Archie's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

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From: Ariana
On: 4/24/24
Please accept my condolences for the loss of Archie.Cherish the memories and I hope you find some comfort in them.
From: uncle lou
On: 7/13/22
Day late, but never out of my Heart, Guess i have you to thank for all the furbabies visting me, And Sparkey, Kitty, Elvis,Mittens, Princess, Muffen, Pockets, Chance, Stella,Smokey and Lst but so happy i gave her 3 weeks of Love....Lady
From: uncle lou
On: 6/12/22
ALL the memories, but, all the pain losing My Furbabies, it hasn't ended, Miss ALL of you xxxx
From: uncle lou
On: 5/21/22
Hello Kitty, 1 year today, along with Bochi, 2 loses in 2 hours, My heart is still in pain, and Now, Sparky joined you April 11th, Your are together again.. Miss u and all my baies, LOVE YOU Daddy
From: uncle lou
On: 5/12/22
My Boy, it is getting harder to visit all of u, So wanting to hold u amd all my Fur Babies, Missing You, always Loving You XXoo
From: uncle lou
On: 3/26/22
Today Archie, your Sister, Stella will be joining you, Welcome Her, Let Stella know ALL OF US will remember her always, In our Mind and Heart.God Bless Stella, Thank You for Great memories and love you have giving us...xxxx
From: uncle lou
On: 2/13/22
Missing you.....
From: lou
On: 11/12/21
another month, more fur babies joining you, Lots of Tabby's coming every day for food, sometimes i believe you are sending them, they are orange and Handsome like you...Miss you, miss all my Fur babies that are with you..xx
From: uncle lou
On: 10/12/21
Many dreams of U, Miss you, I'm sure chance is happy being with u...
From: uncle lou
On: 9/13/21
Holding on the Best I can,,,,,xxx
From: uncle lou
On: 3/13/21
Another month, Miss u
From: uncle lou
On: 1/14/21
another new year, and lots of memories of the years we spent together
From: uncle lou
On: 12/9/20
12/9/20 Few days Early, Thinking of past Christmas's Lots of Memories, Great times, Lotta Luv and Hugging...xx
From: uncle lou
On: 11/12/20
Miss U xx, in my heart always
From: uncle lou
On: 11/10/20
Archie, we are only a couple of days from your 8th Anniversary, Seems like yesterday, My age is catching up with me, memory is slowing down, walk is getting feeble,But, My Heart feels you very strong. I'm getting closer to being with ALL OF YOU....Miss U xxxxx
From: uncle lou
On: 10/13/20
another month, more memories, sad Heart, Miss you xx
From: uncle lou
On: 9/12/20
many thoughts of you today, the rose bush blooms, just like u did every day will in my life Miss u xxxx
From: uncle lou
On: 8/12/20
Miss U xx
From: uncle lou
On: 7/12/20
From: Uncle lou
On: 6/12/20
In my HEART always...and thinking of you every day,xx

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