From: Grandaddy
On: 2/15/25
Fellows, the weather is all over the map. Cold bright sunny days, cold rainy days days with above average tenure due to high winds, tornado warnings, ice on bridges and trees,, etc, etc. We expect to attend a long planned Johnson clan lunch 20 minutes a Of course the weather projection i icey bridges, and heavy rains over the lunch period. We seldom go out in bad weather since nana has lost sight in one eye and I no longer have a driver's license. You two along with us would be wishing for spring to finally get her. WWe did celebrate Valentine's Day and have had a good week with our work on various projects. We still have taxes and other end of year chores to complete. We need to be able to get back to walking at the church in Pleasant Garden. We stay away because of high sickness rates and our age and low immune systems. We really miss you two and you are always in our hearts and minds. We love you. Granddaddy