Bella's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

(Return to Bella's Rainbow Bridge Residency)
From: Linda
On: 11/10/13
I loved reading the story of Bella - she reminds me so much of our golden Cassie -even the final days and the good days and bad. My heart feels for you but I know how lucky Bella was to have you. God bless ...
On: 10/14/12
From: tRoCOZfLbvhtvldHBo
On: 6/10/12
Kevin and Louise - Louise and I have gone over the wedding album you did for us, and it is serupb!!!Thank you very much for the great effort, and time spent involved here. We are very happy to have utilised your services, and will warmly recommend you to people we know.All the best over the festive season, and good luck to you and your family in the future.Cheers!
On: 10/9/11
From: Susan Harrill
On: 5/19/11
I am so sorry to hear about your loss of Bella. Please find comfort in knowing that Bella is now at Rainbows Bridge and making lots of friends. Saying goodbye is never easy. I also lost my precious cat Spooky July 30th 2001 after 16 wonderful years with her. I am sure that Bella and Spooky have become good friends. You can visit with Spooky at: Take Care, Susan
From: Becky Boone
On: 1/2/11
It is so hard losing a member of the family - You both are in our thoughts and prayers. ps- I didn't know Bella and I shared the same birthday! :)
From: Karen (Dusty, DJ & Patches' mom)
On: 12/18/10
"God gave us our memories so that we might have Roses in December." a quote by J.M. Barrie. May the memories of your blessed furangel Bella, the ones that can't help but bring a smile to your face and a chuckle to your heart as you remember the way your baby's tender love touched your life, be the ones that surround you this Holiday Season. My prayer for each of us this Christmas season, is that each of our babies wrap up a special little sign for each one of us back here, and send it to us. And may you catch a glimpse of your baby's special sign to you, just when your heart needs it most.... May each love-filled memory you have of your beloved furbaby bring to your heart the very warmth and sunshine of the Rainbow itself. That's just one "gift" your fur-angel would want for you this blessed season.... With best wishes for you and your family this Holiday, Karen (Dusty, DJ & Patches' mom)
From: Joyce(Joshua's Mom)
On: 12/17/10
I am so sorry for your loss. You were very brave to make that decision and I know that Bella is in a wonderful place now. Keep the faith and may the grace and peace of the Lord be with you now and forever. Blessings..............
From: Sandy
On: 12/2/10
My sincere sympathy on the loss of your beloved Bella. I could so understand your story, as we went through the same thing. I believe it's our last gift of love to them - to let them cast off the pain of cancer and age and run free to the Bridge. I hope that the precious memories you have of your time together help to ease your pain.
From: Dennis & Ingrid
On: 11/29/10
That was a wonderful eulogy, Bella sounded like a wonderful companion who is missed terribly. We recently lost our cat Autumn to cancer also and hope that Bella and Autumn are able to play together with their new pain-free bodies at Rainbows bridge. Sorry about your loss and god bless.
From: Eleanor Cain
On: 11/24/10
Jan, I just visited Bella. What kind of a dog was she? I enjoyed the story you wrote about Bella. I know the pain you feel in losing Bella, I lost my precious Bichon, Amor July 1, 2010, also from cancer. I also thought she was just slowing down, I took her to the vet and she said all was fine, they did a lot of blood work, one day she stopped eating and 10 days later she was gone. I was shocked, the autopsy said she had cancer of the spleen, colon and lungs. I still miss her and think of her everyday. Maybe one day we will smile and not cry when we think of Bella and Amor, we'll remember all the love and joy they gave us so freely. Please visit Amor at Rainbow Bridge. Take care, God bless. Eleanor
From: Pat Lively
On: 11/20/10
My deepest sympathies to you on your loss. I do know what it is like to lose a loved one, whether Human or one of our special, furry babies. Having lost quite a few of my own and doing dog rescue, it is never easy. From my house of 6 furr babies, to yours, we wish you the best. If you ever need to write please do so. I will be there for you. They never leave us, we just don't see them any more. Their spirit lives on.
From: theresa anders
On: 11/17/10
sorry about your loss remember the good times you are not alone i have been through this too. enclosing a gift.
From: Diane
On: 11/17/10
Hello Jan, I am so sorry for the lost of your beautiful Bella. King Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes: "To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven…a time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance…" The Zohar, the classic work of Kabbalah, describes the inner psyche of man as "crying being on one side of the heart and laughing on the other side of the heart." Yet, there is an even deeper understanding, in time we will learn to be joyous and broken hearted at the same time. Our fur babies where so beautiful and a gift of true joy & love, how can we not be happy when we reflect on there memory and begin to celebrate there life. I lost my Zander July 2008; please take comfort in knowing that we will one day be together again with our beautiful companions; I have attached Zander's link if you care to visit. With Love & Sympathy Diane.
From: Debbie Princess, Kaizer & Maddie's mom
On: 11/17/10
Jan we lost our Maddie to cancer she like your Bella was such a stoic soul we just never knew, but I do understand they love us so much I believe they try to product our fragile hearts it is a part of their most unconditional love and bond for us. I hope your Bella has found my Kaizer, Princess and Maddie and all the others on the other side of the bridge where she is now enjoying perfect health once again watching over you always. Continued prayers of healing and comfort coming your way.
From: Betty Hanson
On: 11/17/10
Bella - You were a complete companion with a loving heart of good deeds for everyone who knew you! Send your family some signs, kisses from the Rainbow to let them know that you are safe, happy, healthy and will have many friends. Let mom and dad know that you have met up with Cassie, Rhys, Tucker and Gretchen and that God has appointed all of you to be their guardian, protectors to watch over them until they are called to the Bridge to join you one day. I will tell my Brande to find you and play with you. To Jan - I send my sincere sympathy to you over the loss of Bella. I too lost my soulmate not long ago, see Brande at - We know that God has promised we will be with our babies again one day. I leave this quote with you, "heaven is the only place where all the dogs and cats you have ever loved will come running to meet you." Author Unknown
From: Debbie, Ginger's mom
On: 11/17/10
Jan, I'm so sorry for the loss of your beloved Bella. I lost my Ginger to lymphoma she was only 6, I share in your grief.We must take comfort knowing both Bella and Ginger are healthy,happy and cancer free, waiting for the day we will all be together again.
From: Louie and Barry
On: 11/17/10
Jan, So sorry for your loss. But take comfort in knowing that you loved Bella unconditionally and she loved you. You all your memories of Bella. I hope she has bumped in to Butch.. He is there and loves to make new friends.
From: Rosemary and Rodney
On: 11/16/10
Jan, so sorry for your loss. Saying goodbye is never easy.....those little furry companions definitely steal our hearts and souls. They are so precious and are truly one of God's greatest gifts. Take comfort in that their love for us goes on as our love for them does for eternity. I am sure that the memories of this precious member will be with you always. We also lost our adorable little pug, Nikki Mae, who was the light of our lives for more than 14 wonderful years. We are sure that beautiful Bella and Nikki Mae have become good friends and are now having so much fun playing and running again. Please visit our Nikki Mae at:
From: Pressy's Family
On: 11/15/10
Hello, pretty Bella, welcome to the sunny meadow by Rainbow Bridge. Mommy and Daddy love and miss you so...they made you a beautiful place and wrote loving words about you. We asked our Pressy to welcome you and be a playmate to chase sunbeams and rainbows and give you special kitty love headbumps. She'll show you Paradise meadow and teach you to send love signs on the wind so Mommy and Daddy feel your loving presence with them and sweet kisses in gentle breezes. You're now a guardian star shining brightly until they come to cross the Bridge together for all time. We ask they not be so sad but treasure memories of you and remember you're nestled beside your pawprints in their hearts forever. Play meadow games with other furangels but stop often to smile at Mommy and Daddy so they feel the warmth of your love surround them and know you miss them too and are with them. Soar among clouds on silvery new angel wings to watch over Mommy and Daddy always, beloved Bella. Pressy's Grandpa

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