Gimli's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

(Return to Gimli's Rainbow Bridge Residency)
From: EK
On: 9/21/23
After all these years, your love for him remains the same, and one day you'll meet in heaven.
From: Red Beard
On: 1/31/18
I feel for your loss of Gimli... I just lost my Gunner Christmas Day. I’m hoping “time heals all” because I’m still crying over his passing. I’m not a cryer and still I am. I’ve never lost a pet before, Gunner was my first dog. Even Koda his sister still waits for him at the gate to the driveway every day! I believe Gimli and Gunner have found peace on the other side... Red Beard
From: Sheila
On: 8/11/15
Thank you so much for sharing your story of Gimli. I can feel the love you had for your baby through your words and I must say it was the most touching story I have read thus far. I lost my baby girl, Katie, 2 weeks and 3 days ago. She sounded a lot like your Gimli! She too loved to chase the squirrels and the neighborhood cat along with rabbits. I miss her "squeak" and her barking so much that I'm not sure if this pain will ever lift. I have her baby brother, Jack, who is going to be 8 this years but his doctor thinks he is 4 because I do my best to keep him healthy. I hope Gimli met my baby girl at the bridge and they have become friends. I miss her so much. Feel free to read about my little girl here:
From: Heather
On: 8/29/13
Dear David and Lisa I am really sorry that you lost Gimli. Love Heather
On: 5/25/12
From: loretta marengo
On: 1/19/12
I am so moved by how much the love of your Gimli shows through even though he's been gone for 10 years! We lost our Chippy this past July and every month on the anniversary I say hi to him. I hope you are well and God bless you.
From: zeppmom
On: 3/16/11
I am amazed at your dedication and love for your pets. Its so nice to see that. Thank you for sharing.
From: Deidre
On: 10/13/10
I visited Gimli today. I see no one has signed your guest book in a while, so I wanted to let you know that someone still cares. You are wonderful people to love your fur baby so much. I am so sorry for your loss and I hope his memory makes you very, very happy.
From: robert
On: 6/17/10
gimli such a sweet little one love by the family and your missed i know.
From: Kara
On: 12/18/07
I just visited your memorial page for your baby. It was very touching. I just lost my mini schnauzer Summer this Saturday due to liver disease. I had to put her down and it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. She was my first dog and I got her from a rescue fifteen months ago. I have no kids or other pets so she was really like my baby. I had no idea how beautiful minis were until I got her. I am glad to hear you are moving on with your lives and happy with your new pets.
From: Maria - Ralphie's Mom
On: 6/10/07
Precious Gimli, you're such a beautiful baby and it gives me such comfort to read about the love your family holds in their hearts for you. I know you send your love to them everyday and, although you've been gone from this life for a few years, the bond is still strong and always will be. Play with all your friends and tell my Ralphie to share his grape popsicles with you. Bellyrubs and kisses!
From: Nancy and Kit Family
On: 5/26/07
Even now, your loved one must be looking down on you with as much love as ever. May your memories make you smile every day. Lovingly, Nancy
From: Debbie Princess's mom
On: 11/3/06
Good morning Gimli I was just browsing and came across your Rainbow home, Happy Belated Birthday , I will be sure to tell my Princess to look for you and to share her bones with you for your birthday, send your family a sign to let them know you are happy and healthy in your Rainbow home
From: Heide (Gwendolyn's mom)
On: 8/31/06
Gimli is a cutie! It's obvious how you much you loved Gimli. Wishing you well and lots of schnauzer hugs.
From: Marie & Larry-Rowdy Boy's Parents
On: 8/12/06
Gimli was a darling,looks alot like our Scooter. May God Bless You and May All Schnauzer Lovers Meet At The Bridge Someday! Rowdy Boy's Parents

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