after my update last week bumped my head on my desk and broke a door hinge as well as the keyboard platform which is on rollers.  Thankfully I did not get hurt too badly unless something is going on in my head that I am not noticing. Your uncle Bian came up and fixed both for me on Thursday.  He is coming back soon to install some crawl space vents.  I could do the vents but not the desk.  He is a good man to drive so far and then help his mother and me. My medical visits are piling up on  me and the time I thought I would have to do some genealogy work simply has disappeared with the problems I keep cursing or finding.  It is now about noon and I still have a full dys chores and errands to complete. Nna is doing well.  We miss you two, love you and cherish our memories of our time together.  See you soon. Grandaddy
From: Harris Lee Johnson Sr
On: 11/23/24
Fellows, after my update last week bumped my head on my desk and broke a door hinge as well as the keyboard platform which is on rollers.  Thankfully I did not get hurt too badly unless something is going on in my head that I am not noticing. Your uncle Bian came up and fixed both for me on Thursday.  He is coming back soon to install some crawl space vents.  I could do the vents but not the desk.  He is a good man to drive so far and then help his mother and me. My medical visits are piling up on  me and the time I thought I would have to do some genealogy work simply has disappeared with the problems I keep cursing or finding.  It is now about noon and I still have a full dys chores and errands to complete. Nna is doing well.  We miss you two, love you and cherish our memories of our time together.  See you soon. Grandaddy
From: Harris Lee Johnson Sr
On: 11/23/24
Fellows, after my update last week bumped my head on my desk and broke a door hinge as well as the keyboard platform which is on rollers.  Thankfully I did not get hurt too badly unless something is going on in my head that I am not noticing. Your uncle Bian came up and fixed both for me on Thursday.  He is coming back soon to install some crawl space vents.  I could do the vents but not the desk.  He is a good man to drive so far and then help his mother and me. My medical visits are piling up on  me and the time I thought I would have to do some genealogy work simply has disappeared with the problems I keep cursing or finding.  It is now about noon and I still have a full dys chores and errands to complete. Nna is doing well.  We miss you two, love you and cherish our memories of our time together.  See you soon. Grandaddy
From: Harris Lee Johnson Sr
On: 11/16/24
Boys, Granddaddy is snowed under with gemology, IRS, computer problems, home repair problems poor eyesight and dental problems in addition to a long series of medical appointments in December. I ask for your patience on not sending my weekly update in the dearth allowed. I will try to check in as often as possible but it may be limited to a short update. I frankly think my systems are slowly or not so slowly shutting down and I will e with you soon. We love you, Granddaddy
From: Grandaddy
On: 11/10/24
Boys, this has been a frustrating week. Granddaddy was not feeling well . We did have two very good "outings" when 11/5/ i was my birthday, and we attended a Veterans meeting at church and everyone sang Happy Birthday to me.. Two Day we attended YouMBCs after being absent for months with one or both of us not feeling well enough to do so. It has been a few weeks since Nana's hip replacement procedure and she can sit long enough to attend things again. We also attended church as there was a break with a walk between SS and church services. Still when we arrived back home today we had some lunch and both of us were pretty well worn out. Next week Nana has a series of appointments while I am relatively free until December when I have a series of MS appointments. While something else may pop up, the one I dread the most is a tooth extraction on 17 December. Christmas will probably be uncomfortable for me. meanwhile as always we love you tow and always will. Grandaddy.
From: Grandaddy
On: 11/3/24
Fellows, I an pleased to report that Nana is felling much better. Lisa and Brian have been extreme;y helpful in supporting their monther and providing much needed assistance in the kitchen. I filled in as necessry when they were not available. Nanais in the process of reclaiming her kitchen and now minimizes my paricipation. There can ne no better evidence of her recovery. She now drives with a circle of about 25 miles in any direction. She also goes shopping alone and this week took a neighbor to an MD appointment. it is wonderful having her felling better. This not to say she does all this without pain and disconfort and does require breaks to rest often. I am so proud of her. on Wensday next week i will have my 93 virthday and we will attend a veterans lunch at our church. I hope she is having a good day for that event. We have often discussed how much we miss the comfort you two proovided us dureing times of distress. We will always love you. Grand day
From: Grandaddy
On: 10/26/24
Gentle compagnions, we have had a busy week and  it was a pleasure to have Lee sop by yesterday.  Nana picked up some BQ okateates for us and we enjoyed lunch with Caramel and her puppy  Milo.  H and our granddaughter live in a trailer on Emerald Isle ao  the three of them get to  go walking on the beach often.    Lee helped me with some chores and we ran across two leases and one of the balls you two used to play with.. We did have a problem when we were going to change the water filter.   We discovered a leak and had to forego that.    Our plumber cme late this morning and fixed it.air it.  We turned the water pump off last night so we had no water filter.  It was a pleasure to have water again!  I remember a time or two when you two andIIi when Nana was away had to kuse bottled water for a day or two.  This  has been a perfect Fall day with  a blue sky, warm sun and falling leaves.  We would enjoyed our time at Hagan Stone Park.  We miss you two every day. Grandaddy

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