Angel's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

(Return to Angel's Rainbow Bridge Residency)
From: Ariana
On: 4/26/24
Please accept my condolences for the loss of Angel.I hope time heals your pain.You will certanly cherish the memories as you should.
From: Robin Loudon
On: 9/4/22
Happy Birthday to the sweetest Baby Girl ever. I sure you are having a wonderful heavenly Birthday. You would have been 15 years old today. It's hard to believe that it's coming up on 2 years since you left us. We miss you so much but know you are happy and no more pain. We enjoy your little visits. We will be thinking about you all day as usual. We hope you and all your friends at Rainbow Bridge have a great celebration. We Love You Very Much. Mom and Dad.
From: Mom
On: 12/26/21
Our Sweet Little Baby Girl Angel. Today is Christmas 2021. It is our second Christmas without you. We missed you so much and thought about you a lot. We hope you had a very nice Christmas at Rainbow Bridge. We hope you got a visit from Santa. It must have been a beautiful Christmas there with all the bright lights and decorations. We think you came to visit because Mr. Cardinal was here for quite a while. He is as beautiful as our sweet little Angel. As always you are in our hearts forever. We Love you and miss you very much. Dad and Mom.
From: Angel's Mom
On: 11/20/21
Our Sweet Little Baby Girl. One year ago today you crossed Rainbow Bridge and we miss you so much. Not a day goes by without talking about our memories of you and all the Love you shared with us and the fun we had. We are so glad that you are free of all your sickness and no more Dr's visits. We still hear you once and awhile with your little woofs or cries to get our attention. Dad and I will join you someday and we will never be apart again. Until then have fun with all your new friends and run free as a butterfly. We Love You Dad and Mom
From: Angel
On: 9/4/21
To the sweetest little Angel ever. Happy, Happy Birthday. You are 14 years old today (9/4/2021). Hope you have a wonderful birthday and have fun with your furbaby friends. We would love to be able to celebrate it with you but you are at peace now. No more pain or medicine. You are in our thoughts and in our hearts today and forever. We Love You So Much Dad & Mom
From: Robin Loudon
On: 8/19/21
Sweet Sweet Little Lady. Nine months ago today you crossed Rainbow Bridge. It seems like you have been gone forever. Not a day goes by that you aren't in my thoughts and always in my heart. You were very sick and now you are better. I Love your visits they make my day. I still look for you on the couch beside me at night or you were in Dad's room sleeping in your bed. Thank You for loving me for almost 14 years. I will Cherish it forever. You are a very special beautiful Little Girl. Lots of Love Mom
From: George
On: 5/21/21
Sorry to hear of your loss of Angel she was a pretty girl. I write to my TJ every month as I miss her so much. It helps to be able to leave her notes on her site and let her know I miss her so much. I would like to say you will get over the grief but I can't it just seems to stay at some level but I know its worth it have had them.
From: Robert
On: 1/7/21
May your beloved Angel rest in eternal peace in the knowledge she was truly loved in her time on earth. She will always have a place in your heart.
From: Traci D. Thompson
On: 12/13/20
I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet Angel. Time heals our broken hearts. Thank you for sharing those precious memories. God Bless
From: Irene
On: 12/13/20
I am so sorry for your loss. Sending you hugs. RIP precious one 💔
From: Kathy (Oreo,Ralph,Eva)
On: 12/13/20
Donald..a beautiful tribute to a great friend. Angel is a beautiful girl. It is always hard to lose a furry young or old and I have lost both. But no matter what or for whatever reason they are always taken from us too soon leaving their forever pawprints within us. Be sure to know she is happy, healthy and playing with Oreo, Ralph and Eva while waiting for us to join them at the Bridge. I can send you my babies sites if you wish to visit..take care..
From: Debra Laing
On: 12/11/20
Dear Donald; I am so sorry for the loss of your precious baby and your broken heart.
From: Dana Lunger
On: 12/10/20
I am so very sorry for your loss. Many gentle hugs to you and your family.
From: Susan Harrill
On: 12/8/20
I am so sorry to hear about your loss of Angel. Please find comfort in knowing that Angel is now at Rainbows Bridge and making lots of friends. Saying goodbye is never easy. I also lost my precious cat Spooky July 30th 2001 after 16 wonderful years with her. I have lost several babies since Spooky's passing. Hannah 1/11/13, Sammi 8/2/13,Maci 4/9/14, Gabbi 3/20/17, Zoe 1/3/18, Willow 6/4/18, Shelby 6/12/18, Bear 11/17/19 and Bella and Murphy who were both tragically poisoned on 06/18/20. I am sure that Angel and my babies have all become good friends. You can visit with Spooky at: Take Care, Susan
From: Melody
On: 12/8/20
Oh she is so very beautiful and sweet! I am so very sorry she had to leave you. It sounds like you did have some good life with her and that she spent most of it happy and loving with you.I pray she is better now and will be your own personal guardian angel forever. Call her name every day, our babies love it when we do that. I too just lost an angel and I sing his favorite song to him every day. I have felt him now three times on different nights so I do think he hears me and he likes it. They suffer just as we do when they have to leave. It is so hard for all of us and seems so unfair. She is well now and will soon be happy again as she waits to see you again. When you talk to her you connect with her and I have found it to be really true. Their spirits live with us just the body is gone which we love to cuddle and hug so much. So it makes it so hard to settle for the spirit. Keep the love in your heart and Angel will perhaps come to visit. Be well. God bless you
From: Karen M Smith
On: 12/8/20
So very sorry for your loss of Angel...Karen volunteer
From: Dianna Morris
On: 12/8/20
Dear Donald, My heart is saddened with yours for the loss of Angel. Having been a dog owner/lover all my life, I know the deep heartache we feel when we lose one so precious to us. I do hope, with time, the sadness will ease and in its place will be joyful memories that will make you smile or laugh again when you think of Angel. Blessings, Dianna
From: Dorothea Adams
On: 12/8/20
Dear sweet Angel, what a beautiful girl you were , and now again you are beautiful , your mommy and daddy will always love you and miss you , until they see you again in heaven. Donald, I know your pain, I lost my boy just 8 weeks ago and it is so very hard,, I am deeply sorry for your loss of Angel.
From: Christy
On: 12/8/20
I am very sorry for your loss of sweet Angel. She is fortunate to have a family who loves her so much, and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I hope the joyful memories will bring some comfort during this difficult time. Play hard at the Bridge dear Angel.
From: Debbie, Ginger's mom
On: 12/8/20
I'm sorry for your loss.

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